I Don't Want To Be Reborn

After breakfast, Ye Xuan sat down at the desk and started to organize the things he had to do that month. There were a lot of days in a month, but for Ye Xuan, let alone a month, he felt that even a year was not enough time.

It took time to grow the space ability, and even more time to collect supplies. If it weren’t for the improvement in his physical fitness after the apocalypse, he would have had to spend a lot of time on fitness exercises, which was sad to even think about. Ye Xuan missed his strong physique from the future.

He started listing the things he had to do on a sheet of paper.

The first thing was to renovate the villa. After the death of his parents, Ye Xuan sold his original apartment in the city centre and moved into the villa he bought previously. Because it was a newly developed area, there were not many people who had completed furnishing their homes and moved in. Thus, the population density was very low.

After the apocalypse broke out, the most important thing was to stay away from crowds. Many zombies could be found in places where a lot people were gathered. There were also many people who had died because of their sudden attacks. Ye Xuan was really unwilling to take that risk.

And because Ye Xuan was in a bad mood when he moved, except for the kitchen and his bedroom study, all the other rooms were empty. The basement had not been touched at all but the available storage space was calculated to be pretty big.

What Ye Xuan had to do was to make the building more defended, buy a home solar generator and store a lot of water. He also had to add some power-saving and energy-saving infrastructure to ensure that he could survive the beginning of the apocalypse.

The second thing was to prepare materials. Compared with ordinary space ability users, Ye Xuan’s space had another advantage besides its large area. Time was completely static in there, and he did not need to consider expiry dates while hoarding items. He could even cleverly use space to store many things that were perishable.

Ye Xuan planned to go directly to several large supermarkets in the city center to collect a batch of supplies post apocalypse. There were many zombies and few survivors thus many things expired in vain. According to Ye Xuan’s assessment of his own strength, when the last days came, he could go and gather a batch of things without any pressure.

Of course, he wasn’t prepared to rely entirely on his post-apocalyptic ‘looting’ warehouses plan. He still had to spend money on things that had to be bought. Anyway, after the end of the world, money was still in circulation for a few days. After a while, people realized that the currency market had been reshuffled, the numbers in bank accounts had lost all meaning, paper money had become waste paper, and coins had been recycled and processed into energy.

Staple foods like rice, noodles and instant noodles needed to be stored in large quantities. Rice and wheat were more troublesome to grow than vegetables and had lower yields. Ye Xuan’s daily three meals in the last days consisted mainly of meat and vegetables from mutant beasts in combination with a small amount of potatoes. If he could choose, he still preferred the rice and noodles that he had eaten for more than 20 years.

Fewer vegetables and fruits could be stored. These things were expensive and took up space. As long as Ye Xuan survived his initial low level power state, he could spawn some himself. Plus there were some edible mutant vegetables hence there was absolutely no need to store them. Precious money and space had to be put into other things.

More meat also had to be stored as only the high-level mutant beasts that appeared a few years later could be eaten. Although the low-level mutant beasts that appeared at the beginning could be eaten, the meat contained certain elements that were harmful to the human body and needed to be purified before being eaten. Although Ye Xuan, as a wood-type power user with purification ability, would not die because of eating the meat of low-level mutant beasts, it was still an unpleasant thing.

In addition, seasonings and medicines which sold out very quick once they appeared in the trading market were also Ye Xuan’s storage goals.

In this chaotic world, from ancient times to the present, there had never been a time when medicine was not in short supply. Accidental destruction and production halt led to a decline in the storage of drugs and the increasing number of wounded also increased the use of the available drugs. Even if Ye Xuan had difficulty in buying a lot at home, he had to try to start stockpiling them.

With seasonings, they were initially abandoned and then later overpriced.

Who would choose seasonings and give up rice when searching for supplies? Who would ditch the production of filling convenience foods in favor of dispensable seasonings?

In the last days, after the situation had stabilized a little, people’s pursuit had changed from barely edible food to more delicious food. The once-abandoned condiments gained a place in the trading market, becoming rare and indispensable stuff.

Because Ye Xuan was a wood-type ability user, he had to accumulate a lot of seeds to ensure that he had enough raw materials to produce food. He also planned to collect a batch of seeds of medicinal herbs. Since he had this ability, having one more way of acquiring resources was good.

In addition to food, Ye Xuan also had to prepare many daily necessities and clothes. Production of these things would only restart after a long time. Ye Xuan planned to hoard some of them first, and then rely on the supermarket warehouses.

For weapons, Ye Xuan raised his head and looked at the Tang knife on the shelf in the study. His eyes softened a lot. In his second year of high school, he had studied martial arts for a period of time, and also learned some simple knife skills. After the end of the world, he relied on this knife at home to get through the initial period of chaos. Even when the knife was destroyed a few years later and he basically relied on his abilities to fight, the knife skills he had learnt were engraved in his bones and were forgotten.

Ye Xuan listed a bunch of things that needed to be prepared piecemeal on the paper, and then marked the sources from which these materials could be obtained according to his memory.

After most of the work was done, Ye Xuan felt a headache looking at the densely written words, and couldn’t help thinking: Why should I be reborn and live a dangerous life all over again?

Thinking about it, why couldn’t he have come back with the things in his dimension after being reborn? With those piles of crystal cores, would he still be worried that he was not prepared enough to survive? He had already bought a bunch of food and found a safe place to hide. All he would have had to do was wait to absorb the crystal cores and come out as a top notch expert. Why would he be afraid of the strength and speed ability users who were strong in the initial stages?

The vine in the imprint came out to watch when Ye Xuan started to plan his itinerary. It swayed around him for a long time, and found that it couldn’t understand anything, so it went to harass the few plants that Ye Xuan raised. It played with a potted plant till Ye Xuan was done. It pretended that nothing happened and returned to Ye Xuan’s side.

Ye Xuan tiredly glanced at the pot of Chlorophytum that was almost tossed to death, and said helplessly: “Stop disturbing it. I can’t remember when I raised it and it’s not as important as you.”

Ye Xuan discovered that the vine was very hostile to the other plants around him after it quietly killed a bunch of his own mutant plants. Although the combat power of the vine was better than his other plants, it still hurt Ye Xuan to see it. After all, the vine was often unable to completely replace the effects of other mutant plants.

Experience made him wiser. Ye Xuan learned to protect those mutant plants after it killed another batch of mutant plants. Like a scumbag, he told the vine that it was his most important plant, and the others were just ‘tools’ which ensured that he, a wood-type ability user, will not fall into the dilemma of being completely powerless.

After hearing this, the vine rubbed Ye Xuan’s hand, quietly stretched out a small branch and pushed the hapless Chlorophytum into the corner, forcibly ending the matter.

The sharp-eyed Ye Xuan saw this scene yet pretended like he hadn’t seen anything. The antics of the vine made him feel a bit better. He touched the coquettish vine and said, “Forget it, you’re my favorite anyway. It’s good you came back with me, and if the others are gone, then they are gone.”

He didn’t know if the vine felt his mood improve, or if it felt that it had successfully won his favor over the Chlorophytum. It started to wander in mid-air again, tying itself into knots.

Ye Xuan stopped the little ancestor before it turned itself into a ball of knots and said, “Stop playing around, I’m going out.” Now that the things he had to do had been sorted out, it was time to act.

Repairing the house and buying supplies all needed money, and Ye Xuan’s first goal was to get a lot of it first.

His parents had left him a lot of inheritance including a small high-rise that he had sold, a villa he was living in, an off-road vehicle, and assets such as deposits, financial management, stocks, and other bits and pieces.

Before the end of the world, Ye Xuan’s main source of living expenses was the interest on deposits and the income from wealth management. He also made a lot of money by investing in stocks at home. But he had no time to slowly make money in the stock market now. He was going to find a city where gambling was legal and make a big fortune.

After the apocalypse, Ye Xuan had been comprehensively enhanced from his body to his mind. Although his IQ and memory was not comparable to those with mental abilities, they were much better than ordinary people, especially those who had not been changed by the virus.

With the blessing of this kind of spiritual power, Ye Xuan felt that it would be quite easy for him to make a lot of money.

He took out the things left by his parents from the safe, dug out a large travel bag, and threw everything in it carelessly.

After casually packing up a few clothes to wear, Ye Xuan, who hadn’t gone out for several days, held the car key in one hand and the travel bag in the other and went straight to the pawnshop.

Although he could sell the stocks online and the other assets in the bank, there was no way he was going to carry gold, silver and other jewelry like that to the casino.

Ye Xuan had changed a lot in his habits and ways of dealing with people because of the apocalypse but he was still unable to do such a mentally retarded thing.

He stepped on the accelerator with one foot, and subconsciously touched the mark on his left hand as he drove out of the gate of the villa.

It didn’t make sense for him to have experience and not rely on it.



  1. Akainu Inari says:

    Thanks for the chapter! I’m really loving Ye xuans personality and the cute little vine!

  2. Happyreader says:


  3. Anarchy says:

    Supermarkets? Do they sell wholesale? Wouldnt it be better to go somehwere that sells wholsale?

  4. MJ says:

    Must be nice to be rich/have assets to liquidate in times of emergency. Kind of a cheat. Like starting in easy mode.

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