I Grabbed The Leash Of The Blind Beast

Mariela was stunned and stared at Eleon who was approaching her.

“Elysia is gone.”

She was lost in thought as soon as she heard what Eleon said.

“She’s gone? What does that mean?”

“She suddenly disappeared. In just a moment.”

Mariela was about to faint. 

Eleon was the greatest swordmaster in the Empire. 

She believed that if her daughter stayed by his side, nothing would happen to her.

But Elysia disappeared.


Eleon was about to say something. 

Tap tap tap

They turned their heads towards the window sound and saw a pigeon sitting there. 

It was a carrier pigeon. 

Not knowing what to do, Mariela ran as fast as she could, opened the window, and read the note tied to the bird’s leg. 

[Elysia. Kidnapped. Crystal Palace.] 

     Sabiel, that wretched prince took my daughter.

“…… Crystal Palace.”

Eleon, who understood her voice muttering softly like a ghost, questioned her.

“Crystal Palace? Is Elysia there now? Sabiel… … why he…….”

Mariela shook her head.

“I cannot tell you, Grand Duke. But…….”

Mariela was fiercely conflicted.

Elysia needed to avoid Eleon. 

But isn’t it said that a cornered mouse bites even the cat?

Mariela was at a dead end and had to do something for Elysia to survive.

     Will it be okay if I tell him?

Can I tell Eleon the secret that I couldn’t even tell my husband? 

Can he solve it just because I said so? 

All she wants is for Elysia to escape the death flag of the original plot, and until now it seemed impossible to achieve that wish.

“I have something to tell you.”

Mariela put her trembling hands together. 

She was afraid of what she would do from now on, and a vague fear arose from breaking the taboo.

“I’m from a different world. And in the world I live in, there was a certain book.”

“A book?”

“There’s a book about your life, and Eleon Clevent is the main character.”

“…… What does that mean?”

The Grand Duke, who inherited the superior blood of Oder, had an expression that he did not understand at all.

“The priests of Hadunsha are all transmigrators. Just like the Five Gods and Oder. Everyone is waiting for the day to see the end of the story and return to their original world.”

Mariela tried to speak calmly.

“You are the protagonist of this world. So they want you to live your life the way it’s written. That way we can go back to our original world.”

Eleon frowned. 

He will neither understand nor accept it. 

However, she wanted to succeed no matter what, so she couldn’t let go of it easily, even if she wasn’t expecting much. 

Mariela felt uneasy about Elysia’s situation and focused only on how to save her daughter right away.

“In that book, Elysia…… was going to die with the Crown Prince’s child.”

For a moment, it felt as if a cold wind had left Eleon’s body and brushed against her cheeks. 

Mariela blinke in surprise.

“So, the Duchess means that Elysia is going to die soon, and my life will go on as if it was determined in the Prophecy?”


“Then Elysia and I …….”

Mariela nodded.

“A different fate awaits you. And it’s not Elysia.”

Eleon, who had been frozen with an icy expression on his face, barely opened his mouth.

“It doesn’t make sense. Do you think I would believe that?”

“You don’t believe it? Elysia is going to die tonight.”

Eleon was silent for a moment.

“Please save my daughter. Elysia… … help me please.”

Mariela pleaded with tears in her eyes.

“Where is Elysia?”

* * * * *

Darkness evokes dark memories. 

In the pitch black darkness, Elysia was beaten all over her body, gagged to prevent her from biting her tongue.

Pitter-patter. Thump. Thump. Thump. Bang. Thump. Thump. Rattle. Thump. Thud. 

The sound was loud and inconsistent. 

Crouching in the narrow place, her head, shoulders, and body sank into a mess as if they were about to be crushed.

     I’d rather pass out.

Then it wouldn’t be so painful.

「“Uh… … uh… … Ah!”」

Elysia wept bitterly. 

On her way to Grerosa, the road was a rocky mountain.

Along the way, she mounted a small mare and slowly climbed up. 

Six years have passed since she became an official priest. 

Elysia felt like an outsider among those waiting for the end of the story and the day they would return to their original world.

The transmigrators disguised themselves as priests of Hadunsha and sincerely preached that ‘the future is set’. 

It was a missionary message in which their true intention to return to the original world was hidden. 

The long training as a priest had worn her mind a bit. 

She didn’t know if it was because she had to preach the doctrine she couldn’t wholeheartedly accept, or because she was simply tired of fighting to escape the original plot.

Grerosa was a quiet, contemplative place. 

Elysia was looking forward to going there and considered it an escape. 

Because sometimes she didn’t even want to see her mom Mariela. 

She was thinking about the worries of the people she had left behind at the foot of the far mountain.


Then a scream was heard from the rear of the line.

「“What’s the ruckus?”」

The escorts, who were at the forefront, saw the rear guard under attack and quickly turned their horses around and ran back. 

And they would not even have thought that it was a trap for annihilation. 

Another group rushed towards the empty front. 

And a group of priests without weapons or armor were slaughtered in an instant by the swords they wielded.

「“La..Lady Elysia. My soul…….”」

They were true servants of God. 

At the moment when they all die, the famous High Priest candidate Elysia prayed for their souls to go to the side of the Five Gods and Oder. 

Amid their despair, the fake priests seemed to really believe in the doctrine they had been forced to memorize.

However, Elysia was trembling from the shocking sight. 

That’s when the question arose.

     Why didn’t they kill me?

One after another, the younger priests, brothers, and sisters, with whom she had grown up together in the temple for a long time, fell, and no one pointed a sword at her until their robes were stained with blood. 

Shortly after everyone in her group died, those who approached her tightly gagged her mouth to prevent Elysia from biting her tongue. 

Then they put her in a large barrel.

     No way…….

She thought it was absurd, but after a while, they closed the lid tightly and pushed the barrel over the cliff.


With her mouth covered, Elysia screamed madly from the sensation of floating in the air. 

The canyon current was swift and fierce. 

Every time the barrel got hit and scratched here and there, Elysia wished the barrel would break like that.

So she would rather sharp rocks and deep water takes her life. 

     May I not be the only survivor in the face of the death of my brothers and sisters.

「Oh! Ugh!」

Elysia couldn’t understand what had happened to her.

She wonders why something like this has happened. 

She was going crazy.

But there was something else that was more terrifying. 

When Elysia woke up, she was on the deck of a large ship. 

The crew pulled Elysia out of the barrel.

「“Thank..thank you.”」

Elysia, who had fainted and come to her senses, felt alive when she was given a bowl of water and drank it. 

But soon she was taken to the prison below the deck. 

She had been locked up there for three days when she breathed fresh air again.

“It would have been nice if the price hadn’t been so expensive. Because of you, twenty-three promising young priests have lost their lives. Elysia.”

She faced the wicked Crown Prince. 

The imperial scum, who had been obsessing over her as he haunted the prayer meetings in the temple, approached with a bright smile on his face.

「“You crazy bastard!”」

He looked more excited when Elysia cursed.

「“It would be nice if you stayed still obediently.”」

Then Mariela’s words came to mind.

「“This is nothing, should I tear your clothes up?”」

Elysia’s destined fate is ruined by Sabiel.

     I hate this.

She refused such a fate. 


Sabiel briefly released her wrists to strip her naked when she suddenly stabbed him with the short dagger she concealed.

「“Ah… ah.”」

Tears welled up in her eyes. 

Could fate be so unavoidable? 

No matter how much I run away, fate wraps around my ankles like a shadow in the dark. 

I wanted to give up everything……. 

* * * * *

“Ugh! Ugh!”

Elysia finally came to her senses. 

She fell asleep, drugged, and when she woke up she was in an unknown place. 

Luxurious furnishings and unrivaled luxury. 

There were so many precious objects that she had never seen either in her own house or in Grand Duke Clevent’s residence.

     What… is this place…

And those precious and splendid things could be seen through the iron bars. 

Elysia staggered to her feet and shook the iron bars with both hands.

“What’s this?”

The iron bars didn’t even move with her force, so there wasn’t even a rattling sound. 

She couldn’t help but feel embarrassed.

“You’re awake.”

A creepy voice came from a dark corner. 


Hearing footsteps approaching her, Elysia let go of the iron bars and walked away.

“The Crown Prince…… Your Highness.”

Sabiel put down the candle he was holding.

A huge golden cage shone brightly.

“If it is you, I will allow you to call me by my name. You can call me Sabiel.”

A wicked and despicable face overlapped with the horrible scene she saw in the dream she had recently.

     No way. What really happened to Elysia was…….

Before she could think about it…. 


Sabiel unlocked the caged door with a key and entered.

“You don’t know how much I was looking forward to today.”

“What do you mean?”

With an ominous premonition, Elysia barely asked, trembling. 

Even so, Sabiel slipped the key through a crack in the cage and locked the cage.

Her eyes were on the golden key that he repeatedly tossed into the air.

     I have to take that key to get out of here.

Sabiel threw it through the iron bars when he read her mind.

Elysia paled as the key flew away from the cage. 

She is trapped.

She and Sabiel are locked in this narrow cage. 

Elysia instinctively avoided him.

“What.. what are you going to do?”

“I think you know exactly what I’m going to do.”

Sabiel walked over to her, unbuttoning his shirt.


“Go..go away.”

She was so scared that her voice didn’t come out properly. 

Elysia’s memories, Elysia’s trauma. 

What she saw in the dream was not a dream. 

They were the memories that the owner of the body had gone through, and they were buried in her unconscious mind. 

Elysia wanted to run away, but her terrified body couldn’t move. 

It’s happening for the second time.

She tried to avoid it, but she had to face this incident again.


Sabiel laughed at Elysia, pulled a small bag from his pocket, and tossed it onto the candle that illuminated the golden cage. 

Blazing fire

A smoky smoke spread from the flame that turned into a bizarre green light.


Elysia tried to stay as far away as possible to avoid the approaching Sabiel, but she ended up inhaling the smoke.

     What’s this?

As she inhaled, her vision blurred, and her body slowly lost strength. 

Elysia, struggling to avoid Sabiel, leaned against the iron bars and collapsed. 

Sabiel slowly raised her chin.

“There are so many things that I have prepared this time. I can’t lose my prey again.”

Tears fell down Elysia’s cheeks.


It was then. 



A thin light seemed to pass by at an oblique angle, and the top part of the cage sheared off to one side and fell. 

It was an unrealistic sight. 


Sabiel, who had just touched her, flew over the truncated cage with a loud sound. 

And then a large black shadow fell on her.

“If you don’t like it, say it out loud.”

———๑•̀ᴗ•̀) ̫ ─꒱ Hi hi! Support me or donate on Ko-fi here ⁀➷


  1. mochi rabbit says:

    Eleon… Sweetie… She did say it aloud…

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