I Got A Job At A Haunted Mansion

IGJHM | Chapter 14



  “By the way, we used to talk about having our children marry when we were younger, but we both ended up having sons, so it didn’t work out.”


  The Marchioness continued her story.


  “Well, I can’t marry the Duke since I’m much older, but it shouldn’t be too difficult to get a daughter as beautiful as you.”


  The Marquis immediately responded to her words.


  “Look at this lady…”


  Upon hearing this, the Marchioness smiled and covered her mouth with her hand, as if she were embarrassed. I almost spit out the food I was eating. 


  To say that the couple had a good relationship would be an understatement… I glanced at the Young Marquis who seemed to find it difficult to face his parents’ affectionate actions, closing his eyes tightly.


  Uh, well, having a good relationship is a good thing… It’s a good thing, right…?


• • • • • • •


  After the affectionate meal time came to an end, I washed up in the bathroom with the help of a maid. Then, I headed straight back to my assigned room, but it seemed I couldn’t fall asleep. I went outside into the corridor as there were too many things to think about.


  I began walking along the mansion’s corridor, almost as if taking a stroll. I could see windows lining the walls, and beyond them, the dark skies came into view. It was a late hour when ghosts would usually come out. However, there were no wandering spirits here.


  It’s quiet. If only all the ghosts at the Duke’s mansion could ascend, we could enjoy such a peaceful night… that would be nice.


  I thought to myself as I retraced my steps back to the room. It seemed like someone was standing just past my door.


  Is that a ghost? Oh no… 


  I pretended not to see and hurriedly tried to enter my room.


  “Lady Haien.”


  But then, it called me. I was startled and turned my head.


  “Young Marquis?”


  Fortunately, the one who called me was not a deceased being. I calmed my racing heart and faced him.


  “I would like to talk to you for a moment.”


  “Ah…. ah! Yes, of course. Would you like to come in?”


  As I led him into my room, he found a seat at the table right away. After taking a moment to catch his breath, he slowly began to speak.


  “Can you see the dead?”


  “…It’s a difficult story to believe, but yes, I can.”


  “I believe it, actually.”


  He chuckled lightly.


  “When we were kids, Elias used to tell me various stories about the deceased. Stories about plagues in a certain country hundreds of years ago, or sunken ships in the sea, or even the founding myth of this country being a lie, things that no child of his age should know. But when we were older, I found out that most of the stories he told me were true. Well, that’s why… I couldn’t help but believe.”


  “Then why…?”


  “I also want to meet my younger brother if I can, but I’m not sure if it’s okay. Did you see it in the dining hall? My mother is a really nice person. She’s known for being close to Father, and there are rumors about how they’re an affectionate couple.”




  “But when Father had Theo with a maid, Mother couldn’t stand it. I was happy to have a little brother, but Mother was always depressed.”


  There was a hint of sadness in the Young Marquis’s voice. I examined his slightly flushed face. I also detected a faint smell of alcohol.


  This person seems a bit drunk…


  “At the moment, my mother is very nervous about her position as the Marchioness, which is everything to her. She still hasn’t found peace in her heart… So, it makes me feel guilty to acknowledge Theo, even if he’s dead.”


  He lowered his head deeply. There was nothing I could say to him, but I couldn’t just ignore Theo’s pitiful life.


  “I understand what you mean.”




  “But still, Young Marquis. If you can, please meet Theo. The child is still at the age you remember, as a young boy. So, he just wants to see his older brother.”


  “Does he really want to see me?”


  “Yes, I am not asking you to acknowledge Theo. Please follow your own judgment on that. Just meet the child once and help him fulfill his wish so that he can ascend and be reborn again instead of becoming an evil spirit. That’s all.”


  “…Do you believe in reincarnation, Lady?”


  “Yes, I do.”


  “Elias used to say he didn’t believe in that…”


  “…Do you believe in it, Young Marquis?”




  He fell silent again. He seemed lost in thought but he was so silent, I thought he had fallen asleep. However, not long after, he rose from his seat and walked briskly towards the door.


  “It’s late, so rest now. I’m sorry for coming unexpectedly in the middle of the night, Lady. I hope you have a peaceful night.”


  With those words, he left the room.


  Did my persuasion fail? It was impossible to force him to meet his younger brother. However, I couldn’t just let Theo become an evil spirit…


  Filled with worries, I couldn’t find rest that night, despite the Young Marquis’s words. I spent the rest of the night wide awake and the next day I took an early morning carriage back to the Duke’s residence. The Marquis and Marchioness saw us off at the front door. The Young Marquis stood a little distance away from the couple.


  “Lady Haien. See you next time.”


  Speaking to me, his face now bore a serene smile, devoid of the sorrowful expression from the previous night. However, I knew that this was probably not his true self.


  “Yes, Young Marquis. I’ll see you next time.”


  I replied, bowing my head lightly.


  “Elias, too. See you next time.”




  The Young Marquis turned his head to speak to the Duke and the Duke responded briefly to his playful words. 


  The carriage soon departed. As I gazed out the window, I saw the Young Marquis’s family standing in front of the mansion. 


  They looked like a perfect family. The Marquis and the Young Marquis… their bright brown hair that indicated the Carsen bloodline gleamed in the sunlight.


  I wonder if Theo’s hair would have sparkled like that in the sunlight…


• • • • • • •


  After finishing my meal, I was walking down the corridor with the maids. One of them looked out the window and spoke, and the other maids rushed to the window. 


  “Look over there, the Young Marquis is here.”


  “Ah, it’s the Young Marquis’s carriage. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”


  The Young Marquis? The Young Marquis had come?!


   I joined them, pressing myself flat against the window. I saw a white carriage emblazoned with the eagle crest of Carsen pull up in front of the mansion. Out of it stepped the light brown-haired Young Marquis.


  Heading straight towards the main entrance of the mansion, he suddenly lifted his head as if sensing our gaze and waved towards the window.


  “Young Marquis!”


  “Hello! It’s been a while!”


  The maids leaned halfway out of the window, waving to him. I was pushed back by their actions.


  I reluctantly made my way to the end of the corridor, pressing my head against a smaller window. As his figure disappeared completely, the maids withdrew from the windows and returned to the corridor.


  “He has an interesting face.”


  “It’s always so exciting to look at.”


  “Being handsome is the best.”


  They each threw in a comment. These are truly people who are sincere about handsome men…


  “By the way, Laura. You haven’t met the Young Marquis before, right?”


  “Wait, didn’t Laura go with the Duke to the Carsen estate not long ago?”


  Their gazes immediately turned to me.


  “Yes, I met him once during that time.”


  “What do you think? Is he handsome?”


  “Of course. Objectively, he’s very handsome.”


  I nodded my head vigorously. Of course, I’m also sincerely fond of handsome men. The maids giggled and walked side by side down the corridor.


  “But why did he come today?”


  One of the maids said as if speaking to herself. In response, other maids began offering various opinions. Most of them were simple explanations, like, ‘He came to hang out with the Duke, who’s always immersed in work,’ or, ‘He just came to visit after a long time.’


  However, at this moment, none of these speculations should be the reason. Only one thing mattered. Hopefully, he came here to meet Theo.


  As the maids reached a junction in the corridor, they exchanged a few words and dispersed to their respective workplaces. I headed toward the Duke’s office.


  The Young Marquis must have come to see Theo, right? That means he can help Theo ascend.


  The day after we visited the Young Marquis, the Duke had mentioned summoning the high priest again. It was a discussion about forcibly removing Theo. It was an inevitable choice because Theo could cause harm to many people if he were to become an evil spirit.


  But the Duke didn’t immediately seek out an exorcist. Instead, he busied himself with various tasks, delaying the inevitable. I secretly thought it was fortunate, but this couldn’t go on forever. 


  Theo was still huddled in the closet, and he was gradually turning redder as if being consumed by flames. In the end, it was only a matter of time.


  Still, it wasn’t too late. Moreover, the Young Marquis had come now.


  I quickly opened the door to the office and looked for the Duke.


  “Your Grace!”


  He was sitting at his desk and looked up when he heard me. The little blond child who had been playing on the floor also rose and glanced at me. I ignored the little ghost and fixed my gaze on the Duke.


  “Your Grace, the Young Marquis is here! He must have come to meet Theo, right?!”




  The Duke remained silent. This was an unexpected response.


  “Duke, the Young Marquis is here.”


  I called out to him again. The Duke seemed to be tidying up the papers scattered on his desk, then he finally spoke.


  “Yes, he’s right behind you.”




  “Lady Haien. Nice to see you again.”


  A familiar voice came from behind me. I turned around and saw the Young Marquis standing there with a small smile on his face.



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