I Became the Mother-in-law of the Regretful Female Lead

“What kind of disgrace is this? Even though you’re about to part ways, the mere rumor that my son was once involved with a woman like you is enough to make me sick.”

Lilliana felt as if a dagger had pierced her heart at those sharp words.

“I-I’m sorry, Mother…”

She didn’t know what else to say besides an apology.

It felt like tears were about to fall.

‘I just wanted to make a good impression on her…’

She had tried to step up, but ended up ruining everything.

Vanessa was known for her harsh words, but Lilliana had always sensed hidden kindness behind them.

That’s why she wanted to grow closer to her and had made genuine efforts to do so.

But had she gone about it the wrong way?

All she could see in Vanessa’s fiery red eyes now was unmistakable anger.

Lilliana hung her head low.

She was usually not the type to cry, but she found it hard to hold back her tears now.

‘Even when I found out I had a 4.8 billion debt, I wasn’t this upset…’

Over the past few days, it seemed Lilliana had given her heart to Vanessa more than she realized.

It wasn’t strange, really.

Since losing her mother at a young age, Lilliana had always longed to be close to an older woman.

A mother’s touch, a sister’s love.

She envied those around her who received such care as if it were only natural. She had always yearned for such a presence in her life.

But as time passed, she gave up on that dream.

She came to understand that unconditional affection is nearly impossible without a blood bond.

And then she met Vanessa Winder.

A woman who, despite her rough methods, showed her inexplicable kindness.

‘I really wanted to grow closer this time…’

But now that it felt like it was truly over with Vanessa, the ground beneath her feet seemed to give way.

Lilliana clenched her fists tightly to hold back her tears.

And at that moment, something unbelievable happened.

“Come with me.”


“I said, come with me.”

“Where are we going…?”

Lilliana repeatedly questioned her, not understanding the situation, which only made Vanessa scowl in annoyance.

Then, grabbing Lilliana’s wrist forcefully, she began to drag her somewhere.

“Where else? You weren’t seriously thinking of wandering around in that state, were you?”


“If you walk around looking like that, you’ll only lower my standards. Now, hurry up and follow me.”

Even though she heard Vanessa clearly, Lilliana still couldn’t believe her ears.

‘Wasn’t Madam Winder disappointed in me? And now she’s suddenly taking me to another boutique…?’

She had thought it was truly over.

Was she just dreaming, refusing to let go of Vanessa?

But everything was real. This was no dream.

Before she knew it, they had arrived at one of Vanessa’s other regular boutiques.

“Hello, Madam Winder. You’ve brought someone different today?”

“Yes, I’m here to dress up Lady Locke this time. I have a few things in mind…”

Lilliana followed Vanessa around with a bewildered look in her eyes.

And then.

Before she realized it, she had been styled from head to toe.

“Come out once you’re done. I thought my neck would fall off waiting.”

With the madam’s help, Lilliana changed clothes with some difficulty and, feeling nervous, slowly stepped out.

‘I’ve never worn a dress in this color before…’

It was a dress chosen by none other than Vanessa herself, so it was bound to look good, but Lilliana couldn’t help feeling anxious.

One step at a time, she emerged from the fitting room.

And the moment she did, her reflection in the full-length mirror caught her eye.


Lilliana let out an involuntary gasp.

‘Is that really me?’

It was hard to believe. Clad in a transparent, water-colored dress, she looked so beautiful, she almost didn’t recognize herself.

‘This is unreal…’

All her life, Lilliana had never considered herself to be particularly pretty. She was always compared to her brother.

Tristan had always been an exceptional beauty.

Even as a child, he was famous for being the most handsome in the capital, and his fame only grew with age.

There were even jokes about how the banquet hall would be filled with women hoping to exchange a word with him whenever he attended a party.

He was so striking that he could stop passersby in their tracks. That was Tristan.

And what about her, his younger sister? Her plain appearance barely warranted any description at all.

That was how Lilliana saw herself.


Now, it seemed that was nothing more than her own misconception.

“It’s like magic…”

She couldn’t take her eyes off the mirror, murmuring to herself.

Then, Vanessa, who had been observing her all along, spoke up.

“It’s not magic. You simply brought out the hidden charm that was always there.”

Her tone was sharp, almost scolding.

But Lilliana had long since learned to filter Vanessa’s words.

‘Mother’s praising my changed appearance, saying it looks good to her…’

The first compliment Vanessa ever gave me. It moved me deeply. But Vanessa didn’t allow me to bask in that emotion for long.

“Hm, your waist is even slimmer than I thought. It would be better to tighten it a bit more around here. Madam, please mark this spot.”

“Yes, Lady Windor.”

Vanessa carefully inspected Liliana’s figure for a while, noting areas that needed adjustment. Then, with a satisfied smile, she nodded.

“Now, it’s finally worth looking at.”

Oh, just like before, Liliana felt tears welling up again. This was clearly a more heartfelt compliment than the one from earlier.

Just as Liliana was feeling happy, Vanessa changed the atmosphere as if she had something important to say.

“I’ll only say this once, so listen carefully. Other people would pay for this kind of opportunity but still couldn’t get it.”

“Yes, Mother!”

Although she didn’t know what it was about, Lilliana answered energetically and cheerfully. She was eager to hear anything Vanessa had to say.

“First, throw away all the dresses in the mansion. They’re nothing but trash because they don’t even know how to show off your strengths.”

“Yes! I’ll throw them out right away!”

“And when choosing a new dress in the future, keep this in mind. First, you need to understand your charm properly. Look at your reflection in the mirror. How do you look?”

“Ah… um, I think I look tidier than usual…”

“No, that’s not the answer I wanted. Purity. You need to focus on this word. It’s your strongest asset.”


“In other words, the flashy ribbons attached to your old dresses are unnecessary. They only ruin the mood and make you look messy.”

Vanessa took a deep breath and continued explaining.

“Don’t even think about wearing too many accessories. Too many decorations make a person look over the top. While there are exceptions, they are rare.”

As Lilliana quietly listened to the explanation, she cautiously asked in a soft voice.

“Like you, Mother?”

It was a simple question, but Vanessa’s eyes suddenly gleamed with a pleased expression.

“You even know how to flatter. Did you seduce Jeremyon like this too? You sly thing.”

Vanessa continued to give Lilliana various pieces of advice—everything from choosing designs that highlight her slender neck and waist to avoiding heavy makeup.

Every bit of it was helpful.

“Thank you so much, Mother!”

As soon as the explanations ended, Lilliana expressed her gratitude with deep emotion.

More than the fact that she was becoming prettier, she was touched by the fact that Vanessa knew her strengths better than she did.

But then…

“No need for thanks. More importantly… I’ve already selected a few dresses that suit you, including the one you’re wearing now. The payment is settled, so once they’re finished, they’ll be delivered to the Locke residence.”

Lilliana couldn’t believe she had even more to be grateful for.

“Mother… thank you so much. I’ll never forget this kindness. I’ll treasure and wear these gifts with great care.”

Tears had quietly gathered in the corners of Liliana’s eyes.

These tears weren’t just from the joy of receiving gifts; they were from the certainty that Vanessa truly cared for her.

“Hmph. Kindness, you say? Don’t be ridiculous. I’m only giving them because the wine last time was excellent, so don’t misunderstand and think I have any affection for you.”

With that, Vanessa quickly disappeared outside.

Lilliana, her head hung low, muttered softly.

“I really do… love Lady Winder.”

Even though Vanessa had told her not to misunderstand, all Lilliana could hear was that Vanessa truly cherished her.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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