I Don't Want To Attack You!

IDWTAY | Chapter 5.2

“Did she just want my body without any emotions attached?”


‘Huh, this is…’


Something was off. Ashur seemed to be more concerned about Heather’s feelings than his own stolen purity. Berti was baffled, and rightly so…


‘It’s almost like Ashur Priest has been captivated by that seamstress.’


Ashur was someone who couldn’t be shaken by any beauty, wealth, or power in the world. Yet, he was being swayed by a mere seamstress.


‘What kind of charm does that seamstress have…’


How did she manage to ensnare Ashur like this? Unbeknownst to her, Heather had become an enigmatic presence within Berti.


But even if Heather was a supernatural being capable of ensnaring any man, it was still unimaginable that she would just use Ashur’s body and discard him. He wasn’t just anyone; he was Ashur. Even when rumors circulated that he was a virgin, there had been no shortage of people confessing their feelings for him.


It’s absurd to think that he would be used and thrown away after just one night. Berti was convinced of that. Even with Ashur’s fatal flaw of only bathing once a year, it was impossible. Berti was sure. Heather was setting the stage to fully captivate this innocent man.


“In my opinion… She intentionally wanted to make you yearn for her.”




“She used crude teasing regardless of time and place to capture your attention, and then she would suddenly pull back her interest. Then you would wonder, ‘Why is that seamstress acting like this?’ Wouldn’t you start thinking, ‘Maybe I’m not as attractive anymore?'”


“…Yes, you’re right.”


“It seems like that seamstress’s goal is to slowly roast and train our priest.”


Training. Ashur furrowed his brows at Berti’s choice of words. While it was a term more appropriate for dealing with unintelligent animals, there seemed to be no better word to describe his situation.


Berti spoke solemnly as he touched his chin.


“That seamstress is probably waiting for the priest to approach her first.”


“…That won’t happen.”


Berti felt relieved by Ashur’s firmness. He didn’t want to see that cunning and malicious seamstress capture Ashur’s empathy, let alone his noble heart.


“You’ve thought it through well.”


However, contrary to Ashur’s intention, his eyes and legs were directed toward Heather. He occasionally stole glances at her and later unabashedly observed her. In an instant, Berti realized the need to drastically modify his image of Heather that had taken root within him.


Heather wasn’t pretending to be disinterested in Ashur. No, she genuinely wasn’t interested. She seemed so absorbed in her work that she had no attention to spare for anything else. Regardless of the fact that the actual process of sewing his priestly robes had begun, how could she not turn her head when someone was staring at her so intensely? On the other hand, Ashur…


“Look over there. Fidgeting with her feet seems excessively dangerous.”


Ashur and Berti had been sitting on a garden bench with a clear view of Heather’s sewing room for about two hours. While Berti had grown restless and irritable after an hour and a half, Ashur had been gripping the armrest of the bench, keeping his gaze fixed on Heather the whole time.


“What part is dangerous?”


“She’s probably deliberately trying to seduce me. Since I haven’t gone to her for a day, she must be getting impatient.”


Berti squinted his eyes and looked at Heather’s feet intently. No matter how he looked at it, it didn’t seem like a seductive foot movement.


“It’s more like a habit. I’ve seen that seamstress fidget with her feet several times. If she’s focused on one thing, she seems to do that.”


“No! It’s different. There’s a distinct difference between what she does other times and what she’s doing when I’m watching. Don’t you see? I mean, her ankle bone is visible!”


‘Seriously, Priest… You seem to have a slightly perverted side…’


Berti swallowed the words he couldn’t bring himself to say out loud.


This time, Ashur let out a sigh, exclaiming, “Ha!” His neck had reddened considerably. Once again, he wondered what was going on. Heather had both her legs up on the chair with her head tilted back. It seemed like she was cooling her head for a moment, as if something wasn’t going well as she wanted.


“I’m annoyed.”


“What part is bothering you this time?”


“It’s cute.”




Even when naked beauties openly tried to seduce him, Ashur had always remained unfazed. But now, merely raising a leg onto a chair seemed to melt him into laughter, as if his lips were about to burst out laughing. From Berti’s perspective, her current posture appeared to be that of a tired laborer taking a break. He couldn’t comprehend what was seductive and what was cute about it.


Suddenly, Ashur stood up from his seat. Berti wondered if he was going to approach that seamstress again, but his expression didn’t seem good.


“I’ll go.”




Just five minutes ago, he had been gazing at the seamstress as if he wanted to devour her in one bite and roll his tongue around her, but now, his emotions seemed to have changed suddenly.


Ashur spoke a few words and turned away. Berti heard his name being called from behind, but Ashur only accelerated his steps, distancing himself from Heather.


He was doing this to prevent Heather from approaching him first, as per her plan. He couldn’t keep playing around with her forever. Even though his body might have been tainted, he couldn’t let his heart be swayed. One night as a wolf was enough in a lifetime. Breaking the vow of chastity didn’t grant permission to indulge in nights of pleasure.


Whenever there was a break during his work, Ashur always went to the prayer room. Before any other thoughts could intrude, he quickly submerged his mind in prayer. While his stubborn insomnia persisted, the turmoil in his heart caused by Heather’s absence had indeed diminished.


However, an incident occurred that shattered the emotional stability he had been gradually achieving. The incident took place during a prayer meeting.


As Ashur was concluding the closing prayer, a cautious footstep caught his attention. He felt an impulse to turn around and look, but it was a time solely for dedicating himself to the gods. He was trying to calm his restless mind when…




A familiar, eerie sound he had heard before rang out, followed by a refreshing sensation of someone landing behind him. The sound of agitation, camera shutters, and the wide-eyed faces of other priests. Ashur instinctively sensed that something had happened to him.


In his mind, scenes of the molestation he had experienced from Heather passed by like a panorama. This event served to harden the callouses that had formed over his tender emotions due to his previous actions.


While not as shocking as before, he wasn’t so overwhelmed by embarrassment that he gave in resignedly. His fingers, now white, trembled. His head was clouded with humiliation.


When he turned around, he found the face he had encountered even in last night’s dream piercing him with its gaze. As their eyes met, the turbulent emotions that had been overwhelming him evaporated like smoke. The voice that had previously been pestering him couldn’t be heard anymore. Instead, a feeling close to anger mingled with disappointment.




Although it was Ashur who had been stripped of his clothes, Heather seemed more taken aback. Had Berti not informed him of her inner thoughts during their consultation, he might have fallen for her deceit. Heather would have easily deceived him with her practiced false innocence. And just because he didn’t comply with her as she wanted, she had…


Heather’s eyes darted around anxiously, then she suddenly spread her arms wide and embraced Ashur. He was taken aback by the slender form that clung to him with her arms wrapped around his neck. He was unknowingly supporting her back to make her more comfortable.


‘Don’t look!’


Heather shouted tearfully. As if her cry was a signal, the other priests quickly moved to calm the situation. When someone placed a large cloth over Ashur, she finally let go of him. Even after Heather had distanced herself, he felt as though her scent lingered at the tip of his nose.


The next day, the priests were ecstatic over Ashur’s underwear attire, but he had no room for paying attention to the mocking words directed at him. The moment when Heather had embraced him remained a question in his mind, eroding his thoughts. Why had she hugged him? Why did she intentionally tear his clothes while doing so?


Amidst this, he encountered Heather again at the confessional. He hadn’t managed to distance himself from her yet. She had predicted an incident like this, where she would attack him again. Then she had disappeared abruptly after uttering that warning.


Ashur ran his hand needlessly through his hair, which hadn’t moved at all. His mind was so scattered that he thought maybe moving his body a bit would help. But there was absolutely no other meaning to it.


Sleep was elusive once again. Despite knowing that something was bound to happen to him, lying in bed, covered with the blanket, seemed like self-packing. Upon reflection, ever since meeting Heather, he had been dancing to her tune. Having more time to think about her than about the gods was a serious issue. He had tried extending his prayer time to drive Heather out of his mind, but it was in vain.




Yes… This was like a trap-like addiction. Escaping any kind of addiction required strong willpower. Since natural healing wasn’t possible, he needed to resist the addiction with all his might to break free. Ashur thought today was the time to make that struggle.


The moment Heather was caught attacking him would be the moment. He wouldn’t let himself be swayed by the atmosphere like last time. He could immediately hand over the situation to the temple knights, but as a priest under the mercy and tolerance of the gods, he felt it was necessary to hear Heather out first.


If she continued to mock him without showing any remorse, he might have to take a resolute stance. But if she showed even a bit of shame for her desires, he could conclude it with a prayer of repentance.


As he resolved his heart, his scattered thoughts seemed to be settling down to some extent.




With a start, he recognized the faint voice. It was clearly Heather’s. Unconsciously, Ashur threw off his blanket and stood up. Just as he was about to step outside, he heard a sound from beyond the door.




Hastily, he twisted his body and dove back under the covers. He arranged the disheveled blanket, covering it up to his chest, then closed his eyes. The sound of light, cautious footsteps reached his ears from nearby. Ashur appeared calm on the surface as if he were asleep, but his heart pounded violently like a person running at full speed.




He heard a long sigh. She had come here of her own accord to attack him, so why would she be sighing as if she was facing a sleeping person? It wasn’t like she was telling him to laugh like a pervert, but still, being on the receiving end of an attack was indeed uncomfortable.


“What am I doing here…?”


Heather mumbled as if a self-loathing wave washed over her. But Ashur was in the same position, lying down.


“Then what am I doing here?”


He was on the verge of bursting into laughter at the frustrating sense of defeat. He lay there peacefully, appearing as if asleep, but his heart raced as wildly as if he were a single person.




He heard the sound of a long exhale. She willingly came to attack him, so why would she be sighing like this over a sleeping person? But suddenly, the sound of a door opening reached his ears.




Ashur quickly turned his body and dove back under the covers. He arranged the disheveled blanket, covering himself up to his chest, and closed his eyes. The soft and cautious footsteps could be heard from just beyond the door. Ashur appeared peaceful on the outside, as if he were sound asleep, but his heart was pounding fiercely, like a person racing at full speed.




He heard the sound of a deep sigh. She had willingly come to attack him, so why was she sighing as if she were the one inconvenienced by the sleeping person? It wasn’t like she was telling him to laugh like a pervert, but being the target of her attack was indeed uncomfortable.


“What am I even doing here…”


Heather murmured, almost as if she were overcome with self-disgust. Yet Ashur was in the same situation, lying there.


“Then what am I doing here?”


He was on the verge of chuckling at the absurdity. He lay there calmly, as if asleep, but his heart was racing like a single person caught in a frenzy.




He heard a long exhale. She had come here to attack him on her own accord, so why was she sighing like this over a sleeping person? Yet the next words from Heather managed to suppress the tumultuous beating of his heart.


“I don’t want to attack either.”


Ashur’s eyelids twitched. Amidst the tense suspense, disappointment raised its head. Why would she sneak into his room at night if she didn’t even want to attack him? Suddenly, Berti’s words resurfaced in his mind.


‘There’s a gem right in front of you without an owner. Who would just pass by without looking?’


Was he merely an accessory or a trophy to Heather? He felt like nothing more than a means to show off and then be discarded, and there was nothing as pathetic as that.


“Please, don’t wake up today.”


She whispered into Ashur’s ear. Her hand as she pulled the blanket off was overly cautious. With the disappearance of the only defense that had protected his body, a sudden tension wrapped around him. As the strings of his robe loosened, the front opened up. The surroundings were so quiet that the sound of his heartbeat and breathing sounded as loud as thunder. Ashur was barely keeping his eyes closed, not even able to swallow the saliva that had gathered in his mouth.


Her hand touched his abdomen. The sensation of each small and round finger was felt keenly. Heather’s hand was cool, but Ashur’s body was ablaze. As her fingers moved as if scratching his skin, his thigh muscles twitched. The impulse to tear anything apart surged, yet his hand lay limp, powerless, like that of a sleeping person. Heather couldn’t even imagine how much patience Ashur was exerting to maintain this state.


It happened as he was barely calming his rising breath. Heather, who had been caressing his waistline, suddenly swept her hand from below upwards along his half-erect shaft.




A moan burst out in response to the electrifying pleasure. A strange shiver ran down his spine, and his thigh muscles tensed. Heather’s touch on his arousal continued, almost as if inducing an erection.


“Getting horny again?”


Heather muttered to herself. Fortunately, it seemed she hadn’t noticed that he was awake. And then, as Heather’s small hand tightly gripped his testicles, Ashur’s head tilted upward. His swollen glans twitched visibly, and the muscles around it trembled.




Surprised by his reaction, Heather quickly withdrew her hand. The intense pleasure had made him swell as if he were about to burst. His chest rose and fell heavily, and hot breath escaped from his parted lips.


“Wow… You’re jumpy.”


He thought she would wake him. As Heather muttered to herself, she swiftly removed his underwear. In an instant, Ashur was fully exposed, and he wanted to sit up in shock. But he could only catch his breath hastily at the voice that immediately followed.


“You’re getting up faster than last time, even though I haven’t done anything.”


He felt her gaze burning hotly on his private area. Ashur suddenly wondered how he must appear in Heather’s eyes. His robe was undone, and below he stood, fully erect and dripping, in a state of excitement. The roughness of his breath was so intense it made his ears ring, and he felt embarrassed. Even at a glance, he could tell how aroused he was, and the fact that he was keeping his eyes shut like a dead person while being in such a state was also embarrassing.


However, it was difficult to time when he should open his eyes. In fact, it didn’t matter if he opened them right away. Heather had already stripped him of his clothing, and just the fact that she had entered his bedroom without permission was enough to drive her away. Yet his eyelids felt as heavy as lead. Despite his will, he couldn’t do anything but allow her to freely manipulate his body, offering no resistance except to keep his eyes shut.




As soon as she called his name, his arousal rose to its limits, like a well-trained dog. Oh, gods… The only thought that filled his mind was the desire to enter Heather immediately. He wanted to bury his nose in her neck, move his hips madly, and lose himself. He vividly remembered how intense the pleasure from her small, delicate body had been.


And then it happened.




“What are you doing?”


Something touched Ashur’s cheek. It was round and smooth… a sensation he was experiencing for the first time. But more importantly, Heather clearly asked, “What are you doing?” The question wasn’t directed at Ashur himself. That much was evident. Which meant… were there other people in this bedroom besides Heather?


‘I didn’t sense anyone else besides the seamstress… but…’


However, today he couldn’t trust his own judgment. Because the thought of Heather pouncing on him had kept him from focusing on anything all day. The idea of someone else seeing him like this besides Heather was so unbearable that his head grew hot with an indescribable sense of humiliation.


“Why suddenly kiss him on the cheek? Poring do you lust his body? Then do it yourself!”


Heather spoke again. This confirmed that there were at least two people in the room besides himself. Ashur was still feeling deep anger towards the unknown person who was pressing his cheek.


“You’re dying with lust. Stop it right now.”


The emotions that had surged with desire now scattered chaotically. There was no reason to restrain himself any longer, and he didn’t want to either. Ashur reached out with his hand and immediately caught whatever was pressing against his cheek. Then he forced the figure down onto the bed, rendering escape impossible.




Heather’s surprised voice pierced the air. But Ashur couldn’t reply. The person trapped under his firm grasp, or rather, the thing, was… a pink elephant. Its eyes, which had been burning with anger, instantly lost focus and trembled.


His mind was incapable of processing the situation, as if someone had turned his head into a blank sheet of paper. He couldn’t distinguish whether what he was seeing was reality.


“Priest, what are you doing?!”


Heather clung to Ashur’s arm. He had thought she would push him away from the elephant, but instead, she exerted force on his arm. The elephant, trapped in Ashur’s large hand, flailed its four limbs like a stuffed toy.


– Urgh, let go, let go!


“Priest, even though it’s embarrassing… please calm down a bit!”


It was clearly a comforting remark, but for some reason, Heather didn’t release her grip. The elephant, which had been wriggling as if expecting to be crushed, suddenly turned into pink smoke and disappeared. Then, it fell with a thump right above Heather’s head. Heather let out an “Ah!” and covered her forehead with both hands.



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