I Have A New Family

Selective Mutism (7)

When she arrived in Pezetain, Countess Kin delivered Aachen’s reply to Glazè.


“He wants to marry Hilane before winter comes to Belzette?”


Glazé asked Countess Kin as she read the reply.


“Yes, he said that if they wait until after this winter, it would cause significant delays.”


“Even if it’s a simple ceremony, having it in Pezetain first isn’t a bad idea….”


Glaze tapped her fingers on the desk repeatedly, deep in thought. As Glazé continued to ponder, Countess Kin added more.


“Honestly, Your Highness, there’s nothing to lose. He readily agreed to change the partner in the first place.”


Glazè opened her mouth slightly.


“Nanny, my concern lies elsewhere.”




“During her marriage to Marquis Rata, it wasn’t properly conducted.”


When Hilane married Revan, she walked the aisle alone.


“Emperor had lost consciousness, so there was no other choice.”


“Even so, I wanted to do it right this time. Even if it meant asking Grandfather.”


The fact that Hilane walked the aisle alone still bothered Glaze.


“Anyway, Nanny. Make sure the news of Hilane’s remarriage reaches Marquis Rata the day before the ceremony.”




Countess Kin tilted her head, not understanding Glazé’s command.


“Nothing upsets a former husband more than hearing that his ex-wife is suddenly remarrying.”


“Your Highness, surely not!”


“Yes, I’m going to annoy that insolent Marquis Rata.”


Glaze smiled mischievously, looking as she did whenever she was about to prank someone.


‘Her Highness really… How much must she dislike Marquis Rata.’


Glaze particularly disliked Revan, perhaps because he had just inherited the Marquisate, and she never approved of Hilane marrying Revan.


“Got it? The day before the ceremony.”


Countess Kin did not add anything more to Glazé’s repeated instructions.


‘I should head to the Largon Palace and deliver the proposal to Her Highness.’


* * *


In front of the Largon Palace.


“Countess Kin, the princess is napping, so you’ll need to wait in the drawing room.”


Countess Kin, wanting to meet Hilane, received this response from the attendant.


“Is Her Highness putting Princess Chevelyn to sleep herself? Doesn’t she have a nanny?”


“There is a nanny, but Her Highness personally takes care of the princess most of the time.”


‘Just as Her Highness said, she is always devoted to the princess.’


Having no choice, she entered the drawing room, where maids were clearing empty teacups.


“Did someone visit?”


In response to Countess Kin’s question, the attendant answered with a troubled look.


“Ah… Marquis Rata was here. He left just a short while ago after waiting for some time.”


“Marquis Rata?”


Countess Kin clutched the proposal tightly, pondering.


‘Hilane’s remarriage news shouldn’t have reached the Marquis yet… What’s going on?’


In fact, no one knew the exact reason why Hilane and Revan divorced. It was only known that their relationship was poor, as Revan didn’t attend Chevelyn’s baptism ceremony.


“Her Highness refused to see him, so he waited for a long time before leaving.”


Countess Kin shook her head slightly at this answer.


‘Marquis Rata visited, which must have upset Her Highness.’


As she thought this, she noticed a piece of paper on the floor. Bending down to check it, she gasped.


‘A request for a paternity test…?’


With the divorce already processed, Marquis Rata could not independently request a paternity test. He needed Hilane’s consent as the biological mother.


“Is something wrong?”


Seeing Countess Kin’s darkened expression, the attendant worried.


“No, it’s just… I’m a bit tired.”


Countess Kin hurriedly hid the document behind her back, avoiding the attendant’s gaze.


“Madam, would you like lemon tea or herbal tea?”


The attendant, who missed seeing the document by a hair’s breadth, asked Countess Kin.


“Herbal tea, please. Thank you.”


“I’ll bring it right away.”


Countess Kin discreetly placed the document in the corner of the sofa and covered it with a cushion.


As she sipped her herbal tea, she couldn’t shake off a nagging feeling.


“Why do I feel like I forgot something….”


She tried to recall but couldn’t remember.


“What did you forget?”


“Your Highness!”


Startled by Hilane’s entrance, Countess Kin replied.


“Is something the matter? Why are you so surprised?”


Hilane asked as she sat down, having overheard Countess Kin muttering to herself.


“I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. Chevelyn’s fussiness was particularly bad today.”


“It’s quite alright, Your Highness.”


Countess Kin smiled awkwardly.


“What is it?”


“His Grace, the Grand Duke of Belzette, has sent a proposal.”


Countess Kin handed the envelope to Hilane.


“A proposal?”


As she read the Grand Duke’s proposal, Hilane thought to herself.


‘He has beautiful handwriting.’


She could even catch a faint scent of his cologne on the envelope.


A fresh blend of lime and sharp basil, giving a cool, citrusy impression.


A scent that suited his ocean-blue eyes well.


Hilane stroked Aachen’s handwriting.


The reality of her remarriage began to sink in.


‘Why did he come?’


Perhaps because she had refused his visit earlier, thoughts of Revan surfaced for some reason.


“Your Highness, you are to have a simple ceremony in Pezetain two months from now and then head to Belzette immediately.”


“That quickly?”


This national marriage was politically significant.


Despite that, it was progressing very quickly, which made Hilane curious.


“The north experiences early winters, and the roads can freeze unpredictably, so…”


“So that’s why they’re having a simple ceremony first.”


There was nothing to be done about the weather.


And… she had heard from the imperial doctor that Chevelyn’s therapy would be readily provided.


Perhaps this was an opportunity.


“Yes, the official ceremony will be held later in Requier.”


“I see….”


Seeing the Belzette family’s emblem, a sense of unease began to rise within Hilane.


“The blue rose symbolizes an impossible, unattainable love.”


While she couldn’t avoid this remarriage, she wanted to provide Chevelyn with a complete family this time.


Was she beginning with missteps already?


She worried about Chevelyn getting hurt again.


“Your Highness, it’s just a flower’s symbolism given by people.”




The more Countess Kin tried to comfort her, the less Hilane spoke.


‘She seems very emotionally strained. Normally, Her Highness wouldn’t worry about such things.’


Countess Kin hesitated but spoke up.


“Your Highness, I heard Marquis Rata visited.”




Hilane reacted sensitively without realizing it.


“It seems the Marquis left this behind.”


Countess Kin carefully handed over the document she had hidden behind the cushion.


“A… paternity test… request form?”






Hilane looked through the document with a serious expression.



< Paternity Test Request Form >


Revan Rata requests an official test to prove if there is a paternal relationship with Chevelyn Pezetain.


To this end, we seek the consent of Hilane Pezetain, the biological mother of Chevelyn Pezetain….


Not intending to comply with the paternity test now, Hilane crumpled the request form.


“Let’s pretend we didn’t see this.”


Then she asked Countess Kin.


“Yes. No one else has seen it besides me.”


“…Thank you.”


Hilane’s expression slightly softened as she calmed down.


“You look like you have a lot of questions.”


“I’m sorry if I offended you.”


“What’s the use of hiding it when the marital bond is already broken?”


Hilane began to speak with a complicated expression, the scars of that day still not healed with time.


“Revan doubted the child’s birth. Because of the different hair color… he hurt us.”


‘Because the princess’s hair is pink… the Marquis Rata doubted it?’


Countess Kin thought deeply about Hilane’s words.


“Hmm, I feel like I remember something…. Ah!”


Countess Kin recalled that she had once glimpsed the late Marquis Rata with his mistress at a dress shop.


With his pink-haired mistress.


“The late Marquis Rata’s mistress had pink hair….”


At Countess Kin’s muttering as she recalled, Hilane’s expression turned to shock.


“What are you saying?”


“Y-your Highness.”


“Are you saying the mistress had pink hair? The same as Chavelin?”


At Hilane’s persistent questioning, Countess Kin nodded slightly.


“Are you suggesting that Revan might not be the Dowager’s child?”


“It is a speculation, but it is possible. It seems the pink hair… was inherited by the princess from the mistress.”


When Hilane asked in a cautious voice, Countess Kin answered.


“This is… unbelievable.”


Hilane couldn’t continue speaking, her expression showing disbelief.


Countess Kin lowered her eyes.


As soon as Revan succeeded the Marquisate, the Dowager returned to her family as if she had been waiting.


The Dowager never visited her granddaughter Chevelyn even once.


Chevelyn’s pink hair resembled no one.


‘All because… Revan is not the Dowager’s child.’


Hilane, struck by the shock, couldn’t say anything.




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