I Have A New Family

Selective Mutism (3)



Hilane found Chevelyn hiding in the corner of the sofa, covered with a blanket that smelled like her.


“Sweetie, mommy’s here.”




Hearing Hilane’s voice, Chevelyn peeked out, hugging her rabbit doll.


“Chevelyn, come out.”


“Cherry likes it here.”


But she didn’t come out.


Forcing her out could have backfired.


“Hmm, then….”


Hilane pondered how to coax Chevelyn.


“How about coming out for some candy?”


Normally, she wouldn’t give her candy because of cavities, but this situation was urgent.




Chevelyn’s eyes sparkled as she held up two small fingers.


“But mommy, Cherry wants both strawberry and grape flavors.”




“Yes. But I’ll skip melon flavor!”


Chevelyn proposed a deal, much like Glazè.


‘She is indeed the Crown Princess’s niece.’


With her knees covered in scratches and bleeding, Hilane couldn’t refuse.


Chevelyn shyly extended her pinky finger.


“Okay. Mommy will give you both strawberry and grape candy.”


Hilane quickly linked pinkies, knowing the injuries could lead to an infection if not treated.


“First, let’s get out of there.”


Hilane picked Chevelyn up and gestured to the maid outside to call the royal physician.


Soon after, the royal physician arrived and, seeing Chevelyn’s knees, quickly took out some antiseptic.


Frightened, Chevelyn hid behind Hilane, tears streaming down her face as she whimpered.


[Cherry doesn’t want to, I don’t want to. I’m scared!]


When Hilane put a strawberry candy in her mouth, she immediately stopped crying as if nothing had happened.


She happily savored the candy.


“Make sure the wound doesn’t get wet for a while,” the royal physician said, disinfecting and applying ointment to Chevelyn’s knee.


“Have you been in contact with that friend?”


The royal physician looked troubled as he answered.


“Yes, recently….”


“Good. I’ll give you a letter to deliver.”




Hilane took out a letter from a drawer and handed it to the royal physician.


The letter was a request for counseling for Chevelyn.


As he took the letter, the royal physician spoke with a complex expression.


“Your Highness, even if you meet my friend… please don’t be too surprised.”


Hilane sensed something unusual.


“Is it someone I know?”




She tried to guess who it could be but couldn’t think of anyone likely.


While she was pondering, Chevelyn yawned.


“I’ve kept you too long.”


“No, Your Highness. Please call me anytime.”


After the royal physician left, Chevelyn rolled around on the bed.


She buried her face in the pillow to block the sunlight reflecting off the window.


Hilane gently stroked Chevelyn’s bangs and asked,






“What would you think if we had a new family member?”


Hilane explained in a way that Chevelyn could understand.


“A new… family member?”


Chevelyn mumbled into the pillow.


Hilane patiently waited without urging her.






“Would you be happy if we had a new family member?”


Chevelyn suddenly sat up on her knees, looking Hilane in the eye.


Hilane was taken aback by the unexpected question.


“Huh? Happy?”


“If mommy’s happy, then Cherry is happy.”


Chevelyn threw herself into Hilane’s arms, smiling brightly like a flower blooming in spring.


Hilane’s heart ached at Chevelyn’s response.


She wasn’t concerned about the new family member.


‘Are you more worried about my happiness?’


Hilane thought it would have been easier if Chevelyn had just thrown a tantrum.


“Even if we have a new family member, the most important thing to mommy is you, my baby.”


Hilane whispered softly into Chevelyn’s ear.


“Hehe, okay.”


Chevelyn clung tightly to Hilane’s waist.


“Hey, mommy.”




“Cherry wants grape candy.”


Chevelyn reminded her of the forgotten promise with a determined tone.




As they entered the Grand Duchy of Belzette, Countess Kin opened the window to take in the view outside.


Located in the remote northern region, Belzette experienced the seasons much more quickly than other places.


Unlike Peztein, where summer had just begun, autumn was already ending in Belzette.


Upon arriving at the castle gates, a butler greeted them.


“I received word of your arrival and have been expecting you. I am Gaern, serving His Highness, the Grand Duke of Belzette. Welcome, Countess Kin.”


Following the butler, Countess Kin glanced around.


Hestur Castle had an overall antique appearance.


Inside the hallway hung a portrait of the Grand Duke’s son.


‘Platinum blonde hair and red eyes… He doesn’t resemble the Grand Duke much, so he must take after his mother’s side.’


“This way, please.”


The butler led Countess Kin to the reception room, where she sat down on a sofa.


Shortly after, the butler served her tea.


“His Highness, the Grand Duke, will be down shortly.”


It wasn’t long before Aachen walked in with measured steps.


“Countess Kin.”


Even within his house, Aachen wore gloves. His simple attire of a shirt paired with gloves seemed odd.


‘Could he have a cleanliness obsession?’


It seemed that he had also appeared hesitant to shake hands that day.


“Greetings to His Highness, the Grand Duke of Belzette.”


“There’s no need to stand.”


Aachen, waving a hand casually, sat across from her, his long legs stretched out.


“Have you brought a response regarding the state marriage?”


He crossed one leg over the other and picked up a teacup nonchalantly.


“Yes, Your Highness.”


“The fact that you, Countess Kin, have come all this way must mean you have agreed to the Empress Dowager’s proposal.”


There was an inexplicable sense of pressure.


“So, who is the Imperial Princess Violet’s marriage partner?”


At Aachen’s question, the tense Countess Kin handed him the official letter written by Glazé.




Aachen, puzzled, opened the letter with a paper knife. He seemed uninterested in the long, formal greetings in the first part.


However, he couldn’t take his eyes off the last paragraph.


…We gladly accept the will of His Majesty, 


Emperor Kalliosa of the Requier Empire, and joyfully agree to the state marriage.


Unfortunately, there is no collateral member of the imperial family in Peztein who is suitable in age for Princess Violet.


Therefore, we newly propose a state marriage between the 1st Prince of Requier, Aachen Requier, Grand Duke of Belzette, and the 4th Princess of Peztein, Hilane Peztein.


If you agree, we will proceed with joy.


— Crown Princess of Pezetain, Glazé Pezetain.


Aachen’s lips moved slowly as he finished reading the letter.


“A state marriage… between me and Princess Hilane Peztein?”


His previously expressionless face showed a hint of liveliness as his ears turned slightly red.


“Her Highness, the Crown Princess, sent me to first inquire about your opinion, Your Highness.”


“…Does Princess Hilane know about this as well?”


Aachen kept fiddling with his lips.


“She has shown a positive attitude, but if this is troubling for Your Highness, we can disregard the matter….”


Before Countess Kin could finish, Aachen replied hastily.


“It’s not that… It’s just so sudden. I need some time to think.”


“Thank you, Your Highness.”


Relieved by Aachen’s lack of outright refusal, Countess Kin smiled faintly.


Aachen rang a bell to call Gaern, who had been waiting outside.


“Gaern, please show Countess Kin to the guest room. She must be tired from her journey; let her rest comfortably.”


“Thank you for your consideration, Your Highness.”


Left alone in the reception room after Countess Kin left, Aachen clasped his hands together and recalled the day he first met Hilane.


“Marrying her…”








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