I Failed to Divorce My Husband

As misunderstandings about Aiden and Julia cleared, the events at Claire’s party for Erin were neatly categorized as a coincidence.

However, other nobles who didn’t know the details still had misconceptions and misunderstandings about that day.

They believed that Aiden had a special interest in Julia and thought that Erin and Julia had become rivals.

Erin was aware of this fact, but she couldn’t share the truth with everyone. So, Erin only responded to the invitation from the Countess of Serranian.

Intentionally, Erin looked around the faces of those present at the teatime before speaking.

“I don’t see Julia around. Where is she?” Erin asked first.

Although she already knew that Julia hadn’t been invited before she arrived, pretending not to know.

“Today’s just an intimate gathering with a few people for tea. I’m not very close to Julia yet, so I didn’t invite her.”

The hostess, the Countess of Serranian, tactfully intervened, glancing at Erin before speaking.

“And… It took a bit of time to extend the invitation, I must say.”

She carefully mentioned that the reason was because of Erin, subtly exposing the fact. At the same time, Erin opened her mouth while looking at her.

“You didn’t have to do that.”

Erin said with a slight smile, narrowing her eyes.
“I even invited Julia to have dinner together not long ago.”

With a smooth smile, Erin showed her closeness with Julia.

“Ah, I see.”

The Countess of Serranian awkwardly laughed and wiped the cold sweat away unobtrusively.

Having perfectly understood Erin’s intention that there was nothing between Aiden and Julia, and that Erin’s relationship with Julia was still good, the other noblewomen were the same. Erin nodded her head as if to indicate that it was enough.

“By the way, how is Lord Karson doing?”
He was the author who warned Aiden at their last meeting.

Upon Erin’s unexpected question, the hearing noblewomen hesitated and spoke up.

“I heard he’s recuperating at the estate.”

“A few days ago, he couldn’t move at all, but now he’s using a crutch to get around.”
“Is that so?”

Erin responded with a nod.
As the noblewomen were talking about Lord Karson, they brought up another topic related to him.

“By the way, Lady Karson seems worried. She hasn’t been seen around lately.”

“Yes, well, Lord Karson has always been a bit eccentric.”

They all seemed to share the same thought, a shadow passing over their faces.

Lady Karson. Erin had some knowledge about her as well. She was six years older than Erin, sociable enough to get along with everyone in society, and although she didn’t engage in conspicuous behavior in social circles, she had good social skills.

She was calm and intelligent, yet there was a vague sense of melancholy about her.

“Perhaps we spoke too much.”

“Lady Karson is probably reflecting on her actions.”

Realizing that their words might have been unnecessary because of the conflict between Lord Karson and Aiden Lienster that day, the noblewomen quickly moved on to another topic, trying to make up for what they had said.

However, Erin quietly pondered about the Lord and Lady Karson. Lord Karson would not reflect on his actions.

A person like him would not have committed such misdeeds in the first place in the presence of everyone.

“And would such a person really not commit any misdeeds against Lady Karson?” Erin was skeptical. She had no particular connection with Lady Karson, but she was concerned.

If there was anything similar to the concerns of the noblewomen earlier, she couldn’t ignore it. Erin’s gaze narrowed gradually.

It seemed that she would have to be watchful when she met her next time.


Erin didn’t go straight back to the mansion, but stopped by the boutique for a moment.

Heading to a room on the second floor, Erin received a report about Gael Zahard from Madame.

“Senior Siron made a significant investment. It seemed like he poured all his available capital into it.”

“It must have seemed like it would pay off.”

“Here it is.”

Madame showed Erin an item about half the size of a fingernail. Erin picked up the long, round object with her thumb and forefinger.

“They say it’s an all-purpose medicine for every ailment. It seems especially effective at relieving pain.”

“…Making you forget about the pain, I suppose,” Erin muttered to herself.

Erin knew what this was. She knew the true nature of this pill, which looked similar to regular medicine.

As Madame had said, Gael Zahard would likely promote it as a panacea for all symptoms. This was the core of their business.

“But this isn’t medicine.”

A shadow fell under Erin’s eyes. This medicine contains a hallucinogenic narcotic that dulls a person’s nerves.

It simply made them believe that they weren’t in pain. To the con artist who brought it, Gael Zahard was just a puppet.

As soon as the medicine started to be distributed, a big problem would arise. And that would become the decisive factor in the downfall of the Zahard family.

So, Erin could just stand by and watch the fall of the Zahard family by pretending not to know.

“But I can’t just leave it to be distributed to the public.”

Erin couldn’t allow people to consume it knowingly, despite the fact that it would cause harm.

She planned to expose the issue with the medicine just before it was distributed to minimize the damage.

“Keep a close eye on it. This medicine is something that must not be released into the world.”

“Yes. I’ll watch it closely.”

“Please do.”

Erin exerted pressure on the finger holding the pill. As it crumpled and broke, its shape resembling a pill slowly turned into pieces.

Madam opened her mouth as if she had more to say.

“However, our business has been expanding recently, so we need more people. I could find someone myself, but I think I should get permission first.”

“Yeah, things have been getting busier lately.”

Erin wasn’t just investing anymore; she was expanding into a full-fledged business. As a result, she needed trustworthy individuals.

“Primarily, make sure to recruit the right people, Madam. If you need anything, I’ll support you in any way I can.” “Yes, I understand.”

“And also… If you need someone else, I have someone in mind.”

“Who is it?”

“It’s not certain yet. I’ll let you know later.”

Erin responded with a slight smile towards Madam. Unwilling to press further, Madam nodded and moved on to the next topic.

“Oh, by the way, someone asked about Café Angela not too long ago.”

“Café Angela?” Erin asked, looking surprised.

“Yes. They wanted to know who runs Café Angela and if it’s possible to meet them.”


“I haven’t given an answer yet. What should I do?”
Someone asking about Angela.

Especially at this time.
Erin’s expression deepened as she lost herself in thought.

Externally, Angela was attributed to the growth brought by a certain investor, Brody.

Not many people delved deeply into Angela.
‘I have a feeling I know who it is.’

Someone naturally came to Erin’s mind.
But there was still no news.

Could she have arrived already?

Angelina Arinasta, the princess.

Before marriage, even with Angela’s owner, Brody.
If someone is showing interest in “Angela” at this time, it’s probably her.

Erin’s expression narrowed.


A suspicious figure loitered in front of Angela.
As if searching for someone beyond the window, their gaze lingered across the glass for a long time.


She murmured wistfully, looking at the sign of the dessert cafe.

“I thought it disappeared a long time ago, with shops visible everywhere in busy places.”

She seemed locked in old memories, as if knowing the fact that Café Angela had been holding this spot for a long time.

Slowly, she opened her mouth as numerous memories and emotions seemed to sweep through her.

“Coming back to the empire after a long time feels strange, but this place remains the same.”

She hesitated for a moment while holding the door handle.

Though she could easily open the door with a little force, she released her grip slowly, standing still.

Then, she turned around and took a step.

As her figure gradually moved away from “Angela,” concealing her tracks, the café door opened.

Brody looked as if he were searching for something, staring blankly at the spot where Angelina had just concealed herself.

But there was no one where his gaze fell.


On the road leading to the palace,
there was a person waiting for Angelina.

“It’s been a while. Your Highness.”

“Nanny. Have you been well?”

“It’s an honor to be able to serve you again, Your Highness.”

“I’ll be counting on you in the future too.”

Angelina said with a welcoming smile.

“It’s still quite chilly in the evenings. Please put this on.”

The nanny draped the coat she had been holding around her shoulders.

“Thank you.”

The nanny, who had been by Princess Angelina’s side since she was young, did not hide her feelings of gratitude.

She had even accompanied her to Alzarshan when she got married.

But just three years after living in the Quiness Duchy, she had to return to the empire unavoidably after her son had an accident.
And she had been waiting for Angelina’s letter this time.

“Shall we go then.”

With the coat draped over her shoulders by the nanny, Angelina walked towards the palace.

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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