I Became The Male Leads’ Target

IBMLT | Episode 41-45



Dante nodded with satisfaction and, with a gesture of his chin, indicated the champagne bottle.

“Then let’s celebrate your debutante with joy.”

Dante filled my glass with champagne.

The golden liquid sparkled, emitting delicate bubbles.

Some nobles who recognized the label of the champagne bottle opened their eyes wide.

“Could it be, that liquor…?!”

“Isn’t it the 25-year-old Solomon?”

“How on earth did you get that liquor? The price is one thing, but these days, the supply is said to be running dry.”

I thought with a smile that painted a picture on my face.

‘This time, I owe a favor to Benedict.’

So far, the nobles had always tried to undermine me in any way they could.

Their attention was now entirely focused on the bottle of liquor.

I spoke with a gentle smile.

“Today, many distinguished guests have taken precious time to attend my debutante party. I am truly grateful.”

For a moment, various emotions flickered across the faces of the nobles.

I could easily read what those emotions were.

It was a sense of superiority and arrogance, at least more so than that wretched villain.


As I observed their expressions for a moment, I twisted the corner of my lips.

“I wonder if the person who truly brightened my debutante is none other than… Lord Offenheir.”

My smile deepened a bit.

For a moment, the nobles’ expressions turned sharp.

The situation unfolded as the Offenhiere Marquis, who had conquered the underworld, hosted a debutante party for his lover.

Though Dante was a capricious character in many ways.

At least for now, he seemed to be treating my lover with some seriousness.

And in front of the marquis, the nobles seemed to subtly ignore me…

‘It’s the same as ignoring Dante.’

At the same time, a smile spread over Dante’s handsome face.

It was Dante’s typical rogue-like smile.

“What’s everyone doing?”

Dante, with both hands in his formal pockets, tilted his head slightly and looked at the nobles.

“She just saying. I’m the one who brightens up her debutante the most.”



A chilly silence flowed.

Towards the aristocrats with indifferent faces, Dante shrugged his shoulders and retorted.

“So, dear guests, shouldn’t you make some effort to brighten up our debutante as well?”



The nobles subtly exchanged glances.

They were filled with embarrassment, but seemed hesitant to confront Dante.

Among them,

A noble with a stout figure and a determined look stepped forward as if making up his mind.

“Oh, Marquis Offenhiere! This is impolite! We are not beneath the marquis…!”


However, Dante was ruthless even to the elder who seemed at least thirty years older than him.

“You were impolite first.”


“We courteously invited you, opened the banquet hall as hosts, and prepared to entertain you with fine food and drink. However.”

Dante raised his eyebrows and questioned the noble.

“What were you doing while we were acting as hosts?”


“From the moment you entered the banquet hall, didn’t you mock us like a nosy busybody?”

Dante gracefully lowered his eyelids.

“Why, did you think I wouldn’t know?”

Unable to control his anger, the middle-aged noble trembled, glaring at Dante with cheeks flushed.

Nevertheless, his inability to utter a single word was…


There were over a hundred nobles in this gathering, yet Dante was the only one.

No one else dared to oppose Dante anymore.

It was a bizarre scene in many ways, but strangely, it made sense.

Even if a hundred ant larvae gathered, they couldn’t approach a tiger.

“Have you got nothing more to say?”

Dante’s smile became a bit more intense.

It was a fierce smile.

“If that’s the case, then smile.”



The frozen nobles swallowed dry saliva.

Dante pressed the nobles again with a lazy voice.

“Give me some applause as well. That way, the atmosphere might liven up a bit, don’t you think? Hm?”

Since the orchestra had stopped playing long ago, even the musicians glancing around.

The venue was now so silent that the sound of a falling needle would resonate.

But right at that moment…

Clap, clap, clap…

Breaking the silence, the sound of applause echoed.

Instinctively turning towards the sound, I widened my eyes.

A man was confidently applauding.

With chestnut hair that reached his shoulders and sophisticated violet eyes.

He was a well-groomed young man.

And I already knew who that man was.

Because I had met him once before.

“…Count Luneburg?”

Dante looked at the man with a peculiar expression.

The owner of Schmaikel’s top, the head of the Luneburg family, and also serving as an information broker as a side job.

One of the three male protagonists in this world.

It was Benedict.

“Well, I can understand why Marquis Offenhiere would be so displeased.”

Benedict, with a faint smile on his lips, stared straight at us.

“Honestly, it’s true that we didn’t live up to the virtues of a guest.”

“C- Count Luneburg!”


The nobles raised their voices in injustice, but Benedict spoke a bit faster.

“So, Marquis, and dear guests, how about stopping at this point?”

His swallowtail-colored eyes glanced at me briefly.

“After all, it’s a rare occasion for Lady Lepherian’s debutante, and I was worried about who would become her partner.”

“Well, if the Count says so…”

“Let’s leave it at that.”

When Benedict, representing the guests, broke the ice like that, other nobles subtly followed suit.

Perhaps they were also afraid to openly confront Dante.

However, there was one person who didn’t like this dramatic reconciliation.

“Hah, look at this. It’s amusing to see him blabbering as if he stepped back thanks to Count Luneburg, irritating.”

Dante spoke in a harsh tone to the nobles.

“If that’s really the case, shouldn’t you show proper respect to our Lady?”

“Well, that’s a valid point.”

Nodding in agreement, Benedict looked around.

“Anyone attending a debutante party should sincerely congratulate the debutante, right?”

Then he smiled brightly.

“So, let’s congratulate Lady Lepherian with enthusiastic applause.”

Although his attitude seemed gentle, it emitted a strange pressure.

Indeed, outwardly wearing such a mild expression.

But Benedict, through the upper echelons of Schmaikel, was a figure who rapidly elevated the falling Luneburg Count to a central noble position.

Unable to resist this pressure, the nobles began clapping one by one.


“Congratulations on your debutante!”

I stared at the bizarre scene in front of me with a subtle feeling.

The nobles forced smiles and showered me with applause.

In the dozens and hundreds of eyes staring through me, there still remained a lingering enmity that hadn’t been completely vented.

But now, it didn’t bother me at all.

The reason might be…

‘Probably thanks to Dante.’

Of course, I didn’t want to admit it willingly.

“Well then, shall we all raise our glasses?”

As soon as I spoke, servers swiftly moved around, offering glasses to other nobles.

As the guests waited to receive their glasses,

I, having lifted the champagne glass slightly in a gesture of a toast, took a sip of champagne.

The strong fizziness tingled my throat.

…It was finally the beginning of the debutante party.

* * *

The debutante party was a tradition where the lady debuting at the party danced first.

Officially, Dante was my lover.

Together, hand in hand, we proceeded to the dance floor.

In the meantime, Dante had a somewhat pensive expression, deeply in thought about something.

I became a little curious.

‘What could he be thinking so hard about?’

But well, it wasn’t something I knew.

I quickly dismissed any faint curiosity about Dante.

Thus, when Dante opened his mouth again, it was at the height of dancing to the lively rhythm.


Yes, Marquis.

I instinctively put on a smile.

But Dante didn’t open his mouth easily.

He just pursed his lips, pondering over his words.

‘Hmm, it’s really rare to see Dante hesitating like this.’

I squinted my eyes.

‘What does he want to say that he’s pondering so much?’

And then, the words came.

“About the drink earlier.”



Why suddenly bring up alcohol?

Of course, I know that Dante is an aficionado, but discussing alcohol in the current situation seems a bit out of place, doesn’t it?

“Yeah. Solomon 25-year-old. The one you toasted with earlier.”

“Oh, yes.”

I looked up at Dante with a playful expression.

Dante seemed oddly annoyed.

“Was it the wine sent by Count Luneburg?”

“Yes, that’s right. He said it was to celebrate my debutante party and to express gratitude for my first major deal.”

“…Is that so?”

Dante, who was narrowing his eyes slightly, asked me another question.

“Did you like the wine? You seemed to enjoy it quite a bit.”

“Yes, I did.”

I nodded obediently.

“It was delicious.”


For a moment, there was a subtle tension in Dante’s hand on my back.

Somehow, it felt like Dante’s mood had completely hit rock bottom.

Why is he acting like this?

A moment later, Dante opened his mouth with a chilly smile.

“I didn’t know you were so interested in alcohol.”

“It’s not that I’m particularly interested; it just tasted good…”

“From now on, I guess I should pay more attention to your preferences too.”


Muttering this, Dante grimaced.

Since he seemed unwilling to listen to what I had to say, I just kept my mouth shut.

After a while, as soon as the dance ended, Dante was surrounded by numerous influential figures.

Is it because I was paired with Dante earlier?

In an effort to ease the tension between Dante and me, everyone was eager to strike up a conversation.

Although it looked like my debutante party on the surface, the real star seemed to be Dante.

‘Well, it’s not entirely wrong.’

I shrugged my shoulders and turned away.

As soon as I parted ways with Dante, people’s gazes uncomfortably followed me.

A little while ago, it was as if they were anticipating when the villainess would cause a scene.

Now, they were cautiously avoiding me as if fearing a contagion.

‘Well, this isn’t so bad.’

It’s better than getting into an argument.

But then, at that moment.

‘This debutante party is truly beyond its reputation.’

Someone approached me.

When I glanced up, Benedict was looking at me with a smiling face.

“I heard that Marquis Offenheir put a lot of effort into this debutante party, but the rumors seem to be worse than reality.”

“Count Luneburg.”

Why is he suddenly coming up to me and acting familiar?

I looked at Benedict with a suspicious gaze.

“It seems Marquis Offenheir values Lady Lepherian very much.”

Benedict, who had looked around, shrugged lightly.

“…To the extent of opening the townhouse of the Marquis.”

Although he wore his characteristic warm smile on his lips,

his violet eyes shone coldly.

‘He’s probing me.’

I instinctively smiled to conceal my expression.

“I didn’t mean to say that the Marquis is the one who brightened up this debutante seat for nothing.”

“Well, even I would think so.”


I narrowed my eyes.

Benedict, who seemed like he would pry further, unexpectedly took a step back.

As if he decided there was no need to be so guarded.

Then, he continued the conversation in a lively tone.

“Did you enjoy the wine I sent?”

“Yes, it suited my taste well.”

I nodded obediently.

It wasn’t just that; the champagne was truly delicious.

And it had a utility beyond its taste.

‘…That one bottle of wine took away the uncomfortable glances of the nobles in an instant.’

Thinking about it, I lifted the hem of my dress and curtsied.

“Thank you for the gift.”

“I’m glad it was helpful.”

Benedict’s smile deepened slightly.

At the same time, I noticed people glancing at Benedict from a distance, probably trying to catch a word with him.

Perhaps, because he was quite influential, even if he wasn’t the main character.

“Well then, I’ll be going…”

Having expressed gratitude and engaged in polite conversation, I intended to part ways with Benedict.

From my perspective, wanting to attract as little attention as possible, Benedict was excessively conspicuous.


“Lady Lepherian.”

Surprisingly, Benedict held me back.

I looked at Benedict with a puzzled face.

Simultaneously, Benedict politely extended his hand to me.

It was the manner of a gentleman inviting a lady to dance.

“While it may not be fitting to request a formal reply for my gift, would it be alright for me to ask for a dance, Lady?”


I silently looked down at the hand he offered.

Normally, I would have refused.

Dancing together in front of so many people, Benedict was too prominent.



I willingly placed my hand on Benedict’s.

It was also because I had something to say.

Originally, I planned to visit Benedict later, but Dante had been staying at the boarding school recently.

‘So it might be a good idea to try my luck here in advance.’

Moreover, the dance hall was a surprisingly suitable place for private conversations.

The music continued, and the dancers were too focused on each other to pay much attention to our conversation.

Meanwhile, Benedict, as if surprised, widened his eyes and looked at me.

“I’m glad.”

He smiled faintly.

Dealing with countless pieces of information and calculating only my benefits, he wasn’t the cold and calculating information broker that one might expect.

At least his smile was genuinely innocent.

“I was planning to persist even if rejected multiple times.”

“I didn’t reject you because I thought you would persist.”

In response to Benedict’s joke, I also responded with a jest.

Then Benedict chuckled again.

“It’s not a joke, you know.”

“A persistent man isn’t charming.”

“Well, Lady Lepherian, maybe it’s you who made me uncharming, not my persistence?”

…What nonsense is this?

Looking at Benedict with that meaning, he shrugged as if to say, “Who knows?”

“Because Lady has such overwhelming charm, have you ever thought that you might make people persistent?”

“That’s the most foolish thing I’ve heard today.”

“Oh, it seems I’ve made a mistake.”

Benedict burst into a hearty laugh.

“But even such stubbornness can be charming.”

“I think Count Luneburg might be able to dance not only with his body but also with his mouth. Your wit is quite dazzling.”

“If you continue to praise me, it’ll be embarrassing.”

Even with my sarcastic response, Benedict responded cheerfully.

With that said, we shook hands and headed to the dance hall.

* * *

The nobles clustered around Dante like hungry young animals begging their mother for food, greedily vying for his attention.

“Marquis Offenheir, there’s a really good investment opportunity this time…”

“How about considering our business? It’s a place I personally run!”

Dante only faced the nobles with a sly smile, not giving any substantial responses.

As the nobles became increasingly heated, one of them complained, “I spoke to the Marquis first! What if you interfere like this?”

“Can’t I say a word?”

Dante’s popularity was so high that nobles who wanted to exchange a few words with him ended up squabbling with each other.

Meanwhile, Liam, observing Dante from a corner of the hall, inwardly sighed.

‘Oh no.’

Dante was on the verge of exploding.

Understandably, Dante detested boredom more than anything else in the world.

Moreover, the atmosphere of nobles clinging to him was enough to make Dante feel thoroughly fed up.

Liam felt a deep sense of duty.

Before that terrifying jaw started babbling nonsense and disrupted the atmosphere of the hall, he had to pull Dante out.


Liam approached Dante cautiously and called out to his master.

Dante turned to Liam with a sharp smile.

“What’s the matter?”

“I have something to tell you. Just for a moment…”

Dante raised an eyebrow slightly, sought permission from the people around, and then followed Liam.

Once they were away, Dante shot a somewhat annoyed question.

“So, what is it?”

“Well, Marquis, you seem a bit tired. I thought you might need a break.”


Dante blinked as if caught off guard.

Then he flashed a playful smile.

“Did it show?”


“Others probably didn’t notice.”

“Yeah, spending time with those fools got on my nerves.”

Dante grumbled sharply.

“Sometimes, I wonder if the Empire hands out titles to idiots. Do you ever think that way?”

It was a bitter tone.

But that was just for a moment.

The irritation on Dante’s face melted away, and simultaneously, his crimson eyes pierced through one side of the banquet hall.

‘Where is he looking?’

Liam, unintentionally turning his head along with Dante, also widened his eyes unknowingly.

At the end of the crimson gaze, Elze was standing.

It looked as if everything was bothersome, with his arms crossed nonchalantly.

It seemed as if he wouldn’t allow anyone’s approach.

Observing his defensive stance, Dante suddenly spoke up.

“It’s about it.”


“Has she ever danced with other men besides me?”

Liam tilted his head.

“No, not until now.”


For a moment, a faint sense of satisfaction appeared on Dante’s face.

The expression was similar to that of a young man falling in love for the first time, unable to hide his possessiveness towards his lover.

Liam was slightly surprised inwardly.

Until now, Dante had never been obsessed with anyone, but now, he was showing signs of an improved mood. It was an opportunity not to be missed.

So, Liam opened his mouth.

“Speaking of that, Elze seems to have broadened your horizons compared to before.”

Dante glanced at Liam with a fleeting sidelong glance.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you showed interest even in the upper echelons supplying goods.”

Liam recalled Elze’s attitude during the preparation for the debutante party.

A chef renowned even in the Empire, directly importing valuable ingredients, and even opening the townhouse of Marquis Offenheir.

Rather than joyfully indulging in such extravagance, Elze showed a cautious demeanor.

Especially, what impressed Liam the most…

“For this debutante party, did you not open the town house at Offenheir?”


“She seemed concerned that it might burden you,” Liam smiled contentedly.

“In the past, she would have just been pleased, but now it seems she understand how precious the things you bestow are.”


For a moment, Dante’s gaze turned cold.

“But why?” Dante asked, staring through Elze.

“Maybe she seem not particularly pleased because she’s a bit tired?”

Liam shrugged casually.

“Miss Elze hasn’t been very active outside normally. Such large-scale parties might be unfamiliar to her.”


Perhaps Liam didn’t intend to reprimand Dante, but upon hearing those words, Dante began to reflect on his actions so far.

It was true.

Since making Elze his lover, Dante had only casually given her the luxury items she desired.

He never went out properly with Elze or spent time with her, not even once.

He just left her as a manager-like figure at the boarding school.

[I haven’t debuted yet, so it doesn’t seem appropriate for me to stand as the partner of Marquis at the debutante ball.]

Elze’s indifferent voice suddenly came to mind.


Dante bit his lip tightly.

Even in the current debutante party.

Despite Elze being well beyond the age to debut.

He had no interest in whether she had debuted or not.

Of course, Dante had nothing to apologize for to Elze.

He helped her escape from the Lepherian novelist and spared no financial support to let her indulge in the luxury she desired.

So, despite their relationship having no debts, and Elze being in a similar situation to Dante regarding indebtedness…

…it felt strangely unsettling.

‘Why do I feel this strange way?’

Dante furrowed his eyebrows.

Simultaneously, Liam spoke with a voice mixed with laughter.

“Moreover, your demeanor when raising the toast earlier… Honestly, I was impressed.”

“You used to think I was pathetic.”

Dante retorted out of the blue.

Then, Liam nodded seriously.

“Of course, that’s how I felt back then. You were indeed pathetic.”

“…Liam, you remember that you’re my aide, right?”

“Of course. That’s why I’m just mentioning this much.”

Liam responded seriously without raising an eyebrow.

“But judging the current Miss Elze based on past actions due to prejudice is not right.”


“Yes. Anyway, I was worried that Miss Elze might behave wickedly as usual, but…”

Liam, who had been a bit cloudy in his words, concluded with satisfaction.

“Instead of that, the Marquis subtly emphasized that he’s behind Elze. It was quite a skillful move.”

“That… Well, I did it in my way.”

Dante agreed nonchalantly.

It was quite amusing to see the nobles’ faces distorted.

Honestly, there was no objective criticism about Elze’s attitude.

She was loyal to Dante, affectionate, and always tried to please him.

She never crossed the line.

It was the attitude Dante always expected from his lovers.

So, there was no reason for him to feel bad.

He should think this way…

But it felt strangely twisted.

‘Why do I feel this strange way?’

Dante sighed.

“What’s going on inside that little head of hers? I really have no idea what she’s thinking.”


“Oh, it’s nothing.”

Dante, who was grumbling irritably, suddenly furrowed his brow.

“Wait. Who’s that guy?”

Someone approached Elze, who was standing alone.

It was Count Luneburg.

The two of them exchanged a few words, then held hands and entered the dance hall together.

“What on earth is that…?”

Dante tensed his shoulders as if ready to bolt away at any moment.

Liam, who was observing him, couldn’t hide his puzzled expression and tried to dissuade Dante.

“Calm down. It’s just one dance, isn’t it?”

“What? One dance?”

Dante turned to Liam with a sharp gaze.

Liam was just perplexed because he didn’t understand why Dante was reacting like that.

“Surely you don’t think that Lady Elze won’t dance even one song with another man at the debutante party, do you?”


Dante bit his lower lip sharply.

It was true.

Typically, debutantes danced several songs and engaged in conversations with various gentlemen at the debutante ball. The debutante ball symbolized their introduction to society and, in other words, entering the marriage market as adult women.

Even though Elze was Dante’s lover, placing her in a somewhat peculiar position, as the protagonist of this party, it was considered proper etiquette to dance a few songs with other guests.

The music started playing at that moment.

Elze and Benedict began to dance slowly, taking steps in harmony.

They formed quite a well-matched pair, and their dance was oddly captivating.

Dante’s insides kept boiling.

“That Benedict guy is really irritating.”

Although he had helped them a little while ago, it seemed that Benedict’s attention was directed elsewhere, specifically towards Elze.

At that moment, Dante’s irritation surged.

“Why am I feeling so annoyed?”

Dante muttered with his lips pressed, releasing his pent-up frustration.

‘What’s bothering him now?’

Liam looked at Dante with a somewhat sympathetic gaze.

* * *

Stepping to the dance’s rhythm, I carefully observed the atmosphere around me.

“All right, no one seems to be paying attention over here.”

All the gentlemen and ladies standing in the dance hall were busy focusing on their partners.

It seemed like no one would notice even if we engaged in discreet conversation.

“First of all, thank you.”

In response to the voice that reached me, I briefly turned to Benedict on the opposite side.

“Thanks aren’t necessary.”

I casually nodded.

“In return, I obtained information about Viktor.”

“Can’t you just accept my gratitude?”

Benedict deliberately wore an offended expression.

“It’s true that Lady’s disdainful appearance is charming, but every time she does that, it’s inevitable that I get hurt.”


When we first met at the pie shop, he didn’t seem to be such a clingy man.

Looking at Benedict with cloudy eyes, I changed the topic.

“More importantly, I’d like to make a new deal.”



Benedict’s gaze instantly transformed. The polite gentleman escorting the lady vanished, and Benedict, now a shrewd information broker, looked at me with a calculating gaze.

“My special client is speaking, and I’d like to promise to trade unconditionally, but…”

Benedict firmly drew a line.

“As you know, I tend to listen and make judgments on everything.”

“I understand.”

I replied calmly.

“I’m not here to ask you to accept my deal right away. How could I when I don’t even know what I might request?”

“Well then, may I ask why you brought up this topic if it’s not to discuss the specifics of our deal?”

“To proceed with the deal, it would be proper to arrange a meeting and make promises. However, due to my current circumstances, that’s difficult.”

I shrugged as if to say, “I’m just letting you know about this.”

“I understand. After all, I heard that lately the marquis resides at the boarding school.”

Benedict positively acknowledged my words.

…He must already know about everything, even the part about the marquis residing at the boarding school, to avoid being treated as an information broker.

I squinted at Benedict with both eyes.

Simultaneously, Benedict gave me a mysterious look.

“However, in the past, you used to come in without making an appointment, didn’t you?”

“At that time, it was inevitable. The marquis and I had no relationship at all.”

I replied shamelessly.

“But since we’ve become familiar, I thought it would be better to show a minimum level of courtesy this time.”

For some reason, Lucian’s words came to my mind at that moment.

[See you later, Lady Lepherian.]

[I just thought it’s better to observe some basic courtesy toward a potential partner in a cooperative relationship.]


I vented my thoughts about Lucian in an instant.

It was only natural; it wasn’t the time to be plagued by guilt about Lucian when I had some leisure.

The music had reached its climax.

Benedict skillfully wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me towards him.

“Actually, the first deal was quite interesting. So, I’m looking forward to this one.”

That probing gaze.

Facing Benedict’s unique scrutinizing eyes, I felt like my inner thoughts were being laid bare. Simultaneously, a suggestive whisper caressed my ear.

“How about it?”

“Of course, feel free to expect great things.”

I arrogantly lifted my chin.

“Let me promise you a much more exciting deal than last time.”

Upon hearing that, Benedict smirked.

“Oh my, I didn’t expect you to say it so boldly. It’s truly thrilling.”

“So, can I come see you any time on Tuesday or Friday?”

Usually, Benedict stayed at the pie shop two days a week, on Tuesday and Friday. However, he was known to adjust his schedule somewhat flexibly due to his responsibilities at Schmaikel’s top and as the Lord of Lunenburg.

‘Well, now that the matter of Rombio Estate is settled.’

It shouldn’t be as hectic as in the original.

With such calculations, I unintentionally asked.


I flinched for a moment.

It was because I felt a shiver through my elegant gown as he stood so close to me.

“Oh, by the way.”

Benedict tilted his head towards me and asked.

“It’s really fascinating. How does Lady know everything, even that?”

His voice sank discreetly.

“Even my family doesn’t know all my schedules.”


I hastily examined Benedict’s expression.

Fortunately, he didn’t seem uncomfortable. Instead, he seemed more curious.

“Well, you know, it’s more charming for a woman to have a few secrets, isn’t it?”

I replied with a poker face.

In response to my answer, Benedict’s smile deepened a bit more.

“That’s true. If you weren’t the Lord’s lover, I would have seriously courted you.”

“Please endure that. I don’t want to hang side by side with the Count at the top of the Rose Cross School Tower.”

“But if I could be with Lady, it would be worth having that kind of adventure.”

After some banter, Benedict added with a serious tone.

“Anyway, it’s true that on the days you mentioned, I usually stay close to the pie shop.”

“Oh, is that so?”

“Yes. However, if there are unavoidable circumstances that make you come on different dates, please reserve a cherry pie with the staff. I’ll contact you separately.”

“Thank you.”

I nodded my head.

At the same time, the music ended.

I lifted the hem of my dress to Benedict, indicating a courtesy.

Benedict, too, placed his hand on his chest and slightly bowed.

But then.

“Wait, isn’t that…?”

“Step aside, please.”

People murmured, making way in a stir.

It felt like witnessing an ancient sage parting the sea, much like in religious scriptures.

And in the midst of it all, the person who appeared was…


I widened my eyes.

‘Why is he suddenly here?’

Well, let’s assume he made an entrance.

After all, Dante is the actual protagonist of this debutante party.

Where the protagonist roams around is none of my concern; I can’t say anything about it.

The only issue is…

…the current Dante seems strangely uneasy.

“Count Luneburg.”

Dante addressed Benedict with a stern voice.

“Sorry, but she’s my partner.”


His red eyes gleamed eerily.

“I think I should take my partner now.”

“Oh, I see.”

Benedict smoothly smiled.

“I didn’t realize if Count Luneburg took Lady Lepherian’s partner position so seriously. She’s been alone since earlier.”


Dante furrowed his eyebrows.

But Benedict’s pointed words weren’t over yet.

“However, is a partner that important?”


“In the first place, isn’t a debutante party a place for the lady who has made her debut to safely experience many gentlemen?”

It was an impeccable argument.

The wrinkles between Dante’s eyebrows deepened even more.

“Moreover, if it were me, if the partner is so important…”

Benedict glanced at me with a sidelong gaze and then flashed a sly smile.

“I wouldn’t let her go so easily.”

…Please, stop looking at me like that.

I felt a throbbing pain in my head.

If a fight had to happen, I wished they’d fight somewhere else and leave me alone…

Well, it’s just that my life goal is to smoothly escape without getting involved in the chaos between male protagonists.

Especially since the female protagonist hasn’t even appeared yet.

Why am I already caught up between Dante and Benedict?


Dante twisted the corner of his lips.

“Anyway, even if you’re in a romantic relationship, why is the third party meddling? Don’t you think it’s going too far?”

“Well, if you’re referring to someone going too far, isn’t it Count Luneburg?”

Benedict’s smile deepened a bit.

“I simply acted according to the spirit of the debutante. I just did what I thought was appropriate.”


Oh, it’s been a while since I’ve seen Dante at a loss for words.

I silently admired it.

Really, Benedict is Benedict.

To face Dante’s fierce spirit like that and not bat an eye, it’s something.

But the strange thing is…

‘Benedict usually goes on such adventures restricted to the female protagonist alone…’

Anyway, I can’t just watch these two quarreling like this.


I approached Dante.

Dante, who had been noticeably tense, glanced at me for a moment.

I lowered my eyelids coquettishly.

“I’m so glad you care about me.”


For a moment, Dante’s momentum softened a bit.

In contrast, Benedict’s expression became a bit uncomfortable…

“What can I do about it?”

I sighed deeply inside.

‘Currently, the person who has the most significant impact on my survival is Dante.’

For now, I have to separate these two.

I gently raised my eyelids to look into Dante’s eyes.

“So, can you give me a little more time?”


“Yes. I danced continuously, so I feel a bit warm. Can I ask for your escort to get some fresh air?”

After that, I slightly lifted my heels.

Leaning towards Dante, I whispered softly.

“I also want to spend some time alone with the Marquis.”


Dante murmured something indistinctly, glaring at me.

I internally sighed deeply.

“Can’t we?”


Staring at me for a long time, Dante gestured towards the balcony with a nod.

“Fine, let’s go.”

Although his eyes were still defiant, his agitated nerves seemed to have settled to some extent.

Feeling relieved, I tightly held onto Dante’s arm.


We went out to the balcony with our drinks.

Beyond the splendid marble balcony, the view of the dark, dewy garden unfolded.

Elegantly arranged garden trees, various rare flowers in full bloom, and a distant gazebo.

It was a garden worth exploring in various ways.

But at that moment.

“Earlier, you were dancing quite well with Count Lunebourg.”

A prickly voice echoed.

“Did you have fun?”


I barely suppressed a sigh about a topic that I had no interest in.

Why is he so sensitive about it?

In the first place, this debutante party wasn’t organized purely for my sake.

I recalled the nobles I saw earlier.

Among them, the faces of some nobles who seemed unusually terrified flashed in my mind.

‘Nobles who enrolled their family and acquaintances at Rose Cross Boarding School.’

Just by inviting them, it’s clear that this debutante party is a warning for them.

I casually shrugged.

“Well, Count Lunebourg is quite a good dance partner.”


Dante’s gaze became dangerously sharp.

I gently continued.

“But still, I am most delighted when dancing with you, Marquis.”

Upon hearing my response, Dante, who had been glaring at me, sighed deeply.


Then, he seemed to settle in the chair on the balcony with a gesture as if to tap the seat next to him.

‘Does he want me to sit?’

I quietly sat next to him.

At the same time, Dante leaned his head against my shoulder.

Dante’s unique refreshing scent came closer.

I stiffened my shoulders for a moment.

‘What’s this?’

At the same time, Dante suddenly called me.



“I want to kiss you.”

Speaking as if asking, ‘Do you want to go for a walk tonight?’ so casually.

I momentarily didn’t fully understand what Dante was saying.

After a while.

Having swallowed my dry saliva, I responded.

“Well, if you want, Marquis…”

“Why, forcing someone who doesn’t want it is an asshole move, you know?”

Dante, rubbing his cheek against my shoulder, grumbled as if to say, ‘Listen.’


I felt my mouth being blocked for a moment.

Probably referring to the day when Lucian and I went for a walk.

At the same time, Dante asked me in a playful tone, “Still don’t want it?”


His tone was far from the usual oppressive one that made me breathless. Instead, it resembled that of a spoiled child who, even though he likes the other person, is too embarrassed to admit it honestly. It was like throwing a tantrum for no reason.

‘Well, Dante has been patient enough by now,’ I thought to myself and nodded silently.

Since the day with Lucian, Dante hadn’t forcibly imposed physical contact on me. Of course, he was extremely busy preparing for the debutante party, so there wasn’t much time to think about such matters.

‘…If he wanted to, he could have pressured me somehow.’

The fact that there was no sign of even attempting that indicated that Dante had made some effort in his own way.

In reality, if you are in a romantic relationship, kissing or engaging in a sexual relationship is not unusual. Above all,

‘Dante’s low spirits could cause trouble if they last too long.’

If a simple kiss could restore Dante’s mood, it was a small price to pay.

After fiercely tapping the imaginary calculator in my head, I leaned my head against Dante’s forehead.

Whispering gently, I said, “No.”

At that moment, I could feel Dante tensing ever so slightly.

I continued calmly, “I want it too.”

Suddenly, my perspective flipped.

Dante, who had pulled me close by the waist, stared straight into my eyes.

His crimson eyes burned like the sun.

I casually thought, ‘Someday, those eyes will swallow me whole.’

In that blaze, I imagined myself disappearing without leaving a trace.

Yet, for some reason, I felt that it would be okay.

At the same time, Dante twisted his lips at the corner and asked, “Did you say you wanted it, too?”

Dante kissed me as if he were going to devour me. Biting my lower lip gently, he persistently coaxed me to part my lips.

For a moment, my head spun.


My lips automatically parted, and Dante’s tongue coiled around mine, swallowing our breaths without leaving any trace. His skilled touch explored the contours of my mouth, caressing the delicate membranes inside.

A strange sensation overwhelmed me, draining the strength from my entire body. A muffled moan emanated from my throat as Dante’s fervent advances intensified. It felt as if he intended to consume me whole, making me tremble helplessly in his grip.

What struck me as odd was that, despite being firmly held and manipulated, I didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. Instead, this pleasure…

My entire body seemed to lose its strength as Dante’s tongue wrapped around mine, sensually exploring every crevice. A suppressed groan escaped from the depths of my throat. Dante’s eyes narrowed, and he clung to me even more tenaciously, as if attempting to swallow me whole.

I shook like prey captured by a predator, my body helpless in his grasp. The peculiar thing was that, despite his forceful hold and vigorous movements, I didn’t feel a sense of discomfort. Rather, this sensation…

However, the strangest part was that, even with him gripping me and handling me as he pleased, I didn’t feel repulsed. On the contrary, this pleasure…

I closed my eyes tightly and leaned into Dante, clinging to him. In a whisper, I pleaded, “Wait, please…”

“What do you mean, wait?”

Dante’s deep voice murmured in a subdued tone. With eyes darkened by pleasure, he once again devoured my lips. Dante’s strong arms embraced me tightly, our breaths mingling chaotically, and his warmth intruding my space.

Everything felt excessively intense, and my head began to spin. “Haah, haah…”

Despite only sharing a kiss, my breaths became labored. However, at that moment…

“Are you really rejecting me?”

A confident voice echoed from below the balcony. Simultaneously, Dante abruptly ceased his movements.

“Do you really want to reject me when you know who I am? I am…”

It seemed like someone was having a conversation right beneath the balcony.

“Oh, for heaven’s sake.”

Dante, who had been nibbling on my lips, irritably pulled away. The cool night air touched my flushed skin, and I shivered lightly.

Perhaps due to the remaining sensation of pleasure, my mind felt hazy. I glanced up at Dante with a dazed look.

“My lord.”

I called Dante with a subdued voice. Dante, who had pressed his lips against my forehead with a sigh, rose to his feet, grinding his teeth.

“That bastard…”

It seemed like he was even more frustrated after receiving some kind of rebuke at the peak of his agitation. If this continued, he might truly resort to throttling the unknown person below.

Feeling a sense of urgency, I urgently grabbed Dante’s clothes.

‘Why is he like this?’

With that meaning, Dante raised an eyebrow ever so slightly.

For a moment, his eyes, which had only been rolling in their sockets, stopped.

I quickly blurted out something.

“Well, aren’t you busy? You should go back to the banquet now…”


Dante’s eye corners shot up high into the sky for a moment.

‘Ah, did I make a mistake?’

I bit my tongue discreetly.

Apart from the ecstatic kiss with Dante, I honestly wanted to separate from this place before witnessing another brawl. It seemed like my true feelings were too obvious.

“A moment ago, you wanted to spend time alone with me.”


“Are you showing that you’re already tired of me?”

Dante shook off my hand with a snappy voice.

I swallowed my saliva.

Despite his playful tone, Dante’s eyes didn’t show any signs of amusement.

“What I meant was… Rather than having the Marquis scold those immature fellows and ruin his mood, wouldn’t it be better to go back and enjoy the party again?”

“If I tell you to leave quickly, does that mean it’s a thoughtful gesture with a profound meaning?”

Dante retorted with a sarcastic voice.

I managed a smile, trying to comfort Dante.

“I suggested going back to enjoy the party, rather than having Marquis scold those immature guys, in case you find it upsetting.”

Despite the playful tone, Dante’s eyes were not smiling.

“My intention was… If you’d rather leave and enjoy the party again.”

“Are you suggesting that I leave quickly because it has such a deep meaning?”

“Yes, how dare I show such impolite language to the Marquis?”

Smiling warmly, I exerted more force on Dante’s clothes.

Dante reluctantly took a seat.

However, despite my efforts, the man below the balcony continued to raise his voice loudly.

“No, do you have any idea who I am?”

Despite Dante’s irritated expression, the man’s voice continued to rise, causing Dante’s eyebrows to twitch in annoyance.

‘Oh, damn it. I tried to calm Dante down.’

Just as I was cursing myself, the voice from below suddenly declared, “I am Viscount Craig!”

In an instant, I felt a chilling sensation running through my entire body.

So, that guy.

He was the cousin who had confined Lucien to the solitary room at Rose Cross Academy.

At the same time, Viscount Craig confirmed once again that he had issued an order to assassinate.

“No, who the hell do you think you are to speak so insolently?”



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