I Became the Villain's Guardian of the Wolf Male Lead

While devising a plan to distance Zeb Horse from me, a response arrived from the Magic Tower.

The reply came in the form of a bizarre black bird with glowing eyes. As I marveled at how I had become accustomed to such a sight after just one encounter, the bird opened its beak.

– We meet again.

It was the same voice I had heard last time, likely the same wizard responsible for these communications.

‘Ah, that annoying guy isn’t around,’ I thought, relieved that I didn’t have to deal with the curt and irritable wizard from before.

“So, how have you been?” I asked, attempting a cordial tone.

– Let’s skip the pleasantries

the wizard replied, deflating my spirits slightly. What was it with the wizards from the Magic Tower?

– hmmm…. You asked how a child with magical talent could develop their abilities, and if the Magic Tower could assist, correct?

“Yes,” I confirmed.

– ….

The wizard fell silent again, similar to last time. Perhaps he was consulting with other wizards? I thought I heard some faint voices, but I couldn’t be sure. So, I sat quietly, waiting for a response, feeling increasingly anxious.

– First and foremost, a wizard must develop their abilities independently. The Magic Tower does not engage in charity.

‘Figure it out on your own, huh? Well, that’s the same response as last time.’

Considering the high regard for wizards on this continent, I didn’t expect such a lukewarm response to a child with magical talent. I was starting to feel disappointed when the wizard continued.

– However, we’re willing to make an exception this time and offer some help.


– Ah, please lower your voice. It’s hurting my ears.

“Oh, sorry,” I muttered, abashed. Despite the wizard’s smooth and kind voice, their words were anything but.

Still, the promise of assistance piqued my interest, so I listened intently.

– First, we need to verify the child’s talent. We’ll send a wizard from the Magic Tower to assess them. If the child is deemed a promising candidate, they will be taken to the Tower for training.

Given Ed’s undeniable talent, I was certain he would be accepted into the Magic Tower. The idea of parting with him so soon saddened me, but I knew Ed would be happier in a place where he belonged, surrounded by the best resources.

– The wizard should arrive shortly. Oh, and check the leg of the bird; there’s a pouch attached. Inside, you’ll find a communication orb connected to the Magic Tower. Use it in emergencies.

The bird’s eyes gradually dimmed as the wizard finished speaking.

‘An emergency? Like now,’ I thought, immediately retrieving the orb from the pouch. Zeb was due to visit the estate soon, and there was something urgent I needed to address.

The orb emitted a soft, black glow, a color befitting the Magic Tower.

A carriage slowed as it approached the long road leading to the main building.

“It’s been a while, Lady Morton,” said the insufferable Zeb as he stepped out of the carriage. I had been anxiously awaiting the arrival of a wizard, but there was still no sign of them.

Zeb’s presence, with his greasy eyes and smooth voice, was a jarring disruption to my peace of mind.

‘So this guy was involved in such a heinous act,’ I thought, shivering at the idea of a life with him.

As I stood there in silence, my brother, Raymond, approached and greeted Zeb warmly.

“Sir Horse! I heard you’ve been quite busy. Were you able to resolve everything?”

Ah, right. He did mention being busy.

Zeb’s affairs were none of my concern, so I had nearly forgotten.

Raymond nudged me with his elbow, signaling me to greet Zeb. I plastered on a smile.

“It’s been a while. How have you been?” I said.

“Lady Morton! Are you concerned about me?” Zeb exclaimed, grabbing my hand.

“No, just making polite conversation,” I retorted, pulling my hand away. Zeb, undeterred, continued to speak, not noticing my discomfort.

“I’ve been eagerly waiting to see you again. I’ve even redecorated my estate for our upcoming wedding.”

With an irritating laugh, Zeb and Raymond headed into the main building. I trailed behind, recalling the sinister secret of the Horse family. I felt sick just being in the same room as Zeb, but I needed to buy some time.

‘It can’t be helped,’ I thought, following them to the parlor.

Sitting across from Zeb, who leisurely sipped his tea, I felt a surge of disdain. Knowing the Horse family’s dark secret made my contempt for Zeb even deeper.

“Haha, by the way, Lady Morton, would you like to visit our estate? You should familiarize yourself with the place you’ll soon call home,” Zeb suggested.

He seemed so sure of our impending marriage, speaking as if it were a done deal.

Zeb continued to blather on about how he’d redecorated the largest bedroom in his estate to suit a sheep’s taste and how visiting the estate beforehand would be beneficial.

The thought of the horrible deeds happening in that mansion’s basement while he casually invited guests over made my skin crawl.

‘Unbelievable,’ I thought, realizing that someone as despicable as Zeb could lead an entire territory. The idea that Ed might have been caught up in the Horse family’s evil made my already sour mood plummet.

“I don’t see the need to visit in advance,” I replied.

“Oh, I see. Well, seeing it for the first time on our wedding day would be special too,” Zeb responded, misinterpreting my words.

While he chattered on, my focus remained on his assistant and the communication orb he held. My heart pounded with anxiety.

‘Are they doing okay?’ I wondered, casting a worried glance at the clock on the parlor wall.

Inside the mansion of the Horse family, the ruling house of the Zebra domain.

On the surface, the mansion’s garden and ground floors appeared peaceful, but security grew increasingly strict as one approached the underground areas.

However, there was someone who effortlessly bypassed these heavy security measures, moving unnoticed.

“Tch, have they deployed all the family’s knights for security? Such thoroughness is unnecessary.”

Despite walking confidently through the mansion, none of the servants or guards noticed him.

This was, of course, because the intruder was none other than Billy Louvre, the leader of the Wolf domain.

Once a candidate for the position of Archmage, Billy was a powerful magician. Concealing himself with magic, even skilled magicians would have difficulty detecting his presence.

‘Why am I even here?’ Billy thought.

Nick had designated him for the task, citing his ability to handle it quickly. Despite Billy’s protests, Nick simply shrugged, smiling.

“The Archmage has a lot to handle at the tower, so of course, I can’t go. And since you have somewhere to be, why not do a good deed on the way?”

Remembering Nick’s words, Billy clicked his tongue and continued down a twisting staircase leading to the underground. He recalled the bold sheep who had first contacted the Archmage.

– Wizard? Are you there? I have information about a magical crime!

Billy hadn’t expected such quick contact, especially not before they had initiated it themselves.

“She really is an interesting sheep.”

The Magic Tower, a dominant force in the continent’s center for generations, was more feared than revered.

This was due to the legacy of fear-based control established by the previous Archmages to solidify the tower’s position within the Empire.

Even Nick, when he first became Archmage, intended to maintain this image for convenience, although he briefly considered improving it.

Then, unexpectedly, a letter arrived at the tower, delivered through an ancient and long-forgotten magic circle. Despite the terrifying rumors about the tower—such as people being used as test subjects or facing unimaginable horrors—this sheep had reached out.

Curious about the sender, Billy and Nick opened the letter together in the Archmage’s chamber, laughing at its contents.

“So, she’s trying to escape an arranged marriage by asking for help from the Magic Tower?”

“Does she think death is preferable to marriage?”

The letter, seemingly written in desperation, was baffling. As they considered dismissing the matter as a minor curiosity, a second letter arrived.

“A child she knows has shown magical talent, and she wants to know if the Magic Tower can help.”

“That can’t be all.”

“It is.”


“Who is this sheep?”

She had not only been the first to contact the Magic Tower but had also boldly proposed improving the tower’s image and had even dared to address them informally. Now, she was asking for support in training a child’s magical abilities?

After receiving the second letter, Nick and Billy exchanged bemused glances. Was the sheep’s boldness due to rumors that the new Archmage was softer than his predecessors? They decided to send a messenger bird out of curiosity, wanting to understand her intentions.

When they made contact, the sheep simply reiterated the points from her letters, showing no fear even while speaking directly with the Magic Tower.

They found her audacity intriguing, leading them to provide her with a communication orb for direct contact with the tower.

This was partly to satisfy their curiosity and partly to maintain a convenient line of communication. If they lost interest, they could retrieve the orb and enforce secrecy with magic.

Moreover, according to a report from his secretary, a young wolf from their clan had been sold as a slave to the estate where the sheep resided, which piqued Billy’s interest further.

“She used the orb to report illegal magical exploitation first?”

As soon as they provided her with the orb, the sheep immediately contacted them.

“The Horse family is buying slaves with magical abilities and exploiting them illegally. They’re accumulating vast wealth by selling the magical items these slaves produce.”

“Do you have proof?”

“Remember you told me to find my own way to avoid the marriage? I went to an information guild to dig up dirt on the Horse family to use as leverage.”

“Definitely not an ordinary sheep.”


“Nothing, continue.”

“Ahem, given that it involves magical crimes, I thought the Magic Tower should know. I request an investigation.”

“An investigation….”

“The child I’m looking after almost ended up being sold there.”

It was this statement that finally moved Billy, who had been listening indifferently.

He guessed the child being looked after was the young wolf that had mentioned. If the child wasn’t the nephew he was searching for, it would simply be a good deed. But if the child was indeed his nephew….

“The Horse family must face the appropriate consequences for daring to touch the heir of the Louvre family.”

Billy’s eyes, as cold as the frost of midwinter, stared down into the darkness below.

☆ ☆ ☆

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