I Don't Want To Attack You!

1. Who said that hard work brings blessings?

“Why is this my fault? Why!”

The high-quality fabric I bought with a week’s worth of salary fluttered in the air. ‘Ben,’ the general manager of Evgeny’s dressing room, picked up a precious purple fabric and broke into a cold sweat. Because of his tall stature and thick flesh.

“Hey, Heather. I understand how upset you are.”

Unable to control the anger that rose to the top of my head, I tossed out the costume I had spent ten days and nights making.

“It’s been eight years. An opportunity came after eight years of working like a cow in this dressing room for a small salary.”

“I know, I know.”

“I have no aristocratic acquaintances to look after me, and I am so busy making a living that I can’t even afford to stab you in the back. How can I become a designer if it’s not this time? It was my first and last chance…”

Tears welled up at the devastating reality. I finally sat down, holding my face with both hands.

There was an announcement stating about recruiting a designer for an opera troupe by a famous playwright, who created a stir around the world in regards of producing works. Hundreds of million dollars of investment from high-ranking aristocratic investors and even an actor praised as a heavenly diva, the Nobility. It was also a performance that both aristocrats and commoners were waiting for with bated breath.

I didn’t design all the costumes for every scene, but it was a golden opportunity to design the costumes that the prima donna would wear when she sang Arias.

It would be a brilliant debut as a designer and an announcement that shouldn’t be missed. It would surely become a career that guarantees one’s skills.

As expected, numerous and aspiring designers participated. The competition rate was staggering. Amidst the competitors who gathered like a swarm of ants I didn’t give up.

I was confident in my skills. And when my draft did make it to the finalists, I ran through the streets screaming like crazy and was dragged along Ben’s waist.

The final screening was to turn the design proposal into an actual costume. The finalists were five works, including mine. For ten days, I drank only water and paid for food, sparing no investment in expensive fabrics. The result was perfect in proportion to my efforts.

People around me said that I would pass the exam without any hesitation. However, today is the day of the final review. My costume had been sabotaged through scissors. Last night, I went to bed imagining an ecstatic future, but what unfolded in front of me was a reality more brutal than hell.

‘Oh, it’s unfortunate, Geline. Who would do such a mean thing?’

Reika, a seamstress in the same dressing room, was saddened with an expression that looked as if she was ready. I am convinced that this atrocity was Reika’s doing. There was no physical evidence, but Reika had countless records of interfering with my work. Why is the fly buzzing every time? I let it slide, but that ignorance made this slander.

“Is it my fault that she failed the first screening? Huh? Is it my fault?”

“…Heather, your voice is too loud. What if Mr. Martin gets angry again at this rate?”

“It’s like a fungus on a tangerine! Why are you so eager to drag me into the gutter?”

I was upset and embarrassed. It was like the top of my head was spinning and an enraged feelings welled up inside, burning her guts.

When I first saw my clothes come to this point, I quickly shook my head rather than getting frustrated. I couldn’t give up like this. How did you seize the opportunity, and with what mind did I make it?

I grabbed the raged costume with both hands and begged the opera director. But to come back,

‘Can a designer who can’t take care of her clothes properly create our diva’s clothes? I’m not an idle person enough to gamble on odds.’

It was a cold-blooded murder. In the end, the dam of emotions she barely endured burst open. When I went back to the dressing room and started screaming at whom the hell was doing it, Reika, the odious girl brought Mr. Martin, the manager of the dressing room. There were rumors that the two were in a relationship like that, but that it was the moment when rumors came true.

Mr. Martin twitched his greasy mustache and pointed at me.

‘Where’s the place you’re making a fuss about?! All work has stopped because of you! Shut up and stay in your trash-like house for a month. Go cool your head!’

The price of not holding back emotions was harsh. She had no money on hand because she had used it all for the cost of the costume. But now she’s been cut off from work.

“How could the world do this to me?”

If there was a living hell, would it be here? All I did was work hard, and the result was devastating. Thick, hard hands patted me on the back.

“Heather, I don’t know if it’s comforting, but I’ve found you a job.”


“It’s at the Arzheum Temple… .”

As soon as I heard the word “Arzheum,” my face crumpled. I raised my head and stared at Ben. This! Ben fell back in amazement.

“Oh no, listen, Heather.”

“What do you mean? Is it because I don’t know what is going on? Confined to a temple like a machine, making identical clothes, then forced to go to the prayer room. And need to listen to the tedious recitation of prayers for five hours a day!”

This bastard, Ben, was pretending to be for me, trying to take on a job all the seamstresses hated.

Seamstresses who had been in the dressing room for less than a month were originally sent to the temple. Poor newcomers who can’t even predict what their future will be like. It was a ploy to sacrifice the innocent freshman full of enthusiasm and make the seniors feel comfortable working.

I glared at Ben, with tears streaming down my chin, as he rubbed my face with the handkerchief he had been using to wipe his sweat. I feel my cheeks being pushed back and forth by his violent hands. I pushed Ben away with a big swing of my arm.

“I am not a cocoon that spins threads. I have no intention of listening to prayers for five hours without excluding my brain, and I refuse to make the same priestly uniform. Why do you want me to do what I did when I was a freshman again?”

“Actually…… Mr. Yevgeny has hired a few recruits this year, so there are not enough seamstresses to go to the temple.”

“So you’re going to sell me over there?”

“The temple is not necessarily bad. You know the priest who recently came to Arzheum, right? They were talking about it in the daily newspaper. His innate divine power is strong, so the efficacy of his prayers is enormous, and he is incredibly handsome.”

There was so much fuss around him that I couldn’t help but notice. I heard it thanks to the priest. The believers in Arzheum increased their number in a week. When the world was abuzz with the priest, I was busy preparing the costumes for the final screening.

“If you go to Arzheum this time, you can tailor the priest’s clothes yourself. See right now, four seamstresses were not enough to go to the temple, and three have already volunteered.”

“The remaining 14 were rejected.”

If you want to see a priest, go to the temple. It may not be easy to see the priest’s face because there are more than enough believers to fill the outdoor prayer room. But if you bring opera glasses, you should be able to check the features. Besides, there was a trap in Ben’s words. The possibility to cut the priest’s clothes. There was a high possibility that she would only look at the priest, go to the temple, and come out after making clothes for some strict priests. And crucially, I had no enthusiasm for the priest.

“Heather, don’t be so negative. After all, you need money now. How are you going to pay the rent right now? No place pays as much as the temple. You can serve at a restaurant. You can be a kitchen assistant. Rather, the price of breaking the plate will only increase the debt.”


There was nothing I could say to refute this. I was good at design and tailoring, yet mostly immature in everything else. In particular, cleaning and cooking, which are closely related to life… And there will be no volunteer-minded employer who will hire me for just one month.

“The temple also provides accommodations.”

… Then, you don’t have to worry about the cost of food.

“Are you going to waste your time drinking only alcohol for a month?”


“It’s not a bad idea.”


I let out a long sigh. In the first place, I didn’t have any options. This bastard Ben knew that and offered me this semblance of an offer. How relieved he must have been when I showed up amongst the shortage of workers. A wicked fellow.

“Then, I’ll add your name to the list.”


Ben took my silence as permission.

Hello everyone I picked up this novel and when translating it had long chaps so we divided the chaps into parts don’t worry they are not small either. We hope you guys will enjoy this novel. ♥️


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