I Found a Husband When I Picked up the Male Lead

IFHWPUML Chapter 19


Lizelle cleared her throat and pretended not to notice. Since he didn’t want to get involved in this, so she didn’t pick up the handbag.

However, before she knew it, Raphel, who had slipped out of her arms, picked it up. The jewels on the handbag were shining and reflecting the sunlight, which caught his attention. He smiled innocently and ran to her with the handbag.

“Put that down, Raphel!”

Lizelle rubbed her forehead in frustration.

She hurriedly picked up the child and was about to grab the bag from him to put it back on the ground when the owner approached them and gave a slight bow.

“Thank you so much!”

“Oh. No, I didn’t do anything……!”

“If it wasn’t for you, I would have lost my bag!”

The woman said, interrupting her.

“I really didn’t do anything, he just tripped and left it there.”

The woman didn’t pay attention to Lizelle’s words and grabbed her hand. As she spoke, it looked like she was on the verge of bursting into tears of gratitude.

“Really, how can I repay this favor…”

‘What’s wrong with this person?’

Lizelle pulled her hand out of the woman’s grasp.

“No, you don’t have to repay me, I didn’t do you any favors.”

As if she couldn’t hear, the woman snatched her handbag from Raphel’s grasp and began to rummage through it.

She continued to say how she needed to show her thanks with an extremely solemn expression.

Looking at the bag that was snatched away in an instant, Raphel became tearful and sullen.

‘Why did she have to be so rough…?’

Lizelle hugged Raphel and stared at the woman with a bewildered expression.

The owner of the handbag had her red hair tied up elegantly, and looked about ten years older than herself. The dress she was wearing was light green and the pattern was very subtle, but judging by the material, it was high-quality enough to make it clear that she belonged to a noble family.

No, if she’s a noble, wouldn’t she first introduce herself and ask for Lizelle’s full name as a matter of courtesy? But, without even asking her name or family name, the woman just said whatever she wanted to say and and started rummaging through her handbag. Although she appeared to be a noble, she was a person who did not have the appropriate etiquette.

“Please, take this!”

After the woman had rummaged through her handbag for a while, she finally found what she had been looking for and held it out. On her hand was a bracelet that looked quite expensive and had several brightly colored gems embedded in it.


Why was she giving this to her? As Lizelle lifted her bewildered gaze, the woman smiled brightly and grabbed her hand, holding Lizelle’s palm up.

“Please take it. Please. It’s the least I can do to return the favor.”

“No, there’s no reason for me to accept this…!”

“Thank you so much, please accept it, I won’t forget this favor!”

The woman cut off Lizelle as she was speaking again. Unable to bear it, Lizelle’s eyebrows rose in annoyance.

“No, look…”

“Thank you. Really!”

Just as she was about to say something, the woman forcibly put the bracelet on her hand and quickly walked away. She was so fast that only moments later she disappeared into the crowd.

“What the hell…….”

Lizelle muttered as she looked at the bracelet on her hand. Why did she have such an uncomfortable feeling after receiving a thank you gift? Perhaps it was because of the woman’s attitude. She had left quickly as if she completed her mission.

The bracelet the woman gave her looked expensive, but it was uncomfortable to wear and the design wasn’t that great, so she didn’t really want to put it on.

Most of all, she was annoyed by the woman’s attitude as she left it behind.

“Lizelle! Star! Star!”

Raphel, who had been silent, pulled the hem of Lizelle’s skirt. Where his eyes were fixed, there was a small music box made in the shape of a star. Lizelle took Raphel with her and approached the music box. The stall owner smiled as if he had been waiting and spoke to her.

“It’s the last one I have left, so I’ll give it to you cheap.”

“How much?”

“Just 1,000 shillings, please.”


Wilhazelle pursed her lips.

1,000 shillings was all she had. If she spends this money, her wallet will be empty. She would then be left penniless, without even an emergency fund. She didn’t think that would be a good idea, so she tried to persuade Raphel to go go somewhere else.

“Woah! Sing!”

Before she knew it, Raphel had opened the music box and was clapping his hands, in love with the toy. A beautiful melody was flowing from the music box. She also really liked the sound of the music. It was her first time hearing this tune, but the notes seemed to warm her heart.


Raphel looked up at Lizelle with watery eyes. His red, clear gaze was begging her to buy the music box. He resembled a small animal, making Lizelle’s heart melt.


Lizelle opened her wallet without hesitation this time. She was defenseless against his earnest gaze. Anyway, she handed the shillings over to the stall owner and got the music box.


Seeing Raphel jumping with joy while holding the box that she had bought for him made her think that it was worth the money. Wilhazelle looked at Raphel with a happy, motherly smile and suddenly remembered the bracelet in her hand.

‘How much would this be worth?’

At that moment, Lizelle’s eyes sparkled.

It would fetch a pretty penny if she sold it, plus she felt uncomfortable having it with her, and her wallet was empty… Lizelle lifted her head and spotted a jewelry store in the distance. It was like a sign, telling her to sell it. She took Raphel to the jewelry store without hesitation.

Finally, a few minutes later, Wilhazelle came out after taking care of her business at the jewelry store. She spoke in a low voice.

“Huh, it was fake?”

There was a displeased look on her face. She was dumbfounded. She didn’t know what to do when the woman gave it to her as a thank you, but thought it looked quite expensive, the jewels in the bracelet were fake.

She felt even more annoyed now. The jewelry was fake, the design was not very good, and the woman’s attitude was unpleasant.

Unwilling to keep it, Lizelle still sold the bracelet without hesitation. It wasn’t worth much,, but she still got 2,000 shillings for it. This was enough to restock her emergency fund and more.

“Raphel, I’ll buy you anything you want. Let’s go!”

“Wow! Lizelle is the best!”

The two excitedly walked around the street like children and bought a lot of sweet things.


* * *


“Did you finish the job?”


When a cold voice demanded an answer, the man who had his head lowered, spoke carefully.

“What? Did you not handle it properly?”

“No! I delivered it properly.”

“Then why did you answer like that!”


The glass that the employer had thrown fell to the floor with a loud noise. The man cowered in fear.

The mission was accomplished properly, but what happened afterwards was the problem. It was clear his employer would be angry again, but he had to report it.

The man swallowed hard and spoke, lips trembling with fear.

“That is… The bracelet…”

A muffled whimper escaped from the man’s lips.

The employer got angry and shouted.

“Speak louder!”

“She sold the bracelet we gave her to a jeweler!”

A moment of silence followed. The employer’s mouth dropped opened in shock, as if he had heard something unbelievable.


“As soon as we handed over the bracelet, she sold it to a jeweler…”

It was unbelievable. They gave a jeweled bracelet made by a popular designer to a woman who enjoys luxury and was full of vanity, and she sold it?  What was going on?

‘That bracelet was…’

It was a bracelet made with a magic stone that was difficult to find. It had a surveillance function, so when they activated their crystal ball, they could see the surroundings of the person wearing the bracelet.

But, she sold it off?

“It was really unexpected… I’m sorry.”

The man fell to the floor to avoid offending his employer as much as possible.


A laugh burst out of the employer’s mouth. That crazy woman… What was she thinking? It was a bracelet made specifically with a plan in mind. He couldn’t believe she exchanged a nice bracelet for money. He knew right away that she was greedy for money, but never thought she would do something like this.

The employer’s tightly clenched fist was shaking.

“Retrieve it now!”

His loud voice rang out.


The man trembled in fear and quickly left the room. A vain was starting to pop out of the employer’s neck and the sapphires embedded in the mask were shaking due to his rising anger.

“Hazen. I need you to take over.”


Hazen’s determined eyes shone brightly, as if he would definitely carry out the orders without fail.

Meanwhile, Lizelle, who knew nothing, was playing with a golden bell at the store with Raphel.



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  1. Astrea says:

    Hahahaha seriously she’s the best!
    Of course why keep something given by a suspicious person?
    Thank you for the chapter

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