I Have A New Family

New Family (6)

The fact that Princess Chevelyn, daughter of Princess Hilane, couldn’t speak was not the main topic of conversation.


What was noteworthy was that Hilane had kept the head maid of Wins Palace waiting for quite a long time.


It wasn’t just that Lady Nigel had apologized to Hilane through the head maid.


Rumors quickly spread that Lady Nigel had visited the two empresses directly at Hilane’s suggestion.


After that, Hilane had a relatively peaceful day.


Duke Tessa didn’t even enter the palace.


“Lady Nigel has been staying in recently. She hasn’t even hosted tea parties.”


Elisha, who had spied on the quiet Wins Palace, reported the news.


“Really? No wonder it’s not noisy.”


Hilane said as she fed fruit puree to Chevelyn, who was eating it like a baby bird.


Watching this fondly, Elisha clapped her hands as if she had remembered something she had forgotten.


“Your Highness. On my way here, I met Countess Kin, and she said that an envoy from the Emperor of the Requier Empire would be arriving soon.”


“An envoy from Emperor Caliosa?”


“Yes. They are coming to exchange the gifts for the ceremony.”


“It’s already time to exchange gifts.”


Having already prepared herself mentally, Hilane looked at Elisha.


“We should also prepare. Elisha, go to the royal chamber and fetch the gifts for the Requier side.”




“As my personal maid, you are going to Belzette with me, aren’t you? Then you should also fetch the gifts.”


Elisha’s confused expression gradually brightened.


When a member of the royal family married and went to another country, it was customary to take a personal maid who was the daughter of a count or higher.


However, in terms of rank, Elisha was only the third daughter of a baron.


There were instances like this before, but it wasn’t common to designate someone of Elisha’s rank as a personal maid.


Yet, Chevelyn particularly liked Elisha.


Hilane, who had been contemplating whether to take Elisha, overheard her arguing with someone the night before.


“Lily. Are you out of your mind? Asking me to steal information from Her Highness?”


“Hey, don’t put it like that. Not steal, just share a little. I said the reward would be generous.”


“You’re really crazy. If you say that again, I’ll tell Her Highness right away.”


“Elisha! Why are you being so petty?”


“Dian’s people never betray their master, no matter what. It’s a lifelong choice.”


Elisha had firmly refused her friend’s request to become a spy.


“Elisha… I believe you’ll be a good set of eyes and ears.”


That gave Hilane the certainty she needed.


“I’ll go to the royal chamber immediately, Your Highness!”


Elisha answered energetically and walked briskly to the royal chamber.


* * *


The day for the exchange of gifts arrived.


“I hope the preparations meet their expectations.”


Hilane waited for the envoy of Emperor Caliosa in the dining room, where the luncheon was set.


“Your Highness. The envoy of Emperor Caliosa has arrived at Largon Palace.”


“Bring them here.”


“Yes, Your Highness.”


Elisha, who had brought the news, closed the door and left.


Soon after, the envoy entered, and Hilane rose from her seat.


“Nice to meet you. I am Count Ena Hibert, the advisor to Emperor Caliosa.”


“Pleasure to meet you. I am Hilane Peztaine.”


“On behalf of Emperor Caliosa, it is an honor to meet the fourth princess of Peztaine.”


Count Hibert spoke with a steady voice and bowed respectfully.


When Hilane offered a handshake first, Count Hibert stiffened for a moment before belatedly grasping her hand.


“…I am delighted by your warm reception.”


His expression didn’t match his words, almost making Hilane laugh.


Clearing his throat, Count Hibert carefully took out a jewel box from his pocket.


“This is the Ifrit’s Tear, a gift from the Requier side to the fourth princess.”


‘Ifrit’s Tear? That’s a necklace traditionally worn only by the crown princess of Requier… Why…’


Hilane understood the meaning behind the gift from Emperor Caliosa.


‘…They still consider Grand Duke Belzette as the crown prince of Requier.’


Hilane did not question why they were giving her this.


It was best not to meddle in the succession issues of another country.


“Thank you.”


“Yes, Your Highness.”


Hilane calmly accepted the Ifrit’s Tear.


“Elisha. Give Count Hibert the gift.”


Passing the jewel box to Elisha, Hilane signaled with her eyes.


Elisha promptly handed over the prepared gift to Count Hibert.


“It’s the earrings of Saint Leodin.”


Count Hibert, recognizing the gift at once, was impressed.


“I will deliver it well to Grand Duke Belzette.”


“Please, have a seat.”


“Thank you for the grand hospitality.”


After the exchange of gifts, Hilane raised a wine glass.


* * *


A month passed since Count Hibert left.


Autumn had come to Peztaine, and the day to leave for Belzette, where winter was approaching, was near.


There were three hours left until the ceremony.


“The weather in the north has already turned cold, so I packed a lot of things, and now we have many carriages.”


Elisha, who had been checking the luggage outside, returned and prepared Hilane and Chevelyn’s cloaks.


“Your Highness, I will dress you now.”


“Go ahead.”


Hilane, who hadn’t slept a wink the night before due to nerves, was very sleepy.


Fortunately, Elisha’s skill was excellent, and with a bit of powder under her eyes, her fatigue didn’t show.


“Your Highness’s silver hair is like Amphitrite’s.”


Elisha, admiringly applying aromatic oil and gently brushing Hilane’s hair, said.




“Yes. Amphitrite, the nymph symbolizing beauty, also has silver hair… Oh, Your Highness, I’m sorry. I talked too much.”




“It’s my first time going to another country, so I guess I’m a bit excited.”


Hilane smiled slightly at Elisha, who suddenly looked dejected.


“No, thanks to you, my fatigue has eased a bit. Could you tell me more about Amphitrite?”


“Your Highness…”


Elisha’s eyes sparkled as she regained her lively demeanor.


“My mother often told me stories about Amphitrite, who lived in the Oscwalts Sea.”


“Ah, I remember. Baroness Dian told me about her as well.”


Hilane had visited that place herself.

The Oscwalts Sea.


A place where she had gone to end her life but found it too clear and beautiful to throw herself in.


‘When I first found out I was carrying Chevelyn, I was really glad I didn’t give up my life at that sea.’


Thinking of the Oscwalts Sea seemed to wake her up a bit.


“Your Highness, now I will adorn your hair. Should I braid it neatly and put it up? Or…”


Elisha’s words were interrupted by Countess Kin entering with the maids from Agnas Palace.


“Countess Kin?”


The maids were carrying jewelry boxes.


“I greet Princess Hilane.”


“What is the meaning of this? What are those?”


“The Crown Princess has prepared gifts. Elisha, please show them to Her Highness.”


“Yes, Countess Kin.”


At the countess’s request, Elisha brought the most ornate jewelry box and opened it.


There were earrings, necklaces, bracelets, brooches—every kind of adornment imaginable.




Among them was even a tiara worn by former empresses.


They were all visibly precious and valuable.


The countess took out a pair of shoes and said,


“These are sent by the Empress of Baren Kingdom.”


“The Empress Isabella…?”


Hilane touched the shoes sent by Empress Isabella.


They were designed with roses crafted from transparent glass.


Every year on the anniversary of the third princess’s death, Empress Isabella would go to her homeland in the Baren Kingdom to recuperate.


Thus, they hadn’t met even on the day of the divorce from Revan, and it seemed they wouldn’t meet at the upcoming ceremony either.


Hilane didn’t feel sad about it.


Although she was adopted by Empress Isabella, she wasn’t her biological daughter.


‘Why did she send these…’


Receiving such gifts felt burdensome.


Empress Isabella wasn’t usually the affectionate type to concern herself with these things.


“Please convey my thanks to Her Majesty and the Crown Princess.”


Though puzzled by the gifts, Hilane smiled softly and responded politely.


“The Crown Princess is busy, so she asked for your understanding in not being able to see you off.”




Countess Kin and the maids from Agnas Palace withdrew.


“Your Highness! The ceremony is soon! We still have to greet the Emperor, oh, what should we do.”


Elisha, overwhelmed by the jewelry boxes, started to panic upon seeing the ticking clock.


“Calm down, Elisha. We’re not late yet.”


“Your Highness, how can you stay so calm? Even I’m this nervous…”


“It’s my second time, after all.”


“Your Highness, really.”


Elisha laughed at Hilane’s joke, seeming more relaxed.


“Hm, these earrings would suit Your Highness’s eye color well. You can wear the necklace as part of the gifts, and, um…”


Now calmer, Elisha took out various pieces of jewelry from the box and held them up to Hilane.


“Your Highness, I think the tiara sent by the Crown Princess would look great.”


“…Then, please place the tiara.”




Elisha carefully braided Hilane’s hair and secured it with the tiara.


Seeing the finished look, Elisha covered her mouth with both hands in awe.


“Princess, you look so beautiful.”


“…It’s thanks to your good work.”


Embarrassed by Elisha’s compliment, Hilane turned her head slightly.


“It’s true. Even Grand Duke Belzette will fall in love at first sight.”




“Uh, you should wear the veil when you enter the temple. First, you’re going to greet the Emperor, right?”


Without responding, Hilane nodded.


She had to greet Emperor Roman before the ceremony.


Hilane glanced at the bedroom where Chevelyn was.




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