I Became the Young Wife of the Martial Arts Novel’s Male Lead


Episode 5


When I think about how their relationship started, it’s no wonder that Doyul dislikes her.

“So, there’s no need to be upset.”

It’s actually fortunate that his attitude has become hostile outwardly.

However, she couldn’t help but let her smile slowly fade away.

And then.

Doyul lifted the teapot from the table and handed it to Yerin.

She blinked when she suddenly received it.

“…What’s this?”

“You’re probably thirsty.”

As if saying something that looked into her inner thoughts, Yerin flinched.

“Didn’t you drink too much yesterday?”


Honestly, he only had a sip of HapHwanju and got drunk right away…

“Ugh, embarrassing.”

How can you lose your mind with just one drink?

Yerin felt her face getting hot.

At the same time, Doyul narrowed his eyes and asked her a question.

“Aren’t you going to drink it?”

“Oh, yes, I’ll drink it!”

Since she was actually thirsty, Yerin immediately grabbed the glass of water.

But for some reason, she felt a strange feeling.

“It’s strange, I’m much older than him but why do I keep getting pushed around by him?”

With that question in mind, Yerin drank the glass of water without taking a break.


A moment later.

She put down the empty glass with a satisfied expression.

“Ah, I feel a little better now.”

As the water moistened her dry throat, she felt much more comfortable.

Just then, Doyul, who had been silently observing her expression, suddenly spoke up.

“Now your expression has eased a bit.”

“My expression?”


Yeah. Weren’t you crying all along?


…Did I?


Yerin wiped her cheek for no reason with a puzzled look on her face.


At that moment, Doyul added a word in his blunt tone.


“That’s a relief.”


Could it be that he was checking on how I was feeling?


Yerin, who momentarily had a surprised look, quickly expressed her gratitude.


“Th-thank you.”


Doyul nodded lightly and sat down on the bed.


It seemed like he had the attitude that he had done everything he needed to do.






Silence filled the air.


In truth, Doyul wasn’t much of a talkative person, and as for Yerin…


“But at least… It doesn’t seem like he’s angry, right?”


She was trying her best not to disturb Doyul’s mood.


“…Hmm, should I start the conversation first?”


With the fleeting conversation gone, only a heavy silence filled the room.


Yerin found it increasingly difficult to bear this oppressive atmosphere.


Above all, she was supposed to show him a good position.


Rather than just sitting here in a daze, wouldn’t it be better to say a few nice words?


With that intention, Yerin, who was contemplating for a moment, decisively opened her mouth.


“Your Highness!”


Doyul briefly glanced at Yerin.


With a bright face, Yerin asked her question.


“Did you take off my wedding dress, Your Highness?”




Undoubtedly, Yerin brought up this topic because she really wanted to compliment Doyul.


“The wedding dress was incredibly heavy, but thanks to you, I slept comfortably. Thank you!” It was just a light compliment.


After that, they could laugh and the atmosphere would lighten up, right?


…Well, that was the kind of thinking she had.

“Your Highness, are you uncomfortable sleeping here?”


Doyul stuttered for the first time.


Moreover, wasn’t his normally indifferent face turning red?


“Huh, this isn’t like him?”


Yerin looked at him in surprise.


But it seemed like Doyul interpreted Yerin’s silence in a different way.


“I, I didn’t have any malicious intentions!”


“Malicious intentions?”


“Yes! I just thought that Sojo wasn’t sleeping well, so I wanted to make him a little more comfortable…!”


Doyul rambled on and eventually pressed his lips together and avoided eye contact.


Yerin was a little surprised.


“…Right, Doyul is only fifteen years old.”


He seemed so mature and had always shown a cold attitude towards her, so she hadn’t really noticed before.


But now that she looked at him closely, she could feel his youthful energy.


His cheeks, still with a hint of baby fat, reminded her of a ripe apple.


“He’s definitely young.”


This cute little guy will become the best swordsman in the world by devouring all kinds of experiences and relationships in the future.


Yes, grow up quickly and shake up the world of Bukhaebinggung.


That way, I’ll have a sense of accomplishment for establishing Bukhaebinggung.


As Yerin was happily imagining Doyul’s future, a voice calling them from beyond the door was heard.


“Your Highness, Miss Yerin.”


Yerin blinked her eyes.


“What’s going on, really.”

The voice that greeted him was not filled with annoyance, but rather a calm summons, which was a rare occurrence.

Moreover, if it had been the usual, she would have opened the door without any warning.

‘Maybe it’s because Doyul is with me that she’s showing a little bit of courtesy?’

The argument continued.

“My father asked you to join us for breakfast.”



Yerin and Doyul reflexively turned to look at each other.

And they noticed that the other person was making the same expression as themselves.

It wasn’t a warm expression.

“……In that case, Yerin Sojo.”

Doyul sighed and addressed Yerin.

“After you get dressed, I’ll come to escort you again.”

Huh? He’s coming to escort me?

Yerin tilted her head with a puzzled expression.

There’s no need for him to come and escort me. It doesn’t matter if we meet at my father’s residence, right?

Even if it’s like that, I’ll surely be by Doyul’s side at my father’s place, so there’s no need to worry about getting lost.


But then.

Doyul quickly focused his eyes as if demanding an answer.

Yerin nodded her head in a moment of hesitation.

“Ah, I’ll be waiting… Thank you?”


Doyul jumped out of bed and headed towards the door without looking back.


The door opened.

Facing the annoyed Sibi with a slightly lowered head, Doyul calmly spoke.

“Let’s go.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

As Yerin watched the two people move further away, she couldn’t hide her bewildered expression.

…Since a while ago, it has felt strange, as if Doyul is paying attention to me.

Is it just my imagination?

Throughout the time he washed his body and put on his clothes, the only person that filled Doyul’s mind was Yerin.

Dang Yerin.

The lady who received the highest punishment from the Four Gates.

The punishment offered by the Four Gates to humiliate the Northern Ice Palace.

A girl who falls far short of the position of the host of the Northern Ice Palace, which governs the Northern Sea.

“Damn it.”

Unknowingly, Doyul muttered a curse under his breath.

He had vague thoughts.

Since she is the arrogant daughter of the Dangga, she will surely ignore him.

So, he had firmly resolved not to be overwhelmed by her arrogance.

But when he actually met Yerin…

“Don’t hate me too much.”

The mere twelve-year-old girl pleaded desperately as if Doyul’s life depended on it.


“I didn’t want to marry you either, you know.”


Her voice was filled with suppressed sobs.


Her naturally humble attitude.


A body so weak and frail, as if she couldn’t even hold a cup of blood.


A pale face.


Eyes filled with fear.


Even the bruises that wrapped around her body like snakes.


All of these things continued to bother Doyul.


“But still, I’m sorry for forcing you into this marriage…”


Why is Yerin apologizing for this marriage?


She didn’t even want to humiliate the Northern Ice Palace like that.


Doyul, who had been thinking about it, shook his head to clear his cluttered thoughts.


“…Surely, this is all just pointless thinking.”


He himself was in a position where he was struggling to support the Northern Ice Palace.


He didn’t have the luxury to sympathize with Yerin.


“Why do I keep worrying about her… I don’t know the reason.”


Doyul pursed his lips, as if believing that it would calm his confused heart even a little.


Meanwhile, at that moment.


“There really isn’t anyone as high-maintenance as you, miss.”


Yerin listened to the incessant scolding from Sibi like a waterfall.


“Do you know how much I’ve suffered because of you?”




“You almost fainted right before the wedding ceremony, really…”


Sibi clicked her tongue and irritably brushed Yerin’s hair.


“That’s why we had to start all over with the preparations!”




“Making people work twice as hard, miss, you really make things difficult in many ways.”


She had to endure.


They say that if you endure three times, you can avoid murder.


If she caused a commotion in the Dangga and challenged their authority, it would not only affect her but also the Northern Ice Palace.


So, it would be better to stay quiet and leave for the Northern Ice Palace as quietly as possible.


Yerin tried to gather her resolve like that…


“Are you mute, miss? Why aren’t you answering?”


…But her reason was cut off by that scolding.


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