I Have Become a Beautiful Trash Villainess

IHBTV | Chapter Three

“Madam, do you have to go this far?” the butler asked with a frail voice. His hunched figure resembled a baby mouse facing a big, scary cat.

“So, are you saying you didn’t handle things the way I told you?”

“Oh, no. I sent everyone away like you said. However, his Excellency will surely……”


As I softly called out to him, he replied with a more flustered tone than before.


“I believe your wife is quite busy with preparations for the ball, isn’t she?

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“And didn’t she personally mention her concerns about the lack of guests for this ball?

“Well, she did.”

For a moment, I enjoyed a gentle breeze, swaying my fan. Then, with a crisp sound, I folded it and glared at the man.

“I will take responsibility for the ball. If necessary, as a member of the Royal Family, I could personally attend.”


“Wouldn’t you agree that it’s important to make your daughter’s debutante a success?”

At those words, the father of the grown-up daughter, immediately shut up.

Despite the princess having a difficult personality and no friends, as Royalty, she had sufficient connections to mobilize enough guests for the ball.

And taking responsibility for the debutante would be a big favor.

However, why phrase it in such a threating manner?

Seriously, she could have just been straightforward from the beginning.

“It’s about time he comes down,” I said excitedly like a child waiting for Santa Claus as I kept peering towards the dining room’s door.

Soon, it would be time for Evandel to come down for his meal, and just imagining his face twisted with dismay brought a smile to my face.

“Aren’t you curious about the face your master is going to make, hmm?”

With a resigned and gloomy face, the butler straightened up.

And before long, Evandel entered the room.

Noticing the empty dining hall, he halted his step, looking like someone who walked into an unfamiliar place and just realized it.

Unable to contain my laughter, I hid my face behind the fan.

His reaction was understandable.

Despite it being dinnertime, there wasn’t a single prepared dish on the table.

Not only the dining hall , but most of the mansion was likely empty.

And he probably felt the strange atmosphere on his way to here.

“Is this your doing, your Highness?”

“To call it ‘my doing’ is quite disrespectful.”

Letting out a sigh, Evandel sat across me while the anxious butler, who had been on edge since his master’s arrival, pulled a chair out for him and continued to observe Evandel with a concerned expression.

“There’s no one home, what happened?”

“I’ve sent everyone away.”


“We have hands, so there’s no way we can’t take care of ourselves, right?”

Of course, I didn’t actually fire the employees.

Rehiring that many people would be impractical, not to mention the time it would take to train the new staff.

I couldn’t afford to go through such a cumbersome effort.

No, I simply gave them a paid vacation.

And, of course, the butler knew the truth.

“Will you be preparing the food yourself then?” Evandel calmly asked.

“I’m currently on a diet, so I don’t need anything fancy. Ah, I didn’t consider your situation, I’m sorry.”

I leisurely rolled a grape in my mouth as I talked before giving a warning glare to the butler, who looked like he was debating whether he should tell the truth to his master or not.

“Understood.” Evandel said.

What did he understand? Was he going to raise the white flag?

I observed him closely only to see him get from his seat.

“Since I’m not on a diet, I’ll have to find shelter elsewhere for the time being.”

“Wait, are you saying you’re going to leave the house?”

“I trust that her Highness will take care of the household’s affairs in my absence.”

Then, turning to the anxious butler, he ordered, “Sir Azim, get my luggage ready.”

“Yes.” The butler replied energetically bending his waist all the way down and waiting for his master to leave first.

Then, after sneakily glancing at me, he followed Evandel out.

“Ahhhh,” I exclaimed as I irritably tossed the grapes.

So, this didn’t work either, huh?

Let’s see how long he can resist for.

If regular rain wasn’t enough, I’ll just have to bring on the downpour.


In the end I had no choice but to withdraw my plan to dismiss the employees, as Evandel had not returned to the mansion for over four days.

Moreover, surviving on just bread and tea was only possible for a day or two; persisting any longer would have meant my own demise.

Although it seemed acceptable to just keep this marriage going, I needed to establish a safe haven for myself before the female lead appeared.

My existence was akin to a mischievous spirit in this world, and with the potential risk of having nowhere to go soon, it would be safer to secure my own property before the female lead made her appearance.

“Are you really going to go through with it?” Mary, my meticulous partner in crime, inquired. Tension was palpable in her voice.

“Are you sure about this?” she persisted.

“Even if one more scandal was added to my list, what difference would it make?” I answered.

The new plan was to pretend that I was having an affair.

While this might no truly shock most aristocrats, I had to still be prepared for the possibility of the story making headlines.

Well, if it could provoke Evandel enough to obtain the divorce, that alone would be sufficient.

“That’s not it.” Mary said. “I was just wondering if you were really okay with doing this…”

I gazed silently at the rightfully hesitant Mary.

She was right, this was a plan that the real Attila, in her right mind, would never have perused.

Even though she had gone to great lengths in the past in order to get Evandel’s attention, she never crossed the line of politeness when interacting with other male nobles.

Whether it was to preserve her last bit of dignity as a member of the Royal Family or a desire to uphold a sense of sacred bond with Evandel, I couldn’t say.

Sacred bond, my ass.

Such things were utterly ridiculous.

“Mary,” I softly called the maid’s name. It was an unusual practice for me, as I typically didn’t remember the servant’s names.

“My love for Evandel Listane died the day I jumped into that pond.”

He might have been important enough to the real princess for her to engage in overly cunning schemes, but it wasn’t the case for me.

Evandel meant nothing to me, and my motive was greater than crude jealousy.

“I truly couldn’t care less,” I added.


Mary remained silent for a while, seemingly taken aback. It was indeed hard to believe that someone who had spent her life begging for a single man’s love would say such words.

After checking the time, I inquired about the other key player in my plan.

“Has the young lord who’s supposed to assist me arrived yet?”

“Oh, yes. He should have arrived by now,” Mary said, quickly moving, and regaining her composure.

And after asking a few questions to the palor maid, she promptly returned to me.

“He is in the reception room, Your Highness.”

Her quick actions and sharp awareness were not to be taken lightly, making me quite fond of her. And even aside from this particular task, I contemplated promoting Mary; she deserved it.

“Gr…Greetings, Your Highness. It’s an honor to meet you.”


The young man who was going to assist me with my divorce plan had a likable appearance, with red-tinted, curly hair, and freckles.

His endearing person was truly appealing but there was one thing was troubling me.

“Mary, does this young man normally stutter?”

“Oh no! I’m just a bit nervous,” the gentleman responded on his own.

As I scrutinized him, I admitted that I wasn’t a big deal if he genuinely had a stutter issue.

However, I needed someone who could measure up to Evandel’s physical appearance.

I needed a man who looked like he could bewitch even the princess who had only looked at one man her whole life.

I was afraid that Evandel might not take someone who people only find charming after getting to know them seriously.

“You can’t be acting this nervously when my husband gets here.”


“You can leave if you lack the confidence to do this,” I offered.

“No, I can do well!” the young man exclaimed, full of determination.

Marquis Juan was indebted to the Listane family, and Antonio, the marquis’s oldest son inherited his father’s debt.

“I just… I can do it as long as you ensure my safety from Listane’s wrath.” He seemed quite eager to use this opportunity to settle the debt in one go.

The problem was the lack of courage to back his words up.

After letting out a light sigh, I smile at the man before me, “Tony, you don’t have to worry about unnecessary things. Even if I make a fuss, my husband won’t pay me any attention. Haven’t you heard the rumors about our marriage?”

With a perplexed look on his face, Antonio was unsure about how to react to my self-depreciating jest.

Seeing that he was uncomfortable, I grabbed his hand to lighten the mood.

“Ahhh!” He exclaimed, looking at me with a surprised expression.

As I locked eyes with him, I slowly raised the corners of my mouth, ‘Don’t be so startled. After all we’ll need to do more than this, won’t we?


“I will guarantee your life along with the disappearance of your family’s debt. However, if you get cold feet and ruin things, I’ll personally take that life.”

The young man trembled as he nodded his head vigorously.

Although I wasn’t entirely satisfied, time was running out, and there was no guarantee of finding a better candidate for the job, so everything proceeded as planned.

Later that night, a servant came to inform me in advance that Evandel was almost home.

Thus, after quickly preparing Antonio, I put on a thin robe and headed to Evandel’s bedroom.

“Greeting, Your Highness.”

Antonio who saw me in my slip attire , was stunned.

He didn’t even manage to greet me properly before he quickly lowered his head to the ground with a shocked expression.

“We don’t have any more time, so why don’t you try to relax a bit,” I remarked.

“I’m so sorry, Your Highness. But you are just too beautiful.”



  1. Eve says:

    This is so good! Thank you for your hardwork 💖

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