I Became the Obsessive Male Lead’s Ex-Wife

CHAPTER 007: My heart started beating again

I have no idea what this man is thinking. You couldn’t be so cold when you were alone with me, so why are you hugging me again now? When he sang a song with all his heart, he coldly dismissed it by telling me not to show, and why he was clinging to me now as if he had something left to say. With his arms wrapped tightly around my back and his head, and me buried in his arms, the things he said rang in my ears.


“Don’t run away, just listen, Irwen. Don’t give up on me so easily.”


“Let’s talk about this first. Because I’m not running away.”


Only then did the strong arms wrapped around me slowly loosen. Pervin’s face, which I am seeing for the first time, appears before my eyes. As if he didn’t know what to do, his wide shaking eyes stared at me clearly.


“I listened to the song well, and I knew your sincerity well.”


“You said it was a show earlier.”


“That… It was a mistake. It’s a stage you worked so hard to prepare for, so you can’t take it lightly.”


You spoke so coldly earlier, but now why are you tickling my chin so affectionately? Then you should have shown your sincerity a long time ago, why are you picking on people? Feeling grumpy for no reason, I raised my head at him.


“It would be good if you didn’t just say this with words, but also showed it with actions. He’s so kind and nice to other people, but when it’s just the two of us, there’s no sharp sword.”


Then suddenly I felt hot lips on my lips. After a moment of surprise, he quickly pulled his body away from me. The heat was burning and enveloped my entire body. He moved away from me. He seemed like he couldn’t believe he had done something like this.


“This kind of insincere behavior is absolutely unacceptable.”


“It’s not that there was no sincerity and…”


Pervin fixed his shaking eyes on me.


“It was you who asked me to show you in action.”


* * *


Confused, I quickly went back to my room and threw myself on the bed. My body felt weak and I couldn’t think of anything. Isn’t it just me that has changed, or is Pervin changing too? Now I was so confused as to what his true intentions were. What does it mean that all my actions seem like a show, and then suddenly we hugged each other, and why did our lips… That’s what it was. I rolled over and over in bed with a complicated mind, but I couldn’t come to any conclusion. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and Mrs. Tilly came towards me. He helped her take off her fancy dress and put on comfortable street clothes. I’m sure you’ve had a tiring day preparing for and cleaning up the banquet today, but I don’t know why your face is glowing like this.


“What does the master say after hearing your wife sing? You say it’s good?”




Mrs. Tilly’s question reminded me again of the situation I had experienced with Pervin earlier. The icy face that was cold to me, his wide chest that suddenly hugged me, and the hot touch of his lips. I was so embarrassed that I said the most impressive thing I had heard from him earlier.


“They told me not to make a show.”


What do you think of Mrs. Tilly’s face, which was full of joy? The expression changed to: She patted the wrinkles of her dress and spoke vigorously.


“I’m sure you didn’t mean it that way, ma’am. He is a very honest person, so everything he says has a bit of a sharp edge to it.”


“I don’t know… I need to rest first, take off my shoes and stockings.”


“Then shall we take you to the garden? The warm evening air is perfect for resting.”


“Please do so. Also, I would like some sweet macaroons and hot chocolate to be served in the garden. Eat something sweet and recharge. I want to be alone and comfortable.”


Mrs. Tilly, perceptive as she was, quickly nodded her head.


“All right. I will serve you alone, so please make yourself at home, ma’am.”


I walked with support. First, I sat down at the table and took off the high-heeled shoes that were tight on my feet, followed by the stockings. I was so nervous just singing in front of so many people, but trying to wear an outfit worthy of a duchess made me feel like I was going to die of frustration.


“Ah, it’s cool.”


I pulled out a chair and put one leg on it. Her white legs, clearly exposed up to her thighs, sparkled in the sunlight. I massaged my legs, which had suffered from wearing stockings and high heels, with both hands, and only then did the blood seem to flow. The hem of her long skirt, which had been flipped over, fluttered against the chair. I looked around, made sure no one was there, and lifted my skirt up my thighs. Then he put his legs up on the chair. I was bending over my legs and massaging them when I heard something from above. A man’s voice, as if he was holding back something.




I quickly looked up at the sound of a man coughing. I saw the window creaking shut. Beyond the closed window, only flowing white-blond hair could be seen.


* * *


Pervin entered the office alone and sat down on a chair. Impulsively she gave Irwen her kiss. No, to be exact, it wasn’t even a kiss, it was just a light kiss. It wasn’t planned or intentional. When asked to show his feelings through action, he revealed his true feelings. The moment he saw Irwen’s surprised face, he felt a strong regret and a strong desire at the same time. She strongly regrets her present action, which went against her resolution of the past when she had no expectations of her. And I saw in her astonished eyes a strong desire to kiss her a second time. Per Vin’s face became even more stern because of the confusion in her mind.


“I’m going crazy, I’m going crazy…”


He couldn’t exaggerate how confused Irwen would be, that he thought she was strange. You would have thought she was crazy to suddenly kiss her after spewing out such harsh words. Pervin sat down in her seat and shook her head. Why was he pouring out his harsh words to Irwen, when he didn’t even mean it? He felt resentful of this mouth that was spitting out words that were completely opposite to his heart. If this was going to happen, it would have been better off not saying anything, why would he have hurt her. She closed her pale green eyes, then opened them again. He saw an empty ceiling painted light green. He hoped that peace would come to his heart as much as the empty ceiling, Pervin thought. But now his mind was completely filled with Irwen. Irwen Lilias, silky black hair and pale eyes were extremely beautiful… his wife. Her voice was as beautiful as her beautiful face. Her voice gently wrapped around him as if tempting him…


“How was my song?”


She was giving him sparkling eyes from the bottom of the stairs. It seemed to her that it was only a matter of time before he was taken to her. Pervin shook his head vigorously, trying to shake his thoughts. But he met with the opposite effect. Even if she closes her eyes, he would cry, if she opens her eyes, he would cry. Irwen’s captivating face floated across the ceiling. He had to admit it. That his heart, which had been cold since the first night, began to beat again. Pervin looked at the ceiling and muttered without realizing it.


“Why on earth are you shaking me now, Irwen… So you captured my heart again… I told myself not to expect anything, but…”


He jumped up and headed to the window. He left the large window slightly open, just wide enough for his fist to go in and out, and looked out. He was going to cool his head for a moment by looking at the sponsorship. The window, which was specially designed so that the outside could be seen from the inside, but not the inside from the outside, was also a space where Pervin could take a moment to catch his breath. In the back garden, lilies of the valley were in full bloom to suit his taste. When he opened the window, the scent of lily of the valley would fill the room like it does now. Of course, he could have opened the window wide and stuck out his face, but he never did that. He was satisfied just looking at that beautiful flower field. At that time, he was looking at the garden with his arms crossed and his forehead rubbed. A familiar yet unfamiliar woman came into view. Irwen, whom he had never seen before, was out in the garden. She, who had never been out in the garden because the soil was dirty, was lying on the table in her garden. Pervin approached the window without realizing it.




Irwen, wearing a white dress, was sitting on a chair as if she was thinking about something. The corners of her eyes were slightly lowered, which was the expression she had changed when she was completely cold. Pervin looked at her, feeling remorse for her. Was he being too harsh? Was that why he was blaming himself like that in the garden? That’s when he devoted all his attention to Irwen. She started acting unexpectedly. She bent down, kicked off her two shoes, and rolled up the hem of her long dress. Her exposed slender legs came into Pervin’s view. Of course she was wearing stockings, but it was still her first time seeing her bare legs outside, not even in bed, but in the garden. Pervin walked closer to the window without her knowing. She didn’t care that her platinum feet fluttered in the evening breeze. Before he knew it, Irwen had pulled down her white stockings and thrown them under her table and onto her chair. Before Pervin could finish his astonishment, she put her white legs on her chair and started kneading them. Come to think of it, she had swollen legs. Even as she waited for him to return home, she always seemed to have swollen legs. It was amazing to see her long legs being massaged with her white hands, and her lips were trembling. She was confident that even if she ran at me with her naked body she would refuse. But why, looking at her white thighs and legs, did his heart beat as if it were broken? Pervin was covering his own mouth with his elegant hand, in case any sound escaped his mouth. Before he knew it, Irwen had thrown her dress over and started massaging her legs in earnest. As if not even thinking about the fact that her long dress was dragging on the garden floor, she massaged her legs so hard that her underwear dress was exposed. Pervin managed to come to her senses and tried to close her window. His clear head told him to close the window, but his body was following its instincts. His eyes slowly scanned her as he turned to Irwen. She had already massaged her right leg, and now she had also lifted her left leg onto the chair. She bent her body over her legs, exposing her bare thighs, and tossed her hair to one side. Her long, luscious hair was flipped to her left, revealing the side of her beautiful face. Pervin stared at her as if it took her breath away. Her luxurious, slightly angular jawline, elegant neckline, sunken collarbones, and flowing curves that frame her body. It’s mesmerizing, really.




A heartfelt cough escaped her without her knowledge. At the same time, Irwen looked up at her. Just a second before she came face to face with her horse’s backside, Pervin used all her strength to close her window. bang! Pervin clutched her own pounding heart. Going crazy. Her heart started beating again. Just like the day she fell in love with Irwen at first sight. 


* * *


The next morning. I struggled to open my heavy eyelids at Mrs. Tilly’s timid touch.


“Ma’am, it’s time to wake up!”


“Hmm… hmm? But it’s still dark outside…”


“But you said it yesterday in the garden, that from today onwards you will see my master off to work at the imperial palace.”


“Oh, that’s right.”


I barely remembered what I talked to Mrs. Tilly in the garden yesterday. Taking off her stockings and making herself at ease, she talked alone with the warm Mrs. Tilly, who had a knack for putting her people at ease. In response to my reluctance to talk about Pervin, Mrs. Tilly tried to console me, saying that if I continued to behave like this, Pervin’s mood would soon ease. She’s a pretty simple person, so if you just love her, those feelings will go away. The first thing that Madame Tilly recommended to me when I told her to do my best as a duchess was to see off her husband on his way to work, and…


“Originally, the Duchess of Carlisle is famous for having a good relationship with her husband for generations. So, it is customary to pick out cufflinks for His Royal Highness the Duke when he leaves for work at the Imperial Palace in the morning.”


“There is such a custom?”


“I have been a member of the Carlisle family for over 30 years and have served the ancestral duchess closely. Would I dare to tell a lie, madam? Of course, the previous Duke and Duchess did not keep this tradition very well, but I sincerely ask you, Madame, to do the same.”


I, with Mrs. Tilly’s help, had put on the green dress and was now fixing her hair. I met Mrs. Tilly’s flushed eyes in the mirror and muttered.


“Not yet Pervin… I’m not close enough to him to pick out cufflinks for him…”


We’re not close, but we kissed, it’s driving me crazy. Of course, it may have been an accident, but it still feels uncomfortable to look at Pervin’s face now. Isn’t it true, I have to be more confident to claim my rights?


“You get to know each other by picking out buttons, ma’am!”


Mrs. Tilly clenched her fists and gave me strength.


“In the meantime, we talk, get to know each other a bit, and find common ground. How tough have you been over the past four years, you two? This time we have to make up for the intimacy we haven’t been able to build.”


“That’s right, it’s better to have a good relationship than a bad one.”


“As we talk, we will become closer and you will naturally have a baby, so don’t worry, ma’am. I, Luciana Tilly, will work hard to help you make a successful change!”


“Yes, we became intimate and naturally the baby… huh?”


Mrs. Tilly tied her black hair into a high ponytail and her eyes sparkled.


“Hasn’t it been five years since you got married? The Duchess of Carlisle of the time all gave birth to heirs within five years. Of course, the previous Duchess is a bit of an exception. Still, you must try, ma’am!”


“That has nothing to do with me…”


“Until now, I couldn’t say anything because I was worried about what my wife would think, but now that my wife’s mood has become softer, even the elders in the family seem to be secretly looking forward to it! I hope to hear a baby crying on Carlisle Manor this year!”


I pressed my fingers to my itchy forehead. If my relationship with my husband worsens, my well-being will deteriorate, and if my relationship with my husband improves, I am secretly pressured to have a child. … … I think I need to make sure this is clear with Pervin. Anyway, for now, getting to know each other came first. As soon as I finished dressing, I hurried to Pervin’s room. 


* * *


If you leave my bedroom and walk down the long hallway, you will find Pervin’s bedroom. He gave me the coziest and most luxurious bedroom in his mansion, and he was using the small bedroom next to his office and study. When he thought about it, his personality didn’t seem that bad. Seeing that he gave up something better to me, it was clear that he was quite considerate of me. I think it’s true that he has been patient and considerate of me over the past four years. Why on earth did Irwen treat such a person so badly? I arrived at the door with the determination to treat him humanely well. Alfred, the butler who was waiting outside the tightly closed door, was startled when he saw me. That’s because Irwen had never stopped by here since she got married. He didn’t even bother to pick out the duke’s clothes in the morning, and he didn’t even go to the duke’s house at night, so it was natural. He hurriedly bowed deeply to me.


“Ma’am, what is going on here?”


“Is His Majesty the Duke awake?”


“Yes, he did wake up…”


“Then could you please move out of the way? “I have to go inside to pick out His Majesty’s clothes.”


“That is… This is my first time doing something like this, so I think I should tell the owner first…”


Alfred stomped his foot in a panic. Mrs. Tilly, who was standing behind me, urged him with her solemn expression.


“Alfred, what kind of courtesy is this to the Duchess? “Can’t we open the door right away?”




I went into the door that Alfred opened. From behind, Mrs. Tilly clenched her fist at me as if to cheer me up. The door was closed. I looked around and admired Pervin’s bedroom. All that was there was a single bed, a round tea table with two chairs, and a large closet. There were numerous documents lying around on the tea table. Seeing the red seal on it, it seemed like an important document, so I quickly looked away. What if Princess Verma is misunderstood as having seen Theresia’s confidential documents?




A small room where I called loudly but heard no answer. The sound of water seemed to be faintly heard from somewhere. At that time, I was walking around the room and trying to find Pervin. The documents that had been neatly placed on the table scattered to the ground. I was so startled that I picked up the document without realizing it. And the moment I was trying to place it neatly on the table. A drowsy male voice came from behind.


“What are you doing here?”


I jerked and turned around. thud. My heart almost dropped. Per Vin was standing there with a white towel loosely draped over her lower body. His white blond hair down to his neck is dripping with moisture like dew, and the moisture that hasn’t dried yet is shining on his naked upper body.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

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