I Have A New Family

Divorce and remarriage (7)



Revan, whose mind was a turmoil of worry for Hilane and guilt towards Chevelyn, felt his emotions freeze at her words.


“Divorce? Did you just say divorce?”


Revan repeated the word ‘divorce’ several times, letting out a mirthless laugh.


“Don’t be ridiculous.”


Then, he turned serious and glared at Hilane.




“What, will you take Chevelyn and go to her biological father once we divorce?”


With a fierce glint in his eyes, Revan grabbed Hilane’s wrist roughly.


Her delicate skin quickly reddened.


“Let go. It hurts.”


Though he released her hand, the suspicious look in his eyes remained.


She was fed up.


No matter what she said, he wouldn’t believe her.


‘Even if I suggest a paternity test, he wouldn’t agree. What more can I do?’


“I don’t know what more to say to you.”




Hilane couldn’t understand what Revan was thinking.


She didn’t want to know anymore.


“Whatever it is, I don’t want to care about you anymore.”


At Hilané’s words, Revan roughly swept his hair back.


“You don’t love me… do you?”


“What do you mean by that?”


She didn’t want to say she saw him with Aria, but she couldn’t explain her feelings without mentioning it.


“I saw you with Countess Regent’s daughter behind the mansion.”


Hilané hesitated, then spoke.


“That’s a misunderstanding. I don’t know what you heard or saw, but let me explain.”


Revan seemed flustered, clearly not expecting this.


“No. There’s no need.”


Hilane took a deep breath and looked down.


“I can barely stand to look at your face now. Do you think we can go back to the way things were?”




“Can you treat Chevelyn the way you did before?”


Hilane asked the questions she’d been holding back.


“Chevelyn will remember the resentment and hostility you showed her.”






It was sad and heartbreaking. But no tears came.


She thought she would be more shaken. Divorce was never easy. Even as she spoke the word, she felt uneasy.


It was a bitter word she didn’t want to utter. But… thinking further was a luxury.


“It’s right for us to end it here.”


Hilane’s expression was resolute.


“Is divorce so easy for you?”


“Does it seem easy to you?”


“Hilane. I asked first.”


Their sharp conversation left no room for compromise.


“If I leave you, will I regret losing someone I thought I’d spend my life with?”


It seemed like such a precious relationship only in words.


“Revan. Do you know why I survived without dying in the palace that bound me like a shackle?”


Hilane lost her family in a fire. Her mother and sister were burned, their bodies never found, and her father, Emperor Roman, was left in a vegetative state.


Revan, who had never experienced such a situation, couldn’t easily answer Hilane’s question.


“When my mother, who always told me to live for my sister, pushed me and said…”




“To ignore my sister’s cries and run away.”


She could never forget that moment. The blood on her mother’s hands.


The acrid smell of smoke, the enormous flames that seemed ready to engulf her quietly.




‘Hilane. No, Esh! Go in here. No matter what sounds you hear outside, do not come out.’  


‘Mother….I don’t want to go. I’m scared. I want to stay with you.’  


‘Mother will follow soon. So don’t cry and go quickly.’  


‘Mother, Rachel is crying.’  


‘Promise never to look back. I love you, my daughter.’  




And the desperate words to live no matter what.


“Thanks to Chevelyn, I could smile and live…you ruined that.”


Surviving alone was a harsh price. Even breathing felt like a sin.


“From the moment you denied our child, it couldn’t be undone.”


Happiness had to wait. Now, Hilane just had to endure.


“The empire’s law states that if a royal requests a divorce, their will is prioritized.”


“Hilane, you really.”


“Revan, I was truly happy. Building a family with you… even though it didn’t start with love…”


She recalled the times when she was just happy. Tears welled up belatedly.


“At first, I liked you just because you were my child’s father… but at some point, I just started to love you.”


She thought it would never break. She thought it would last forever, which was so laughable.


“But it wasn’t. I think we stayed together because of the love Chevelyn gave us.”


The one who spoke first felt like they were sinking further. Her insides were a mess, and she wanted to vomit even though she hadn’t eaten.


Revan stared blankly at Hilane, who sighed deeply. He was too dumbfounded.


“I was going to let everything pass quietly… just continue raising Chevelyn as my daughter.”




Revan’s hands trembled with anger at Hilane’s shameless attitude after betraying him.


“But how can you bring up divorce?”




“Did you ever love me?”


Hilané didn’t answer. She didn’t deny it. Just as he had done.


Revan tilted his head back, fearing what kind of expression Hilane had. He hoped she would deny it.


Lately, he felt he was always disappointed in her.


“Has living with me become unbearable?”


He hated it. He didn’t want to become more pathetic.


“What should I do? I felt the same.”


So, Revan lied. As he always did.


“Living with you was unbearable too. I’m tired of being swayed.”




The wounds they inflicted on each other were too deep. Tears fell from both their eyes.


“If that’s your best, how can I hold on to you more?”




Revan let go of Hilane with red eyes.


“Fine. Let’s get divorced. Us.”


The hand he promised never to let go.


It was a rainy day, at the end of spring.




The next morning, the two submitted the divorce agreement to the temple.


There was no need for a messy trial. The divorce approval for the Marquess of Rata and his wife was swiftly granted.


Thus, the baptism ceremony for Chevelyn, which was being prepared under the name of Rata, was handed over to the royal palace.


On a day with overcast skies, after finishing packing and the division of assets, Hilane looked up at the second floor where Revan’s study was.


As if he had been watching, the blackout curtains were immediately drawn.


“Take care.”


Turning her gaze, Hilane lightly patted the butler who came to see her off.


“…Madam, thank you for filling this old man’s insignificant life with glory.”


The butler, replying courteously, bowed deeply.


“Please take care, Your Highness.”


The change in title felt awkward, but she had to get used to it. She was no longer the Marquess of Rata.


Hilane nodded lightly, then got into the carriage and set off.






“Never mind.”


As their eyes met, Chevelyn quickly erased what she had written with her breath on the window.


Faintly, the words “Chevelyn Rata” could be seen.


She felt terribly sorry for taking away their happy family in an instant.


“Mom and Dad… aren’t going to live together anymore, right?”


Chevelyn was a quick-witted child. Hilane hugged Chevelyn and gently stroked her.


“Sweetie, you were born out of love. I was really happy when I had you.”




“Of course. You are a very precious being.”


Chevelyn’s dark expression brightened a bit.


Feeling reassured, Chevelyn clutched her bunny doll and fell asleep.


Patting Chevelyn’s back, Hilane opened the window to let in the fresh air.




Thinking about living in the royal palace from now on made her sigh.


Although she had visited the Crown Princess a few times, living there was another matter.


‘Will Chevelyn be able to adapt well?’






Since the Marquess’ residence and the royal palace were not far apart, it wasn’t long before the coachman stopped the horses.


Hilane, deciding against waking the sleeping child, carefully lifted her.


“Your Highness, we have arrived at Agnas Palace.”


Receiving support from the coachman, Hilane looked around.


The Crown Princess’ Agnas Palace was always a magnificent place.


Since they would be staying at the palace, she had to see the Crown Princess first.


Soon, Countess Kin, the head lady-in-waiting of Agnas Palace, came out.


“Greetings, Princess Hilane.”


“Ah, Countess Kin.”


“Have you come to see the Crown Princess as soon as you arrived?”




Noticing the sleeping Chevelyn, Countess Kin lowered her voice and looked troubled.


“Is Her Highness very busy?”


“She is currently in a private meeting with a guest.”


With the Countess’ answer, a presence was felt as a man exited the office.


At that moment, Hilane made eye contact with the man who had turned his head.


Jet-black hair and sapphire-like sparkling blue eyes.


Seeing the symbolic jewel-like eyes of the Requier Imperial family, Hilane immediately knew who he was.


Duke Aachen Requier. The former crown prince of Requier, which bordered Peztain.


‘Why is the former crown prince of Requier at Agnas Palace…?’


Hilane was puzzled by the Duke of Belzette’s sudden visit.




Hilane was astonished by the short syllable that came from his mouth.


‘How does he know my childhood name?’


Esh. It was the name given by her mother.


“……Countess Kin. I’ll be leaving now.”


Before she could even ask how he knew her childhood name, he snapped his fingers and disappeared.


‘He is a wizard.’


He seemed to have used teleportation magic.


A cool scent lingered in the spot where he had stood.


‘I couldn’t have misheard…’


It was a secret even her father, Emperor Roman, didn’t know.


A precious memory with her mother, who called her that only when they were alone…


Hilane had never told anyone that cherished name.


“It seems he was embarrassed to run into you, since he came quietly and unofficially.”


Countess Kin’s plausible explanation seemed convincing.


‘He came as a guest without an entourage, so the Countess must be right.’


However, no matter how much she thought about it, she couldn’t figure out how he knew that name.


Deciding to set aside thoughts of Aachen for now, Hilane focused on the matter at hand.


“Can you inform Her Highness?”


“Yes, Your Highness.”


No matter how he knew, it wasn’t the important thing right now.


“Princess Hilane is here.”


“Let her in.”


A low and concise voice was heard.


“Please speak comfortably. I’ll take care of the princess.”


“Thank you.”


With the Crown Princess’ permission, Hilane carefully handed the sleeping Chevelyn to Countess Kin.


Simultaneously, the grand door opened. Hilane walked in slowly.


“I greet Her Highness, the Crown Princess Glazé, the little sun of Peztain.”




“May the blessings of Lady Freya bring glory.”


Hilane placed her hand on her left chest and bowed to Glazé.


Scratch scratch.


The sound of a quill writing and pages turning continued.




Hilane did not raise her head until Glazé spoke.




Seeing this, Glazé put down her quill.


“If you are busy, I can come back another time.”


“I have time to drink tea with you for a while.”


At Glazé’s gesture, a maid brought out rose tea.


The pink tea water with grapefruit chips on top gave off a refreshing scent.


“I heard you divorced the Marquess of Rata.”


Before even sipping the tea, Glazé mentioned the divorce.




Hilane, who was about to lift the teacup, put it down again, making Glazé chuckle.


“Oh dear. There’s no need to act like a sinner. I’m not mentioning it to blame you.”


Glazé had always been an unpredictable person.


“How have you been?”


“Thanks to Your Highness, I’ve been well.”


Hilane always found it difficult to deal with Glazé.


She always had to be on edge around her.


“I haven’t done anything for you. No need to be so formal.”


Close, but not intimate. That was the relationship between Hilane and Glazé.




“Yes, Your Highness.”


“That raccoon, Duke Tessa, has been getting on my nerves again.”


Duke Tessa. The father of Queen Nigel and the maternal grandfather of the second princess.


“You should be especially careful too.”


“I will.”


Hilane now had to be extra vigilant. She couldn’t let her guard down.


Especially against Duke Tessa, who hid his sinister nature behind a benevolent facade.


“Is the preparation for Chevelyn’s baptism going well? If you need anything, just let me know.”


“Thank you.”


“By the way, I would like to invite Duke Belzette to Chevelyn’s baptism.”


Glazé suggested, savoring the aroma of the tea.


“Duke… Belzette?”


“It wouldn’t hurt to form a friendly relationship.”


“…I will tell the Chamberlain to send an invitation to the Duke.”




Glazé smiled with satisfaction and dismissed Hilane.


“You must be tired, and we can continue our conversation another time when I have more free time.”


Glazé pointed to the pile of documents. Hilane bowed slightly and walked out.


“Requier has proposed a royal marriage, and Hilane just divorced…”


Unaware of Glazé’s muttered words.




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