I Don't Want To Attack You!

“So, how’s the amazing view?”

“The sky is always the same everywhere, you know.”

The sound of men passing by the warehouse was heard. They deliberately set up a drinking party near the stairs, where the warehouse was clearly visible.

I couldn’t find the time to leave the warehouse and looked up at Ashur. I suppressed my voice as much as possible and asked Ashur.

“Why did you bring me in here, too?”

“I don’t know.”

I was momentarily speechless at his cheeky reply.

“Why did you bring me to this small warehouse without any reason?”

“If the seamstress hadn’t torn my clothes, none of this would have happened. It is a joint responsibility.”

I had nothing to argue against here. Fortunately, among the misfortunes, this old, narrow warehouse was perforated here and there, and the planks were twisted to provide some ventilation.

Even if there is no problem with breathing, the posture of being hugged by the naked Ashur was uncomfortable in many ways.

“I’m going crazy, really.”

We could only hope that the primal instincts of those men towards alcohol and sex would overpower them, or that the alcohol would completely knock them out.

“How long are they going to keep drinking like this? Miller, Alexei, Kaisa. I don’t know what their faces look like, but I know their age, occupation, family background, and even the contents of their dreams from last night to their first wet dreams. As their boring conversation dragged on, our situation trapped in the warehouse only got worse.

My body and Ashur’s were pressed together, with no room for even a sheet of paper. The warehouse was filled with hot, humid air that felt like it could suffocate us. Sweat dripped down to our underwear and the discomfort was beyond words. The only reason I was able to hold onto my sanity and not run out of the warehouse was because Ashur smelled like flowers, not sweat. A sweet scent of chrysanthemums.

“It’s so sticky…”

I muttered to myself. The shirt I was wearing was light and made of thin fabric for the summer. As my chest and stomach were soaked in sweat, the shirt easily became wet and clung to my body like a wet plastic.

And on top of that, the humid heat and solid body of another person were felt without any filter. Everything, including the rise and fall of my chest with each breath Ashur took.

“Can’t you breathe a little quieter? Your breath is unpleasant.”

He said in a nervous tone. Looking at this? Does he think I’m the only one having a hard time now? I intentionally opened my mouth wide and breathed in deeply before blowing my breath over Ashur’s face. He closed his eyes tightly and tried to suppress his irritation.

Isn’t it too much to drag me here and then tell me not to breathe?

“Seamstress, please…!”

“Why? Our kingdom is a kingdom with the freedom of respiration.”

“I don’t like your breath constantly touching my skin, Seamstress.”

“I’m sorry, but doesn’t the breath of the priest also touch my skin? I can bear it, but what if a religious priest like you can’t?”


Ashur stuck out his tongue and licked his dry lips. His protruding Adam’s apple seemed to move heavily.

“Can’t you move back a little bit?

“Why do you keep demanding the impossible?”

“This is driving me crazy.”

Ashur chewed on his incisors and let out a long breath.

He complains a lot, like a prince from Arzhiheum. I briefly stuck out my tongue and looked for more space to step back. It seemed futile, as the hard wooden door touched my heels.

“Please, can’t you stop wriggling around?”

“You keep telling me to move back sometimes.”

“I’m not moving back. You’re the one pressing against my body, aren’t you?”

“You keep making me feel uncomfortable while I’m doing my best.”

We continued to argue, with our faces so close that our noses almost touched.

“If you’re going to be this uncomfortable, why did you drag me in? And Ashur occupies much more space than I do. His thick arms were wrapped tightly around my waist.

“Haah… Please stop moving.”

“I have something hanging on my body, so I’m looking for an empty space.”

“Seamsters, k-kh…”

Ashur twitched with a frown. He seemed to be having a harder time than me, having lived only in a spacious and comfortable temple all his life.

“Looks like a stick is stuck between us.”

I thought I had taken everything out, but I must have left one thing in a hurry. I moved my body left and right, trying to push the stick aside with all my strength. However, our bodies were so close together that the stick didn’t budge.

“No, just leave it alone, please.”

Ashur whispered in a low voice. His voice, whether it was a warning or a request, flowed in a choppy manner.

“You’re pressing on my lower belly too much, it’s uncomfortable.”

It seemed impossible to remove this brute force-sized mace with just the body. I pushed my fingers between our bodies. As my hand passed over his pelvis and reached above my navel, my fingertips touched the hot, hard surface of the mace. Ah, this was it. I put some strength into my hand and pushed the mace aside.


At that moment, Ashur’s cheek fell on my forehead. His heaving became faster than before, and I could feel his heartbeat getting faster on our chests.

“Are you okay, priest?”

“Haa, haa… put your hand away.”


“That thing you’re pushing and touching is not a mace.”

“Then what is it? An anaconda?”

“…it’s my genitals.”

I doubted my ears at the confession mixed with a groan. What, what did he say? My mind couldn’t process the sudden influx of information. After blinking my eyes for a while, I was taken aback.

“Is this what you call a priest’s penis?!”

“Can you please stop making vulgar noises?”

I quickly withdrew my hand, which I had forcibly inserted. Now that I realized the situation, I understood why Ashur was particularly suffering. Wait, so the thing that’s currently pressing threateningly against my stomach is his cock.

Dry spit went down my throat. His expression, moaning with his lips slightly parted, was incredibly lewd. A different kind of heat had risen, completely different from the heat in the room. The conversation,

“Are you a pervert? Why are you getting a hard-on in this situation!”

“Haa, haa… I don’t know, either. My body reacts strangely every time the seamstress’s breath touches my neck.”

“This is ridiculous…”

“That’s why I told you not to, haa, breathe on me.”

Ashur said in a wheezing breath. His eyes had a film of water over them, and despite being his own body, he seemed unfamiliar and shocked, as if he were someone else. It was as if Ashur was using all his rationality to suppress the sudden surge of lust.

The heat was not a problem for him. As I watched Ashur, who was sweating profusely, struggling with pain, a feeling of sympathy seeped into my chest. Although I may have some guilt for helping the damn elephant, he was a priest serving god for his entire life. I can’t even imagine that the god Ashur believed in and followed would tear his priestly robes to shreds like that.

“Is it not hurting?”

“Haa, don’t talk to me.”

“Think of something sad, like your mother or something. Your parents sacrificed themselves for the sake of a priest like you.”

“I can only think of him going on a trip with a floral trunk bag.”

“Oh, so you were the type to enjoy life…”

Even the “mom thoughts” known as a tearjerker to everyone didn’t work. Ashur’s penis was swollen like it was going to burst, and those three men showed no signs of leaving the stairs. If this continued, Ashur seemed like he would either faint or run out of the warehouse.

“Or maybe you’d rather come to me and fight?”

My tongue trembled uncontrollably again. I exclaimed in surprise, “Oops!” realizing that it wasn’t me who said that, just like the last incident with the Poring where they controlled my tongue. Is the crazy elephant child in his right mind? Ashur, who had been looking up at the ceiling, looked down at me and our eyes met.

“How can you say such things so casually? I can imagine what kind of life you lead.”

“I’m trying to help. Don’t you have any good intentions?”

I felt frustrated without even explaining properly. I tried to say anything to defend myself, but I couldn’t avoid his contemptuous gaze.

“Ha, I’m really going to die.”

I leaned my forehead against his chest and took a deep breath. If we continued like this, we were going to turn into a delicious steamed dish. And above all, I was worried about the pressure on my stomach from his bulging member. Ashur’s panting was so rough it was starting to get dangerous. Feeling my reason melting away in the heat and humidity, I gave up and spoke.

“Priest, why don’t you just relieve yourself with me?”

As I thought about it more, it didn’t seem like such a bad idea. We didn’t know how long we would be trapped in the warehouse, and Ashur’s lust showed no signs of fading. If anything, his excitement was growing as time passed. I might as well help him out since I was already feeling his erect member. And since I was partly responsible for the situation we were in.


“I mean, it’s not like we’re having sex or anything, so it’s okay, right?”

“Do you think I would engage in such beastly behavior?”

“Why are you getting angry? I just thought you looked tired and wanted to help relieve your stress by offering myself.”

“… When have I ever gotten angry?”

“Whenever you need to think sad thoughts in the future, just remember the hard work I sacrificed for you.”

Even with Ashur’s imposing expression, I stood confidently. We were in a crisis situation, but if I thought of it as just emergency treatment, it was nothing. Boldly, I placed my hand on his smooth waist without any fat. I could feel his body stiffen a little.

“I don’t exactly feel thrilled when your body is pressing against mine, either. Don’t be embarrassed.”

“Hmph, it’s not embarrassing…”

As I wiped the sweat off his back with my hand, Ashur let out a low sigh. He was quite sensitive, even though I only lightly touched him. Was it because of empathy?

“Even if you don’t like it, just do it.”

The wall of resistance that Ashur had firmly built up had already become precarious due to his long-lasting erection and contact. It was to the point where it would crumble with just a single word of permission from me.

Lust devoured Ashur’s tough patience. He started moving his waist very carefully and slowly.



I could feel the blunt object exerting a huge presence, subtly pressing against my stomach. I had told him to do it, but now that his member was actually rubbing against me, it felt a bit…well, you know.

Even as Ashur made a face of disgust at himself for masturbating on my body, he couldn’t hide the clear desire and boiling passion in his eyes. Ashur moved his hips closer, rubbing his penis up and down before tracing circles.

I watched as he struggled between his desire and his oath with a tormented expression. It was lewd. It’s a shame that he made that face and took a vow of chastity. Many women would want to see that face.

“Those eyes…ah…turn away.”


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