I Became the Mother-in-law of the Regretful Female Lead

Before he knew it, Lilliana had left, and Jeremyon was alone in the parlor.

“…Why did I even do that?” he muttered, pressing his fingers to his forehead in confusion. His mind was replaying his recent conversation with Lilliana.

Her response to his proposal to restart their contract relationship had been unexpectedly a rejection.

“Thank you, Jeremyon. But… I think I have to decline.”

“Why? What are you worried about? I told you, I don’t need anything in return. You can just use me.”

It was a simple fact. If Lilliana became his lover, even if only on the surface, Vanessa would no longer be able to ignore her. Despite their current strained relationship, Vanessa couldn’t continue to shun someone who might become her future daughter-in-law.

Jeremyon had subconsciously assumed that Lilliana would accept his proposal without question.

But to refuse?

Seeing his puzzled expression, Lilliana had spoken cautiously.

“It’s not that. I understand it’s a tempting offer for me. But… if I’m not careful, I could end up deceiving your mother again.”

Her slender frame trembled.

“I don’t want to disappoint her anymore. If she comes to hate me… I…”

Her blue eyes filled with sorrow at the mere thought of it.

Jeremyon, who usually considered himself indifferent to other people’s emotions, found it difficult to watch her like that. Acting on impulse, he spoke again.

“Then forget all that talk about a relationship. Tomorrow at 11, I’ll come to pick you up.”

“Wh-what do you mean, pick me up? I already said I’m rejecting the contract relationship…”

“What you’re saying is, as long as you don’t deceive my mother, it’s fine, right? Tomorrow, let’s go on a date. The day after that, and the day after that. Even just doing that will make my mother notice you again.”

“But that would still be deceiving her…!”

“Who says we can only spend time together if we’re lovers?”

“That’s true, but…”

Lilliana’s gaze wavered.

Even if they didn’t call it a relationship, just the sight of her repeatedly being with Jeremyon would surely draw Vanessa’s attention back to her. It wouldn’t be deception since they weren’t labeling it as romance, only creating a small opportunity to restore the connection between Vanessa and Lilliana.

“I’ll help you, Lilliana. I’ll help you get close to my mother again.”

He gave her a slight, relaxed smile.

“So, show up tomorrow. I promise you’ll have a good day.”

Though it wasn’t a direct demand, it was clear Lilliana felt pressured, and she eventually nodded.

Her tear-filled eyes now showed a faint hint of hope. It seemed she was happy at the possibility of reconnecting with Vanessa.

Jeremyon felt his chest loosen a little from the tightness he had been feeling all day.

Why he felt that way upon seeing Lilliana’s face, he couldn’t explain.

“Thank you for today. Even though I caused you all this trouble,” she had said, her gratitude making Jeremyon feel oddly self-conscious. In response, he only gave her a small nod instead of words.

After that, Lilliana had returned to Locke.

Unlike when she had first entered, her expression was now lighter, as though a weight had been lifted.

Jeremyon, left alone in the parlor, was left feeling confused.

‘Why did I say that?’

Now that Lilliana was gone, his mind, which had been noisy and cluttered, finally quieted. It was only then that he realized what he had done.

Proposing a contract relationship to Lilliana wasn’t strange in itself. After all, there was no one else as suitable for him as her.

But… he couldn’t understand why he had told her he needed nothing in return.

This had been an opportunity.

An opportunity to bring Lilliana back into his life.

Yet, even with that opportunity in hand, Jeremyon had offered himself to her without seeking any benefit for himself.

‘That’s not like me.’

Since the day his father died, Jeremyon had resolved to use any means necessary to achieve his goals.

He had lived that way for the past seven years. It was what he had grown accustomed to.

Today should have been no different… but why?

The moment he saw Lilliana crying, words slipped out before he could think… Jeremyon couldn’t quite understand why.

Irritated, he roughly ruffled his silver hair.

As he closed his eyes with a sigh, the image of Lilliana crying out desperately for Vanessa flashed in his mind.

It had been a confusing day.


“Madam, you don’t look well. Should I call a doctor?”

At the maid’s concerned voice, I scoffed and glared at her.

“Hmph, don’t be ridiculous. Can’t you tell it’s your incessant chattering that’s bothering me? Get out.”

“Yes, Madam. I will leave at once.”

Bowing deeply, the maid left the room, leaving me alone in the bedroom.

‘To think a maid would worry about me. Have I really let my expression slip that much?’

Looking in the mirror, I saw that my face indeed had shadows cast over it. I had tried to hide my gloom, but perhaps I had failed.

‘I’ve grown lax… I need to get a grip.’

After catching the assassin who killed my husband, it seemed I had let my guard down.

Failing to control my expression meant letting my defenses slip, which was unacceptable for Vanessa Winder.

Indeed, yesterday’s incident with Lilliana must have affected me more than I thought.

Even now, the memory of her clinging to me, crying so pitifully, made my heart ache as if it were being torn apart.’

‘Forget it, forget it. It was for her own good.’

Forcing away the lingering image of her, like a cloud drifting in my mind, I steeled myself, regaining my usual sharp, commanding gaze.

Finally, I was ready to start the day. I stepped out of my room and headed toward the dining room.

Ever since the day I slapped Jeremyon, we had been eating breakfast together every morning.

Neither of us had suggested it explicitly. Both Jeremyon and I were more distant and stoic than affectionate.

Yet, Jeremyon appeared every day at breakfast time, sitting across from me with a greeting, asking how I slept, and then quietly eating.

It was the first time in the seven years I had been in this mansion that such a thing had happened.

So I quickly realized that Jeremyon was making an effort to mend our relationship.

It was truly commendable.

I wanted to go along with it and engage him in conversation, but…

His sudden lack of hostility toward me felt so awkward that I couldn’t bring myself to speak.

Jeremyon, too, seemed unsure of how to initiate conversation, so he would quietly eat his meal.

‘Still, today, I’ll try talking to him first. I’ll ask how his business is going…’

Just as I resolved to do so and started walking, I saw Jeremyon by the entrance, putting on his coat as if preparing to go out.

Instinctively, I called out his name.

“Jeremyon? Where are you going?”

“I have an appointment. I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to join you for breakfast today.”

Jeremyon… has an appointment?

I was so surprised by his words that my eyes widened.

There was one trait Jeremyon and I shared, despite not being blood-related: neither of us had close friends.

Both of us were far from sociable, rarely going out unless it was for official matters.

‘He’s dressed a bit sharp today… it doesn’t seem like he’s going out for business.’

And the time was odd too. Unless it was something urgent, you wouldn’t usually schedule a meeting this early in the morning.

“An appointment at this hour… with whom?” I asked, trying to sound indifferent despite my curiosity.

“It’s someone you know well, Mother.”

Someone I know? I couldn’t quite figure it out, running through the possible candidates in my mind.

“I’m meeting Lady Locke.”

The words hit me like a brick.

“Lady… Locke?”

“She’s fond of desserts, so we’re going to a popular bakery.”

Jeremyon added this as if it were no big deal, but to me, it was far from ordinary.

“That sounds… quite like a date,” I muttered quietly.

“Yes, it is a date,” Jeremyon replied firmly.

I was even more confused.

“Wait, what’s going on? Didn’t you two break up?”

Jeremyon glanced at his wristwatch mid-conversation.

“Hmm, I’m sorry, but we’ll have to wrap this up. I can’t keep the Lady waiting.”

“Jeremyon, hold on.”

“I’ll be going now, Mother.”

With those words, he gave me a faint smile and walked out the door.

I was left standing there, completely bewildered. I had no idea what was going on.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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