I Became The Mother Of the Male Lead Who Lives With An Adulterous Man

IBMMLLWAM Chapter 3.1

“What do you mean? Am I crazy?”

“Jane was my guest. How could you lead someone like that to such a plain room? Besides, what happened to make her fair and pretty face look so swollen? Also, how could you embarrass your husband in front of a guest.”

“I told you, it was Jane who was rude first.”

“Are you going to slap someone just for being rude?”

“She did something that deserved a beating. She said she would give me your favorite perfume as a gift. She spoke in a tone as if she had slept with you. I was thinking about informing the council of elders, but I just took care of it on my own instead.”

Theodore opened and closed his mouth repeatedly. He wanted to protest, but couldn’t seem to think of the right words.

She was right. What could he even say to that? As Rachel said, it was fortunate that it ended with just a slap. Dragging Jane to the council of elders was also the worst-case scenario for Theodore.

‘How dare you invite a commoner to your home as a mistress? Not only does it undermine the authority of the nobility, it also brings no benefit!’

There were many nobles who committed adultery, but inviting said mistress into one’s home was a different story.

If the nobles of the council discovered the affair, they would have punished Jane and Theodore even more harshly to hide their own shame. Theodore, who was pursing his lips, stammered out an apology.

“Uh, um. I didn’t know she was such a spoiled person. Next time I won’t bring her into our home.”

It was a welcome statement.

“I would appreciate it if that was the case.”

“I’m so busy with work these days that I must be out of it. I didn’t pay close enough attention to the kind of woman Jane was.”

“I thought so. It seems like you come home late every day recently. Are you really that busy with work?”

“Yes. We are preparing for the birthday banquet for His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.”

“If you are busy with work, how about finding temporary accommodations closer to your workplace? At least until the banquet is over. I’m worried that if this continues, your health may be affected.”

‘Then I can spend my days without seeing a face I don’t want to see!’

Theodore became noticeably relieved at Rachel’s words.

“Really? Is that okay?”

“Of course.”

“Hahaha! Thank you so much. It’s something I’ve already thought about, but I couldn’t bring it up because I was afraid you wouldn’t like it. Before you said you wanted me to come home, even if it’s very late.”

“I’m sure your mother would disapprove though. Don’t forget that she is planning to come to the mansion in a few days.”

“Okay, I won’t forget. I’ll just stop by the mansion when my mother comes. I’ll take my leave then, I need to find out if there is a good place to stay near my place of work.”

‘Please, have a great time and stay away from the mansion unless absolutely necessary.’

Rachel turned around and headed to the bedroom with a light heart.

* * *

When she woke up in the morning, Theodore had already left.

A butler wearing a round monocle welcomed Rachel with sharp eyes. It was Theodore’s right hand and butler, Carl, who served Theodore.

“You’re awake my Lady? Good morning.”

“Yes, Carl. Good morning. Where’s Graham?”

“After breakfast, he left to go play.”

“With Marsha?”

“No, he’s playing with another maid.”

Naughty Marsha. She hadn’t shown up even after the Lady of the house had returned home the day before. It seems she had then overslept this morning as well.

“It’s a good thing she’s not looking after Graham at the moment. I have something to tell Marsha. Please call her to the living room.”

“You mean now?”

“Yes. Right now.”

She would need to scramble out of bed and rush over.

Rachel had to struggle to keep the corners of her mouth from quirking up to one side.

Carl studied her face, then asked politely.

“……Okay, what else is on your schedule?”

She ran a hand through her unkempt hair and yawned loudly as she pretended to be tired and lazy, like she had nothing on her mind.

“Hmm, what should I do today? First, after eating, I’ll continue the novel I was reading yesterday… Ah! I also want to go to the guild. Please prepare the carriage.”

“You want to visit the guild?”


Carl tensed, his eyes shining behind his glasses.

Guilds were places where information and work were bought and sold. It was not a place for an ordinary Countess to visit. In the original, Rachel visited the guild after learning about Theodore’s affair. The purpose was to hire someone to follow him.

“Sketchy people tend to gather there. It is far too dangerous for you to visit.”

“Is it? But it’s our wedding anniversary soon. I want to prepare a special gift. I don’t want to give Theo something that is sold just anywhere.”

“In that case, I will invite someone who works at the guild to the mansion.”

“Oh, you would do that? Then that’ll be nice and convenient for me.”

“I will tell them to come to the mansion later today.”

“Thank you, Carl.”

Rachel smiled brightly. Carl lowered his tense shoulders and nodded, as if relieved.

“Then it sounds like you will be staying at the mansion today.”

Carl bowed stiffly and left the room.

After tidying up her disheveled clothes and hair, Rachel stood up and headed to the living room.

It was time to scold the naughty Marsha.

After waiting in the living room for a while, Marsha came in.

It seemed like she had prepared in a hurry, but didn’t look particularly nervous, most likely because Rachel and Marsha met often to talk about Graham.

“You called for me, ma’am?”

“Marsha, let me be blunt. Where were you last night?”




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