I Don't Want To Attack You!

IDWTAY | Chapter 7.2

* * *

I was lying on the bed, tightly wrapped in a warm blanket. Ashur had embarrassed me more by revealing not only what was in my body but also a shocking past that was even more astonishing than its impact. But why would I be angry…

I hadn’t said a word to Ashur, but he seemed to be tormented by self-blame. He bathed me, wiped my body, and tidied up the surroundings all by himself. Then he hovered around the bed, glancing at me.

“You don’t need to apologize.”

I barely managed to utter a single word with my exhausted voice.

“Would you like some water?”

“I drank some 30 seconds ago.”


I wished I could just vanish in this state, wrapped in a blanket. Disappear completely… I never imagined that I would become such a significant part of someone else’s life. This wasn’t just an influence; it was more like turning Ashur’s life completely upside down. Due to my lie from ten years ago, Ashur had become a priest who swore a vow of chastity, but not only that, he had also mourned for me for the past ten years. That alone should have been enough for a lifetime of repentance, but he even added Poring’s curse as a bonus.

I rolled my body to lie on my back. Then, I put some effort into it and banged my forehead against the bedsheet. A warm hand grasped my head from behind.

“What are you doing?”


“Excuse me?”

He asked as if he truly didn’t know. From Ashur’s perspective, considering his lack of knowledge, it was the one who had done something wrong by stuffing myself into him.


Unless I revealed to Ashur that I was the baby chick mask from ten years ago, he would spend his entire life mourning me. But I just couldn’t find the words to say it. I turned my head to look at Ashur.

“Tomorrow is my day off from the dressing room.”

“Is that so?”

“Unless the priest absolutely has to pray in the temple, would you like to sleep?”

His Adam’s apple moved significantly.

“Oh, I don’t mean we should have sex again. Just sleep.”


I saw Ashur’s vividly bright eyes darken in an instant, filled with disappointment. Well, it was amazing that he was still excited after saying that.

I shifted my body to make room and nodded.

“Lie down. The bed might be narrower and less comfortable than the priest’s bed, but I’ve been using it for ten years, so I know it’s still in good condition.”


“If you don’t like it, you can wait until dawn and leave…”

“I don’t dislike it.”

Ashur hurriedly interrupted me. His ears and neck were burning red as if they were made of hot iron. Just an hour ago, he had done much more, so why was he so embarrassed now? My own heart was pounding just from looking at him.

“Then come up.”


As Ashur lay down, I could feel the mattress sink slightly under his weight. His body hung precariously at the edge of the bed. I withdrew my hand from the blanket, grabbed his hand, and pulled him towards me.

“Stay away.”


Unable to resist my touch, Ashur came a little closer. Our forearms brushed against each other. In my heart, I wanted to give him the entire bed, but my body was in no condition for another intense encounter. Besides, it wouldn’t be right for me to leave him on the sofa and take the bed, given Ashur’s character. I would rather break through this darkness and return to the temple.

Perhaps it was because I had been awake and asleep alone for a long time. It felt a little awkward knowing that someone was lying beside me. However, I didn’t mind. The gentle warmth of his body against my skin wasn’t unpleasant. In the stillness, our breaths synchronized slowly, like a lullaby. I took it as a lullaby and closed my eyes.

* * *

A recording-covered plain stretched endlessly. I lay on a mat of soft grass, gazing at the intensely blue sky. Then, in the distance, I saw something falling. At first, it was a tiny dot, but it gradually grew larger until it was the size of a three-story building. It crashed onto the peaceful plain. Grass flew up in all directions along with a loud noise.

What had fallen was Ashur’s penis.

“What is this?!”

Something like a soap bubble emerged from the cracked tip of the penis and swelled with a “pop.” I twisted my face in grotesque fascination and took a few steps back.

The soap bubble burst, revealing a pink elephant, a Poring.

“Why does this entrance seem so tacky?!”

– I picked something that Heather might like, but you don’t like it?

“Is there any reason to listen to it?”

– Isn’t it always best to see the real thing?

The Poring sat at the tip of the penis and wiggled its cute little legs. I immediately realized that this absurd situation had to be a dream.

“Why did you appear in my dream?”

– The gods can hear the sincerity of a human’s heart. You wanted to see me, didn’t you?


I didn’t want to admit it, but it was true. I needed the Poring’s help more than ever.

– Little lamb, what kind of answer are you looking for?

Why ask when you can hear the sincerity of a human’s heart? With a sigh, I plopped down onto the grass.

“How to completely end the blessing.”

– Why? You used to scream in pleasure during sex. Oh, and my ears are big, so I thought they’d hurt from the noise.

“Why do you need to know while I’m living my eternal life?”

I muttered to myself, then suddenly realized something. I straightened my hunched back and looked at the Poring.

“You knew!”

– …

“Ashur, the priest, is my first love!”

– Would you believe it if I said I didn’t know?

I plucked some weeds and tossed them toward the Poring. However, the weeds I pulled were nowhere to be found, and pink smoke began to bloom all around.

– You want to completely end the blessing, even if you feel sorry for Ashur.

“…That’s right. It’s something I really can’t do to someone so pure.”

– Pure? Well…

“I’ll make a nose mask for you until I die, so please.”

I genuinely knelt down, clasped my hands together, and wanted to beg. The Poring leaped from Ashur’s foreskin and onto my thigh.

– It’s hard for me because you’re suffering from guilt.

“Poring, please…”

– Heather, the essence of my blessing is love.

“I know.”

Since it’s impossible to make you fall in love with your divine power, I do the sex that causes this heavy guilt every fifteen days.

– Even if it’s not Ashur, you can fall in love with someone else. Then my blessing will be gone.


– Try your best, Heather. I don’t know if it will be possible.

In an instant, I woke up from the dream as if I were being pulled from the depths. The noon sun was striking my face sharply. The first thing I saw was the sleeping face of Ashur.

“You look ecstatic from the morning.”

Even though I saw it every day, I still couldn’t get used to his handsome looks. Especially when he was sound asleep, his face exuded an elegant and noble atmosphere like a god in a myth. How happy would my life be if this face were next to me every time I woke up? Quality of life would skyrocket.


I quietly called his name. It was a voice smaller than the chirping birds outside the window. However, the eyelids that were gracefully curved and drawn suddenly trembled, and soon the long eyelashes above them moved upward. His golden irises stared at me blankly.

Oh my, he wakes up beautifully. What a low-key wake-up call!

Ashur, who had found his focus, seemed to be gradually waking up. Eventually, his face showed a bewildered expression.

“Am I dreaming again?”

His voice, so low, uttered an ambiguous remark.

“It’s refreshing for a morning greeting.”


As Ashur quickly realized it wasn’t a dream, he hurriedly got up from the bed.

I also tried to get up, propping my elbows on the sheets, but Ashur held my waist and shoulders to support me. I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand and said to him.

“It seems a bit late for breakfast… I’ll make lunch for us.”

It was a simple meal with fluffy yellow omelets, sautéed mushrooms, and toast. We sat in the outdoor seating area and looked at each other with solemn gazes.

“When the priest falls in love… everything will end.”

“That’s right.”

“And the person you fall in love with doesn’t necessarily have to be me.”


I conveyed the method that Poring had told me in the dream. Even though there was a possibility to escape from this cursed blessing, Ashur’s expression wasn’t as bright as I had expected. Was it because it was hot?

After a brief silence, Ashur opened his mouth as if he had made a decision.

“All right. I’ll help as well.”


“There must be someone in the world who is undoubtedly Heather’s destined partner. I will help you find that person.”

Ashur spoke with confidence. He acted as if he had already met his destined partner. Little did he know that the person he considered to be his destined partner was sitting right in front of him, unaware of it even in his dreams.

“…How romantic. But wouldn’t it be quicker to just find my ideal type?”

“Ideal type?”

“Yes. For example, someone with hair that’s as soft and flowing as if it’s alive, eyes that shine kindly, sharp features, tall stature, broad shoulders. Of course, long legs, but calves should be longer than thighs. No, it shouldn’t be too plump either. Oh, it would be great if they were just like a priest.”


“Two people like the priest in the world, right?”

I faced my first hurdle. Because of being around Ashur, my ideal type standards had become as demanding as finding someone as remarkable as Ashur.


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