I Became the Master of the Devil

At the same time, the Norma stationed at their respective locations also heard the butler’s announcement.


“Phil Roberto? Why are they suddenly looking for his resume? Hmm, anyway, Francis.”


During the pause caused by the broadcast, the instructor, who had halted the lesson, briefly resumed speaking.


“That, Instructor.” Then, Francis, who had been looking at his textbook, slowly raised his head. “I’m feeling a bit cold.”


“You suddenly feel cold?”


The instructor glanced momentarily outside at the bright, sunlit view. Even if it was late summer, the midday was still warm.


Ah, then shall I ask a servant to heat up the room?”


“No, that’s unnecessary.”


For the first time during the lesson, Francis put down the pen he had been holding.


“…Is there no fire?”


“Fi-fire? Like, an actual blazing fire?”


Normally, Francis hardly engaged in idle talk during lessons. The sudden off-topic request confused the instructor, who became visibly flustered.


Ah, if you’re referring to the fireplace.”


“No, not the fireplace…” Francis interrupted the instructor once again.


This was the problem with scholars. Immersed in the study, they seemed to have trouble understanding simple things.


“A candle would suffice.”




The slightly smiling Francis’s glance was pure.


“Just enough to burn a single piece of paper.”


Thus, no one could suspect that the smile meant he intended to burn a resume.


“Phil Roberto?”


This time it was Vallentin in the lab.


“And who’s this new one?”


Vallentin’s completed functional moisturizers were being transferred to Felicite’s laboratory. They were on the verge of commercialization.


Ah, busy, I’m busy. It would be nice if I could find it.” Then, a butler from the west building, looking rushed, appeared outside. Apparently, he had run over after hearing the announcement from the head butler echoing throughout the duchy.




Vallentin, observing from above, poured a glass of water. He then dropped two yellow drops into it, turning the water yellow. Holding the glass, he waited for the butler to arrive.


“Busy, busy. I must find that resume.”




Sensing the approaching hurried footsteps, Vallentin opened the door.


Oh, Vallentin. You’re in the lab.”


“You seem busy.”


“Yes. Princess needs some documents, so I’m heading to the archive room on the 5th floor.”


Ah, that resume. With such a common name, it seems hard to find.”


“Yes. We need to move quickly and efficiently.”


Vallentin, with a brief smile, handed over the glass of water. “Have a drink before you go.”


“What’s this?” The butler’s eyes widened. He hadn’t expected such kindness from Vallentin.


“Princess asked me to make a recovery potion. It’s still experimental, but it should be quite effective.”


“Oh my gosh, such a precious thing.”


The butler knew Vallentin’s cosmetics were about to be commercialized after passing through the laboratory. So, the product, not the person, was trustworthy.


Umm, it’s bitter.”


“Good things for the body are usually bitter.”


Vallentin raised an eyebrow as the butler quickly swallowed the liquid.


“Actually, I think I had some misunderstandings about Norma. Living together like this is quite ni-”


“That’s enough.”


Vallentin didn’t care what the butler was rambling about. Having completed his task, he closed the door without hesitation.


“…He’ll sleep all day.” He then chuckled softly.


Instead of finding the resume, the butler would end up asleep, buried under a pile of papers.


Well, a good rest is beneficial for the body.


Around the same time, Inein also heard the butler’s voice.


Oh, Inein. If only the princess could see you now!”


He was with Bergman, trying on the uniform.


“However, this part could use some more adjustments.”


Bergman, focused solely on his creation, seemed oblivious to everything else.




But the usually quiet Inein glanced outside for a moment.


Poor Phil Roberto.


That was the end of Inein’s thought, who knew the personalities of the Norma.






The butler’s voice also reached Redian in the training room.


It seemed like enough training for the day.


Redian, who had placed his sword on the floor, slowly rotated his wrist. Approaching the window, a peaceful afternoon scene unfolded.


“Roberto! Did you just hear the head butler’s voice?”


“How does the princess even know your name? And she’s even looking for your resume. Maybe she has a position in mind for you.”


A group of knights was seen approaching from a distance. Redian’s expressionless blue eyes lingered on them.


“Well, it’s probably because I’ve often been assigned as Sir Aeron’s escort.”


Among them was Phil Roberto, whom Siani was seeking.


“Man, among all the knights who pass by the princess’s side every day, she specifically remembered you.”


“Cute and clever appearance!”


Seemingly pleased, Roberto lightly scratched his cheek.


Cute, huh.


The late summer wind that brushed through his silver hair was warm, but his gaze held no warmth. Redian, quietly observing, thought.


“Did she like that b*stard?”


If he had known she liked such foolish behavior, complete with flushed cheeks from shyness…


“I should have called her ‘Nuna.’” His murmured voice carried no particular emotion.


“We should go out for drinks tonight to celebrate!”


“No, I’m on standby as a reserve today.”


“What? There’s hardly ever a need for reserves. The duty knights on guard are more than enough.”


“You never know what might happen. Just in case.” Roberto expressed his reluctance to his colleagues.


Ah, what a buzzkill.”


Laughing sounds pierced Redian’s ears, thinking that he must have been noticed by the princess because he was so diligent.




Redian, resting his chin on the window sill, simply watched them leave. This place was too noisy and filled with unnecessary people compared to the underground castle.


“Maybe Roberto could even become the commander of the knights.”


“Commander? Come on, don’t exaggerate.”


“You never know! Even those Norma became the princess’s direct knights overnight.”


As they faded into the distance, Redian smirked.


What a big dream. But after tonight, that name would likely be forgotten in Siani’s memory.


He’s on reserve tonight.


Because she wouldn’t spare a glance for those who disappear.


* * *

“Starting next week, we’ll begin the process of commercializing the moisturizers Vallentin developed. Here’s the draft for the packaging.”


I flipped through the documents Aeron handed me.


“The travel bag you requested has also produced a prototype.”


Letters from the empress kept arriving steadily. She detailed how her symptoms were gradually improving, indicating she might be able to attend the upcoming award ceremony.


I tapped the documents with the back of my pen, pondering. If the empress shows up that day with that bag…  Questions about how her skin improved so dramatically and what that bag was would certainly cause a stir.


“Looks good.” I suppressed the urge to laugh as I responded.


With the duke having handed over full authority, the pace of work seemed to speed up.


“What about the marriage proposal sent to the Grand Duke’s residence for Luna?”


“It was sent this morning, so it should have arrived safely by now. With this, today’s work is done. Why don’t you take a break?”


“Maybe I will.”


I finally pushed away the pile of documents and stood up, feeling my legs stiffen from sitting for hours.


“The duke’s office is really quiet.”


“Yes. It’s the lord’s office, after all.”


The office, designed to block external noise perfectly, was silent except for the sound of flipping pages with all doors closed.


“The weather’s nice today.”


I wondered how the duke was doing. Opening a window for some fresh air, a gentle breeze flowed in.


“It’s peaceful.”


Looking at the slowly drifting clouds relaxed my mind.


“Yes? Pe-Peaceful?” Aeron’s voice sounded surprised. “I-I thought the duchy was going through a tremendous period of change.”


By now, half of the vassals would be in turmoil, and Luna was about to leave the ducal residence. The axis of power was shifting, and even Obelo, the leader of the old vassals, had become my ally. And Ash would be grinding his teeth upon receiving the marriage proposal.


It’s like heaven.


In some lives, I had been a princess of a fallen kingdom, taken as a war prisoner, but this was nothing in comparison.


“By the way, my children are well-behaved, right? They’ve been unusually quiet the past day or two.”


“The Norma? Um, they’ve indeed been quiet, but I can’t exactly say they’re being ‘well-behaved’…”


“They must be busy with their own things. They’re all essentially gentle by nature.”


Leaving Aeron’s crumpled face behind, I stepped out of the room. Maybe it’s time to start the uniform fittings one by one.



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