I Became The Mother Of the Male Lead Who Lives With An Adulterous Man

IBMMLLWAM Chapter 2.2

“How dare you slap me in the face! I am Count Theodore’s guest!”

“So? Just because you’re a guest does that mean I need to endure hearing these insults? I guess you forgot because Theodore is always so nice to you, but you are just a commoner and I am a Countess. This is ridiculous. I was being polite, but now you just try to walk all over me?”

In truth, Rachel hadn’t intended to slap her. She was planning to play nice and pretend to be the same old Rachel until the divorce was finalized. But seeing this woman blatantly saying that they were having an affair right in front of her face made her feel sick.

Jane was shaking and crying, unsure of what to do.


Jane quickly rushed to Theodore as soon as he appeared. He looked like he was about to embrace her, but whether or not it was because of Rachel’s presence, he held back.


“Uh, Jane?”

Theodore was surprised to see his lover’s cheek glowing red.

“Rachel! What happened? Why is Jane’s cheek…”

“She did something to deserve it, right Jane?”

Janes eyes filled with tears again at the sound of Rachel’s clear voice, but she had no excuse. It was clear that Theodore would also reprimand her if he found out about her slip of tongue.

Dinner was ready and Jane, Theodore, Rachel and Graham all sat down at the dinner table. Jane looked at Rachel’s eyes and made a cute gesture to Theodore, who was sitting next to her. Perhaps thanks to her boyfriend who was comforting her by her side, she didn’t look quite as upset as she had before.

“It’s really amazing to have so many employees waiting for you to eat! The Count’s life is so different from mine, it makes you feel distant.”

“If this makes you feel distant, just come and visit more often to get used to it.”

They’re really having a good time.

Come and visit more often? Says who?

She was about to reply that she didn’t want Jane to visit again, but surprisingly, Graham spoke first.

“I don’t like you. Please don’t come again.”


Jane spoke without realizing Graham had been speaking to her.

“Hi, Graham. I’ve heard a lot about you from the Count. You are so handsome. I’m sure you’ll be really cool when you grow up since you look just like the Count.”

Although he was still a child, Graham was the next Count of Elrosa. How could she speak so casually to someone whose status was so much higher than hers? Even though her lover was with her, she had still crossed the line.

What was more surprising was Theodore. He didn’t stop Jane from speaking like this to his son, who would be inheriting the title.

Graham pouted.

“Are you dumb? I don’t look like my dad, I look just like my mother.”

“Uh, no. You look like your dad. Your hair color, eye color…”

She wasn’t wrong, but Graham seemed very upset. His eyes even began to fill with tears.

“I don’t want to be like my dad. I want to be like my mom, not dad.”

Graham’s eyes turned to Rachel, asking for help.

Rachel quickly nodded.

“Of course, you look like your mom. You are your mother’s son, and as far as I’m concerned, you don’t look like your dad, you look like your mom.”

“That’s right. I do look like my mom, don’t I?”

Graham smiled broadly. Theodore cleared his throat, not knowing what to do.

“Graham, do you like your mother that much?”

“Yeah! Mom is the prettiest and nicest in the world!”

“What about dad? Is your dad pretty too?”

“Dad, you’re not pretty.”

He spoke as if it was a question.

Theodore scratched his head, embarrassed.

“Is it because your dad is a man that you won’t tell him he’s pretty? Then how about Jane? Isn’t Jane pretty?”

Graham, who quietly looked at Jane sitting across from him, lowered his shoulders, suddenly looking depressed.

“Mom, we’re in big trouble.”

“Hmmm? Why is that?”

“I guess dad is getting old and can’t see anymore.”

His voice was so serious that Rachel was barely able to suppress her laughter.

“Why don’t you think your dad can see well?”

“Marsha said that as you get older, you lose your vision. Dad thinks he’s pretty and he also says the not-so-pretty lady is pretty, but he didn’t say mom was pretty, even though she’s the prettiet in the whole world. Isn’t that because he can’t see good?”

How can he speak so sweetly?

Moreover, he was even able to subtly scold Theodore and Jane. As expected, the male lead is still the male lead, even if he is young.

The expressions on Theodore and Jane’s faces, unable to seriously question or get angry at the child’s words, were exquisite. They didn’t know what to do.

Rachel couldn’t even show her overflowing joy, she just cheered internally. She wanted to hug Graham and praise him right away. It was very difficult for her to act polite in a situation like this.

She wished she could just get divorced quickly and live alone with Graham.

As soon as the meal was over, Jane left the mansion quickly, as if she was running away. She looked like she was about to burst into tears, even though Rachel hadn’t even done anything to her.

Rachel didn’t know how Jane was going to survive when she was going to have to go through much more terrible things in the future.

Theodore growled with a stern look on his face.

“Don’t go to bed yet, Rachel. I have something I want to say once I get back.”


It looked like he was going to scold her for not helping Jane during dinner.

Or not.

Theodore, who had left the mansion with Jane, offering to walk her home, did not return until late into the night. He strode toward Rachel with a menacing look in his eyes.

“Rachel. Are you crazy?”

He was the one who was crazy.

Rachel chuckled inwardly.

Hi all! Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy as always. You can follow my novels on the Moonlight Discord for updates. Click here to visit my Patreon to read ahead *RPWS-Completed* *IBMMLLWAM up to Ch 54* or support me on my support me on my ko-fi here . Thank you for the support and don't forget to check out some of my other novels!


  1. Natasha801 says:

    Oh! Graham is the best!❤️

  2. sadbeech says:

    Lmaooo Graham is savage 😭 love this baby boy omg

  3. Kzalca says:

    HE’S Asking HER if she’s crazy? The audacity of this mofo….

    Thanks for the translation!

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