I Failed to Divorce My Husband

Special Side Story 4

A pleasant sound, like the chirping of birds, filled the air. It was at this moment, feeling a wonderful sensation, that Aiden opened his eyes.

“Good morning, Dad!”

From somewhere near Erin’s side, the two children who had come at some unknown time, lifted their arms high and greeted Aiden.

A reality that shone more brightly than any dream was right before his eyes.

“You’re the last to wake up today, Dad!”

“Is that so? Were you waiting for me because I overslept?”

“Yes. Mom said that since Dad always wakes up early, on a day like today, we should wait for you.”

“Dad, are you not sleepy anymore?”

“Nope, not sleepy at all. Did you two, Leo and Maylin, sleep well?”

With a light kiss on the cheeks of Leo and Maylin, Aiden returned the morning greeting. No sooner had the greetings finished than the children, unable to stay still, began hopping from foot to foot, eager to talk about what they wanted to do.

“Then let’s have a picnic in the garden today.”

“I want to eat with all our friends in the garden.”

“Of course, we can. Shall we play hide and seek and treasure hunt after breakfast?”

“Wow, that sounds great!”

Maylin twirled around joyfully, bouncing up and down. It was when Aiden, grinning at Maylin’s excitement, lifted her into his left arm and hoisted Leo into his right, that they began to move.

“Since it’s a picnic, how about sandwiches for lunch?”

Walking side by side with Erin, Aiden said, “Although it’s just a simple one in the garden, it’s still a picnic and she was looking forward to it, wanting to make the atmosphere even more special.”

“I love sandwiches!” exclaimed Maylin, raising her hand high. Observing Leo who appeared to be deep in thought, he soon spoke to Erin.

“Can we make the sandwiches ourselves?”

“Do you want to make them yourself, Leo?”

“I might not be able to do everything, but I would like to try making them.”

Leo showed an interest in crafting things with his hands; this is why they deliberately bought a lot of sand for him to play with making sandcastles.

If they arranged the bread and ingredients, he should be able to make the sandwich fillings himself.

Erin patted Aiden’s head and proposed, “Shall we have breakfast then make the sandwiches ourselves?”

“Yes, please!” replied Leo excitedly, as he awaited Erin’s response.

“I like it too!” Maylin cheered vigorously from the side. It was clear that she was happy to indulge in what Leo wanted to do.

Erin, seeing the bright smiles of the children, suggested, “Shall we go to the dining room then?”


Not far from the establishment, a carriage was in motion, heading towards the establishment.

“Aren’t you tired?”

A tender voice asked, looking worriedly at the other.

“Actually, I’m quite excited!”

Isabella turned to Logan, her face bright with a cheerful smile. The two who should have been in their estate were traveling in the carriage.

“It’s my first time traveling so impulsively… It’s quite nice.”

Isabella looked slightly elated. She couldn’t help but smile at the empty view outside the window. Seeing her, Logan spoke.

“Then maybe we should have taken a trip like this sooner.”

Seeing her enjoy it so much made him feel regretful. They were originally headed back from a visit to another estate when they suddenly changed their course.

“I think now is just perfect.”

No past moment came to mind. She was simply thrilled about the present and eager to meet the people who were to come. That was all.

“That’s true.”

Logan easily agreed with Isabella, nodding his head.

As the time they spent together grew longer, Isabella became more honest and expressive with her emotions. Every time that happened, Logan was moved even more.

Before they knew it, Isabella had taken the lead in many things, and Logan liked it that way.

“But what are you writing so earnestly?”

Logan was curious as he watched Isabella scribbling on a piece of paper until just now. It seemed like she was focusing on something very important.

Isabella showed the paper to Logan with a fleeting smile.

“Topics of conversation I want to have when we meet. Questions I want to ask and things I want to talk about.”

The paper was densely filled to capacity.

“I’m writing them down in case I forget.”

Although they exchanged many letters, the conversations they had when they met in person were different. Since they couldn’t meet often, Isabella wanted to be prepared.

“I’m still an inexperienced mother, but I’ve come to realize something over time. The conversations we share are more important than the time we spend together.”

Being able to have truly important conversations had been something Logan and Isabella had been earnestly striving to achieve with Aiden and Erin.

“And now, I am a grandmother. I never knew being called ‘Grandma’ could be so exciting and wonderful.”

Isabella had nearly burst into tears when Leo and Maylin called her ‘Grandma’ for the first time. That day was one of the memories she would never forget.

And Logan felt the same way.

“Then maybe I should also think ahead a bit.”

Logan opened a box prepared inside the carriage and took out some paper.

Then, he began to write down on the paper together with Isabella.

The carriage carrying the two was diligently making its way towards their destination.


The children had finished their breakfast and were making sandwiches to eat on their picnic.

Including Leo and Maylin, along with the children who had spent the night together, everyone used the prepared ingredients to make the sandwiches, piling cheese, tomatoes, various vegetables, and meats between slices of bread to their own taste.

Erin watched the children making sandwiches and then addressed Leo and Maylin,
“What are you going to play in the garden today?”

“Tag and treasure hunting!”

Maylin exclaimed without hesitation. These were the activities she had told Aiden she wanted to do this morning. Of course, Aiden was currently hiding notes around the garden for the treasure hunt.

“Are you also going to play the Thunder and Lightning game like yesterday?”

“Yep. We will!”

“Hmm, is that so? The game that Leo and Maylin created? Maybe mom and dad should join in the Thunder and Lightning game too today?”

“Great! Together… um…”

Maylin, who had been responding confidently, paused and blinked in confusion upon realizing something. Leo, glancing to the side, had already discerned Erin’s intention from the start and was being cautious.

With the revelation of the lie they had told, the two children’s shoulders heaved, and their eyes moved busily.

“We’re sorry. We lied.”

Leo stepped forward, wrapping Maylin in a protective gesture, and confessed the truth.

He seemed shy as always, but he was steadfast for someone so young.

Even as she pointed out the children’s lie, Erin discovered a new aspect of the kids and was surprised. That’s why this experience was very meaningful.

“We just wanted to sleep together. We’re sorry.”

Maylin confessed honestly, reflecting on her actions. It was a natural thing for a young child to do.

“Is that so. Leo, did you feel the same?”
At Erin’s question, Leo nodded calmly in agreement.

“From now on, don’t come with lies, and you really should sleep in your own rooms. Can you do that?”



Leo and Maylin answered with somewhat deflated voices.


Erin gazed at the children wistfully. In truth, Erin was gently correcting them but inside, she felt lonely. Because her real desire was to sleep with the children, too.

After all, when the children grew up, they would sleep on their own; couldn’t they just all sleep together until then? She was often wavering.

But whenever her heart grew weak, she firmly composed herself.

The children were learning new things every day, accomplishing something on their own power, and feeling a sense of achievement.

The children were growing at a pace that even the parents could not keep up with.

Right now they are only making sandwiches, but soon they will be doing more varied and numerous things, gradually creating a distance from their parents.

However, if things stayed as they are, Erin and Aiden might eventually feel an unhealthy overprotection or obsession towards the children.

Thus, training children to sleep independently was as much about educating them as it was about Erin and Aiden practicing how to detach from their desire to be with the children.

‘But … perhaps it’s okay to maintain that desire to be together, just a little?’

With a sly smile, Erin opened her mouth towards Leo and Maylin.

“How about we sleep together once a week from now on?”



Both Leo and Maylin’s eyes sparkled as they asked.

“Yes. But on other days, you have to sleep in your own rooms. Can you do that?”

“Yeah, we can!”

They shouted in unison, without a moment’s hesitation.

“Yay! Yay, yay!”

Seeming like the answer alone wasn’t enough, Maylin whirled around, clapping in delight.

“I like it too!”

Leo also clapped along, his face flushing with the rosy glow of genuine pleasure. It was the expression that only emerged when Leo was truly happy.

“Dad likes it too.”

Aiden, who had quietly finished preparing the treasure hunt, interjected with a sly grin.

“Mom likes it too.”

And so, Erin confessed honestly and smiled brightly along with the three of them.

Erin and Aiden had poured so much affection on the children because they are too precious to them that it might have been excessive at times.

They had to admit that the time had come for the children to start having some emotional independence, starting with their sleeping arrangements, even if it seemed a bit much.

But perhaps it’s better to progress gradually than to try to become independent all at once.

Everything is new, and it is hard to be certain if we’re doing it right, but we have to make choices for the best of all of us with as much care as we can.

“Well then. We’ve made all the sandwiches, shall we go out to the garden?”

Erin said as she placed the sandwiches made by the children into the basket. It was time for the picnic.

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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