I Became The Male Leads’ Target

IBMLT | Episode 90


“Come on, don’t make that face.”

Dante frowned slightly as he raised his beer mug.

“I wasn’t trying to make you uncomfortable.”

“I’m not uncomfortable. It’s just…”

I fidgeted with the beer mug in my hands.

As cold as the mug felt, my heart felt just as chilled.

“I feel like I spoke carelessly without knowing anything.”

Unable to look Dante in the eyes, I instinctively lowered my head.

It was a guilt I had felt before.

Like when I first met Brigitte.

Back then, I had also realized that the shocking depictions I read in books…

…were someone’s reality.

“I’m sorry.”

I uttered my apology.



A large hand landed gently on my head.

Looking up in surprise, I saw Dante smiling at me.

“It’s fine.”


“There’s no need to trouble yourself with unnecessary guilt.”

Dante shrugged lightly.

“We’re here to enjoy the festival, right? So forget the gloomy thoughts and smile.”


After a brief hesitation, I smiled brightly.

“I will.”

And so, Dante and I sat together, sipping our cold beers.

The cool autumn breeze gently brushed my flushed cheeks.

“About the parade earlier, do you remember the man in the white mask at the front? He danced really well.”

“Uh, no.”

Dante replied shamelessly.

“How could I notice the parade with you in my arms?”


I was stunned.

We continued to chat about random, everyday things.

It was nothing significant.


‘I’m enjoying this.’

I found myself smiling naturally.

I had never imagined I could laugh and talk so comfortably with this man…

In the midst of our conversation,

Bang! Boom!

Fireworks shot up into the dark night sky.

Red, yellow, and green fireworks bloomed beautifully, like flowers in the sky.

The highlight of the harvest festival.

The fireworks display.

“……They’re beautiful.”

I murmured unconsciously.

Dante replied with his usual playful tone.

“What is? Me?”

“Really, Marquis…”

I was about to give him a playful scolding, but I paused.

Because Dante’s face, illuminated by the fireworks, looked genuinely serene and happy.

And for a moment, I thought…

‘I wish this could last forever.’

But deep down, I knew it was fleeting.

Because the reality of this world would soon catch up with us.

Yet, in this fleeting moment, I allowed myself to enjoy the warmth beside me, even if it was temporary.

I locked eyes with his crimson gaze.

The parade, the night market, the fireworks.

None of it seemed to matter to him right now.

As if only I held any significance.

His intense gaze was fixed solely on me.



Silence hung between us.

The lively music, the exploding fireworks, the cheers of the festival-goers.

All those sounds faded into the distance.

“Don’t I look pretty?”

His languid voice was the only thing I heard.

His beautiful face was the only thing I saw.

His warm skin was the only thing I felt.


Before I knew it, I was nodding.

“Marquis, you are the most beautiful.”

In this moment.

The only person vividly alive before me was Dante.

Upon hearing my reply, Dante’s expression became curious.

“Oh, this is…”

He covered his mouth and glanced away slightly.

“…I’m getting butterflies.”

I noticed his ears turning red.

I suddenly felt my mouth go dry.

This beautiful and cruel man.

This man who stood arrogantly above all.

…was shy in front of me.

Dante lifted his gaze and spoke softly.

“I have something to tell you.”

“What is it?”

“I might have to leave the capital soon.”

My heart sank at those words.

It felt like being dragged out of a beautiful dream.

Even though I knew Dante always prioritized his own affairs over me.

…I shouldn’t be feeling this way.

“The Crown Prince has assigned me a bothersome task.”

“Isn’t it called a mission?”

“It’s just the two of us here, does it matter?”

Dante added in a dismissive tone.

“Anyway, I’ve been tasked with dealing with the smugglers in the south. Exterminating rats is my specialty.”

“I see. Take care.”

I forced a smile.

Dante grumbled, loud enough for me to hear.

“It seems our dear self isn’t bothered at all by my departure. It’s disappointing every time.”


I was momentarily taken aback.

As the original villainess, it made no sense for me to feel disappointed.

I had to stay vigilant not to get swept up in his frivolous game of love.

Just like how a frog dies from a pebble thrown carelessly by a child,

I was the one who would end up bloodied by his meaningless affection…

“But as you know, I don’t work for free.”

Dante said playfully.

“So, I’ve secured quite the reward.”

“What kind of reward?”

“Your title.”


I couldn’t comprehend his words.

They were that unbelievable.

But Dante looked serious.

“When I return, you will no longer be Lady Lepherian.”

“What do you mean…?”

“You will be granted a new countess title.”

Dante spoke gently.

“You’ve wanted to sever ties with the Viscounty of Lepherian, haven’t you?”


“So, when I finish my work in the south and return.”

Dante reiterated to my bewildered face.

“Let’s get formally engaged.”


My mind went blank.

As if it were the most natural thing, Dante took my left hand.

Then he placed a kiss on my ring finger.

“Just wait a bit, I’ll bring back the most beautiful engagement ring.”



He corrected with a smile.

“How long are you going to keep calling me Marquis?”


My eyes trembled.

Why are you talking about a future with me?

You never have before.

‘Why are you making me confused?’

Every time you make that face.

…It really feels like you love me.

Bang, boom!

Behind Dante, fireworks of all colors exploded into the sky.

Underneath the beautiful fireworks, the even more beautiful man smiled brightly.

In that moment, I knew.

I would never be able to forget this moment.

I would live my entire life bound to the smile this man showed me.

Even so.

“…Thank you.”

I wanted to be honest, at least now.

Reflected in his red eyes, my expression was a mess.

Unable to contain my overwhelming emotions, I felt like I might collapse any moment.

I smiled as if I were about to cry.

“I’m really happy.”

With those words.

Dante captured my lips.


* * *


In the distance, the sound of fireworks echoed.

Lucian, looking out the window with darkened eyes, glanced sideways.

At the end of his gaze was an empty vase.


The cornflowers Elze had brought him had long since wilted.

Even so, Lucian couldn’t bring himself to throw them away.

…For some reason, he couldn’t.

[There are still things to prepare. Please trust me and wait a little longer.]

[I will definitely help you escape.]

Elze’s voice echoed in his mind.

“Next year… for sure.”

Lucian clenched his fist tightly.

His blue eyes darkened.


* * *


After the fireworks ended,

Dante and I joined the procession of people heading home.

The streets hosting the festival were closed to carriages, so we had to walk to the waiting area.


Walking amidst the crowd, I stumbled slightly from being jostled.

At that moment, a hand reached out and supported me.

“Are you okay?”

Dante looked down at me with a concerned expression.

About to reflexively say I was fine, I winced in pain again.

“It’s okay… ah.”

A sharp pain shot through my feet, exhausted from the day.

It felt like shards of glass were being ground into my feet.

Dante looked down at my feet and frowned deeply.

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

My feet were a mess.

They were swollen, and my heels were blistered and bleeding.

My silk stockings were soaked in blood.

It was because I had been wearing high heels all day.


After a moment’s hesitation, I gave a sheepish smile.

“I just had to endure it.”



  1. lilianasabitha says:

    Miss Bree.. once again thank you for the translation.. I always appreciate your work.. the story is good..

    somehow, Elze seems to have similar personality with Leoni from The Crazy Prologue Never End

    seeing how Dante changes his attitude toward Elze, we hope that Elze can stay with him forever..

    but I trull hope that she can escape her lofe now, a life that would be thrown by the marquis for her.. everything he did for her even without asking her opinion in the first place.. in this kind of relationship, the weaker side will always be anxious about her position

    why I said like this??? because I was there once.. everything I did just to please the lover it was not healthy relationship.. and luckly for me it ended well though my ex abandoned me on the end but I was so fortunate for that because I can be myself in the end and meet a person who can accept me as who I am..

    unless, the relationship can be balance.. it will not make Elze happy to be with Dante and spend her life to please him and worry about his love and her position.. it is nightmare and luckly she values her life more than everything…

    the tip of the scale has to be balanced or weight more to Elze so she can have her life with Dante and to be like that she has to be away from him for a while in order for Dante to realize his own feeling and how precious Elze is in his life..
    I think the male lead would be Dante because she has given her everything for him

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