I Became The Male Leads’ Target

IBMLT | Episode 81


I sat in the carriage, feeling a bit embarrassed as I looked down at the items I had brought along.

‘Hmm, is this too much?’

I had recently started raising pigeons, and it didn’t feel right to visit empty-handed.

I had used the excuse of going out to buy pigeon supplies.

But as I picked up one thing after another…

‘It seems I’ve bought too much.’

The awkwardness was only momentary.

My gaze slowly turned cold as I stared at the paper bag on my lap.

‘Benedict… he seemed to understand my reasons, right?’

The reason I had to leave Dante.

Moreover, the fact that Benedict and Dante had the worst relationship was an advantage for me.

Both of them detested being in the same place as the other.

So they wouldn’t have a chance to compare notes.

‘I need to write a letter to Brigitte…’

I muttered to myself softly.

I needed to thank her for visiting the Kamano Hotel to help with my alibi.

And also…

‘I really am pathetic.’

After a long contemplation, I leaned my head against the carriage seat with a bitter smile.

To keep asking favors from a friend I had only recently made…

Doesn’t this make me a failure as a friend?


I let out a short sigh.

My mind was relentlessly complicated.

* * *

The carriage glided smoothly into Rose Cross Boarding School.

I gazed out the window absentmindedly.

Passing through the rose vine-covered iron gates of the boarding school always made my chest feel tight, like it was filled with pebbles.

But then.


I blinked slowly.

In the garden, a wave of blue and purple flowers was swaying.

It was a cluster of cornflowers in full bloom.


Seeing that vivid blue-purple hue, I couldn’t help but think of Lucian’s blue eyes.

Of course, his eyes were more like the color of the sea.

Cornflowers were a mix of purple and blue, but still.

“Take all the items to my room.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

After giving the servant my orders, I walked toward the swaying cornflowers.

As I stared at the cornflowers for a while, I mumbled without realizing it.

“It’s about time I went to see Lucian…”

Somehow, the fact that I’d soon be saying goodbye to Lucian forever made me feel a bit sentimental.

Above all.

‘I need to make sure Lucian can play his part in this escape plan.’

Although I was thoroughly checking Lucian’s health and receiving regular reports, seeing him with my own eyes would be different.

Out of a misguided sense of guilt, I had been avoiding Lucian all this time…

‘There’s no more time to waste.’

Besides, I had the perfect excuse to go see Lucian right in front of me.

I reached out and plucked a cornflower.

The sharp scent of the broken stem tickled my nose.

* * *

Today, Lucian was sitting in his cell.

His golden hair was still damp, as if he had just bathed.

Come to think of it, hasn’t he been exercising regularly lately?

“It’s been a while, Your Grace.”

I greeted Lucian.

Lucian chuckled softly.

“Why do I always hear ‘it’s been a while’ whenever I see you, Lady?”

“I’m sorry.”

Feeling a bit guilty, I apologized.

“The Marquess has been visiting the boarding school frequently lately, making it difficult for me to come.”

Well, truthfully, I had been busy preparing for my escape.

Lucian shook his head.

“No, I’m not blaming you.”

Then he gave me a gentle smile.

“When we escape from the boarding school, you’ll spend time with me, right?”


Somehow, my heart ached.

His unblemished kindness weighed on me.

What should I do? I…

‘I can’t repay his kindness.’

Just then, Lucian changed the subject.

“By the way, what’s that?”


I showed him the vase I was holding with both hands.

“It’s a cornflower. They were blooming beautifully at the entrance of the boarding school, so I brought them to show you.”

I smiled and asked him playfully.

“What do you think? Doesn’t it resemble the color of your eyes, Your Grace?”

Lucian looked slightly surprised.

“…Resemble me?”

“Yes. Of course, Your Grace’s eyes are much bluer than these flowers.”

I placed the vase on the table.

‘I should have brought it sooner.’

I reflected a bit.

It was just a vase I grabbed as an excuse to visit Lucian, but even a single vase brought a sudden burst of life to his desolate cell.

Then Lucian asked abruptly.

“So, did you think of me when you saw those cornflowers?”

“Well… something like that?”

I answered without thinking.

I did actually bring the flowers because I thought of Lucian.

A slow smile spread across his beautiful face.

A pure, bright smile.

“I’m happy.”

I flinched.

Just like how a beam of sunlight piercing through a pitch-black darkness can be blinding.

Lucian’s smile was like that.

Even in this boarding school, tainted with all kinds of malice, that bright smile was utterly endearing.


‘I can’t reciprocate that kindness.’

Feeling a pang in my chest, I subtly changed the subject.

“I heard you’ve been working out diligently lately.”

“Well, yes.”

“That’s an excellent choice. Physical strength is crucial if we’re to escape the boarding school.”

Lucian looked at me thoughtfully before speaking.

“Do you know, Lady?”


“Recently, you often talk about the time we’ll escape the boarding school.”

Lucian leaned in closer, close enough for me to hear his breath.

He whispered secretly.

“Is something being prepared?”

In his blue eyes, emotions sparkled like stars, easy for me to read.

Expectation and… trust in me.

I had a responsibility to meet those emotions.


I answered firmly.

Lucian’s eyes glimmered.

“But there are still preparations to be made. Can you trust me and wait a little longer?”

“Of course.”

Lucian’s smile deepened.

“Who else would I trust if not you, Lady?”


Once again, my heart fluttered.

I spoke to Lucian with determination.

“I will definitely help you escape.”

“Yes, I believe you.”

Lucian nodded.


“You know, I have one more thing I want to do when we get out.”

“What is it?”

“After the harvest, there’s a grand fireworks display to celebrate the bountiful harvest.”

It was an old tradition of the Empire.

At the end of autumn, when the harvest was complete.

A grand celebration with fireworks to give thanks for the safe farming season.

In the capital, this event had become a full-blown fireworks festival.

I heard that people in other regions also set off fireworks.

“When I was young, I always attended the harvest festival with my parents.”

“Did you?”

“Yes. I haven’t gone since my parents passed away…”

Lucian, trailing off, suddenly looked at me.

“Next year.”

His blue eyes held only me.

“Will you watch the harvest festival fireworks with me?”


Your pure kindness overwhelms me.

I am using you solely for my own benefit.

I cannot repay your kindness…


Crushing my rising guilt, I uttered a sweet lie.

At my answer, Lucian’s face lit up with a smile again.

A clear smile, like morning sunlight.

“Then, I’ll take my leave now.”

I couldn’t bear to face Lucian’s bright expression any longer.

I stood up.


Lucian looked slightly disappointed but nodded obediently.

I quickly left the room, almost as if I were fleeing.



  1. sadbeech says:

    Hi, the chapter is still locked 😭

    1. Lolita says:

      How long until it’s unlocked🥲🥲🥲

      1. Bree says:


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