I Became the Villain's Guardian of the Wolf Male Lead

Upon hearing the news that an esteemed guest from the towering magic tower had arrived, Raymond hurriedly dashed to the annex.

However, Billy rejected Raymond’s offer to be entertained in the main building and instead chose the annex, where Ed primarily lived. Then, as if he owned the place, Billy comfortably settled in.

Inside the small reception room attached to the annex, Billy sat on one side of the sofa, while Ed and I sat awkwardly across from him.

Raymond had already been sent away. It was amusing to see his eyes, which had been sparkling at the arrival of an important guest, dim with disappointment.

As I was contemplating how to start the conversation, Billy spoke first.

“I heard you’re a violent lamb.”

Caught off guard by his unexpected words, my eyes widened. Was he under the impression that I was bullying Ed?

‘Am I going to die today?’

Gripping the sofa tightly, my body tensed involuntarily. Just as I was about to respond, Billy spoke again.

“It seems you prefer sitting on the floor rather than on the sofa.”

His gaze shifted to me, hiding behind the sofa. There was clear curiosity in his eyes, as if he were observing something fascinating.

‘It’s not like I want to do this, you know.’

It was instinctual. Standing up from the floor without a hint of embarrassment, I boldly decided to sit on the sofa. Half-perched on the edge of the sofa, I found myself exerting quite a bit of effort just to keep steady.

Ed hadn’t said a word since earlier. He was simply observing the unfamiliar man who claimed to be his uncle.

‘If a choice window pops up here, it’ll be my last moment on earth.’

I desperately prayed that no choice would appear and resolved not to talk about Ed as much as possible. Just as I made this firm decision, Billy asked again.

“How has Ed—My nephew—been living here?”

“Well, uh, he’s been…”

I couldn’t tell if Billy knew that Ed had been sold as a slave, but his once relaxed gaze turned a bit more serious. Being on the receiving end of that look made it difficult for me to form coherent words.


Please, please!

But the choice window cruelly betrayed my hopes.

「1. He lived as a slave, doing what he was told.

2. He lived well, eating and sleeping comfortably. Living lavishly for his status.

3. You can tell just by looking. There’s no better master than me.」

Okay, this isn’t too bad. This is… not bad… right?

I hung my head low, only my eyes shifting nervously.

Billy’s spotless shoes, so clean they wouldn’t even catch a speck of dust, caught my eye. And that reminded me of what he had done just moments ago.

‘This is for calling my nephew a slave bastard.’

A chill spread through my entire body.

‘Back then, that bastard Zeb called him a slave but never a slave bastard…’

So, if I pick any of these choices, will I be treated like that guy? Since all these options involve calling Ed a slave and disrespecting him, does that mean I’ll… soon…

“Lady Morton?”

Ah… today’s the day I die.

● ● ●

Billy recognized his nephew at a glance—the spitting image of his unjustly murdered brother.

The moment he saw that face, he wanted to commend himself for personally coming to investigate the rumors of a ‘young wolf sold to the Morton family.’ He thought it was only natural that Ed would be wary of him.

After all, Billy wasn’t known for making a good first impression.

It was a bit surprising when Ed clung to his master, the lamb, without showing any intention of separating.

If the lamb had even gone so far as to write a letter to the magic tower for the sake of the slave she bought, Billy assumed he must have been treated well.

Still, a part of him worried that Ed had been mistreated.

So, he asked, “How has Ed been living here?”

“You can tell just by looking. There’s no better master than me.”


For the first time, a crack appeared on Billy’s usually composed face.

‘Something feels different from when we communicated through letters or the communication crystal.’

From the moment they first met, this strange lamb had been terrified of him, and even now, perched precariously on the edge of the sofa, she was putting on airs, which Billy found amusing.

“That’s unexpected.”

He meant that the lamb’s personality was surprising, but it seemed the peculiar lamb interpreted his words differently.

The lamb’s face went deathly pale, her whole body drained of color, as she bowed her head deeply.

‘Is she crying?’

Worried that he might have scared her too much and made her cry, Billy rose from the sofa and approached Remi.

Just as he knelt on one knee beside the sofa to get a closer look at the lamb’s face—

“Don’t come any closer!”

Ed, who had been silently sitting until now, suddenly jumped to his feet and ran over, blocking Billy’s path with his arms spread wide.


Was he trying to protect his master? Billy thought he now had a good idea of what Ed’s life had been like here.

Smiling slightly, Billy stood up and gazed down at his grown-up nephew with a satisfied expression.

“Ed, your father was the leader of the wolf territory and the head of the Louvre family.”

Billy had never been particularly kind to children, so explaining things to a child around Ed’s age in a way that was easy to understand wasn’t exactly his strength.

“You’re the sole heir to the Louvre family. So you have to come back with me.”

This was the most detailed explanation Billy could manage.

Having said his piece, Billy assumed Ed would naturally follow him.

No matter how well Ed was treated here, the difference between living as a slave in this place and as the heir to the influential Louvre family across the continent was like night and day.

Even a child this young would surely understand the difference.

“I don’t want to! I’m staying with Lady Remi!”

Billy nearly lost his balance at Ed’s unexpected answer.

● ● ●

Surprising, huh. So, you’re saying that I didn’t take proper care of Ed?

I wanted to tell him that I did my best, but further explanation was impossible.

As our eyes met, I found myself lowering my head before Billy’s piercing, intense golden gaze.

Yes, I was scared. It was at that moment that Ed stepped in front of Billy, arms spread wide, blocking his way towards me.

My head, which had been hanging low in fear, shot up at the thought that today might be my last day alive.

‘What did Ed just say?’

Did he just say he won’t follow his uncle and stay with me?


I couldn’t recall doing anything particularly nice for him.

Sure, I tried my best to take good care of him, but I wasn’t sure how much Ed would even notice that.

I figured that any points I earned by feeding him well, letting him rest, and giving him lighter tasks had probably been negated by the constant choices forced on me.

But now…

‘He appreciated my efforts…!’

Seeing Ed standing protectively in front of me, I felt a rush of emotion.

My efforts hadn’t been in vain.

Now that Ed was standing up for me like this, I could prove I’d been a good master.

‘I’m saved! I don’t have to worry about dying now!’

As relief washed over me, tears of joy welled up in my eyes.

“You must care a lot about Ed.”


“You seem quite moved by his decision to stay with you instead of following me.”

Well… the tears were for a slightly different reason, but I was genuinely touched that Ed thought of me this way.

From Billy’s reaction, it seemed like he now fully believed that I had cared deeply for Ed.

There would be no downfall for the Morton family. I had saved this cursed household!

And most importantly, I’d saved my own life!

‘Of course I cared about him.’

I wanted to say that, but as I was about to speak in a slightly brighter tone than before—

「Congratulations! You’ve earned Ed’s favor.」

A notification window, not the usual set of choices, appeared before my eyes.

「A reward will be issued shortly.」

‘Huh? What is this?’

Then, with a pop! fireworks erupted, and the screen glowed brightly.

「Reward – 10% reduction in the appearance of choices, affinity bar activated.」

The first thing that caught my eye was the reduction in choice frequency.

My eyes widened in disbelief.

‘Does that mean I can now talk to Ed kindly?’

Noticing Billy staring at me curiously, I quickly shut my mouth, which had been hanging open in joy.

My attention then shifted to the next reward. An affinity bar?

“Lady Remi, are you alright?”

Ed, who was still standing between me and Billy, took a step closer and asked.

As I turned to face him, something new came into my sight—something that hadn’t been there before.

Hovering above Ed’s head, like in a game, was a small, horizontal, rectangular gauge bar.

「Affinity: 25%」

‘So this is Ed’s level of affection for me…?’

I was stunned to see that Ed’s affection, which I had earned enough to be rewarded for, was only at 25%.

“Ah… It’s nothing.”

I absentmindedly responded to Ed.

Yes, I responded—on my own will, without any interference.

I almost jumped off the couch and shouted in excitement. I couldn’t express this joy here, so I clenched and unclenched my fists, biting my lip to hold back the flood of emotions welling up inside me.

Just then, I caught sight of Ed and Billy, both staring at me as if I were some strange creature.


I cleared my throat and straightened my posture, which had slumped.

With a trembling heart, I started talking to Billy about Ed.

“How could I not care about Ed? It’s really a shame that he has to go back to the Wolf estate. I wish I could have done more for him.”

Oh my god, oh my god! I’m speaking exactly how I want! It seems that the 10% reduction doesn’t mean a choice will appear one out of every ten times, but rather that the appearance of choices is now random.

The overwhelming relief I felt was like a long-held breath being released all at once, both refreshing and exhilarating.

Though I was mentally dancing with joy, my body remained calm and seated properly on the sofa.

‘But what’s the point of seeing the affection gauge?’

Ed was about to follow his uncle back, and I’d stay here at the Morton estate, living a comfortable life.

When the time came, I’d find a simple partner to marry.

But something felt very off—something unsettling.

“You don’t need to feel so sad.”

“Pardon? Why… not?”

In response to my confused question, Billy, with a faint smile that almost looked playful for a brief second, made an offer, or rather a declaration, that I couldn’t believe.

“Because you’ll be coming with us.”

Wait… what?

“Uh, to where…?”

Billy gave me a look like I had just asked something incredibly obvious, and the words that came out of his mouth were something I couldn’t comprehend.

“To the Wolf estate, of course.”

So, you’re telling me you’re going to take me into the wolves’ den, too?

But I’m… just a lamb.

“What are you talking about?! Why would I go there…!”

I slammed my hands on the table and stood up, shouting.

What kind of nonsense was this wolf spewing?!

Despite my outburst, Billy remained completely composed, standing elegantly without a hint of disturbance.

His slow smile and measured movements as he returned to his seat—all of it seemed to play out in slow motion.

Looking up at me, Billy whispered in a honeyed voice.

“The child wants you to come. You should join us.”

And his gaze shifted to Ed. I followed his gaze and saw Ed, standing there with his small fists clenched, his face filled with anticipation as he watched us.


“I want it, too.”


Why do you want this, too?!

“Please come with us, Lady Morton.”

Billy stared at me with eyes that clearly said, ‘You’re going to agree, right?’

☆ ☆ ☆

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  1. WeirdoKid245 says:

    i wonder how she would fare with her phobia


    Muito bom! Obrigada pela maravilhosa tradução.
    Pelo jeito Remi vai precisar curar sua fobia na marra.

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