I Failed to Divorce My Husband

Erin visited the retired Zahard family where Gael and Helena resided. Henry, who was worried about Aiden, followed closely behind Erin.

The remaining knights were standing by in front of the mansion and the building. Erin first went to Helena’s room.

“You…! Why are you here? What are you trying to do! Have you come to gawk at my miserable state?!” Helena’s eyes widened the moment she saw Erin.

Gael, having heard her voice, was now standing behind her.

“What are you doing here?” Erin turned to look at him. Gael was glaring at her with a fierce expression, as if to say how dare she come to this place.

Moreover, the condition of Gael and Helena was beyond words.

Although they had been retired, they should have been able to lead a decent life, yet it seemed they had done nothing, unable to contain their frustration.

‘Indeed. Nearly all the servants had left.’

In a situation where they had committed a crime and were retired, it was impossible to have servants. Erin slowly parted her lips.

“I gave you a chance.”

“You keep deceiving until the end. Get lost. I can’t stand the sight of you.”

Erin impulsively revealed a truth she hadn’t intended to speak.

“The truth is, that letter was sent by me. If you had made a different choice back then.”

If they had chosen to solve the problem instead of killing the con artist…

‘Well, it’s a meaningless assumption now.’

Erin decided not to think further about it.
“You’re the ones who recklessly got into the restriction business as well.”

“What, what did you say?”

“The moment you knew there was something wrong with that drug, you made that choice. It’s all on you.”

Erin continued her words coldly toward him.
“Then you must take responsibility.”

Erin declared firmly.

Gael and Helena’s eyes shook as if they were shocked to discover that Erin was the one who had sent the anonymous letter.

Gael was shaking so much it was visible.

“You sent that damn letter? If you hadn’t sent such a thing…”

Gael’s voice was twisted with a mixture of betrayal and anger, his face turning red.

“What’s going to change.”

The more that was said, the colder Erin’s response became.

“It would have been the same anyway.”


“So don’t feel wronged. You reap what you sow.”

Erin looked back and forth between Gael and Helena, opening her mouth to drive the final nail in.

“Now you won’t have to be trapped in that suffocating mansion.”

Just as she said, the two would be forced to leave the mansion.

And they would end up in the imperial prison.

It was then that she turned to leave.


Erin stopped in her tracks at the softly spoken name by Gael.

Turning around, Erin saw that Gael, who had just been breathing heavily in excitement, now had a calm expression on his face.

Erin narrowed her eyes suspiciously at this change.

“How is she doing now?”

Gael was inquiring about Mila’s well-being.
The mere mention of her by him was upsetting to Erin.

“Don’t worry, she’s doing just fine.”

Erin replied with intentional coldness.
She didn’t feel like giving him any detailed answers.

At that, Gael’s face contorted in anger.

“How dare she do such things and still be perfectly fine.”


“Not even coming to beg in front of me.”

Gael then muttered insults too foul to be repeated.

As he spoke, Erin’s face twisted slowly with displeasure.

He didn’t ask even once about her health or the child.

Erin no longer felt any need to converse with him.
She turned around and walked away, completely severing her connection with the Zahard family.


Gael and Helena were transferred to the imperial prison.
The emperor then decided on the punishment for Gael and Helena.
They were not only stripped of their title of viscount but also had their Zahard surname removed.
They were sentenced to a lifetime of hard labor guarding the national border.

“Death is ironically a comfortable end.

Considering they attempted many evils against countless people of the empire, a life dedicated to those people is a fitting punishment,” the emperor said, thus determining their sentences.

The border was a true chaotic mess, home to the worst criminals. It would be a more dreadful fate for the two than death itself.

They were due to be transferred to the border soon.

However, the fall of Gael and Helena did not mean the complete downfall of the Zahard household.

The emperor had accepted Erin’s suggestion.
Mila Zahard, who played a pivotal role in this affair, inherited the title.

However, the house was demoted from marquis to earl due to the unfortunate events.

The usual ceremony for the bestowal of the title was omitted.

An official document sealed with the emperor’s stamp served in place of all formal procedures.

Instead, Erin and Aiden organized a modest gathering at the mansion.

Since Mila, who was pregnant, couldn’t drink alcohol, the celebration was replaced with dinner.

“We always gather with our employees to celebrate on special days.”

Even if it wasn’t a banquet, they opened a small hall so that employees who wanted to enjoy themselves more could have a good time to their heart’s content.

“Today is certainly a day to celebrate. I thought it would be nice to cheer up even a little, so I prepared this.”

Erin knew that Mila had been pretending to be brave but was actually feeling down.

“Thank you. I hadn’t even thought about such a thing because of the disgraceful situation.”

“Why think of it as disgraceful? It was thanks to you that we were able to save the Zahard household.”

Erin said it earnestly.
Without her, the Zahard household itself might have vanished.

“And I have something to tell you.”

“What is it?”

“Now that I’ve received a title, I don’t think it should be postponed any longer.”

Mila announced her intention to return to the Zahard household.

“Thanks to your consideration, I have been able to live well all this time.”

“Already? You can take your time to return.”
“No, I can’t be dependent on this place any longer.”

Erin spoke with concern.
“The Zahard family is in disarray; it won’t be easy.”
“I know that better than anyone.”

Mila replied with a composed smile.

“Wouldn’t it be better to stay here until at least giving birth?”

Erin, still worried, suggested once more.

“I may not know much about childbirth, but I feel more reassured being around many people.”

“There are employees at that place too.”

While Helena and Gael were confined, Mila had called back the employees who had left.

They had been managing and refurbishing the Zahard family mansion from a few days prior.

Mila was resolute. She had made her decision to return after much contemplation.

Erin nodded slightly.
“Don’t overdo it. Remember there’s a child involved.”

“Thank you.”

Mila also smiled, as if acknowledging her understanding of the sentiment.

“Oh, by the way, I have something for you.”

Erin suddenly stood up and said.

“Please wait. It’s in my room, I’ll bring it right away.”

After asking for Mila’s understanding, Erin suggested that Aiden engage in a conversation for a bit with Mila before she headed to her room.

At first, there was an awkward silence.

Still, it was Aiden who broke it first.

“Do you have any discomfort?”

“No. Thanks to you, I have been resting well.”

Aiden looked intently at Mila before slowly speaking.

“How is the child?”


At that question, the corners of Mila’s mouth curled up.

But there was a touch of melancholy in her smile.
“The child has helped me stay focused.”


“I look forward to the time I will spend with the child. I want to do well.”

“You will certainly do so.”

Aiden supported her in a calm tone.

“Still, my feelings of joy and excitement are greater. Even if I’m alone.”

She murmured self-deprecatingly.

“You are not alone.”

Aiden said firmly.


“Don’t you have the child’s aunt and uncle to be?”


“So, you are not alone.”

It was when Aiden spoke dispassionately but sincerely.


Mila suddenly bowed her head deeply.
“…Mrs. Mila?”

“Sob. Hic. Hup…”

Mila began to cry.
Aiden, flustered, called her, but Mila just kept her head down, sobbing.

As her shoulders shook violently and her crying grew louder, Aiden didn’t know what to do.
His hand hung in the air, frozen, as his eyes aimlessly wandered.

That’s when Erin entered.

She immediately noticed Mila crying.
Erin’s puzzled gaze met Aiden’s embarrassed one.


As soon as Erin called his name, Aiden desperately waved his hand.

“I didn’t say anything special, and suddenly….”
Aiden protested in frustration, trying to explain himself. He was puzzled as to why she was crying, when Mila said,

“No, it’s not. Hic. It’s not the Duke’s fault, actually… Hoo…”

Mila seemed to try to say something but could not finish her words before she started sobbing again.

Erin’s eyes widened in surprise.

Only after calming herself down could Mila explain why she burst into tears.

“I was just so grateful for what the Duke said.”

“What did he say?”

Erin asked.
“He said I have an aunt and uncle.”


Erin’s gaze turned to Aiden.
Aiden still looked as if he didn’t fully grasp the situation.

“Did I make some kind of mistake?”

Aiden asked Erin cautiously, quiet enough so that only she could hear.


Erin continued to look at Aiden, who was unable to settle down.

The corners of her eyes crinkled with mischief as she looked at him.

“Of course. We are related as aunts and uncles now.”

Erin seemed to understand why Mila was crying, something Aiden had not guessed at all.

She probably felt lonely and struggled without showing it much.

At that moment, a single sentence from Aiden must have touched her heart and given her strength.

Unaware of how empowering his words were, Aiden had spoken them innocently.

Erin took Aiden’s hand and turned to address Mila.

“We will also be there for every moment, including when the child is born, and as they grow up.”

Thus, Erin expressed her support for Mila and the future of her child.


Mila’s natal family, though now ruined and scattered, was once a prosperous merchant house.
TL/N: natal family means the birth family.

Mila possessed the qualities for success as well.
But beginning anew, she needed guidance.

It was decided to provide Mila with advice on how to run the house in the future.

Thus, a meeting with Mila was arranged at the boutique.

As Erin waited with her tea, she lifted her head and looked towards the door.

“Why isn’t the new sister-in-law coming as she said she would?”

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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