I Have A New Family

New Family (4)

Caliosa sighed deeply.


‘He’s my son, but I can’t understand him.’


When Aachen announced his decision to marry a commoner to raise his son, Roza, whom he had never met, it was an inevitable situation, so Caliosa had accepted it.


But it seemed Aachen truly wanted to marry Princess Hilane.


Knowing that arguing would be useless, Emperor Caliosa gave up trying to persuade him.


“You’ve always handled things your way, but I’ll take care of the remaining matters, like the exchange of gifts.”


“As you wish. I’ll take my leave now.”


As Aachen walked away, Caliosa let out a deep sigh.


At that moment, Count Hiver, Caliosa’s aide, entered with a frame.


“What’s that?”


“It’s the portrait of Princess Hilane you requested. It seems one was sent from Peztaine some time ago.”


Emperor Caliosa, staring intently at the portrait, slowly opened his mouth.


“She looks just like Lariette. Her hair is like moonlight reflected on the sea.”


Her dazzling silver hair and deep green eyes reminiscent of a lush forest.


‘My free-spirited friend who died because she refused to take a mate….’


Princess Hilane’s appearance reminded Emperor Caliosa of the only person he had ever confided in.


“Princess Hilane is Lady Lariette’s niece, after all.”


Count Hiver replied as if it were only natural, knowing their familial relationship.


“But aside from her face, she seems quite different. Lariette couldn’t stand sitting still long enough for a portrait.”


Emperor Caliosa chuckled, reminiscing about his friend.


One portrait couldn’t reveal everything, but her upright posture and intelligent gaze were appealing.


He could understand why Aachen was adamant about marrying Princess Hilane.


“Do you remember what I intended to give to Aachen’s bride?”


“How could I forget, Your Majesty.”


“Take it to Princess Hilane. We need to prepare to welcome the Crown Princess of Requier.”


* * *




Half-asleep on the sofa, Hilane was startled awake by a sobbing Chevelyn rushing towards her.




Her heart sank. The drowsiness vanished in an instant.


Hilane quickly pulled her daughter into her arms, holding her close.


‘Oh dear. Her face is covered in tears and snot.’


Seeing her daughter’s tear-streaked face made Hilane’s heart ache.


What could have happened this time?


It pained her to see her daughter cry more frequently since the divorce.


Hilane wiped Chevelyn’s tears with a handkerchief, trying to calm her down.


“Sweetheart, what happened?”




Still sniffling, Chevelyn clung tightly to her mother’s dress.




Hilane was distressed by her daughter’s silence.


“Did you get hurt? What’s wrong?”




To address the issue, she needed to know what had happened.


Carrying Chevelyn, Hilane stepped out of the bedroom and found Elisha waiting with a deep bow.




“…Your Highness.”


Elisha had been looking after Chevelyn lately, as Hilane was busy preparing for the ceremony.


Elisha likely knew best what had upset Chevelyn.


“Please bring some warm milk with honey.”


Hilane didn’t press Elisha for answers.

Calming Chevelyn was the priority.


“Yes, Your Highness.”


Elisha soon returned with the warm milk.


Chevelyn, after drinking it, soon fell asleep in Hilane’s arms.


With her daughter’s sniffles quieted, the room fell silent.


Gently stroking Chevelyn’s hair, Hilane asked Elisha,


“What happened?”


“The princess encountered Lady Nigel while taking a walk.”


Elisha replied, looking down.


“Lady Nigel?”


Lady Nigel wasn’t one to hold back her thoughts or her words.


Many maids and knights had resigned because of her harsh words.


“She hasn’t visited the Largon Palace in a long time. Why now….”


Hilane frowned upon hearing that Chevelyn had encountered Lady Nigel.


“Lady Nigel seemed to know about the princess’s mutism and said something about it….”




“Servants from Remir Palace and Tisone Palace overheard.”


Hilane rubbed her temples at Elisha’s report.


“So that’s why she came to me crying.”


Very few knew about Chevelyn’s mutism.


Only the royal doctor, Glazé, and a few servants who attended to her knew this secret.


Spreading information about a royal’s health could result in severe punishment, so everyone had been careful.


‘It’s only a matter of time before rumors spread that Chevelyn can’t speak.’


“What did Lady Nigel say to Chevelyn?”


“I beg your pardon, Your Highness, but I cannot repeat it…”


Elisha knelt down on the floor, begging for forgiveness.


“It is my fault for not taking good care of the princess. I will accept any punishment.”


“…Stand up, Elisha.”


Hilane was not angry with Elisha. She had no intention of punishing her unfairly.


Elisha had not made any excuses, and it was understandable that she couldn’t stand up to Lady Nigel.


Hilane extended her hand to help Elisha up.


“I need to go see Lady Nigel for a moment.”


She couldn’t let this matter slide.


* * *


Hilane went straight to Wins Palace where Lady Nigel resided.


She didn’t notify her beforehand, not wanting to give her any time to prepare.


‘Nigel Tessa.’


Lady Nigel, the only daughter of Duke Tessa, was appointed as the first empress and gave birth to the second princess, Helenia.


Living under the protection of Duke Tessa, she had never been one to mind her words.


‘What could she have possibly said to a mere five-year-old child?’


Hilane needed to receive a formal apology to prevent the rumors from spreading further.


When she arrived at Wins Palace, the atmosphere felt unusually chilly.


‘What’s this?’


There were no servants around, not even anyone to greet her. Not even the head maid was in sight.


“Who’s coming?”


Lady Nigel’s sharp voice could be heard.


Hilane held her breath. As she took a step closer to the door, the voice became clearer.


“The second princess is expected to return.”


She seemed to be with Duke Tessa.


‘The second princess is returning?’


After Emperor Roman collapsed, Helenia, who had gone to study abroad in Adeli, had never returned to Pezetain.


“I don’t want her here, Helio. Tell her not to come.”


“Lady Nigel, you mustn’t get so agitated.”


Duke Tessa was patiently trying to calm Lady Nigel, who kept repeating herself.


There was something strange about this.


It wasn’t just that Lady Nigel didn’t want the second princess to come, she seemed to genuinely despise her own child.


And also…


‘Helio is Duke Tessa’s name.’


It made sense for Duke Tessa to address her formally since she was the first empress of Emperor Roman.


“I said I don’t want to see her. How many times do I have to say it, Helio?”


“Lady Nigel, if Helenia doesn’t come this time, rumors will spread.”


“I don’t care! Helio, I don’t care.”


“It’s already causing quite a stir in Adeli as well.”


Listening to their conversation, Hilane realized something odd.


‘Why is Lady Nigel calling Duke Tessa by his name?’


Their conversation didn’t seem like that of a normal father and daughter.




“…Princess Hilane?”


It was the head maid of Wins Palace who called out to Hilane. She was holding something in her hands.


“What is that?”


“Ah, well….”


When asked about the dark liquid, the head maid began trembling and dropped the tray she was holding.




The nauseating smell made Hilane wrinkle her nose.


Even with just a brief sniff, she felt dizzy and quickly covered her nose.


‘Could this be… Rostur?’




A type of drug that had been banned long ago.


Just possessing it could land someone in prison.


‘Since when has she been taking Rostur? Prolonged use leads to infertility…’


If it became known that a royal woman was using Rostur, it wouldn’t just end with her being expelled.


‘That’s why there were no knights or servants. The head maid must have been preparing the Rostur.’


While staring at the terrified head maid, Duke Tessa came out.




He signaled the head maid to go inside, looking visibly uneasy.


Had she ever seen Duke Tessa with such an expression before?


Although she couldn’t fully grasp their situation from the conversation alone…


She learned about the second princess’s return and Lady Nigel’s drug use.


‘I’ve gained two valuable pieces of information without doing anything.’


Hilane smiled broadly and called out to Duke Tessa.


“Duke Tessa.”


“…Princess Hilane.”


Duke Tessa straightened his posture and clasped his hands respectfully.


“What brings you here…?”


As Hilane took a step forward, Duke Tessa blocked her path.


“What do you think you’re doing? How dare you block the path of royalty?”


Hilane did not hide her displeasure and frowned deeply.




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