I Became the Mother-in-law of the Regretful Female Lead

From the moment she decided to marry Count Winder, Liliana had been expecting this day to come.

She looked at the person in front of her with a slightly nervous expression.

‘This is the person in the rumor….’

A woman adorned with dozens of jewels all over her body, dazzling her eyes.

Her fine purple hair and rich dress were extremely gorgeous, but they all faded before her face.

It was clear that anyone who saw the woman would be amazed by her alluring beauty and gasp, but Liliana had to endure it.

Because Vanessa Winder was the person who would become her mother-in-law, not anyone else.

“…Thank you for calling me to the mansion, mother. This is Liliana Locke.”

Liliana, who was very nervous, cautiously greeted her and then looked at Vanessa excessively.

She couldn’t help but do it.

It wasn’t simply because it was her first time meeting her husband-to-be’s parents.

Rather, it was because my future mother-in-law was a vicious woman who was famous in social circles.

Liliana, who was carefully examining Vanessa’s expression, suddenly became bitter.

I never expected to be welcomed, but I also never expected to be hated so much.

Looking at Vanessa’s furrowed brow, it seemed like she had already been stamped.

“M, mother.”


“I should have come to greet you first, but I’m sorry for being late.”

Liliana gathered her courage and spoke to Vanessa again. She hoped that her soon-to-be mother-in-law’s expression would calm down even a little.

But unfortunately, all her efforts went in vain.

“You seem to be completely mistaken about something.”

Vanessa, who was glaring at Liliana with her legs crossed provocatively, finally opened her mouth.

Liliana swallowed her dry saliva at her anxious line.


“Why do you think I summoned you today?”

“Well, I…”

Liliana had been worried ever since the day she received a letter from Vanessa asking her to visit her mansion.

[Come to Winder Mansion. It would be best to keep it a secret from my son.]

A letter that doesn’t even reveal the recipient.

But that short sentence contained a lot of meaning.

An added note not to tell her son. Just by looking at it, it was clear that it wasn’t a good intention, but Liliana was trying to ignore it.

‘No way… When she tell me to break up with him… .’

She just couldn’t accept that. She was Liliana and she had to marry Germion at all costs.

Otherwise, she would have no way to repay the huge debt she suddenly incurred.

Liliana prayed in her heart that her prediction was wrong, but unfortunately, God didn’t take her side.

“Do you really think that you and my son are compatible?”

A harsh voice fell over her head. Liliana closed her eyes tightly and made an excuse that wasn’t an excuse.

“I know that Count Winder is too much for me. but….”

“I don’t want to hear it. I won’t talk too much.”

As Vanessa clicked her fingers together and made a clicking sound, the maid waiting behind her placed her thick envelope on her table like her encyclopedia.

The envelope was so heavy that I thought I heard a thud.

Vanessa put her hand on the envelope and pushed it in front of Liliana.

Eventually, she blurted out the words she hated to hear the most.

“Break up from my son. This should be enough money.”

Liliana clamped her mouth shut in shame and pushed back her envelope full of checks.

“Mother. I can’t receive this kind of money. I can’t break up with that person.”


“Who is your mother! This poor thing!”

With an eardrum-piercing roar, Vanessa lifted the bundle of checks and slapped Liliana across her face with it.


With a clicking sound, the envelope was torn and the tied checks were scattered everywhere.

Checks poured down from the sky like rain.

In the rain of flying checks, Liliana was so shocked that she collapsed to the floor.

Her cheek that was hit turned bright red.

However, despite her pitiful appearance, Vanessa remained unwavering and ruthless.

“I thought you will breaking up.”

She uttered a sharp, cruel word like a thorn and turned around.

Click Click.

The sound of shoes getting further and further away, and soon the door closed. Vanessa left, leaving Liliana alone in the living room.


Liliana, who was staring blankly at the spot where her mother-in-law had disappeared, cupped her sore cheek with one of her hands.

My hot cheeks were reminding me of my miserable situation.

‘Just because I am, doesn’t mean this marriage is good.’

Germion Winder was definitely a wonderful person. But Liliana didn’t love him, and neither did Germion.

Liliana is a princess but has to bear huge debts, and Germion is a wealthy man but has no honor. The two just needed each other’s background.

A contract marriage strictly for each person’s benefit.

However, when faced with this situation, I couldn’t help but feel aggrieved.

‘…Still, I have to hold on.’

There was no way to repay that debt immediately except through this marriage.

‘If it’s my older brother… Has something changed?’

Unlike me, my brother, who was more capable, would probably have found a solution somehow even in this situation.

But for Liliana, this was her limit.

I have done everything I can to resolve my Sh4.8 billion debt.

She also visited nobles she was close with and asked banks to lend her money.

However, everyone rejected her coldly, as if they had promised.

Only Germion promised to help her. Of course, there was a condition that it was a contractual marriage.

‘I have to get Germion’s help somehow… Otherwise, our family…’

When I thought about my family’s complicated situation, my head became dizzy.

Liliana needed this contract marriage. No matter how humiliating she was, there was nothing she could do about it.

So she sighed and crouched down on the floor and picked up the dropped checks one by one.

Since she couldn’t break up with Germion, she planned to save up the money and leave it on the table.

But something was strange about her.


I picked up the check and picked it up again, but there was no end in sight.

Even though there were already over 300, there were still a lot of them piled up around.

Liliana continued to pick up money after that. She had no idea how many hours had passed.

When there were finally no checks left around her, she began hastily calculating the amount.

She was shocked and shocked by the number of zeros, which were so many that it was difficult to even count them.

‘….oh my god. This is 10 billion-Sh.’

Liliana looked at the bundle of checks in her hand with a puzzled look on her face.

Now I see this money.

There is more than enough to pay off the family’s debt.

So, in other words, this is… It was too much money to refuse.

* * *

“What happened to Liliana?”

The servant who was setting the snacks answered my question immediately.

“She took the bundle of checks and then left the mansion. I took her safely to Duke Locke’s mansion in case you encounter robbers on the way.”

“Yes, I like how you handled this matter.”

When I praised him unusually, the servant was visibly relieved. It seems like he was nervous that I might do something evil again.

‘How could I be so evil on such a good day? It seems stupid.’

I quietly watched the servant. The empty transparent glass gradually filled with red wine.

“That’s enough. Now go out.”

When I waved my hand at the servant who was organizing the work, he immediately finished his work and lowered his head.

“Please rest, ma’am.”


With the sound of the door closing, I was finally left alone in the bedroom.

In other words, it’s finally time to toast!

“For a beautiful farewell between the female lead and the male lead!”

I shouted happily in a low voice so that no one outside could hear. Then i clinked my glass in the air and drank the wine.

How much i worked hard for this day!

With a special feeling, I recalled the events of the past few days.

* * *

So, it was a week ago.

I realized that I was actually a character in a novel.

That day, I was acting as bad as usual.

Even if you ask me why, I have nothing to say. For me, who is famous for being a crazy person, that was just everyday life.

‘Does this look like a 30-year-old product to you? I guess I’ll have to pluck out those useless eyes!’

I was angry at the wine that the servant had brought by mistake and tried to throw the wine glass like I always did. Oh, of course I was planning on throwing it against the wall. Although I am a villain, I am not at the level of assaulting people.

But at that moment, my hand slipped due to the overflowing wine…


The glass that rose high in the sky fell and hit my temporal lobe at the same time.


A dull sound filled the dining room.

The sticky wine soaked my entire body, starting with my hair.

If it had been like normal, I would have been even more angry and caused all sorts of trouble…

I had no choice but to sit still and collect my thoughts.

The moment I hit my head, I realized that this was in a novel.

‘Hahahaha… Nonsense!’

As I let out a bizarre laugh with a lost expression, the servants who were guarding the surroundings rushed at me.

‘Ma, ma’am. Are you okay? Someone, doctor! Get the doctor!’

‘Ma… Ma’am!’

‘Quietly! Okay, so just be quiet!’

When i shouted at the bustling servants, they immediately stopped their actions.

For some reason, they seemed surprised to see me staying calm and not making a fuss, but I didn’t have the presence of mind to care about them.

Of course, Vanessa Winder…

This was because i wasn’t an ordinary supporting character, but the female protagonist’s villainous mother-in-law.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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