I Don't Want To Attack You!

“Will you buy me a cane?”

“There’s nothing I can’t buy.”

“Will you buy me a dream while living? It’s a dream in which a pink elephant appeared, but this is a huge dream. You said you couldn’t find news articles these days and only wandered around the opera house. If you buy this dream, I’ll get the scoop immediately.”

Olga crossed her arms and her back buried deep in the chair. I looked at myself and the lottery paper I blew with disapproving glances.

“You said you were suspended for a month, so I wondered why you bought a lottery ticket.”

“I robbed all my emergency money, so buy some of my dreams. That’s all I can sell.”

All five lottery tickets I bought are bad dreams just in case. While I was feeling discouraged, the waitress brought out the food. Tonight, too, Olga bought it to comfort her friend of ten years.

As I was slowly stirring my broad bean soup and feeling discouraged, Olga presented me with a clipping of a daily newspaper. It came from an advertisement in the corner of a daily newspaper. When I saw it, I had no choice but to drop the spoon on the table I was holding in my mouth.

“They say that Chevanya’s dressing room is looking for a new designer. It’s not as good an opportunity as Terdi’s Throne, but finding a new designer is not common.”

It wasn’t that uncommon, like finding a needle in the desert! It is because most fashion studios hire new designers from the same academy as the owner designer. It has become a custom, and the design world is divided into factions. There was no place for me to fit in that intense place, with no academic ties, personal connections, or background.

Olga, who asked me for this golden opportunity, seemed like an angel who came to my rescue. I took the flyer with both hands.

“Olga, I only have you.”

“In preparation for a large crowd, it seems this flyer was used like an exam ticket. Don’t forget and take good care of it. Isn’t this enough for the price of a dream?”

I nodded vigorously. Coincidentally, the application deadline was one month later. It is perfect if you apply right after the temple work is over.

I pushed the flyer Olga gave me deep into my Boston bag. Yesterday’s dream seems like it wasn’t a dream at all.

“Since I bought your dream, can I get a solo scoop tomorrow?”

“I heard you also go to the temple tomorrow for the building donation dedication ceremony. Isn’t the amount of Mrs. Carlotta’s contribution enough? I heard that you can build a building the size of a small sanctuary.”

“They even took the camera with them.”

I couldn’t hide my surprise and opened my eyes wide.

“Even a camera?”

However, Olga was not happy about being able to publish the dedication ceremony alone in a daily newspaper.

“ I need to film the priest Ashur, not the dedication ceremony.”

Mrs. Carlotta donates, but why should we take a picture of priest Ashur out of the blue? When I tilted my head, Olga rubbed my temple as if it hurt.

“They say offerings are pouring into the Arhezium Temple explosively these days. I assure you, Mrs. Carlotta’s donations for construction will soon be buried in the numerous donations from other noble ladies.”

“Is it enough money to build a new small sanctuary?”

“The influence of Priest Ashur is that destructive. Believers flock to the temple to see the face of the Ashur priest rather than God. Even if I go to the temple this time, take a picture of Priest Ashur’s profile, and publish it in a daily newspaper, it’s a jackpot.”

People are praising it with their mouths like this, so I’m curious about it. A young, handsome priest with mighty divine power…

Olga desperately hoped that Mrs. Carlotta had encouraged Priest Ashur to participate in the dedication ceremony under the pretext of building donations. I’m not sure if the temple will listen to that subtle request.

While eating, a young street musician picked up a lute and started playing. A pure and cheerful melody was interposed to the clamorous noise. People who had been eating at the fast-paced dance song kicked off their seats one by one and started dancing.

After one song that wasn’t short-ended, people’s clothes were wet with sweat. Olga whistled at the musician who had given her an excellent performance, then flicked his hand and threw a coin. A silver coin drew a parabolic line and entered the hat exactly where the musician had left it. The paid musician seemed to be choosing a song for the next performance.

I looked at Olga as I poured water into an empty cup.

“Do you like that musician?”

“He’s Cute.”

“Why don’t you try talking to him?”

Olga shook her head in regret.

“He is not interested in me. I can tell just by looking into his eyes.”

It’s not even a god, so I wonder how you can tell by looking in the eyes. However, when she thought about it, she asked if she would know if she hadn’t taken a break from her relationship for more than a month since ten years ago when she first met me.

The young musician started playing calmly, contrasting with the first song. After finishing my meal before Olga, I sat on my chin and watched the musicians perform. Around the time the body relaxed from satiety, something alien approached the musician. I slowly straightened my hunched back and opened my eyes wide.

“… Elephant.”

It was the elephant I met in my dream yesterday. The pink elephant flew up toward the musician’s face with its big ears fluttering. Then, he pressed his long nose onto the musician’s cheek and pulled it off. The musician didn’t seem to notice what had been done to him. At this time, the musician turned his head towards us. The place where his gaze landed was Olga’s profile. He, who had not been interested in Olga the whole time, couldn’t take his eyes off her until the performance was over.

As soon as the performance was over, the musician organized his belongings like someone with urgent matters. Without pretending to hear the cheers for one more song, he strode towards the table where we were sitting.

When Olga noticed the musician, she raised her eyebrows as if it was no big deal. I asked Olga.

“You said he wasn’t interested in you?”

“I know. Maybe it’s a magic trick to fall in love.”

Olga packed her things and stood up as if the reasons for the change in the musician’s attitude were unimportant. I waved at Olga, and Olga, quite naturally, left the restaurant with the young musician.

And a pink elephant stood where the musicians were. When our eyes meet, he winks.

“Do you still think it’s a dream?”

After rubbing my eyes with my hands, I looked again, and the elephant was gone.

There was an enormous amount of luggage, including daily necessities for a month, fabrics for priestly clothes, accessories, and sewing tools. I went back and forth between the carriage and the dressing room three times with both hands full of heavy bags. Even though Ben’s wagon had been fully loaded, there was not enough space, and the luggage eventually invaded the seamstresses’ seats.

“It must be faster to reach the underworld than to the temple.”

The seamstresses, including myself, had to sit face-to-face without a break in the suffocating hot weather. Moreover, since the wagon we rode had to accommodate numerous people, it was not a structure that could open windows but a transport wagon with walls and ceilings covered with tarpaulin.

The densely populated place was full of the smell of sweat, not to mention the heat. I flapped my shirt and muttered with my eyes closed.

“One on the left thumb and two on the index finger.”

“Heather, what are you talking about?”

Ben asked in a dying voice. Ben came along as a mediator between the seamstresses and the temple manager.

“A needle pricked me in my dream, and the marks remain on my hand.”

“Do not worry about it. After getting off this infernal wagon, drink a glass of cool water, and it will be gone.”

Ben thought I was blind because of the heat. I wouldn’t be so disturbed if this were in vain. This mark was found last night. Last night, a cool breeze blew in through the window.

At this time, the wagon rattled loudly. Each of the seamstresses, who had become sensitive to the heat, spat out annoyed curses. It was the same for me that the discomfort rose. I frowned and caught my breath.

Let’s get down and think. Get down

“Haa- I think I’m going to live.”

“I have never been so thankful for God’s blessings as I am today.”

The seamstresses admired the artifacts inside the temple rather than the splendid pure white buildings. The temple maintained a constant temperature throughout the year thanks to artifacts made with divine power. As the sweat dried up, priests came to us across the wide hallway.

The seamstresses seemed to be expecting that Ashur might be among those priests. But soon, the expectations turned to disappointment. Ben stood one step ahead of the seamstresses.

“Nice to meet you. This is Ben Chaplin, general manager of the Evgeny Dressing Room.”

“You had a hard time coming on a hot day. So the seamstresses can rest in their lodgings, we will move the luggage. Adjutant Berti will help guide you.”

“Thank you for your consideration.”

Leaving only Ben behind, the seamstresses followed Vice Priest Berti to their lodgings. Only the sound of footsteps of several pairs filled the white marble hallway, large enough for ten men to walk side by side. The new tailors, who like to chatter, were quiet, either because they were exhausted from the heat or stunned by the temple’s majesty

“The garden in Jungnang has been renovated. It’s not far from where the seamstresses are staying, so let’s look around. It’s going to be hard to make time from tomorrow.”

Are you going to drive the people into the sun again who have almost steamed in the wagon just a moment ago? Is that something a priest can say? I couldn’t control my facial expression due to Priest Berti’s demonic idea.

“If I go out to the outdoor garden, I think it would be faster to see the five gods than to see the flowers.”


“If we go outside now, we will all faint from the heat.”


Priest Berti rubbed the nape of his neck shyly. We could reach the front of the hostel safely without leaking anywhere else.

Seven seamstresses, including myself, were each assigned a private room. Beds, tables, cabinets, and wardrobes. Everything is there. First, I quickly packed my things and took a bath.

“Where’s the bathroom?”

Although Priest Berti explained, it was impossible to find a bathroom in this large temple with just one explanation. I had no choice but to search for the toilet while searching for memories of when I came here eight years ago.

“I bet the location of the bathroom hasn’t changed.”

As I was wandering around the accommodation, a wide floor-to-ceiling window appeared in front of me. It was the garden Priest Berti had spoken of. Statues of angels enshrining five gods stood guard at the courtyard’s four corners and the center.
Purple wisteria and flowers in full bloom decorated the surroundings. I can understand why Priest Berti asked us to take a look. As I was walking while admiring the garden beyond the floor-to-ceiling windows, I saw that the door leading to the courtyard was open.

“… uh?”

I would not have stopped and panicked if the door had simply been left open. A swarm of black bees was flying around the open door.


I took a slow step back. Please don’t come outside. When I was begging, the bee, which looked as big and fierce as my thumb, looked precisely at my face. Tuuk- I dropped the clothes I brought to change.

“Crazy…… Crazy!”

The bees that found the target of attack rushed towards me as if they were sucked in through the door. Buzzing-The creepy sound was getting closer in an instant. The swarm raised its fierce eyes and menacingly pulled out its stinger.

“What, what! There are so many flowers in the garden, so why do I… !”

My eyes were dizzy. A crisis paralyzed the accident. In case of fire, you can pour water on it, and in case of an earthquake, you can get under the table, but the school has never taught you what to do if bees target you in the temple! Indeed, if you stand still like this, you will be in trouble.

There is only one best defense I can take now. Escape! I started running recklessly until my eyebrows flew.

“Help me! A swarm of bees is after me!”

I shouted so that the hallway of the vast temple reverberated, but somehow no one was seen to rescue me from the swarm of bees. Where are you all stuck at such an urgent time? It is clear that God saves human beings in adversity, but it is all bullshit. If that was true, it shouldn’t have happened that I was stung by a swarm of bees in a sacred temple.

“Gasp, gasp…”

Those crazy bees, not at flowers but at people, don’t look tired, but I’m out of breath. Both legs became heavy like lead, and the running speed was plodding. I intuited my future. Sooner or later, I’ll be a human cactus.

Someone appeared miraculously when I felt the limit of my stamina and gave up everything. I lived! I threw myself without even knowing my face.

“Save me!”

“What the…”

As I nearly jumped at the person in front of me, the person who suddenly bumped into me lost control. And we fell side by side. A dull sound rang out loud.


I hit my knees on the hard marble floor. A painful moan escaped from her mouth. However, the instinct to survive the swarm of bees targeting me was more potent than the immediate pain. In the state of falling, I caught everything I could reach.

“Kuu… … .”

I felt something in my hand filled with an enormous sense of volume. Of course, it wasn’t clothes, nor a part where you could feel the bones like wrists or ankles. What is this? I rubbed it boldly with my hand.


Then, above my head, I heard the sound of a rapid inhalation. I then raised my head.


An enormous sight unfolded in front of my eyes, enough to make me instantly forget the swarm of bees.

Wow… He’s handsome.

I knew at once that the man I had pushed and fallen was the rumored priest, ‘Ashur Renver.’ I immediately understood why the noble ladies had not spared their donations and why the daily newspapers constantly wrote praises of Priest Ashur. People are weak to beautiful things. And Ashur was lethal enough to shake the rationality of the soft side.

Like the other people mesmerized by Priest Ashur’s beauty, I was fascinated by him too. His wide-open eyes were twisted with bewilderment. The black hair that sat down on the straight forehead was bright as if embroidered, and the dark features matched with the white skin without any blemishes, so it was divine as if I was looking at an angel rather than a human.

His face was flawless everywhere, but his eyes particularly caught my eye. How can a person’s eyes shine that much? No jewel crafted with great care will shine as pretty as Ashur’s golden eyes.

He sat and stared at me, half-prostrate between my legs. Excited breath escaped from his slightly parted red lips. He seemed to have something he wanted to say, but he couldn’t put it into his mouth. Eventually, Priest Ashur covered his face with one hand.

Even your hands are pretty.

It was a long, large hand with bones prominent at every joint. His hand covered the entire bridge of the nose and lips with prominent intaglios, leaving only the eyes. The golden eyes looking straight at me soon fell below the oblique line. I could see the dark eyelashes quivering under the lightly shaded eyes.

“Please put it away…”


“Stop rubbing and put your hands away…”

I could feel the thing I had inadvertently grasped getting harder and harder in my hand. I slowly lowered my head. It wasn’t the rope I snatched for life or death. It was Priest Ashur’s cock.

“No, why is this in my hand…”

Priest Ashur was grabbed by me helplessly with his legs wide open, holding his genitals. His chest rose and fell rapidly. The lobe of his ears and neck were stained red as if from a fire.

It seemed as if tears were welling up in his eyes.

I put my hands behind my back in surprise, as if I had been burned. No, I meant to. But contrary to my will, my fingers gripped the erect penis tightly.


“The size is great. Are you begging me to fuck you with your cock erect like this?”


Crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy! Words so low that I couldn’t even imagine coming out of my mouth came out. It was never my will. This twisted tongue roared wildly.

“It’s pretty when you quietly spread your legs. Why don’t you be my lover instead of the priest? I will treat you well.”

What the hell am I talking about? His face was full of shame and displeasure. Even so, he seemed shocked by the steady response of his penis under my hand. Both Ashur and I couldn’t come to our senses in the embarrassing situation and stood firm. How common is it to run around like dying to avoid a swarm of bees and then massage the priest’s genitals?

“Hurry up and…”

The low-pitched voice continued to speak with difficulty as if holding back something. At this moment, I heard the sound of the door opening behind me.

“Oh my!”

“Yes, priest?!”

Someone caught his breath in surprise. Before I could grasp the situation, a ‘click!’ shutter sound spread. Soon after, an intense flash came out and attacked Ashur. The hand on his penis was freed at the same time as the light flashed. I hurriedly took my hand back from his penis.

Above the white priestly clothes, the outline of a large, blunt object was visible. As I stared at it, Ashur hurriedly put his legs together.

“Priest, are you okay? Oh my god.”

The lady grabbed the hem of her turquoise skirt and ran to Ashur. It was Mrs. Carlotta. The lady also checked between Ashur’s legs and hurriedly covered her mouth.

… That Mrs. Carlotta is here.

I turned around. Olga was staring at me blankly. Smoke was rising from the camera installed in front of her.

“Heather, what have you done?”

Olga muttered to herself. I hurriedly waved my hands and denied the sin.

“This was an accident. A swarm of bees suddenly flew at me.”


“Yes. From Jungnang to here, relentlessly pursue me…!”

Others, including Olga, didn’t look good. Olga asked with a frown in her eyes.

“Where the hell are the bees?”

Come to think of it, after bumping into Priest Ashur. The hum had stopped like a lie.

“What the hell… I’m sure I was just there…”

I looked around in bewilderment. However, the swarm of bees that should have been seen was not visible, and instead, familiar pink masses were falling from the high dome-shaped ceiling. It’s an elephant! Not only that, but a swarm of bees that threatened me was circling the elephant. As the elephant stirred its long trunk, the bees disappeared instantly.

Others seemed to be unable to see the elephant. I was stunned alone with my eyes wide open.

“What the hell is this…”

I couldn’t take my eyes off the elephant. The elephant puts both feet on my shoulder before I know it. Put it up, then he whispered in my ear.

“I’m here to repay the favor.”

[‘Nailuch City Daily’ Exclusive Scoop! Candidate for the next high priest, Ashur Renver! Chastity threatened]
“…There was an incident where a believer who had dark feelings for Priest Ashur sexually harassed Priest Ashur. Many witnessed her hand squeezing Priest Ashur’s testicles with precision. Priest Ashur is said to have left in a hurry in shock. Eyewitnesses who witnessed the scene raised curiosity once again as they testified that Priest Ashur’s secret body parts were as huge as iron stakes…”

I couldn’t bear to read the article and crumpled the daily newspaper. Is this a knight or a sensual novel? At the bottom of the front page of the daily newspaper was the name of ‘Olga Hentry.’ No matter how unpopular, daily newspapers need people’s attention. The content is too stimulating. And besides, I’m not a long-time follower of Ashur!

I scratched my neck in annoyance.

“It’s written as if I planned it and attacked Ashur.”

Still, Olga didn’t put my name in the daily newspaper, probably because she was considerate of me as a friend. In the photo, only my back and outstretched hands were visible, so no one thought that the believer in the article was me. However, Ashur’s penis, which my hands were held tightly, and Ashur’s puzzled expression with his legs spread apart were captured very clearly. Rumor has it that Ashur is coping with the shock of the disaster by praying to God.

“… ugh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…”

Ashur spat out an unheard-of apology several times. I wanted to hit my head and die.

It’s all because of that elephant.


I raised my head in pursuit of the crunching noise. A pink elephant was floating in the air with its plump belly upside down. In his hand was a dried peach chip. She didn’t know where he got it from.

I tossed the daily newspaper against the wall.

“Tell me. What are you?”

The elephant, enjoying the sweets with his eyes closed, raised only one eye slightly. Then let out a deep sigh. Who wants to sigh right now……!

The elephant shoved all the remaining peach chips into his mouth. It flies right in front of my eyes while murmuring its swollen cheeks.

After the elephant swallowed everything in its mouth, it patted its chest as if it had choked up.

“Collock, hmm… As for me, the most majestic and benevolent of the five gods you worship.”

Elephants have consistently claimed to be ‘gods’. It is also the god of love. But what god in the world sniffs for lack of a nose covering on a midsummer night, and humiliates the priest?

“Don’t tell me you’re ‘Agropada.’”

“There are many names that call me ‘Agropada,’ ‘Eros,’ ‘Cupid.’ But no human being knows my real name.”

The elephant covered its mouth with a round hand and smiled suspiciously. I sat down in a chair and asked.

“What’s your real name?”


“… It’s a pony-like name for a god.”

“That’s narrow thinking, Heather.”

Poring sat with his butt on the table. He wiggles his legs in the air and stares up at me. I put one hand on my forehead and said.

“I don’t care if you’re a pony or whatever. How the hell are you going to fix this?”

“Because it is God. Poring.”

“What kind of god would play such a low prank? Inside the temple too!”

Poring suddenly jumped onto my thighs. With two dainty feet, it beeps, beeps approaches, and grabs my index finger. He then made her touch his nose mask.

“You helped me. That’s why I’m repaying the favor.”

I pulled out my hand and gritted my teeth.

“This does not favor.”

“Why? What’s wrong with making hot love with the most handsome man on the continent? Heather also said she liked handsome men at the time.”

“What you did wasn’t making me passionately in love. You made me an unscrupulous pervert!”

Poring sat down on my thigh. Then he said as if he was sorry.

“It’s a little problematic.”


“I can plant love in the hearts of men. A relationship that used to be enemies can be made into a couple of centuries that must be each other overnight. People said they hate and hate these couples, but they only liked them. So, for a while, I chose only the offspring of the enemy’s family and weaved a lot of weaving.”

“What are you talking about? Speak in a way I can understand.”

Poring poked me in the stomach and smiled broadly.

“I meant to use my ability to weave you and the most beautiful man on the continent.”

“… By planting love.”

Suddenly, a memory flashed through my head like a flash. The young musician who left with Olga.

‘You said he wasn’t interested in you.’

At that time, Poring appeared. As soon as Poring kissed the young musician’s cheek, the young musician, who had been amused, suddenly sent a warm look at Olga. Are you saying this was all love designed by that elephant?

So, what Poring is saying… It’s not like a boring joke.

“… Are you a god?”

“Hmmm! Now we can talk!”

I hurriedly covered my gaping mouth with both hands. Poring waved his hand and said as if it was nothing.

“You don’t have to be too hard on yourself.”

“Such a petty god…”


I pretended not to say anything. No matter how much the identity of God was an elephant that changed its dignity, the liver was not large enough to openly blasphemy.

“I heard there was a problem. Please explain that first.”

“The fact that the best handsome man to be your partner is ‘Ashur Renver’ is itself a problem.”

“Because he’s a priest?”

Poring shook his head and continued with a more serious face than ever before.

“The divine power is too strong.”


“We, the five gods, have limited the divine powers we can use in Middle-earth. But there was never a time when I felt I lacked divine power. Until I met Ashur.”


“It seems that Ashur was sent to Middle-earth with too much divine power. What is the point of being born as the most beautiful and handsome man on the continent?”

“You guys made it that way!”

“Therefore. If someone says God is fair, put a fist in their mouth.”

I was speechless at Poring’s impudent reply. Why is there such an irresponsible God? The ceiling paintings surrounding the magnificent temple of Argiheum felt like waste. It is said that an ancient painter painted each one with a brush made from goat hair… It seemed that his noble faith and efforts were disappearing in vain. I sighed inwardly. However, she could not hide her disrespectful feelings.

“That look. That’s blasphemy.”

When Poring pointed out, I decided to keep my eyes on the air and pretend not to know.


“Although I may look irresponsible in your eyes, I was the one who trapped the monsters in the deep sea thousands of years ago. The Heavenly Demon War has been fought countless times. Just for you humans. The cold nose disease is also a wound of glory caused during the War of the Heavenly Demon. ”


“Now that there are no monsters and the demons are hiding, people’s faith in God has greatly diminished. No wonder. Because there are not many people who desperately need God in the land of peace. So, it’s natural for our gods to relax, too.”

“… so, what do you want to say?”

It meant that even if Ashur was born without all his abilities, he should understand and move on. Just because Ashur was born well doesn’t have a significant impact on me. My stomach hurts for about a minute. I roughly nodded.

“I got it. Because Priest Ashur’s divine power is too strong, it means that Poring’s divine power doesn’t work. I understand that far. But why did you release the bees?”

“If you can’t control Ashur’s mind, I’ll forcefully grant you that environment.”

“That kind of environment?”

“An inevitable environment where Ashur and you have no choice but to share passionate love.”

What kind of reckless blessing is there? I didn’t want to spend a hot night with him until a swarm of bees chased me. And what is Ashur’s sin?

“I do not need it! It’s crazy that I don’t have to receive that blessing… No, please stop doing immoral things right now!”

Poring’s eyebrows slanted downward. Then he says with a somber face.

“That’s not allowed. I am a god who always repays the favor when I am in debt. So far, I have given blessings to 9999 humans, and not a single human has refused my blessing.”

“What does that matter? They say I don’t want to receive it.”

“You are the person who receives my ten thousandth blessing. My career cannot be destroyed because Ashur has strong divine power.”


So, that meant that repaying the favor was a slick excuse, and she did not want to break the record of blessings set by Poring himself. I’ve only now noticed that people laugh rather than get angry when people hear something too absurd. He couldn’t answer anything and let out a weak laugh.

In addition, Poring’s voice was deeply rooted in firmness that any words could not persuade. I instinctively realized that I would never give up my will, even if I made a fuss about dying. An overwhelming feeling of frustration hit her head. And at the same time, doubts crept in.

Then what should I do…?

No one has been able to give me an answer. I stared blankly at Poring, smiling brightly while wearing the nose covering I had sewn myself.

“Do not worry! I’ll do whatever it takes to let you steal Ashur’s virginity!”

I calmly felt that I was fucked at the words of Poring, who shouted confidently.

Hope you enjoy ♥️


  1. Tinker says:


  2. Ancella82 says:

    Noooooo! My cute pink slime Poring from the game I used to play has been tainted by a pervert pink elephant that has the same name 😖🤣🤣🤣🤣

  3. Seun says:

    Poring 😭😭😭😭

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