I Became The Male Leads’ Target

IBMLT | Episode 85


After finishing my discussion with Brigitte disguised as a walk, I was on my way back when I noticed a familiar figure.

It was Benedict.


Normally, I wouldn’t be pleased to see him, but now I felt a bit relieved. I was curious about how my escape plan was progressing.

However, as I was attending the party as Dante’s companion, it was quite difficult to have a secret conversation with another man.

‘I need to find a way to have some time alone with Benedict…’

While I was contemplating, a servant happened to pass by carrying a tray full of colorful cocktail glasses.


I brightened up and called out to the servant.

“Over here.”

I picked up a cocktail from the tray.

“Thank you. You may go now.”

“Yes, my lady.”

The servant gave a light bow and left. I then casually approached Benedict.

And then.


I deliberately stumbled and almost fell in front of Benedict.

Benedict quickly reached out to support me.

“My goodness, Lady Lepherian.”

Though I didn’t actually fall, a red stain had appeared on Benedict’s pristine white shirt.

“I’m so sorry.”

I looked up at Benedict with a feigned embarrassed expression.

“Are you alright?”


Benedict squinted at me, clearly wondering what my intentions were.

However, being mindful of the people around us, he responded politely.

“Yes, it’s alright. I can just change my shirt.”

It was common at parties for someone to spill a drink or food on their clothes. Most hosts were prepared for such mishaps by having spare shirts for gentlemen or shawls for ladies.

“Then let me accompany you.”

I continued with a regretful expression.

“When you borrow a shirt, you need to write down the name of the borrower. Since it was my mistake, it should be my name.”


Benedict, seeing my determined attitude, nodded with an odd look in his eyes.

“Alright, I’ll accept your assistance.”

And so, we headed into the palace together. Since most of the servants were busy at the external party, the long corridors were deserted.

I casually struck up a conversation.

“Does the Count of Luneburg have any hobbies?”


For a moment, Benedict seemed to understand.

“I enjoy fine dining.”

“Ah, I see. Now that I think about it, the wine you sent for my debutante party was excellent.”

“Is that so? I’m glad you liked it.”

After a few more casual remarks that others wouldn’t find suspicious, I subtly moved to the main topic.

“Could you recommend a restaurant or some dishes? I’m quite a novice, but I’d love to learn more.”

Benedict, true to his role as a male lead, quickly grasped my intention.

“Well, oysters are in season soon. By October, they will be plump and very delicious.”

“Oh, is that so?”

“Yes. I recommend the Feliz Restaurant at Sortone Harbor. It specializes in oyster dishes, and the food is generally excellent.”

I understood immediately.

Benedict was telling me that my escape preparations would be complete by early October and to meet him at Feliz Restaurant.

‘At a harbor, meaning he plans to send me overseas?’

I thought it over briefly. But in reality, it wasn’t my concern.

As long as Benedict was focused on my escape, thereby neglecting to track my movements, it was exactly what I wanted.

But then.

Click, click.

The sound of shoes on the marble floor echoed.


I felt a shiver run down my spine.

Turning around, I saw a man looking at me with his head tilted, a bright smile on his face.

It was Dante.

“Why are you two together?”

A cold silence followed.



I swallowed hard.

It was clear Dante was in a very bad mood.

“I accidentally spilled a cocktail on the Count of Luneburg’s shirt.”

Dante stared at me, urging me to continue.

“So we were heading to borrow a shirt from the palace…”

I carefully finished my explanation.

“Since I ruined the shirt, I offered to borrow a new one under my name. That’s why we’re going together.”

“Ah, I see.”

Dante responded sarcastically.

“In that case, you should return to the garden.”

“Excuse me?”

“Do you really need to borrow a shirt under your name? You can use my name instead.”

Dante’s smile grew even wider.

“Since your issue is also mine.”


“Isn’t that right, Count Luneburg?”

Dante turned to look at Benedict.

“After all, we are a couple. I’d like to take care of my beloved’s mistakes myself.”

What was this?

I felt a faint sense of discomfort.

His demeanor was as if he wanted to assert our relationship, almost as if he were claiming ownership over me…

‘No, Dante wouldn’t do that.’

More importantly, it was unwise to provoke Dante when he was already on edge.

“Then, I’ll leave it to you.”

I took a step back.

Immediately, Benedict’s gaze turned cold…

‘Why is he acting like this?’

Breaking out in a cold sweat, I quickly made my exit.

* * *

After Elze left.

“Hey, Count Luneburg.”

Dante called out to Benedict in a mocking tone.

“What do you—ugh!”

Benedict, who had been turning to look at Dante with a frown, let out a short groan.

A large hand grabbed Benedict by the collar and slammed him against the wall.


Benedict’s body hit the wall hard.

Dante’s blood-red eyes, sharp and cold, glared down at him.

In a low growl, Dante spoke.

“You know, there’s a pest buzzing around my beloved lately. What do you think about that, Count?”

“Well, they say you see what you want to see.”

Even with Dante’s grip on his collar, Benedict remained calm.

“Before you consider someone else a pest, perhaps you should reflect on the kind of person you are.”


“Honestly, it’s quite fascinating from my perspective. How Lady Lepherian has managed to stay by your side all this time.”

A fire blazed in Dante’s red eyes.

“What did you just say?”

The hand gripping Benedict’s neck tightened.

“Cough, cough… Isn’t it true?”

Despite gasping for breath, Benedict continued sharply.

“At the debutante ball… you abandoned Lady Lepherian to tend to your own business.”


Dante’s face darkened ominously.

“And at Diorlance Club, you put her in a difficult position by pressuring the Second Prince.”

“And what about when the Second Prince insulted her?”

“So, you’re saying your actions were justified?”

Benedict retorted fiercely.

“And what was the result? Lady Lepherian incurred the Second Prince’s wrath.”

“Even if that bastard hates her…”

“Sure, she’s safe for now because you seem to favor her. But what happens afterward?”

Dante clenched his teeth, unable to answer Benedict’s question.

“What will happen when you eventually abandon Lady Lepherian? Do you think the Second Prince will leave her alone? And what about the Empress’s wrath?”

“Why would the Empress…”

“Everyone knows how much the Empress cares for the two Princes.”

Benedict stared straight into Dante’s eyes.

“Can you truly guarantee that the Empress won’t bear a grudge against Lady Lepherian?”

Dante growled softly.

“That won’t happen. As long as I’m by her side, I won’t let those bastards lay a finger on her.”

“Oh, Marquis. There’s no such thing as ‘never’ in this world.”

Benedict sneered.

“Think about all the women you’ve discarded so far.”





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