I Have A New Family

Duties of a Married Couple (9)

Chevelyn, who had been giving Elisha a longing look, blew a gentle breeze onto Elisha’s hand.


“…Thank you, Your Highness. By the way, what shall we do about breakfast?”


Elisha asked Hilane with a bright smile, thanking Chevelyn.


“Just inform the kitchen to prepare something simple and have it brought to my room. I’m quite tired and need to rest today,”


Hilane responded. Elisha nodded and pulled out a letter from her sleeve.


“A letter has arrived for Your Grace, the Duchess.”


“Who is it from?”


“It only says ‘Winter’ in the recipient field.”


Hilane tilted her head.




Chevelyn mimicked the puzzled expression.




Hilane, softly patting Chevelyn’s back, repeated the name in her mouth. Then, a certain person came to mind, and Hilane froze in thought.


‘Could it be, Winter Rendell? How is that possible…?’


Uncertain, Hilane hastily took the letter and tore it open.



“Dear Princess Hilane,


It has been about 8 years, so it has indeed been a long time.


There are many things I wish to say to Your Highness, or rather, things I should say.


How have you been? You might be surprised to receive a letter from someone thought to be dead.


I will visit Hestur Castle tomorrow for the psychological treatment of your daughter.


I will explain more in person.


– Winter”



After reading the letter thoroughly, Hilane was speechless, unable to hide her shocked expression.


It really was him—Winter Rendell, the person she almost married.


“Your Grace, what’s wrong?”


Elisha asked with a worried look. Taking a slow, deep breath, Hilane barely managed to answer.


“…Winter Rendell is alive.”


“If you mean Prince Rendell, wasn’t he the one you were once engaged to?”


“Yes, that’s right. But he suddenly died, and the engagement was called off.”


But now he was alive; Hilane was both relieved and confused, her mind a whirl of conflicting emotions.


At the time, there had been much controversy surrounding his death since the Rendell family did not hold a funeral. It had seemed strange, but she had attributed it to illness and moved on, especially since she had no romantic feelings for Winter.


‘It was the court physician who diagnosed Chevelyn with selective mutism.’


Perhaps this was the reason Winter couldn’t come to the empire.


‘He must have been fond of children and naturally kind-hearted.’


The news that he was studying child psychology brought a light smile to her face.


‘I should inform the Duke that Winter Rendell is coming.’


Although there was nothing between her and him, misunderstandings could still arise. “Elisha, after breakfast, we need to meet the Duke. Please prepare.”


Elisha, who had been observing Hilane, showed a slightly distressed expression.


“Your Grace.”




“I don’t think you should put your hair up today.”


Following Elisha’s gaze to the mirror, Hilane noticed the red marks left by Aachen from the previous night.


“…You’re right.”


Hilane replied softly, rubbing the spot.


* * *


Meanwhile, Aachen arrived at the western magic tower of the Require Empire’s palace.


After spending the morning in the library, he still had not unraveled the mystery of the necklace.


He had come to ask the grand magician, who had studied gemstones all his life.


“Your Highness the Grand Duke! You’ve arrived! I’ve been waiting for you!”


Gote rushed down almost as soon as the visit request was submitted, as if he had foreseen this visit.


“You foresaw it again. I’ve told you repeatedly not to look into anything related to me,”


Aachen said, raising a defensive barrier around him to block Gote’s overly enthusiastic greeting.


“No matter how much Your Highness dislikes it, I can’t help seeing the future if you come within a certain distance,”


Gote defended himself, looking disappointed after being repelled by the barrier.


“A grand magician acting so recklessly.”


Aachen frowned.


“Those words hurt, you know.”




“In the first place, I only became a grand magician because you foisted the job onto me.”


Gote laughed mischievously, hinting that he hadn’t forgotten the incident.


“…I didn’t have the leisure to manage the magic tower as well.”


“Ha ha, just admit that it was a hassle.”


Ignoring Gote’s accurate guess, Aachen changed the subject.


“We don’t have time to chat.”


“Then let’s go to my lab.”


Gote was uncomfortable to talk to for long, as he could see right through people.


Resolving to only discuss necessary matters, Aachen urged Gote on.




Gote’s lab was as dirty and dark as ever.


Magical reagents were scattered on the floor, and magical scrolls floated in the air.


The windows were tightly covered with curtains, letting in no sunlight.


“Don’t judge me like that. I actually cleaned this place not long ago,” Gote said, flopping down on a sofa.


“I heard that you married the fourth princess of Peztaine. What is the Duchess like?”


“Don’t pry. Don’t try to find out. Even if you see the future, don’t look.”


Gote mumbled, feeling aggrieved at Aachen’s firm tone.


“What’s the harm in sharing a little….”


Unwilling to touch anything in the dusty room, Aachen remained standing and took out the necklace he had brought.


“There seems to be something about this necklace.”


“It looks expensive. It’s a rare gem.”


Gote, who was usually fascinated by shiny things, quickly appraised its value.


“…It’s not an ordinary gem. When I wear it, I can’t read people’s thoughts. Why is that?”


Not taking Gote’s casual attitude seriously, Aachen got straight to the point.


“Could you lend me the necklace for a moment?”




“Do you think I’d steal it and sell it secretly? I don’t have a death wish.”


Reluctantly, Aachen placed the necklace in Gote’s palm. After examining the gem for a while, Gote spoke.


“It’s a gem that blocks magic. To understand why, I’d need to break it open.”


Aachen quickly took back the necklace at the mention of breaking it.


“There’s no need to go that far. So, the magic doesn’t work, and I can’t read thoughts, is that it?”


“Yes. Reading thoughts is also a form of magic, in a way.”


Even knowing the necklace’s properties didn’t change Aachen’s thoughts about the person wearing it.


Perhaps, meeting her that day with the necklace on was destiny. However, what intrigued Aachen was the existence of an object that blocked magic.


“Have you seen anything like this before?”


“Ha ha, if I did, I would have kept it to sell at a high price. Actually possessing one would be… Wait. Could this be Amphitrite’s Necklace?”


Gote’s eyes sparkled as he leaned closer to the necklace.




“Now I understand! The necklace contains the power of a nymph, which blocks magic.”


Gote’s jaw dropped in astonishment.


“Yes. But how did you get it? This is supposed to be passed down only among Amphitrite’s descendants… Did you steal it?!”


Annoyed by Gote’s absurd accusation, Aachen answered in a low voice.


“Do you think I’m like you?”


“…Anyone not a descendant of Amphitrite who possesses this will be cursed and live a shortened life.”


“Surprisingly, I’m still alive and well.”


Aachen chuckled at Gote’s ominous words.


“Of course, there are exceptions. If you are bonded with a descendant of Amphitrite, the curse will be nullified.”


“How does one bond?”


“Amphitrite’s descendants naturally bond with their mate.”


‘So, the bond was formed that day. Does that mean I’m the mate of the descendant…?’


The unexpected information brought a flush to Aachen’s face.


“Your Highness, why are you looking at me like that…? It’s unsettling.”


Gote looked horrified as Aachen’s expression changed.


Aachen’s face turned serious.


“…On second thought, I think it could work.”




“After all, you are the second wealthiest in the empire, after His Majesty.”


Changing his tune, Gote began to flatter Aachen.


“With high authority as well.”


Aachen didn’t respond, moving to leave the lab with the necklace.


“Return that necklace to its rightful owner soon. Even if you’re bonded, it’s still dangerous.”


Gote’s voice dropped as he issued a warning.


“I thought the curse of a shortened life didn’t apply if bonded?”


“That’s separate; it’s best not to read the thoughts of your bonded mate.”


Aachen had hoped she would recall on her own, but giving her the necklace seemed like revealing the truth himself.


Forcing the memory upon her didn’t sit well with him.


“If you ignore my advice and keep the necklace, you’ll regret it with tears and remorse.”


It was rare for Gote to speak with such gravity about something he foresaw.


“…I’ll keep that in mind.”


Aachen took a deep breath, feeling tense.


“And stop pretending to be indifferent to hide your jealousy. You’ll only make yourself ill.”


“…Why would I be jealous when she is already mine?”


It was a lie. He had been struggling to hide his jealousy even during the ceremony.


‘I should ensure Marquis Rata can’t come to Belzette.’





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