I Became The Male Leads’ Target

IBMLT | Episode 51-55


A cold silence lingered.



Liam silently lowered his head.

In such a state, it was best not to provoke Dante. Quite literally, he was like a ticking time bomb ready to explode, consuming everything around him once touched.

“Well, fine.”

After a moment, Dante, who seemed somewhat calmer, twisted the corner of his lips slightly.

“That brat is in a pathetic state. Liam, there’s nothing you can do about it.”


Liam felt his mouth go dry.

Naturally, it was best not to touch Dante in this state, like a bomb with a lit fuse.


A little later, a slightly calmer Dante threw a half-smoked cigarette butt haphazardly and muttered, “That weak brat has become a burden. There’s nothing you can do, Liam.”


Liam felt a chill running down his spine.

Under the gaze of Dante, who had been staring at him for a while, Liam sensed the unpleasant feeling of his skin crawling.

“But you know, why am I so irritated?”

“… I don’t know, sir.”

Liam felt cold sweat trickling down his spine.

It was only natural, considering that Dante, who should be brightly smiling like a blooming flower in front of his eyes, felt like he was hitting rock bottom.

“But, you know, why do I feel so annoyed?”

“… I can’t say, sir.”

Liam felt a dryness in his mouth.

That’s understandable since, despite Dante’s seemingly radiant smile, he could sense that Dante’s mood was hitting rock bottom.

“Anyway, I don’t have time to deal with this. Take care of these guys.”

With those words, Dante, who had briefly observed the fallen men, walked briskly outside.

“Yes, sir.”

Liam respectfully paid his respects as Dante left.

Only after Dante completely disappeared from view did Liam finally release a breath.

“… Phew.”

* * *

The next day.

I had a tea time with Brigitte after a long time.

“Countess Martin, would you like to try this blueberry scone?”

I pushed the plate with the scone towards Brigitte, smiling brightly.

“It’s your preference, isn’t it, Countess? Splitting the scone in half and spreading clotted cream and jam on it?”

“…You remembered all that?”

Of course. We’re friends, after all.

In response to my answer, Brigitte’s cheeks blushed charmingly.

“By the way, I heard you finally made your debut yesterday. Moreover, Marquis Offenheir graciously opened the townhouse for you.”

Brigitte offered her congratulations with an excited voice.

“Congratulations! It seems Marquis Offenheir holds Elze in high regard.”


I gave a vague smile.

If you were to ask whether the time was enjoyable enough to receive congratulations, well…

Considering the glances of Dante and Benedict were enough to distract me…

But now, I was a villain who ardently loved Dante.

“Thank you.”

I should express my gratitude, pretending to be the happiest woman in the world.

However, at that moment, there was a knock.

Without much thought, I replied, “Come in.”

Up until then, I thought it might be a maid bringing refreshments.

However, the person who entered when I opened the door was surprisingly Dante.

I was momentarily stunned, and the reason was somewhat amusing.

‘Dante? Knocking?’

That’s right.

Dante roamed around wherever he pleased, acting as he wished.

Until now, he had never knocked on a door…?

“Oh, Marquis Offenheir… Nice to meet you.”

Pathetically, Brigitte was completely frozen, only rolling her eyes.

It was best to offer a greeting, moving her stiff tongue as the only way to respond.

To rescue Brigitte from her frozen state,

I smiled warmly and addressed Dante.

“Marquis, what brings you here?”


Dante lowered his eyelids with a smirk.

“I came to find you.”

…Why, all of a sudden?

I felt a bit uneasy.

Well, I did have something to say to Dante as well.

At the same time, Dante glanced back at Brigitte.

“So, Countess Martin.”

Dante raised his hand to my shoulder, flashing a charming smile.

“I’ll borrow your lady for a bit. Got it?”

“Yes, yes!”

Brigitte, suddenly coming to her senses, vigorously nodded her head.

Dante extended his hand to me.



Escorting a lady was a gentleman’s etiquette.

The gesture was quite refined.

“…Come to think of it, Dante seems to be conscious of external attention these days.”

Well, at least it felt like he was paying attention so that I wouldn’t be ignored outside.

But that feeling was probably a misunderstanding.

That man wouldn’t show such consideration to me.

Perhaps the intense affection Elze held for Dante in the original work led to interpreting Dante’s actions as positively as possible.

* * *

With mixed feelings, I placed my hand on Dante’s hand.


Dante and I settled on a white iron bench in the arranged garden.

I took a moment to look around.

“Indeed, the season has changed.”

It was suddenly early summer.

Slowly, the spring flowers were fading away, and clusters of purple bellflowers were blooming in this season.

The surrounding trees were full of sap, making them vibrant and lush.

In the distance, the red roses of the annex had shed almost all their petals, leaving only lush green leaves.

At that moment, Dante opened his cigarette case.

Skillfully placing a cigarette in his mouth, he glanced at me before taking out a match.



It might be perplexing for someone who knows me well.

Under normal circumstances, I would have hurriedly offered Dante a light for his cigarette.

But now, I simply stared at him without taking any action.

After a moment…


Dante lit the match somewhat irritably.

With the cigarette lit, Dante exhaled a long puff of smoke and threw a question at me.

“Did you get upset because of the debutante party?”

“No, why would I?”

I shook my head.

“It was an urgent matter. I’m not upset about such things.”

“But why is your expression so dark then?”


I looked at Dante intently.

Then, I suddenly asked a question.

“Do you completely trust me, Marquis?”


Dante’s face stiffened for a moment.

“What are you talking about, love?”

Dante questioned me in a sharp tone.

To be honest, it was quite a bombshell statement even for me. Excluding the times when I begged Dante for his affection, I had never directly spoken to him like this.

I spoke calmly with a serene voice, “Otherwise, as the estate manager, there’s no way you could block all information about Duke Kalleid.”

“No, love. That’s…”

Dante tried to say more, but I interrupted him.

“Perhaps the Marquis also heard the report.”

Dante furrowed his brows slightly. Well, Dante must have experienced having his words blocked by others many times.

Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t have dared to do something like this to Dante. But right now, it was a power struggle.

With an expressionless face, I continued, “Last night, the maids prescribed sedatives to Duke Kalleid without any authority.”

“Yeah, I heard about that. You said you held those maids accountable and locked them all in the underground prison?”

“Yes. But as I thought more about it, it seemed a bit strange.”

I looked at Dante with an annoyed expression and calmly continued, “Why did Duke Kalleid have such a seizure?”

“Well, how should I know the details?”

Dante sharply retorted, “What’s the problem if that bastard has a seizure? As long as he’s physically healthy and mentally sound.”


Surprisingly intense reactions crossed my mind, and I felt a bit puzzled.

‘Why is he so hostile towards Lucien?’

Dante must consider Lucien to be an important student.

Among the students imprisoned at Rose Cross School for the Gifted, Lucien was the one with the most information on finances.

Glancing at Dante, I asked calmly, “You don’t really think that way.”


It seemed my words hit home, judging by Dante’s discontented expression.

I continued in a composed tone, “I thought that assigning Duke Kalleid as a special student meant that you considered him special. Isn’t that right?”


Dante frowned slightly, but he didn’t counter my words.


Carefully observing Dante’s expression, I softened my voice a bit.

“Anyway, as you know, Marquis, sedatives aren’t that dangerous. Yet, Duke Kalleid experienced side effects.”


“So, I looked into why such a seizure happened.”

I recalled Lucien’s appearance from last night.

Pale complexion, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

Even so, he smiled candidly when he faced me.


I forcefully suppressed my guilt.

I couldn’t afford to genuinely anger Dante right now.

“Duke Kalleid has been in poor condition all along. He suffered from recent nightmares, couldn’t sleep properly, and his body weakened.”


Dante grumbled skeptically.

I stared directly into Dante’s eyes.

“Why didn’t you share the special student’s condition with me?”

“Why should I?”

“You should have. I am the only estate manager at Rose Cross School for the Gifted.”


Dante stared at me with an icy expression, and I felt my mouth go dry.

Honestly, it was terrifying. I wanted to immediately apologize, kneel down, and somehow appease Dante, matching his mood. I wanted to resolve the situation right away.

However, ‘I can’t yield on this matter.’ Even for me, confronting Dante like this was a significant risk. Yet, even in an adventure, there were boundaries. I judged that I couldn’t let go of Lucien’s exclusive rights.

Lucien was essential for my escape from this boarding school. Taking away Lucien’s exclusive rights here was not an option. He was indispensable, and if I completely ruined Dante’s mood here, my life might be in immediate danger.

“Have I not properly fulfilled my duties as the estate manager recently?”

I asked once again in a somewhat subdued voice.


Dante narrowed his eyes for a moment. It would be difficult for him to say ‘no.’ Since I became Elze, I had done my best. I did everything to not appear displeasing to Dante, considering Lucien’s importance in my escape.

“I tried my best to be helpful to you, but it seems like you don’t need my assistance.”

Dante just gazed at me with an inscrutable look. He couldn’t easily say ‘no.’ Since I took over Elze, I had genuinely done my best.

‘I can do this,’ I thought to myself. I deliberately took a deep breath, presenting an exaggerated expression of sorrow, as if overwhelmed by intense grief.

“I really want to be of help to you, but it seems like you don’t need my assistance, and that hurts a lot.”

Dante, with an unreadable gaze, just continued to look at me. He didn’t give any response.

I bit my lower lip lightly and murmured softly, “If I were to lose even my role as the estate manager… I’m afraid I’ll become entirely useless to the Marquis.”


“I’m afraid of that.”

However, at that moment, Dante unexpectedly spoke up.



I felt a bit dazed. It was the first time I had heard an apology from Dante.

“I didn’t know you were so anxious.”

His fiery red eyes that had been glaring softened gently. Dante spoke as if consoling me, “Why would I replace you to that extent? You’re doing an excellent job managing the students.”

“If that’s the case…”

I looked up at Dante with wet eyes. “Can I understand that you have no objection to me managing the special students in the future?”


Dante hesitated for a moment but eventually nodded. “Yes.”

Perhaps my gaze brightened considerably. Dante, who had been scrutinizing my expression, smiled slightly, scrunching his eyes.

“As the estate manager, you naturally have jurisdiction over the special students.”

I clenched my fist on my knee tightly. ‘Good.’ Since he said that, Dante would probably not interfere much even if I managed Lucien for a while. Of course, I needed to make sure I stayed out of Dante’s sight.

Dante changed the subject at that moment. “Oh, right. I have something to tell you.”

“Yes, please tell me.”

I straightened my posture.

“I’ll be absent for a while.”

Dante spoke somewhat reluctantly. “Even though I’ve only been absent for a few weeks, the rats have been running wild in the meantime.”

Indeed, it would be challenging for Liam to supervise everything alone. In fact, the fact that Liam had endured without complaint until now was quite remarkable. During Dante’s absence, Liam had managed the entire Dark Territory, even overseeing the boarding school.

However, Dante’s organization fundamentally maintained its strength through Dante’s intense charisma. Liam, who was closer to an administrator, would have a hard time managing the rough members as neatly.

Just as Dante spoke with some unease, he casually added, “By the way, there’s something I want to say to you.”

“Of course, we’ll definitely go to the Diorunse Club together, so don’t worry unnecessarily.”

T\N: I don’t remember the club name. Sorry

Well, to be honest, I really don’t want to go, but…

“Yes, I’m really looking forward to it.”

I smiled first.

Then, I delicately began to cater to Dante’s mood.

“It’s great. Everyone is looking forward to seeing the Marquis.”

At that, Dante stared at me with a piercing gaze and teased, “Are you giving off a bit of a disappointed vibe?”

It was a habit of his to throw in a jab.

“You know, when you return to the front lines, we won’t be able to see each other as often as now.”

He was truly meticulous.

Internally sighing, I lowered my eyes slightly.

“…Of course, I feel disappointed.”

For a moment, Dante seemed a bit surprised.

I kept my gaze fixed on my knees and calmly continued, “But I dislike the idea of you not being able to do what you need to do because of my hurt feelings.”


“So, work comfortably, but when you’re with me…”

I slightly raised my eyes and gave him a teasing smile.

“Please focus solely on me.”

Dante stared at me with eyes full of charm.

“Ha, my dear.”

He let out a short laugh.

After taking a long drag from his cigarette and exhaling, he casually crushed the remaining stub in the ashtray next to the bench.

Then he reached out and pulled my waist towards him.

In an instant, the distance became so close that our noses touched.

Staring deeply into my eyes, Dante whispered softly, “It seems like you’ve made up your mind to drive me crazy. Is that right?”

At the same time, Dante engulfed my lips.

I was swept away by the surging pleasure and couldn’t gather my senses.


I shuddered as if I was cold.

The scent of bitter tobacco emanated from Dante’s lips.

I suddenly thought that this flirtation with Dante was somewhat akin to a single cigarette.

A harmful accessory that ruins people.

Leaving behind only a momentary pleasure, burning away entirely.

In the end, only ashes remain, emitting a bitter scent…

Such trivial flirting thoughts crossed my mind.


The very next morning, Dante emptied the boarding school.

I stood in front of the boarding school gate, bidding Dante farewell with a smiling face.

“After you’re done with your busy work, be sure to come find me again.”


Dante, who was looking down at me with a teasing expression, lightly tapped my cheek with his index finger.

“No farewell kiss?”

…It’s really strange.

He wasn’t usually this smooth.

While grumbling to myself, I obediently lifted my heels and planted a kiss on Dante’s cheek.


Then, as I tried to step back…


Dante suddenly grabbed my waist.

His crimson eyes lit up mischievously.

“I told you to kiss my cheek, yet you really only kissed my cheek.”

He immediately swallowed my lips.

His playful tongue roughly explored my mouth.

Even after kissing numerous times, the sensation of his tongue persistently sweeping through the delicate mucous membrane inside my mouth never became familiar.

After being at Dante’s mercy for quite some time.

I barely escaped from his embrace, exhaling a long breath with a flushed face.


“Next time we kiss goodbye.”

Dante gently stroked my wet lips with his thumb, smiling slightly.

“Think of lips as a default. Got it?”

“You’re being mean.”

As I averted my eyes without malice, Dante burst into a youthful laugh.

“Why? It’s not like we started dating unknowingly, right?”


Rarely, I felt my words getting stuck.

‘Well… that’s true.’

Even back when I faced various criticisms at the Lepherian literary club, the infamous reputation of Marquis Offenheir had reached me countless times.

“Well then, until we meet again.”

“Take care.”

I bid farewell to Dante.

Dante had a strangely satisfied look as he climbed onto the carriage.

Waiting for the carriage to depart,

I absentmindedly touched my lips.

‘Lately, there’s been subtle physical contact.’

The sensation of the intimate kisses shared with Dante still lingered on my lips.

Feeling a tingling sensation on my cheek for no reason, I deliberately shifted my thoughts to another topic.

‘Come to think of it, today is Tuesday.’

While I wanted to go see Benedict right away, I had planned to spend some time with Lucian today.

Since Dante mentioned he would be away for a few days…

‘Benedict should be visited on Friday, I suppose.’

Even though it was early summer, the dawn was still chilly.

I took a deep breath of the crisp morning air.

It felt like my lungs were being washed clean.

Through this fresh air, I hoped the scent of tobacco smoke that Dante had filled my lungs with would be thoroughly erased.

Along with the cigarette smoke, I wished the irrational affection that the original Elze had for Dante would disappear completely.

…I earnestly hoped for that.

* * *

Clang, click!

The sound of keys and locks interlocking had become familiar.

I greeted Lucian as I opened the door to the solitary cell.

“Did you sleep well last night, Your Grace?”

“Oh, Lady Lepherian.”

Lucian pretended not to know me.

As I set the breakfast tray on the table, I closely observed Lucian’s complexion.

‘He seems to be doing better now.’

In the past few days, Lucian’s complexion had improved considerably.

Especially since the day I visited him, there seemed to be some change in his state of mind.

It was fortunate that he no longer complained about nightmares.

Nevertheless, I planned to consult a doctor soon and consider getting a proper prescription.

“You should have breakfast.”

“…I don’t have much of an appetite.”

Lucian’s response was somewhat indifferent.

Normally, I wouldn’t insist on someone with no appetite…

Raising my eyebrows, I urged Lucian.

“Still, could you please try to eat a little, even if it’s just for my sake?”


Lucian stiffened his shoulders, then in a somewhat petulant tone, he gave me a sarcastic remark.

“Why? Afraid the Marquis will scold Lady if I collapse?”

“Of course, I don’t want that to happen.”

I sat down beside Lucian.

I lifted my hand to tidy up Lucian’s disheveled hair.

“Still, I sincerely hope Your Grace recovers soon.”


In Lucian’s eyes, as clear and blue as a lake beneath the autumn sky, a momentary ripple occurred.

It was like dropping a small pebble into a calm lake.

A delicate but long-lasting ripple.

“I was really worried this time.”

Although Lucian squinted his eyes, I met his gaze calmly.

And rightly so, because this was an entirely sincere sentiment without a trace of falsehood.

“…Alright. I’ll eat.”

In the end, Lucian, unable to resist my persistent gaze, picked up the utensils with a chubby face.

As he

immersed himself in the meal for a while,

“Well, still.”

After swallowing a spoonful of the gentle soup, Lucian lightly scratched his cheek with his finger.

“It’s nice to see Lady’s face.”

Upon hearing those words, I felt something welling up deep within my chest.

I was only planning to use you.

While you were tormented by terrible malice, I only thought about gaining your favor.

But still…

I forced a smile, trying to conceal my emotions.

“So, you’ve finished the celery this time?”


“Good job.”

When I praised him like that, Lucian made a sullen face.

“Yeah, I’ve felt this for a while now.”

Lucian glanced at me sharply.

“Aren’t you treating me like a child?”

Perplexed, I looked at Lucian.

At the age of just passing adulthood, with his temperamental behavior, sensitivity to food, and delicacy as if he were a high-end plant cultivated in a greenhouse—aren’t all these characteristics of a child?

Simultaneously, Lucian tilted his head slightly in my direction.

“Wait a moment…”

In an instant, I tensed up.

It was because the distance between Lucian and me had suddenly closed.

Butterfly-like eyelashes, golden eyebrows, and the vividly shining eyes beneath them.

Even the slightly parted lips, as tender as flower petals.

…Everything was excessively close.


Between his long and elegant fingers, my red hair flowed down.

After a while, Lucian shrugged and extended his hand towards me.

“There’s a leaf in your hair.”

Between his thumb and forefinger, a thin leaf was pinched.


Slightly parting my lips, I nodded immediately.

I probably got it in my hair when I went to see Dante off.

“But, did you go out at this early hour?”

Lucian, who had tossed the leaf away, subtly asked me.

“You’re diligent, really.”


For a moment, I felt a strange sensation.

Lucian now seemed somewhat subdued…

“I’m the dormitory supervisor at the school, so it’s my job to look after the school and its surroundings.”

“Diligent indeed.”

Lucian nodded, lowering his eyes and looking at me.

“But why don’t you act diligently toward me?”

“What do you mean?”

“I am Lady Lepherian’s dedicated student.”

His lake-like blue eyes drew a round arc.

“So, shouldn’t you prioritize me?”


…Rarely, I found myself speechless.

“I feel a bit hurt.”

Looking at me, who was stunned, Lucian gave me a sly smile.

* * *

After Elze scrutinized Lucian to make sure he hadn’t left any food behind:

“Well then, take care of yourself. Got it?”

She left with a kind farewell and exited.


Lucian silently stared at the closed door.

Elze knew that he only harbored simple emotions toward her— a cooperative relationship for escape. Only that and nothing more.

[“Aren’t you treating me like a child?”]

That’s why he probably took that teasing remark as a joke.

Elze’s bewildered face from that time still lingered in his mind.


“I wasn’t joking.”

Would she know?

The moment when he removed the grass leaf stuck in her shiny hair, the erratic beating of his heart, the dizzying scent unique to her that wafted from her, even the intense jealousy that flared up when he realized the reason for her early outing…

He understood these irrational emotions.


“I wish you would recognize me a bit more… rationally.”

* * *

As time passed, it was Friday.

I left the dormitory school early in the morning.

It was to meet Benedict.

“I feel good.”

I slightly opened the carriage window, enjoying the breeze that flowed in through the window.

The Rose Cross dormitory school gradually disappeared from the back of the carriage.

Even though it was just a brief outing.

Just being away from the dormitory school made breathing much more comfortable.

Thus, I arrived at the pie shop on Antique Street.


A clear chime announced the arrival of a customer.

The waiter, with tousled brown hair, who was wiping the table, greeted me with a cheerful voice.

It was Benedict.




As someone who knew the true identity of that man, I found it a bit fascinating.

The owner of the Schmaikel, the top of the empire’s commercial district, welcoming guests with enthusiasm in a small pie shop.

And today, he wasn’t even standing at the cashier, but diligently wiping the tables with a cloth…

‘He seems quite familiar with cleaning.’

Who could have imagined?

That man, who was so focused on the dust on the table, was actually a highly regarded noble in the empire.

Benedict, who happened to make eye contact with me, kindly spoke to me.

“We’re currently cleaning. If you can wait for a moment, I’ll guide you inside soon.”

“Oh, sure.”

Well, in that case.

I took a seat near the cafe window.

Resting my chin on my hand, I absentmindedly gazed out the window.

Beyond the glass, people living their daily lives were busy moving around.

A child selling newspapers.

An employee wiping the store’s glass.

Couples and families strolling around, exchanging fist bumps since morning.


Something felt strange.

It was a fluttering sensation in my chest, a ticklish feeling.

How should I put it… it felt like I was included in their ordinary daily lives.

Managing students, paying close attention to the actions of male protagonists.

For the moment, it felt like someone else’s business…

But then.

“Thank you for waiting, Lady Lepherian.”

Benedict, who had finished cleaning, politely addressed me.

“Please come inside.”


I looked up at Benedict without saying a word.

It was like a splash of cold water on my face.


The reason I came to this pie shop was because of the deal with the male protagonist.


Benedict tilted his head with a smile, calling me again.

I nodded my head and stood up.

“I’m sorry, I was lost in thought for a moment.”

“No problem. Shall we go then?”

Benedict, with a faint smile, walked ahead of me.

Watching his back, I felt a sense of anxiety, as if I were walking into the mouth of a giant beast, hiding its true nature behind a gentle exterior—a fearsome creature that could swallow me whole at any moment.

* * *

Benedict and I sat facing each other in the office we had visited before.


Benedict, who had lifted the appearance-changing magic, looked at me with an intrigued gaze.

“What kind of deal are you here to propose this time?”

Then, he raised his eyebrows, forming a refreshing smile.

“I’m looking forward to this deal as well. The last one was quite satisfying.”

As he spoke, Benedict paused for a moment.

Opening his eyes wide, he clapped his hands together.

“Oh, I see. I’ve hosted a guest and haven’t even offered a cup of tea.”

“You didn’t offer last time either.”

As I playfully pointed out, Benedict responded without batting an eyelash.

“Honestly, back then, it felt more like an unwelcome visitor than a guest, didn’t it?”

“Well, that’s true.”

I shrugged without elaborating further.

Benedict strolled out of the office, and I glanced back for a moment.

“So, would you like coffee? Or perhaps tea?”

“I’ll go with coffee, please.”

A moment later, Benedict came back with a tray holding a glass pot filled with drip coffee and two mugs.

I stared at the pot in shock.

“This coffee is for me and the Count alone?”

“Yes. I drink this much by myself in the morning.”

“…All of this by yourself?”

“Yes. I’ll have another round in the afternoon.”

Benedict looked at me with a face that questioned why I found it so surprising.

‘No, it’s still amazing that his disguise is intact.’

I inwardly sighed.

Benedict placed a large mug in front of me and poured the coffee.

I looked at the boiling hot coffee with wary eyes.

After taking a sip, Benedict, who had already taken a sip himself, curiously asked me, “Aren’t you drinking?”

“Oh, yes… I’ll drink.”

Although drinking this coffee might lead to sleepless nights for at least three or four days…

However, I couldn’t ignore the hospitality of the male protagonist.

I raised the mug with a trembling expression.

And then, “Is it delicious?”

Having tasted the coffee, I widened my eyes.

It looked like something scooped up from hell, but surprisingly, it wasn’t as unpleasant as expected.

Benedict shrugged with a smirk.

“Do you really think I would serve Lady something she couldn’t eat?”

“Oh, yes…”

Mixing words with that man would only complicate things.

I decided to stick to my business.


After putting down the mug, I looked straight at Benedict.

“By any chance, would Count Luneburg have some interest in Black Gold?”

For a moment, violet eyes flashed with curiosity.

“Are you talking about Quiness?”


Recently, there has been a tremendous popularity in the Empire for a spice.

Known for its unique fragrance, it is primarily used in gourmet cooking, and its price is set even higher than that of gold for the same weight.

It couldn’t be helped.

Quiness was not found within the Empire, so it was a spice imported entirely from overseas.

Hence, it earned the nickname ‘Black Gold.’

“If there is a spice that is much cheaper than Quiness but has a similar taste… what would you do?”

Looking at Benedict with sparkling eyes, I added casually, “By the way, this spice can be cultivated domestically.”

“Is that really so?”

“Of course.”

I nodded confidently.

No wonder, this product.

‘It’s a blockbuster product that Benedict himself personally discovered.’

Approximately two years from now.

Benedict happened to travel to the region where this spice is found and commercialized what the locals were consuming bit by bit.

As expected of a male protagonist, picking up a jackpot product while walking along the road.

I recalled being impressed while reading the novel…

‘Well, whatever.’

I inwardly shrugged.

After all, male protagonists were beings who monopolized all the wealth, honor, and power in this world.

So, it’s okay if I take advantage of them a bit, right?

“Do you happen to know the Glenndale region?”

“Well, it’s the northernmost part of the Empire, isn’t it?”

The Glenndale region.

Located at the northern border of the Empire, it is connected to a massive mountain range.

The environment is harsh due to persistently low temperatures, and it is a place with scarce resources.

“In the northern part of Glenndale, there is a plant that rarely grows naturally near the mountainous villages. The locals call it Palasso…”


“Yes. It’s a vine plant that spreads on the ground, and every summer, it produces red and firm fruits in the thickets.”

I recalled information about Palasso in my mind.

Was Benedict praising how remarkable the male protagonist’s discovery was?

In the novel, detailed descriptions of Palasso’s appearance were given, along with Benedict monopolizing its sales and profiting greatly.

Palasso was so popular that a saying circulated about it sustaining the entire Glenndale.

“In that area, for generations, locals have used the fruit to add flavor to their food. Since spice prices are so high, it seems.”


“While it might be challenging to find in official records, it is indeed documented in the Empire’s botanical encyclopedia. However, you should look into medicinal plants rather than the spice section.”

Palasso has a unique and intense aroma, and its taste is spicy and pungent.

People in Glenndale even used Palasso as a remedy for colds.

Of course, it didn’t actually contain medicinal properties; it simply produced a placebo effect.

Meanwhile, Benedict had fallen deep into thought.

His elegant violet eyes narrowed slightly.

Is there marketability in this product, and if so, how much interest would it generate?

It was the gaze of a merchant deeply contemplating.

A moment later.

“I understand the point you mentioned for now.”

Benedict, lifting his head slightly, seemed to release a breath.

“If that plant called Palasso truly has a taste similar to Quiness… yes, there is enough investment value.”

Judging by his tone, it seemed at first glance that he was positively considering my opinion.


I narrowed my eyes with a cold glare.

It was close to a tactful rejection.

And then.

“However, we need to closely examine whether that plant can truly replace Quiness.”

Benedict drew the line like that.


However, I wasn’t disappointed.

That’s because I had already anticipated that Benedict would respond in such a way.

‘Well, it’s better not to take it too seriously if I accept it right away.’

To succeed in business, two virtues are needed.

The determination to seize a great opportunity and proceed.

Caution in evaluating whether the business is truly safe and profitable.

Benedict was the embodiment of these two virtues.

He wouldn’t proceed with a business unless both virtues were satisfied.

The current Benedict probably…

‘Must have concluded that the Palasso cultivation business did not satisfy both virtues.’

As if he had just peered into my thoughts, Benedict spoke.

“Even if the Palasso plant has marketability, actually cultivating and distributing the plant requires a substantial capital.”

So what?

With that meaning, I glanced at Benedict.

Benedict shrugged.

“To cultivate Palasso, we need to develop farmland, employ farmers, and utilize Shumaikel’s distribution network to sell it throughout the entire Empire.”

In other words…


I took a small purse from my handbag and placed it on the table.

“What is this?”

“It’s a jewel.”

Benedict looked puzzled for a moment.

I shrugged.

“If you feel it, you’ll understand, but all these jewels are top-notch.”

Answering like that, I looked down at the purse with a nostalgic gaze.

Really, how much I struggled to collect these jewels…

Since waking up in the body of the century’s luxurious villainess, ‘Elze Leperian.’

I began to stealthily steal jewels, avoiding Dante’s eyes.

Even though it was only at the level of taking a cup of water from a lake, compared to the jewels Dante gave me, it was nothing.

‘But with these jewels… I can earn Benedict’s trust.’

Honestly, even if I sold all these jewels, I couldn’t cover all the initial costs needed for cultivating Palasso.

But it would be enough for a trial cultivation of Palasso.

Buy a small farm, hire a couple of workers, cultivate Palasso, and then check if the fruit truly matches Quiness.

“Consider it as an investment.”

Pushing the jewel purse toward Benedict, I shrugged.

“Of course, it won’t even be pocket change for the owner of Shumaikel, but it’s my entire fortune.”

“Do you really have that much confidence in this?”


I nodded decisively and added, “In return, give me half of the profits from selling the spice. Of course, you must preserve all the initial investment costs I made.”

Upon hearing that, Benedict raised both hands in an exaggerated gesture.

“Incredible, don’t you know how valuable my labor is, Lady? You’re going to exploit me by only giving me half the profit?”

“Count, you’re quite something.”

I smiled languidly.

“With this much profit, it’s more than enough to monopolize the Count… You know that well.”

A short sigh escaped Benedict’s purple eyes.

I slightly stiffened my shoulders.

Which part of my words shook this unyielding man?

…But it’s not the time to worry about that now.

Without looking directly into his intelligent purple eyes, I casually added.

“Instead, just three years.”

Benedict looked puzzled.

A brief ripple occurred above the momentary violet irises.

I stiffened my shoulders slightly.

Which part of my words shook that wall-like man?

…But it’s not the time to ponder on that now.

Without directly meeting the intelligent violet eyes, I calmly added, “Instead, just three years.”

Benedict gave me a puzzled look. “Three years?”

“Starting from the profitable point, it’s a 50-50 split for three years. After that, I’ll give up any further earnings.”

In response to my answer, Benedict furrowed his brow in confusion.

“I don’t understand. Why would you willingly give up your gains?”

Well, the reason was simple.

Within three years, I planned to part ways with all the male protagonists.

In reality, I doubted I would even last three years with my calculations.

And even if it meant holding onto the tail, I intended to discard and leave everything associated with the male protagonists.

There’s no point in steadily receiving profits if you can’t use them.

Moreover, now is the time when I need a significant sum…

“As I mentioned before, having a few secrets makes a woman even more charming, right?”

I evaded the question like that.

But this time, Benedict didn’t seem willing to back off.

“From what I’ve observed, Lady Lepherian’s actions are irrational in many ways.”

Benedict questioned me with a somewhat sharp tone.

“Just the fact that you’ve laid out all this information for me is telling. What would you do if I were to disclose this information to the outside world?”

“Would you do that?”

I calmly asked.


Benedict seemed momentarily at a loss for words and tightly sealed his lips.

I tilted my head lightly.

“No. The Count wouldn’t do such a thing.”


“If the information I provided is true, its value is truly immense…”

I concluded leisurely.

“Because the Count himself would know best.”

It seems I’ve hit the mark.

Benedict still maintained his silence.

After a moment, he spoke with a restrained voice, “Alright, let’s leave that part aside for now.”

Doubt-filled eyes scrutinized me from top to bottom.

“But according to Lady’s words, cultivating this Palasso alone can yield tremendous profits.”

“Why, then, does Lady not directly engage in this business and instead pass the information to me?” he inquired.

“Well, this information is practically unusable for me,” I replied.

“Why is that?”

“Running a massive farm alone and managing the farmers employed on the farm is impossible, isn’t it?”

I met Benedict’s gaze squarely.

“Moreover, even if successful in cultivating Palasso, there would still be issues with distributing it. So, I’m trying to join forces with the Marquess; is there a problem with that?”

In the cultivation and distribution of Palasso, there was no one more qualified than the Schmaikel top.

In fact, this had already been proven in the original work.

Then Benedict asked me matter-of-factly, “Of course, Lady cannot do such a thing. However, can’t the Marquis Offenheir do it?”

Ah, that’s why Dante chose her instead of himself; it all makes sense now.

I smiled brightly as I answered, “So, in the future, I’ll get a share of the profits. If you could open an account that won’t be traced back to the Marquess, I’d appreciate it. Deduct the cost of breaking into the account when settling the profits.”


Benedict sharpened his eyes for a moment.

Well, that was inevitable.

I’ve declared that I’ll create secrets even with Dante.

“So, Lady says…”

Leaning towards me, Benedict whispered with a secretive tone.

“Are you considering cutting ties with the Marquis Offenheir someday… is that the interpretation?”

“Well, you can make your own judgment.”

“Alright then.”

Benedict nodded without pressing further.

I don’t know why, but he seemed strangely satisfied.

Maybe the idea of me cutting ties with Dante pleased him so much?

Well, Elze’s obsessive love for Dante in the original was a definite risk.

Just then, Benedict spoke to me again.

“More than that, I’m just curious.”

“Yes, go ahead.”

“If everything progresses smoothly as Lady mentioned, there will likely be considerable wealth left behind. What do you intend to use that money for?”


I remained silent for a moment.

Money is always good, the more, the better—whether it’s for escaping from the Rose Cross Mansion or establishing a base after escaping.

Money is essential.

But the biggest reason is…

“…because there’s something I really want.”

“Something you want?”

My unexpected answer made Benedict raise his eyebrows slightly.

“Interesting. Is it something that even mentioning to the Marquess won’t help you obtain it?”


I just smiled without giving an answer.

After all, what I wanted was a magical device to awaken Lucian.




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