I Became The Male Leads’ Target

IBMLT | Episode 11-15


My head has been throbbing painfully.

‘How could that author have pointed me out so directly?’

… I didn’t even need to question that.

Because all the incidents and accidents that had happened at the Rose Cross Academy so far were mostly the doings of the original Elze.

The villain wasn’t exactly a different villain.


I mostly attributed them to Elze’s doings, but I didn’t claim that everything was her doing.

Those two words have completely different meanings.

For example…

I stared at Victor with a cold gaze.

The decisive incidents that tarnished Elze’s reputation.

All those incidents…

‘Victor twisted things around for Elze.’

The original Elze wasn’t a clever villain with a quick-witted mind.

In fact, it couldn’t have been any other way.

For the sake of a satisfying development where the main characters outsmart everything, the villain couldn’t be smart.

And Victor exploited that aspect fully.

Blaming fatal mistakes he committed, or his wrongdoings, on Elze.

<I, I didn’t do such a thing!>

Even though Elze argued in such a way, nobody believed her words.

This was because of the image of the “incompetent villain” that had been reinforced intentionally by not only the numerous incidents Elze usually caused but also by others, including Victor.

<Elze? You usually make a lot of mistakes, right?>

<Well, Lady Elze, you do tend to have short-sighted thoughts.>

<Sigh, Lady Elze, you caused another accident?>

Such biases piled up and accumulated.

Before she knew it, Elze had been pushed into a position where she not only took responsibility for her own mistakes but also naturally took the blame for the mistakes of others.

Moreover, that approach was also how Victor essentially managed this academy…

Well, going back to the original story.

Perhaps Victor recalled the old, careless Elze and came after me right away.

Whether I actually stole it or not, it didn’t matter.

Of course, it could also be that Victor himself couldn’t manage his belongings properly, causing the precious letter to go missing.

But what then?

Might as well just blame Elze for it anyway.

I, however, was not the foolish and one-dimensional villain from the original.

I had a grand dream of escaping this wretched reverse harem romance fantasy world one way or another.

For his sake, I had honed a few abilities myself.

And those abilities were precisely…

“So, Victor, are you currently suspecting me?”

It was a test, to start with.

But what’s important here is that I must act as shamelessly as possible, pretending I don’t know anything.

That’s why I raised an eyebrow and asked Victor, suppressing a smirk.

“To be more precise, did I sneak into your study quietly?”

“Elze, you’re saying that I stole Lord Craig’s letter that you claimed I had hidden?”

Then I pushed up the corner of my lips slightly.

“…How dare you treat me like a little rat?”

A rat.

At that overtly demeaning term, Victor’s expression turned somewhat awkward.

In reality, he had no other option.

In the heat of anger, he might have pursued me relentlessly without considering the consequences.

However, there wouldn’t be any substantial evidence that I had stolen the lord’s letter.

If there were any evidence or witnesses, he would have used them to pressure me long ago.

Furthermore, I had been extremely careful not to let Victor catch on. I was confident that no one would know I had the letter in my possession.

So, in essence.

Right now, Victor is merely tormenting me with his suspicions.

“This is quite frustrating.”

“Uh, Lady Elze.”

“To think that you’re treating me, the one and only lover of Marquis Offenheir, like a thieving little rat.”

I let out a disappointed sigh, as if feigning disappointment.

“Then, let me ask you one thing.”


“Do you have any evidence?”

With my pointed question, Victor’s face turned red and blue.

I drove the nail in again.

“Evidence that I stole that letter.”

And I gave Victor plenty of time to answer.


In the end, Victor couldn’t respond.

I tsked my tongue as if implying he should have answered.

“Victor, you’re the caretaker of Rose Cross Academy.”


“Because Marquis Offenheir trusts you to that extent, he must have entrusted you with that precious letter.”

Upon hearing those words, Victor stiffened abruptly.

“Someone who couldn’t even properly safeguard a single letter, yet parades around acting like a caretaker. And even in such a situation, you’re accusing me of stealing that letter.”

I spoke calmly.

“Moreover, you’re treating me, Marquis Offenheir’s lover, in such a way without any evidence.”

Without wiping off my smile, I chastised him once again, causing Victor’s face to turn pale.

He must have been recalling all the many things I had done to the original Elze in the story.

I shrugged my shoulders and added,

“If you dislike me, it’s your own business. Honestly, I don’t really care much about the opinion of a worm like you disliking me.”


Victor’s face was flushed with shame.

Whether he liked it or not, I said what I needed to say.

“Coming to me without any evidence, asking me so directly, and behaving as if you’re threatening me – it’s quite unpleasant.”

“Well, I mean…”

“Furthermore, in the eyes of the world, they would usually say something like this about your behavior.”

Facing Victor, who widened his eyes, I spoke gently.

“You’re going off-topic.”

Well, to be honest, even I found the tone of my words rather harsh.

While contemplating a villainous finishing line, I nonchalantly spat out my words in a composed tone.

“In the future, try to stick to the topic before acting. Got it?”

With those words, I swiftly passed by Victor’s side.

* * *

Lucian happening upon the maids’ conversation was purely coincidental.

“Did you hear? Miss Elze and Victor had a major argument this time!”

Through the iron-barred window leading to the garden, the murmurs of the maids’ conversation drifted in.


At the sudden mention of the familiar name, Lucian, who had been sitting leisurely, pricked up his ears.

“Well, they say a letter that Victor was in charge of disappeared.”

Lucian flinched for a moment.

‘A letter… Could it be?’

Referring to the letter Elze had handed over – the letter from Count Craig’s workshop.

By the way, that letter had been torn to shreds by Lucian, who had been unable to control his anger…

“Victor seemed quite agitated.”


“Well, why do you think? Since he was so convinced that the letter had been taken by her!”

The maid who brought up the topic retorted to her colleague.

Upon hearing that, the other maid responded in bewilderment.

“But isn’t there no evidence or witnesses to prove that Miss Elze took it?”

“Hmm, that might be true, but…”

The maid seemed to cloud her speech for a moment, then continued nonchalantly.

“Still, Elze can’t be ruled out as the culprit, right? You know, too, how many incidents Elze has caused.”

“Well, that’s true.”

After a brief silence, the colleague maid posed a skeptical question.

“Then, in this case, do you think Victor will report to Count Oppenheimer?”

“Come on, how could he?”

Tsking sounds of disagreement echoed from the maid.

“With no evidence or witnesses, the conclusion would likely be that Victor lost the letter.”


“Exactly. And you know what?”

The maid whispered almost inaudibly.

“This time, Miss Elze apparently told Victor, claiming to be Marquis Offenheir’s lover, that he should understand the topic!”

“Goodness… that’s a bit too audacious.”

“Well, it’s not like Miss Elze treats us maids any better these days, is it?”

The maid grumbled with a resentful tone.

“In any case, only Victor ends up pitiable. The real culprit can’t be caught if they’re too cunning.”

With those words, the sound of footsteps marched away hastily.

Perhaps the maids were changing their positions.


Meanwhile, Lucian’s emotions were complex, to say the least.

‘…Did she go through all that trouble because of me?’

If she had secretly taken the letter and if the situation was becoming problematic because the letter hadn’t been returned to its place…

She could have at least warned me to read it carefully.

Why did she just watch as I tore it up?

‘Maybe… Maybe there was no chance for her to say such a thing.’

Considering Lucian’s uncooperative attitude at that time, it was understandable.

Even without that, Elze’s reputation was already plummeting to new depths.

And it seemed that Lucian himself might have been the cause…

‘Oh, really.’

Lucian ran a hand through his hair in frustration.


That name felt like a tiny thorn embedded under his fingernail.

Her presence kept bothering him, persistently.




Hot water poured into the shower booth.

Under it, a breathtakingly handsome man stood, his eyes closed tightly as he let the water wash over his body.

Wide shoulders, a well-defined chest with firm muscles, a slim waist, and legs that extended gracefully.

He was the epitome of a perfectly sculpted physique brought to life.

However, an eerie detail was the color of the water flowing down his body.

At first, the water had been clear, but as it grazed the man’s body, it gradually took on a deep red hue.

And so, the water draining into the drain had turned into a vivid shade of crimson.

After a moment.


The man let out a long breath and opened his eyes.

After shutting off the water, he opened the shower booth door.


A waft of steam escaped the shower booth.

As the man walked out with his bare body, a waiting attendant secretary politely handed him a towel.

Drying himself roughly with the towel, he put on a shower robe that the attendant handed him.

Then he snapped his fingers.

The attendant quickly handed the man a whiskey glass with ice.

Turning the whiskey glass playfully, the man savored its aroma before finally taking a sip of the whiskey.

‘Right now… it seems you’re in quite a good mood.’

Meanwhile, the attending secretary who had been closely observing the man’s expression noticed that he wasn’t feeling too bad.

With that realization, he gathered the courage to speak to his master first.

The news he was about to convey probably wasn’t something that would make the man overly delighted.

“Marquis Offenheir.”

Opening his mouth cautiously, the secretary turned his reddened eyes toward him.

“What is it?”

“A report has come in from Rose Cros Boarding School.”

“A report? About what?”

“That… Elze seems to have…”


Lately, he seemed to hear that name quite often, he suddenly thought.

“It’s said that Elze has apparently stolen the letter that Victor was keeping, the one from Count Craig.”

Perhaps even Dante, the man, didn’t seem to have a much different opinion about her.

“Elze again?”

Judging by his narrow eyes as he asked that, it seemed so.

The secretary nodded his head and continued,

“However, there’s no evidence or witnesses that Elze took the letter.”

For a moment, a hint of irritation crossed Dante’s handsome face.

“Is that so?”

In an impatient gesture, Dante shook the whiskey glass.

His fingertips are as white and delicate as marble.

However, the attending secretary found those pristine hands somewhat unfamiliar.

Sadly, he had already seen those beautiful hands stained with blood too many times.

“Then why do they suspect Elze as the culprit?”

“There’s no real evidence, they just seemed to have suspicions.”

The secretary added cautiously,

“Perhaps it’s due to the things Elze has been involved in so far.”


“Apparently, things got quite chaotic at the boarding school after Victor directly confronted Elze, accusing her of theft.”

For a moment, a faint flicker of his eyebrow was followed by his stern expression.

“Victor confronted Elze… accusing her of theft?”

“That’s what happened.”

In an instant, as if everything in the world suddenly became boring, his expression turned cold.

“How dare he accuse Elze?”

Of course, Dante didn’t feel uncomfortable due to a deep love for Elze or a desire to protect her, nor was he displeased because he thought he needed to establish his authority as a lover.

However, the reason Victor’s actions bothered him was…

‘After all, Elze is… nominally my lover.’

It was due to Dante’s authority.

The fact that Victor accused Elze without any evidence or witnesses was undermining Dante’s authority.

Dante Desaby Offenheir.

That name held an unrivaled position within Rose Cross Boarding School, at the very least.

No one should challenge Dante’s authority.


“A mere caretaker…”

Dante muttered in a chilly tone.

“How dare he question my lover about theft?”

His grip tightened around the whiskey glass, his hand tensing up.

The bones on the back of his hand stood out stark white.

“Please calm down, my Lord.”

The attending secretary hurriedly interjected.

“You must know that it’s not yet time to deal with Victor, my Lord.”


But Dante still didn’t respond.

And the ominous silence meant something to the attending secretary.

It indicated that Dante was on the verge of exploding at any moment.

“We should take care of the entire nest of these rats.”

The secretary urgently tried to persuade Dante.

“Trying to catch just one rat in the heat of the moment won’t be of much use. What’s the point?”


“To completely crush these rats, didn’t you set a trap and wait for a long time?”

The attending secretary looked at Dante with an anxious expression.

A long silence followed.


A long sigh escaped.

The bloodshot eyes, which had been intensely focused, slowly softened.

And then.

“I know, I understand.”

Dante retorted irritably.

“But still, that idiot Victor’s stupidity is infuriating.”

“Lord Marquis.”

“Even the bait that was given to me explicitly to use has been lost. And to think he would try to pin it on Elze.”

The letter from Count Craig, which Dante had entrusted to Victor.

The letter itself was a bait meant to expose the connections to Victor and his lackeys.

But instead of drawing out the lackeys through the bait, they ended up losing the bait itself.

Moreover, using the bait as an excuse to challenge Dante’s authority.

Dante muttered to himself in a voice full of frustration.

“Hah, with an empty head, you probably thought you could raise a rebellion against me.”


The sharp sound of a glass and a tray colliding echoed loudly.

It was because Dante had put down the whiskey glass with force.

“Make sure no one can lay a finger on that bastard.”

Then he gave a chilling command.

“After everything is done, I’ll personally tear him apart.”

“I will carry out your orders, Lord Marquis.”

As Dante briskly left the bathroom, the secretary behind him lowered his head deeply, his expression troubled.

* * *

After that.

For the next few days, I lived quietly.

It seems Victor was quite upset about the blow he received from me this time.

I could still see the burning resentment in him.

But well, I wasn’t really bothered by such a reaction since I had expected it from the beginning.

Honestly, I don’t really care whether Victor likes me or not from the start.

The only one who was bothering me was Lucian.

‘…Lucian, lately your attitude seems to have become quite humble.’

He eats well, sleeps well.

There seemed to be some change in his mood, as he was quite cooperative.

Oh, by the way, I don’t mind Lucian’s meals anymore.

[Now you don’t have to taste the food.]

It was because Lucian said so.

Honestly, I wondered what was going on, but well, what can you do?

If he didn’t show hostility towards me, I would have been satisfied with that.

‘For the time being, let’s focus on helping Lucian recover from his injuries.’

Separate from that, there were also personal matters I needed to attend to.

The most urgent task was undoubtedly meeting the male protagonist, Benedict.

However, in order to meet Benedict…

‘I’ll have to go outside.’

Since there seemed to be limitations to accessibility, I planned to tackle what I could do right away.

And the timing was just right.

Tick, tock, tick…

The sound of the clock’s hands turning echoed clearly in the quiet room.

I glanced at the wall clock out of the corner of my eye to check the time.

‘Three in the afternoon.’

It was the time when students had their break.

… And it was also the time when the discreet task of “keeping a certain student away” was maximized at the Rose Cross Boarding School.


I got up from my seat.

As I walked down the long staircase, I could see the elegant living room in the distance.

Sunlight poured in through the spacious windows, framed in gold, dazzling my eyes.

A sophisticated tea table, comfortable chairs, colorful tea treats, and fragrant tea.

A graceful melody flowed from the phonograph, and students gathered in groups of threes and fives, sharing conversations.

Occasionally, bursts of laughter added to the perfectly peaceful scene.

Amidst this, the students who spotted me turned their surprised faces towards me.

“Excuse me, isnt she Lady Elze?”

“Something must be up. It’s the first time she’s shown up during tea time…”

Whispers spread like ripples.

Well, it was quite surprising.

Up until now, the original Elze had only squandered her lover’s wealth and indulged in extravagant luxuries.

As a guardian, she neglected her responsibilities.

In other words, it meant that Elze had never shown any interest in the students before.

And that was the case for me as well.

‘Where could she be?’

I shifted my gaze away from the students and looked around.

Tea time at three in the afternoon.

In the boarding school, students who listened attentively during class were rewarded with tea time.

However, there would undoubtedly be someone for whom this time wasn’t a reward.

As evidence, within the warm atmosphere of tea time, there was one woman who didn’t blend into the scene.

Crouched on the sofa corner, her body tucked in, a young lady continuously checked her surroundings, unable to rest.

‘Found her.’

Simultaneously, my lips curved into an elegant smile.

‘The person I must absolutely win over to my side.’

That woman’s name was Brigitte Martin.

And the nickname given to her by the readers of the original work was the “Emotional Trash Bin of Rose Cross.”



The reason Brigitte became the “Emotional Trash Bin” was simple.

Victor deliberately created a “scapegoat” within the boarding school.

Victor understood the dangerous emotions among humans and knew how to manipulate them.

Thus, the secret to Victor’s effective reign as a skilled guardian was:

‘Selecting one person within the group as the scapegoat and channeling all grievances and complaints of the group towards that individual.’

In return, the group itself became comfortable and harmonious.

However, the scapegoat would endure immense suffering.

In retrospect, Brigitte would later reminisce, ‘Rose Cross Boarding School was the most glamorous hell in the world.’

‘He’s a really insidious guy.’

As I recalled Victor’s methods, an expression of disgust unconsciously appeared on my face.

However, Brigitte in the original work had quite a significant presence.

Because her role was that of the ‘close friend and ally of the original female protagonist.’

The two met for the first time after the collapse of Rose Cross Boarding School.

At that time, Brigitte was still haunted by nightmares from the boarding school and couldn’t lead a normal life.

As a result, Brigitte remained aloof in social circles, and people turned away from her.

However, there was one person who actively approached her and offered comfort.

That person was the kind-hearted original female protagonist.

The female protagonist comforted Brigitte’s pain and lifted her spirits.

Thanks to her, Brigitte recovered from her long suffering.

After that, when the full-fledged tale of ruinous romance began, Brigitte firmly supported the fallen female protagonist and even helped her escape from the male protagonists, enduring their hostility.

The words Brigitte had said to the female protagonist at that time were:

‘Since you saved me, I will save you in return.’

… That was how it was.

And that was the very aspect I was aiming for.

If the original female protagonist had saved Brigitte and received help from her, couldn’t I do the same?

With that thought in mind, I casually greeted Brigitte.

“Hello, Countess Martin.”

There was a momentary, stunned silence.



Those who had previously treated Brigitte as if she were invisible turned in astonishment towards me.

Inside the silent living room, the only sound was the beautiful melody flowing from the phonograph.

The contrast between the tranquility and the music was rather eerie.

“… What’s the matter?”

With eyes wide with fear, Brigitte looked up at me.

I replied calmly, “I rarely attend tea time, but it seems there isn’t a single person here who welcomes me.”

Gasps of disbelief could be heard around me.

People were on edge, paying careful attention to my actions.

Whether they liked it or not, my focus was solely on Brigitte.

“It seems like Countess Martin might be in a similar situation as me.”

At the unexpected suggestion, Brigitte’s pupils expanded in surprise.

I gestured with my head.

“May I sit next to you?”


Brigitte gave me a guarded look for a moment.

I tried to make my expression appear as friendly as possible.

After a while.

“… Alright.”

Brigitte nodded nervously.

I elegantly took a seat next to Brigitte.

Despite it being that simple, the atmosphere in the room flipped like the back of a hand.



People stole glances at me from time to time.

No matter how close to a lady-in-waiting the Face Madam might be, she was still a lady-in-waiting.

From the moment I came into view, life at the boarding school could become incredibly difficult.

“Well, the original Elze did cause trouble without discrimination.”

I lifted the teapot lightly.

“Would you like a cup of tea?”

“Oh, no, that’s…!”

Brigitte’s face showed a strange mix of embarrassment.

Regardless, I poured tea into Brigitte’s cup.

And then…

“Oh dear.”

I realized why Brigitte had such an awkward reaction.

Well, that was understandable since the tea had steeped for too long, emitting a slightly musty smell from the dark liquid.

And the tea had cooled down long ago.

‘Well, I wasn’t entirely clueless about this kind of situation.’

More accurately, it was to pre-know about Brigitte’s suffering and to help her, thus building up favorable feelings towards me…

‘This is quite intense.’

I narrowed my eyes.

In the novel, a scene suddenly came to mind where Brigitte clung to the female protagonist and confided in her pain.

<I… I was in so much pain.>

<“Just calm down, okay?>

<Everyone at that boarding school… found my pain and fear amusing.>

The desperate touch that held onto the female protagonist.

<They said it was because I was wrong, that’s why I was being punished. Could that really be true?>


<I was lower than a crawling bug to them.>

The voice that sobbed under the weight of emotions.

<Was it because of the wrongs I committed that I ended up in that state? I… I…>

Even the image of her lying on the floor, sobbing.

<Was I really nothing more than trash, lower than a bug, a subhuman?>

The few lines of dialogue and scene descriptions that I had casually read to pass the time…

Had become a reality, unfolding before my eyes.

‘…This feels awful.’

As I clenched my teeth, I slowly lifted my head.

“This trash… What on earth is it?”

At my mutterings, the people gathered in the living room stiffened their shoulders as if they had been whipped.

In the suffocating silence, only the music from the phonograph reached its crescendo.

I twisted my lips slightly.

“How dare this place, Rose Cross, where everything should be of the highest quality…”


The maids scattered throughout the living room had tense expressions.

Lifting my head straight, I pierced each of their faces with a sharp gaze, as if engraving their features into my mind.

As if I would memorize their faces for some purpose.

“Lower than a rag, lower than cleaning water… this kind of trash…”

I slowly tilted the cup I was holding.


The pristine white tablecloth was now stained with the dripping red tea.

I released my grip.

As if the cup in my hand itself was dirty.


The finest tea cup, even supplied to the palace, collided with the table and shattered into pieces.

“Is this your way of serving tea?”

At my cold question, the maids’ faces drained of color.

“L-Lady Elze!”

The maids lowered their heads in reflection as they stood before me.

“We apologize!”

“There won’t be such incidents in the future…!”

Well, I couldn’t entirely fail to understand their perspective.

Perhaps they wanted to argue like this:

‘How can powerless maids like us defy the words of Manager Victor?’

It wasn’t entirely an incorrect statement.


‘The lack of guilt in those expressions is quite striking.’

With the pretext of Victor’s orders, it must have been convenient.

Without any sense of remorse, they used Brigitte as an emotional dumping ground.

Ignoring Brigitte in secret, venting their frustration, taking out their anger.

Or from behind, someone might sneer, What does being a noble matter? You’re all treated like trash anyway.

Therefore, everyone in this room was a collaborator.

Ironically, only ‘the original Elze,’ who as a villainess hadn’t shown any interest in anyone fairly, was free from participating in the collective torment against Brigitte.

But still, Elze was not without fault.

Her mistake was directly becoming an indifferent bystander by neglecting her duties as a manager.

“…Then should I apologize to Brigitte as well?”

Anyway, I’m living as ‘Elze’ now.

But well, resolving the situation in front of me takes precedence for now.

I tilted my head slightly.

“I’m sorry?”

“Yes! So, um…”

“In that case, right now.”

I gestured towards Brigitte.

“Kneel in front of Countess Martin.”


“Bow your head to the ground, kiss the feet of Countess Martin, and apologize.”

I stared at the maids with an expressionless face.

“And if Countess Martin says she forgives you.”


“I will forgive you too.”




The maids nibbled on their lips and exchanged glances nervously.

Their actions amused me, so I chuckled softly.


My inquiring voice sounded as cold to my own ears as ice.

“Can’t do it?”

“Uh, Milady Elze.”


The maids were now fumbling for words.

Apologizing too meekly here would get them thrown out of Viktor’s favor, but I was the one sitting right in front of them.

The infamous villainess, Elze, the lover of Lord Offenheir, the tyrant who ruled this boarding school.

And then.

“Lady Elze.”

I heard a smooth voice calling me.

When I turned around, a stern middle-aged man was looking at me with an intense gaze.

The school administrator of Rose Cross Boarding School, the man who orchestrated the situation to turn Brigitte into everyone’s emotional dumpster.

Also, someone who had recently been quite open about his enmity towards me.


“What’s the occasion for you to attend tea time for once?”

His voice seemed gentle at first glance.

But I wasn’t foolish enough not to notice the thorns hidden in that voice.

I looked at Viktor with a cold gaze.

“Your words make it sound as if I shouldn’t attend tea time.”

Viktor’s face stiffened slightly.


“Could that ever be the case? However…”

Viktor, who quickly regained his composure, raised both arms as if to show me something.

“Milady Elze, don’t you prefer enjoying tea time alone rather than with others?”

“People’s preferences can change at any time. Above all…”

I lounged lazily on the sofa, speaking.

“If Martin Viscountess had done her job properly from the beginning, I wouldn’t have had to bother attending tea time, would I?”

“…What do you mean by that?”

“Even now, looking at Countess Martin’s appearance and the tea they gave to the Countess…”

I pointed at the tea table in front of me.

To be precise, it was the tea cups shattered in front of me and the tea-stained tablecloth.

“To think they could spout such nonsense.”


“How shameless. I’d like to emulate that thick facial skin of yours.”

Viktor tried to argue with me, but I didn’t give him a chance to speak.

I glanced briefly at Bridgette.

“Countess Martin.”

“Yes, yes?”

A startled Brigitte looked in my direction.

“Have Countess always eaten this kind of food waste?”

“Well, um…”

“Please be honest.”

Brigitte bit her lower lip.

And a moment later.


Brigitte nodded her head with difficulty.

I turned coldly to Viktor.

“Did you hear that?”

Viktor clenched his lips until they turned pale.

“How on earth are the lower staff managing things? How can such foods be served to the students?”


“Wouldn’t these individual problems accumulate and tarnish Rose Cross’s reputation?”

I shook my head resolutely, fixing my gaze on Viktor.

“Moreover, what’s really strange is…”

What is he trying to say now?

Viktor’s composed expression wavered.

“I’ve never witnessed conversations happening between Countess Martin and other students while in this lounge.”


“Everyone seems surprised even by the mere thought of me mingling with Countess Martin.”

I calmly threw the question.

“How did the atmosphere among the students end up like this?”

“…I appreciate your concern, Milady Elze, but you don’t need to worry so much.”

Viktor grimaced and began to speak.

“It’s alright if you don’t pay such meticulous attention.”

“What does that mean?”

“I’m speaking out of concern for you, Milady Elze.”

Perhaps he was trying to show a smile, Viktor pushed his lips up slightly.

But it was all in vain.

Viktor’s eyes held no amusement.

“I’m worried that you might exhaust yourself, paying attention to even the smallest matters.”

Viktor’s ominous gaze felt as if it would devour me.

“Aren’t there tasks more befitting of your refined tastes, Milady Elze?”

So, the hidden meaning in those words was.

That I should go about my usual way, indulging myself and behaving quietly. Why interfere and make a fuss about this matter?

However, I knew a magic word to counter that statement.

“Well, there seems to be one flaw in your argument.”


“Whether this matter is trivial or not, isn’t it up to you, Viktor?”

I offered a sweet smile as best as I could.

“The one to judge that would be Lord Offenheir, not me.”

As I mentioned Dante, Viktor’s shoulders stiffened for the first time.

‘If I can’t win alone, I might as well borrow Dante’s authority.’

I finally had the status of being ‘Dante’s one and only lover,’ so I should definitely make good use of it.

I asked Viktor in a casual tone.

“What would happen if Lord Offenheir gets wind of this?”

“…Lady Elze.”

“Lord Offenheir is known to despise anything troublesome or annoying since he’s someone who’s quite fastidious.”

A faint undertone of laughter mixed into my voice.

It was a sneer.

“Viktor, don’t you know that better?”


“He wouldn’t want any problems arising in our boarding school.”

At my words, the color drained from Viktor’s face.

I continued, as if listening to my own words.

“But recently, you’ve also lost a letter entrusted to you by Lord Offenheir…”

Viktor still hadn’t managed to find Lord Craig’s letter.

Well, that was inevitable.

Lucian had torn the letter to shreds, and I personally disposed of the remains.

“Even if I were to let the impudence of you suspecting me slide…”

To be exact, it wasn’t about letting it slide, but knowing that the incident of the lost letter would naturally find its way to Dante’s ears.

I just kept quiet.

I shrugged lightly.

“In the current situation, if another problem were to arise in the boarding school… It would certainly be inconvenient, wouldn’t it?”

At that question, even the faint smile Viktor had been forcing disappeared completely.

I sighed deeply as if showing off.

“But what if we ignore this issue, and later, if the guardians raise objections or something?”

“Milady Elze.”

“Lord Offenheir would be truly delighted. Isn’t that right?”

Viktor glared at me, his eyes narrowing.

“Are you… threatening me right now?”

“Oh my, whatever gave you that idea?”

I widened my eyes as if playing a game.

“It would be troublesome to misinterpret my sincerity in such a way.”

“But why on earth…”

“That’s why I’ll give you one more piece of advice.”

I stood up.

Click, click.

Amidst the elegant melody flowing in the lounge, only the sound of my heels echoed sharply.


I stopped in my tracks.

Right in front of me stood Viktor.

Leaning toward Viktor’s side, I lowered my voice to murmur quietly so the students wouldn’t hear.

“If I were in your shoes, I wouldn’t stoop to harboring ill will towards any student.”

“What is this…!”

“Most of the students in our boarding school are from noble families of the empire, aren’t they?”

At my words, Viktor visibly stiffened.

‘Right, he must have forgotten.’

I chuckled leisurely.

Viktor was of common birth.

Having felt inferior to the nobles whether they realized it or not, he had secretly reveled in a sense of superiority as a steward of the boarding school.

Furthermore, Viktor’s state of mind was connected to Dante’s twisted aspects.

So Dante had chosen to hire Viktor as the steward in a striking move.

Of course, now was the opportune moment to corner Viktor…

“Since you can’t predict the future, right?”

Wasn’t it about time to start paying attention?

Facing a fool who didn’t even realize that his life was as fragile as a candle flame in the wind, I smiled generously.

Viktor couldn’t control his anger and clenched his fist tightly.

Still, judging by his inability to retort, my words seemed to have had some effect.

Stepping back a pace, I called Bridgette.

“Countess Martin.”

“Yes, yes?”

Brigitte practically leaped up from her seat.

I smiled kindly at her.

“It seems like you could use a little rest. Shall we go together?”

Swallowing dryly, Brigitte nodded.


Brigitte and I walked out of the room, drawing everyone’s gaze upon us.



A moment later.

After escorting Brigitte to her bedroom, I glanced back at her briefly.

“Are you okay?”

To my question, Brigitte nodded with a fragile expression.

“Yes, I’m okay.”

But her reflexive answer of “okay” was probably just a response that came out. In reality, she probably wasn’t okay.

As evidence, her fingertips were trembling uncontrollably.


I observed Brigitte in silence.

The reason I had openly shielded Brigitte from Viktor, crushing him head-on and making a clear statement in front of everyone at the boarding school.

It was all for the message: ‘I’m on your side.’

Of course, I was well aware that most of my actions so far had been incredibly self-centered. To evaluate how much utility a person had and help them accordingly wasn’t driven by pure altruism…

Disgusting, to say the least.


I ruthlessly trampled down the rising guilt.

‘I want to survive.’

I wasn’t the original heroine who received everyone’s love for no apparent reason.

I was a walking death flag.

A villainess who incurred everyone’s enmity just by breathing.

That was me.

So, I was willing to do anything to survive.

… Even if it meant deceiving others.

But what I needed to say to Brigitte right now was:

“I’m sorry.”


My apology must have seemed a bit unexpected.

Brigitte looked at me, tilting her head in curiosity.

I carefully chose my words.

“Even though I’m supposedly a steward, I never showed any interest in the fact that you were suffering.”

“Lady Elze.”

“I apologize. It’s my fault.”


Even though the person who had ignored Brigitte was the ‘original Elze,’ I still felt the need to apologize. Now that I was that ‘Elze.’

As the ‘Elze,’ I had to live on.

However, Brigitte didn’t show any positive response to my apology, nor any signs of accepting it. Instead, she cautiously gauged my reaction and asked with a voice filled with suspicion.

“Do you… have something you want from me?”

“Something I want?”

“Yes. I’m thankful for your help, but… I mean…”

Brigitte couldn’t finish her sentence and just nervously nibbled on her lips.


I realized in an instant. Bridgette was trying to convey something to me right now.

‘You can’t genuinely want to help me, can you?’


My mouth felt bitter.

Brigitte’s lack of trust in me wasn’t discomforting. Rather…

‘Why is Brigitte like this…? I understand too well.’

The Rose Cross Mansion. A grand hell created with immense malice, the most dazzling inferno in society.

Brigitte had suffered for far too long in this hell. Since she entered the boarding school, she probably hadn’t experienced a single moment of joy. No matter how sincere I was in approaching her, all she saw was betrayal. In the end, she probably chose to close her heart.

Moreover, even I, who was now trying to get closer to Brigitte, was only wearing a mask of goodwill to use her.

On the other hand, Brigitte, who had silently accepted my silence, was now wearing an even more frightened expression.

Desperately, she added, “I… I have nothing I can do for you, Lady Elze. So…!”


I looked at Brigitte silently, organized my thoughts for a moment, and replied in a gentle tone.

“Well, there is actually one thing.”

Brigitte tensed her shoulders.

Staring into her eyes filled with fear, I calmly continued.

“I want to be friends with Countess Martin.”


At the mention of that word, Brigitte’s gaze shook visibly.

“…Yes? B-But…”

“People in similar situations often understand each other’s pain and feel compassion, don’t they?”

I offered a faint smile.

“Moreover, there are no people in this boarding school who resemble each other as much as you and Countess Martin.”

“Me… resemble Lady Elze?”

“Well, yes.”

I concluded matter-of-factly.

“We are the ones who are not welcomed by anyone else in this boarding school, after all.”

* * *

Some time passed.

Bridgette sat there dazed, staring at the door Elze had left through.

‘What just… happened?’

Elze’s words and actions kept replaying in her mind without pause.

[I want to be friends with Countess Martin.]

Words she couldn’t even imagine.

Brigitte, her throat dry, answered with a trembling voice.

[Do I have to answer right away?]


Elze tilted her head.

[You can’t force a friendship.]


Brigitte, her lips trembling, unexpectedly let her true feelings spill out.

[I need time to think alone.]


Simultaneously, Brigitte took in a sharp breath.

This is practically like issuing an invitation to a congratulatory spirit. But there was something even more surprising.

[Got it.]

Instead of showing any signs of displeasure, Elze stood up graciously from her seat.

[Rest well.]

After leaving such a brief farewell, Elze exited the room without hesitation.


The door closed.


Brigitte murmured unconsciously.

Understandably so, as this was the first time someone had respected her opinion and followed it.

In this boarding school, or more accurately, outside as well, Brigitte had always been forced to accept others’ opinions.

[You’re as stiff as a rock, not a living being!]

Her husband’s insulting words, and even the mockery in her husband’s letter,

[If you want to capture the Count’s heart, you need to make an effort, you know?]

Even her husband’s blatant taunts.

The cold gazes that looked down on Brigitte, the ones that belittled her, were still vivid in her memory.

That’s why Elze’s apology was truly special to Brigitte.


Because it was the first time.

“Among those who tormented me or just watched…”

The person who apologized and said sorry was Elze Leperhan.

She’s known as the villainess in society.

The Emperor’s illegitimate child, wielding power over the shadows through the prestige of the Marquis of Offenheir, soaring high without any bounds.

How wicked her personality was, it was said that she indulged in malice without sparing anyone.

But in this hellish Rose Cross Boarding School, the person who admitted her own mistakes first and apologized was.

The only person who treated her kindly.

…Isn’t it only Elze?

But then.

Knock, knock.

A short knock echoed.

Startled, Brigitte asked in a trembling voice.

“W-What’s going on?”

“Miss Elze has sent this.”


Brigitte swallowed dryly and replied.

“Come in.”

After that, the door opened.

The first thing that caught her eye was a large trolley.


Brigitte blinked her eyes.

On the trolley were elegant tea foods, beautifully crafted teacups, and a teapot.

The maids bowed deeply towards Brigitte.

“She apologizes for unintentionally disrupting tea time earlier and asked that you convey her apologies.”

There was no trace of the subtle disdain they usually showed towards Brigitte.

The maids acted with courtesy as if serving a noble.

“I will pour the tea. And as for the cake…”

“It’s fine, you can all leave.”

Feeling burdened by the maids’ attitude, Brigitte hastily said.

The maids, who had been glancing at each other, bowed politely again.

“Understood. Please call us if you need anything at any time.”


Brigitte, waiting for the maids to leave, cautiously approached the tea table. She picked up the teapot and poured the tea, and the fragrant aroma of tea slowly spread through the air. The color of the tea was a lovely shade of pink. It wasn’t the coarse tea that Brigitte had always been drinking.


After a moment of silence, Brigitte reached out her hand. She took a sip of the tea, letting the warm and fragrant liquid flow down her throat.

“…It’s delicious.”

As if tears were about to come.

Brigitte tightly held the teacup with both hands and suppressed her breath.

* * *

After parting with Brigitte, I was walking down the corridor of the East Wing where the maids’ lounge was located.

‘I asked them to send tea and snacks to Brigitte. I wonder if they brought them properly?’

Of course, I was curious about Brigitte’s reaction and how well the message was conveyed. While I could call the maids and hear what they had to say, what I was really interested in were the raw conversations that took place among the maids when they were alone.

And such conversations tended to flow out when their guards were down. For instance, when the maids were chatting among themselves.

Amidst those thoughts, I noticed maids pushing a trolley in the distance, approaching me.

I discreetly entered the adjacent room of the maids’ lounge and hid myself. Then, I slightly extended my head to observe the maids’ actions.


Since the trolley was empty for now, it seemed like the tea and snacks were delivered to Brigitte properly.

Now, all I needed to do was listen in on what the maids were gossiping about…

‘Wait, who’s that person?’

For a moment, my eyes widened. It was because Victor was striding towards me from the opposite end of the corridor.


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