I Found a Husband When I Picked up the Male Lead

IFHWPUML Chapter 31

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Lizelle mumbled and lifted her closed eyelids. Without realizing it, she’d fallen asleep.

“Raphel, I’m sorry. Did you have fun?”

Lizelle was very sorry for making Raphel play alone, so she put her hands together and apologized.

But only her voice echoed in the room and no answer was heard.


Her dazed mind came back to her.

No matter where she looked in the room, she couldn’t find Raphel.

Jelly Bear and Snowball, who he’d been playing with, were lying on the floor.


Lizelle stood up.

Now she saw that the door was open. It was obviously closed a while ago…

She hurried out into the hallway.

“Lady Wilhazelle.”

At that moment, Tia, who was walking down the hallway, saw Lizelle and approached her.

She was just coming to announce that dinner was ready.

“Tia, have you seen Raphel?”

Lizelle, noticing that there was no one in the hallway other than Tia, and hurriedly asked.

“Huh? No. I didn’t see Raphelion…”

“Can you please help me look for him?”

“Yes. I’ll ask the others as well.”

The two dispersed, Tia to the left and Lizelle to the right.

“Raphel. Where are you?”

She yelled in a loud voice, but couldn’t hear Raphel answer.

Lizelle’s face, which had been looking for Raphel with a smile, wondering if he had started playing hide and seek by himself, became increasingly worried.

She’d been looking for Raphel for a long time, but when she still could not find him, Lizelle began asking passing servants if they had seen him.

But their answer was always the same.

“Sorry. I didn’t see him.”

“No. I didn’t see Raphelion.”

No one saw Raphel.

For a moment, she became nervous. Although he loved to play hide and seek, he was always the type of child who would stick close to her and not leave.

A child like that disappearing without a word…

Lizelle was very nervous because this had never happened before in all her time with Raphel.

She had no idea where to start looking inside this spacious house.

“Where did you go…”

Could it be that he was crying because he got hurt while playing alone? What if he’d fallen into a deep hole and was crying out her name?

All kinds of negative thoughts were running through her head.

Lizelle’s face was tearful as she became more anxious and afraid. The child disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Everything was her own fault. She dozed off with a small child by her side…

She reprimanded herself and looked for Raphel with the intention of opening every door in the mansion.

“Raphel, where are you! Raphel!”

She had already opened dozens of doors and searched the rooms, but Raphel was nowhere in sight.

She went down to the garden to check.

She looked in the place where Raphel and her often had tea time, but Raphel wasn’t there either.

She wanted to explore the entire garden, but the mansion was too big.

Buildings and gardens. It was not a size that could be handled by herself in a short period of time.


“My Lady. What’s going on?”

Rohan, who came up to the mansion and found Lizelle running around, approached her.

“Butler. Have you seen Raphel?”

“I haven’t seen Raphelion. Lady, are you okay?”

Rohan held out a handkerchief to Lizelle. Lizelle was breathing heavily from how much she’d been running, and sweat was beading on her forehead.

“Raphel is gone. I’m just taking a moment…”

As time passed, her anxiety grew more and more and her vision began to blur.

Perhaps because of that, she didn’t even notice that Rohan was handing her a handkerchief, and she was biting her lip out of nervousness.

“Let’s find him together. Don’t be too anxious. If he’s inside the mansion, we’ll be able to find him soon.”

Rohan reassured the restless Lizelle and called all the servants around them.

“It looks like Raphelion is missing, so search the mansion thoroughly.”

At Rohan’s command, everyone moved in perfect harmony.

“My Lady. Please sit down and rest for a bit.”

Rohan dragged a chair towards Lizelle, she was shaking pitifully.

Her face was pale, as white as a sheet of paper, and her lips were dry.

Almost an hour had passed since Lizelle set out to find Raphel, and it was getting dark.

“No. I don’t have time for that. I have to find him quickly.”

Lizelle refused Rohan’s offer and started walking again.

She had to find a Raphel quickly. She had to see with her own eyes that he was safe.

“We’ll find him together.”

Rohan followed Lizelle.

The two walked around the mansion, calling Raphelion’s name enthusiastically.


A desperate voice filled with worry called Raphel’s name over 50 times.


Although it was very faint and distant a response was heard.

“I think it’s coming from over there.”

Rohan quickly pointed his finger. The two ran there together.


“Hehehe, Lizelle!”

When Lizelle entered the room with the door open, she saw Raphel’s face smiling brightly as he was held in Chaser’s arms.

Before her eyes, Raphel was smiling and looking perfectly fine, without any injuries.



When Lizelle saw him, her legs weakened and she stumbled, almost falling to the floor. Chaser quickly grabbed her arm and supported her.

Rohan, who was standing with him, was surprised and reached out to Lizelle, but Chaser reacted first.

“Are you okay?”

“Ah, yes…”

She sat on the sofa with her shaking legs, supported there by Chaser.

When she realized that he was okay, she finally felt relieved.

The anxiety she’d been feeling all this time, went away like a tide.

For the past hour that Raphel had been gone, she’d felt like she’d been through hell.

It was an experience that made her blood run cold and cold sweat run down her spine. She didn’t want to go through that again.

“What’s going on?”

Chaser noticed that Lizelle’s condition was not as good as usual, so he asked Rohan.

“Ah, we thought Raphelion was missing and were looking for him all over.”


Raphel tilted his head as he looked at Lizelle, who looked less energetic than usual.

“I’m glad you’re safe.”

Wilhazelle gathered herself together and took Raphel from Chaser, hugging him tightly.

It didn’t matter how hard it was to find this tiny child.

She was just so thankful that she can hold him in her arms again.

“There are stars! Uncle gave it to me!”

Raphel showed off the star doll he was holding to Lizelle. He was holding the star doll he received from Chaser in his arms, as if it was very precious.

“Is it a star?”

Only then was Lizelle able to see in detail the scenery of the room they were currently in.

The room, which was completely different from the others in the mansion, was decorated in a cute way. Anyone could see that it was a child’s room.

“What is all this?”

“It’s a star.”

Chaser was looking at her complexion while calmly answering Lizelle’s question.

The color on her face, which had been pale when she entered the room, was gradually returning.

Small beads of sweat were forming on her white forehead from how much she’d been running to find Raphel.

He now had no choice but to admit it completely. Her sincerity towards Raphel was real.

Her earnest and sincere attitude and expressions could not be dismissed as lies.

He had no choice but to admit that everything was his misunderstanding, hasty judgment, and prejudice.

He had thought for a while that it might have been a misunderstanding, but now there wasn’t even a trace of doubt left.

“No, I didn’t ask that… Whose room is this?”

“The former Duke of Halos said that Master Raphelion really likes the stars.”

Rohan opened his mouth on behalf of the owner who did not explain.


Lizelle exhaled, impressed, and stared at Chaser with a surprised face.

If she were to interpret Rohan’s words, it meant that this was Raphelion’s room.

Raphelion’s room was decorated by Chaser after hearing that he liked stars.

“Ah, then that snow globe…”

She’d wondered why he was so greedy for such a cute thing that didn’t match his personality, and now found out that it was to put in Raphelion’s room.

Lizelle was a little surprised by his attentiveness.

She knew from the original work that he cared for his nephew, but never thought he would have already prepared like this.

Her eyes looked alternately between Chaser and Raphelion.

Chaser and Raphelion have black hair and red eyes.

Putting them together like this, the two really looked very similar.

The lineage of House Halos was undeniable. He and Raphel were family.

“I hope you realize that Raphel is the Duke’s nephew as soon as possible.”

Lizelle smiled softly and spoke in a low voice.

She hoped that the day would come when he would no longer be suspicious and completely treat Raphel as his nephew.

Because it’s so sad to not recognize your real family even when they’re right in front of you.

“Thank you for the doll, we have to go.”

“Thank you!”

Raphel followed Lizelle’s lead and thanked Chaser.

Chaser was looking at Wilhazelle again with that unknown feeling.


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  1. faranak says:

    Thank you so much❤️‍🔥

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