I Became The Male Leads’ Target

IBMLT | Episode 109


The distant sounds of the organization’s members shouting reached my ears.

Bang! Boom!

Following that, the explosion of something being blown apart echoed through the air.

‘What’s going on?’

Could it be that someone has actually managed to break in?

But this is supposed to be a safe house where Dante himself resides.

There’s no way enemies could’ve made it in…

I stared at the door with suspicion before slowly standing up.

Since the day I fell into the lake, Dante had at least granted me a degree of freedom within the mansion.

At the very least, I could check what was happening outside my room.

I moved slowly and paused at the top of the stairs, glancing around.

“Lady Elze?”

The servants, upon spotting me, gasped in shock.

“Why are you out here?!”

“Please, go back inside!”


At that moment, the front door of the mansion shattered, and a man emerged from the debris.

His features were as finely crafted as if a god had sculpted him with great care.

Even through the dust that billowed up around him, his golden hair gleamed clearly, and his blue eyes—like the northern sea—pierced through.


I widened my eyes.

Lucian, now a grown man, stood before me.

At that very moment, Lucian scanned his surroundings before lifting his head sharply.

Our eyes met.



It felt as if time had stopped.

And then, like the breath of spring across an ice-covered wasteland, a faint warmth flickered in Lucian’s once cold blue eyes.

“…Lady Lepherian.”


In the midst of the tense silence, the only sound was Lucian’s footsteps.

He began walking slowly up the stairs.

In no time, Lucian was towering over me, looking down at me from his new height.

His face was much colder than the last time I’d seen him.

The playful smile I once knew was gone, and the innocence that used to comfort me had completely vanished.

“Duke… how are you here…?”

I stammered, my lips barely moving.


Lucian reached out at the same moment.

His hand slowly caressed my cheek, the gesture almost tender.

…Was it just my imagination?

Simultaneously, I noticed how tightly his jaw clenched.

“If you were going to leave me like that, you should have at least been living healthily and happily.”


“Why are you so thin?”

A deep sense of guilt surged within me.

All I had done was use Lucian when it suited my needs.

I hadn’t kept a single promise to him.

Not the fireworks, not the walk in the park.

Not one of those trivial promises had I fulfilled…

And now, Lucian pressed me further.

“Let’s go. Right now.”


I hesitated, unsure of what to do.

If I left like this, it could spark conflict between Kalleid and Offenheir.

Though Dante didn’t treat me as an equal human being, he was possessive enough of his “toy” that his pride would force him to try and take me back…

“Is it because you’re worried about the Marquis?”

Lucian asked in a sharp tone.

“How considerate of you.”

“It’s not that—”

“But I’d rather you stop caring about such things.”

At that moment, my instincts screamed at me.

Years of watching and carefully navigating the moods of men like him told me one thing—

Lucian was on edge.

“Please listen to me,” I said, my voice quick and reflexive.

“If you take me away, the Marquis might hold you responsible. I just wanted to warn you about that.”

Lucian’s expression softened slightly for the first time.

“Oh, so you were worried about me?”


I felt… strange.

Lucian had always been kind, the only one who had ever given me comfort.

He had even come to save me, despite the risk of a confrontation with Dante.

And yet, why…

…Why did I feel the same fear I had felt when facing Dante?

Lucian’s voice was gentle as he continued, drawing a line in the sand.

“Don’t worry about that. I’ll handle it.”

“Even so…”

I tried to say something more, but then—

“What on earth are you doing?!”

A voice interrupted, and someone poked their head through the slightly opened door.

It was a familiar face.

“Count Luneburg?!”

I was genuinely shocked.

It was surprising enough that Lucian had come here, but I never expected Benedict to be here too.

In that moment, Benedict spotted me.

His intelligent violet eyes widened briefly, then he clenched his jaw and shouted again.

“We need to leave immediately!”

Behind Benedict, a group of operatives rushed in.

“Catch them!”

“Don’t let them escape!”

They shouted in desperation, their voices filled with rage.

The operatives were all covered in wounds, making it clear something serious had happened outside.

Lucian noticed Benedict and activated his ability.


As Lucian extended his hand, the operatives were tossed aside like dried leaves caught in a storm, scattering across the floor.


Thud! Crash!

One operative hit the wall and crumpled to the floor, writhing in pain. But he was too injured to move properly. The others were in no better condition.

However, Lucian wasn’t in great shape either.


A pained groan escaped through Lucian’s clenched teeth. A strange light flared in his once-calm blue eyes, glowing ominously from within.

‘No way.’

I looked at him in alarm.

‘Is he about to lose control here?’

Just then—


A melodious voice called out to him.

At that moment, a woman darted past Benedict and rushed up the stairs. She opened her arms wide and pulled Lucian into a tight embrace.

Moments later.

“…Marguerite,” Lucian murmured, his voice low as he spoke her name.

The strange, otherworldly atmosphere that had surrounded him vanished, and the wild light in his blue eyes dimmed, returning to normal.

I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding.

“Are you okay?!”

The heroine of this world, Marguerite, looked at Lucian with concern.

And I silently reeled in shock.

‘Did Marguerite just calm Lucian down?’

In that moment, I fully understood why Lucian had been so passionately in love with Marguerite in the original story.

According to the novel, every time Lucian lost control, he felt an unbearable burning pain, as though his entire body was on fire.

And now, Marguerite had instantly quelled that torment.

‘…Even I would fall for her.’

At the same time, Lucian turned to look at me.

“Let’s go, Lady.”


I felt a rush of confusion.

Was leaving like this really the right thing to do?

I had wanted to escape from Dante for so long, that was true.

But would I really be any different if I ended up entangled with other male leads like Lucian and Benedict?

It honestly felt overwhelming.

…But still.

‘For now, I need to focus on escaping from Dante.’

I nodded.


As soon as I spoke, a bright smile spread across Lucian’s face, reminiscent of the days when we were at boarding school together.

That smile made my heart ache slightly.

“Then, pardon me.”

Lucian politely excused himself before lifting me into his arms in one swift motion.


I gasped and instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck.

Lucian chuckled softly.

“I doubt the Lady has the strength left to run.”

With that, Lucian quickly descended the stairs, carrying me.

The servants, who had been quietly watching the situation unfold, were now staring in disbelief.

“Lady Elze!”

“No, you can’t!”

All the faces were familiar.

The maids who had kept a constant eye on my every move.

The servants who ignored me no matter how many times I tried to talk to them.

Even the doctor, who had been dragged before Dante numerous times to be threatened and blackmailed.

I passed by them with a blank expression, unfazed by their fear and despair.

‘Dante is definitely going to hold these people responsible for what happened.’

But I didn’t feel the least bit sorry.

In the past, I might have felt some small amount of guilt.

But now… it felt like my humanity had been worn away completely.

If I stayed here any longer…

‘I might go completely insane.’

I let out a bitter smile.

Meanwhile, Lucian swiftly carried me to the carriage waiting at the mansion’s entrance.

Inside, Benedict was already seated, looking at me with a complex expression.

“It’s been a while, Lady,” Benedict greeted me politely.

“It has,” I replied, though I had to suppress the words rising up in my throat.

It would’ve been better if we hadn’t met like this.

Marguerite and I settled into our seats.

“For now, let’s save the rest of the conversation for when we reach a safer place. Let’s go!”

Benedict rapped on the wall separating the carriage from the driver’s seat.

The carriage immediately began to move.

It quickly picked up speed.

I stared out the window, watching the scenery flash by, feeling an indescribable mixture of emotions.

‘Was it really this easy to escape?’

I clenched my fist tightly.

…For these male leads, it had been so simple.

So why was it that for me…

But then—


The deafening sound of a gunshot rang out, like a clap of thunder.


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