I Have Become a Beautiful Trash Villainess

IHBTV | Even if i was going to possess you, why now of all time.

“I will set you free. Let’s divorce.”

At the time when I said those words, I believed without a doubt that everything would work out well.

I should have remembered how chaotic this world was.



When I realized it was the end for me, what opened was a whole new world.

“Your highness, would like some… water, perhaps.”


This new world was a place entirely different from where I originally lived. However, it had a setting and name that felt strangely familiar.

“Attila Rojas.”


“Why did it have to be Attila Rojas of all people!”

The maid, who had been trembling beside me while holding a cup of water, collapsed in shock due to my explosive anger.

In her eyes, I must look like a crazy person, shouting my own name and ripping my hair out from the moment I woke up this morning.

Well, to be frank, I did feel like I was going crazy.

“Cal..Calm down, Your Highness.”

Water spilled from the cup, soaking the carpet and the pitiful servant, without even considering cleaning up the mess, lamented, “You are still not well.”

“I want to be alone. Leave.”

I wasn’t in the mood to worry about others, so I dismissed her, and she quickly got up, without hesitation, running out of the room.


Looking around the bedroom, I lowered my hand from my tousled hair. I noticed the wooden furniture with intricate gold leaf accents at every corner as well as the vintage décor.

This was the room I needed to get used to now that I’ve become Attila.

“If I knew this was going to happen, I wouldn’t have opened my eyes.”

I couldn’t help letting out a bitter laugh at the ridiculous situation.

There was this side character from a novel I picked up whose family history uncannily mirrored my real-life circumstances, so much so that it left a bitter taste in my mouth.

So, it’s understandable to say that I couldn’t bear to read the entire book and ended up trashing it.

Well, I had precisely become the supporting villainous character of that novel, much to my dismay.

To describe Attila Rojas in a nutshell; She was a beautiful piece of trash.

She was so vile; her bad character completely overshadowed her beauty.

Her marriage was done through coercion, and she also showed signs of pathological jealousy after getting married….

Truthfully, if she wasn’t the only princess of the Tribon Empire, she would have already faced divorce countless times.

“She is already married.”

If I had possessed her body before the wedding, I might have had more escape options, but it had already been three years since Attila got married. Moreover, she had just faked suicide to get her husband’s, the male lead, attention right before I took over her body.

Good grief, what a cliché!

“Why couldn’t I possess some random extra?”

Why did it have to be the female lead’s older sister and the male lead’s ex-wife?

My previous life as Han So-yi, a recent college graduate, felt curiously dim. That previous life was quite miserable, and somehow, the second one seemed equally shitty.

Due to Han So-yi’s and Attila’s memories mixing up together in my brain, a severe headache was tormenting me. I clutched my throbbing temples and attempted to glimpse into the future that was most likely awaiting me.

In the original storyline, this supporting character met her demise in a rather gruesome way. Her fate was to succumb to her own black magic as she was planning to get revenge on the main couple.

Since I had no interest in the male lead, it would be unfair for me to die like that. It would also be better for me to exit the scene before the female lead made her appearance.

Right, let’s just let the two main characters sort things out however they wanted to, while the uninvited guest disappears.

“I’ll think about the rest after getting divorced.”

Considering the bizarre transmigration situation I was in right now, it was impossible for me to keep this marriage going.

I wanted to distance myself from this novel’s characters as soon as possible.

“Is there anyone out there?” I shouted, and the maid hurriedly responded.

“Did you call, your Highness?”

“I’m going to see the Marquis, help me get ready.”

It hasn’t been long since I woke up and although I felt a bit disoriented, I could move around just fine.

 Anyway, the most important thing for now was to escape this absurd turn of events.

Or so I thought……

When I tried to move, all my effort regrettably resulted in failures on the first day.

I had no choice but to realize that my enthusiasm got the better of me, making me completely forget that I woke right after Attila tried to kill herself.

And while I did manage to move around the room at some point, It was delusional to think I could go up and down the stairs of this mansion.

I must have gone crazy.

“What’s with the suicide show anyway. Seriously!”

It’s not even a normal kind of cliché.

On the other hand, Attila’s husband, who didn’t even make a 2 seconds appearance during her illness, was quite the gentleman. And I must say that Attila was quite admirable for enduring such treatment for over three years.

 I clicked my tongue as I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, “What a waste of face, this woman.”

Her looks were the kind that could even make sworn atheists believe in God.

Perfectly symmetrical features, red eyes as radiant as precious gems, and raven hair that gleamed like a moonlight night.

Frankly, this level of beauty could compensate for a somewhat unpleasant personality.

At this point, I didn’t know whether the princess, who hadn’t found love despite her God-given looks, was extraordinary or the male lead, who didn’t fall in love even when such beauty pursued him was quite exceptional.

I couldn’t quite figure it out.

Well, it had nothing to do with me.

“Will I be able to go today?” I asked myself out loud.

After having eaten a bit and taken some rest, my physical condition had improved considerably. Furthermore, the weather outside became quite pleasant ever since the clouds cleared up.

It seemed like a perfect day for a divorce.

“Shall we go see my husband’s handsome face?”  I joked.

When I thought about the male protagonist, the corners of my mouth instinctively quirked up.

The Imperial Princess’s husband, Evandel Listane.

His father was originally the eldest son of a Marquis, but he was disowned after falling in love with a maid. Born from this love affair, in terms of status, Evandel was no different from a commoner.

However, true to his male lead destiny, he successfully rose above his social status and became an Imperial Knight, reaching the pinnacle of a sword master.

 Not only that, but he later earned the title of ‘Dragon Slayer.’

And as of now, he had regained the marquisate that was supposed to be his father’s.

The Emperor, who didn’t want to miss out on having the continent’s only Dragon Slayer in the palm of his hands, had taken away the Marquis title from his uncle, and conferred it upon Evandel.

“I will escort you.” The maid who helped me prepare for the outing said, guiding me to my husband.

 And unlike yesterday, I was able to walk down the stairs on my own, which made me feel quite happy.

If everything were to go smoothly, including the divorce, I would name this day ‘The most perfect day to have ever existed.’

However, my happiness was short-lived as it was promptly shattered when I reached Evandel’s study, where I was met with his grumpy-faced aide.

“Are you here to see his Excellency?”

“Is there a problem??

Of course, I wasn’t expecting a particularly warm welcome, but this disapproving glare was shocking.

Who was this impudent bastard?

“His grace is busy at the moment.” He added.

“I’m busy too,” I snapped back.


“Hurry up and let me in,” I ordered.

When I gave a scornful look to the inattentive attendant, he hastily opened the door.

 Just by observing his behavior, I could imagine how Attila was normally treated here.

Like a pathetic woman.

How condescending.

As I entered the room, the first thing that caught my eye was a large, neatly arranged desk. At the center of it, a man was diligently working through a pile of documents without even bothering to rase his head.

The sunlight coming through the windows cast a luminous halo on his silver hair. With this backlight enhancing his features, the world seemed to have prepared really hard in case I didn’t recognize the male lead at first sight.

But wasn’t it common courtesy to at least acknowledge someone else’s presence?

Despite undoubtedly hearing me coming in, Evandel remained engrossed in his papers, seemingly ignoring me.

Attila brought it upon herself, but this wasn’t an attitude to have towards someone who almost died not too long ago.

Eventually, my patience wore thin, and I was the one to break the silence.

“Seeing you like this; anyone would think that you earned this position with a pen instead of a sword.”


“I know my face is too dazzling to look at, but could you raise your head? I’ve brought good news.” I joked.


Evandel’s fountain pen, which he put down, slowly rolled to the edge of the documents he was reading, and finally, I could see the color of his eyes.

They looked like a lake.

“What brings you here?” the man asked.

His low voice resonated with a hint of indifference, and upon hearing it, a faint ache throbbed in my chest as if responding to a painful memory.

How unfortunate.

I frowned and tried to ignore the weird feeling.

“Did you know I almost died?”

“You jumped into a knee-leveled pond, your Highness.”


I knew Attila had committed countless embarrassing acts, but this suicide show was arguably the worst one.

If she really wanted to put on a show, she should have gone all out; not jump into a shallow pond in the front yard, a pond that didn’t even reach her chest—what kind of nonsense was that?

It was clearly an absurd thing to do.

I was thoroughly annoyed and ashamed of her stupidity.

Although, if you looked at the results alone, she did lose her life because of the stupid stunt she tried to pull; that’s why I ended up in her body in the first place.

But only I knew the truth, so I had to live with the embarrassment.

“So what?” I still answered. “You really went too far this time. We’ve been married for three years, and we’ve known each other for more than a decade.”


“Wouldn’t even a passing dog show more interest in me than you if it saw me fell into the pond?”

Seemingly irritated by the sarcasm in my words, he ran his palm across his face before closing his eyes for a moment, and in those tired, unfocused eyes, there was no trace of guilt, only weariness.

“So, what do you have to say to me?”

“As I mentioned earlier, I’ve come bearing good news.” I smiled slyly and got to the point. “I’ll give you your freedom back. Let’s divorce.”


“Happy?  I’ll pretend not to see it even if you start dancing in delight, just prepare the documents well.” I continued.

However, his reaction was far from what I expected.

Not only did he not look surprised, but his whole demeanor remained unchanged.

Perplexed by his unresponsiveness, I spoke again, “Did you not hear me? I said let’s get a divorce!”

“If you are going to keep talking nonsense, please leave.”


What did he just say?



  1. Loulou says:

    Hello, translator here.

    I hope you will like this story, FL and ML are so funny🤣, so the chapters are never boring.

    Please comment and let me know what you think of the story from time to time.

    1. helloworld15 says:

      It seems funny! It’s certainly off to a good start.

      1. Loulou says:

        There’s never a dull moment with these two😂. Thanks for reading.

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