I Became the Male Lead’s Sister


“I am the male protagonist’s younger sister. Also, what if my body is weak? What if his sickly sister who was even kidnapped closed her heart, and she opens her heart only to the heroine! How special it must look in the eyes of the male protagonist?”


As she continued speaking, Evangeline suddenly lifted a long board and walked around hitting the ceiling. Even though her thin body stumbled, she did not give up.


“Then, the innocent younger sister gets bewitched by a man and runs away from home, and the wise female protagonist helps the male protagonist in his agony.”


“Ah… … .”


“I think I understand.”


Marguerite followed Evangeline and listened to her.


At first glance, the only door to the warehouse was padlocked and did not look like it could be opened from the inside. Evangeline turned her eyes to the boarded ceiling.


After banging on the wooden ceiling for a while, Evangeline finally found the creaking part where the nail was missing.



It happened to be near a simple staircase. If you climb up on the boxes, it’s high enough to reach the ceiling.


She climbed on top of the box, holding the hem of her dress so that it wouldn’t get caught. Marguerite watched anxiously as the Grand princess’s paper-like body moved.


Evangeline paused at the fourth step and took a breath. While resting her frail body, she continued her words.


“At the end, the two can be reunited as the heroine comforts her husband, who is grieving for his sister who died young due to a chronic illness.”


“But there’s no need to die young… … .”


Evangeline shook her head firmly.


“Oh, I can’t help it. That’s the original setup.”


Marguerite’s head was a mess. As she was assessing Evangeline’s intentions, her expression brightened at some point. ‘You were just giving an example! That wasn’t the actual story and you were only making it as a point!’ That’s what Marguerite concluded.


“The Archduke is as great as the male protagonist of the novel,


so you’re saying we will definitely be rescued!”


It was an answer that cut out all the important information and took only the parts that were wanted. Well, it wasn’t wrong.


I never expected you to believe me in the first place. Evangeline shrugged her shoulders.


“That’s right. Anyway, someone will definitely come to save us.”


“Young lady… … You’re really thoughtful.”


Marguerite looked at her with eyes full of emotion. Evangeline was honestly taken aback by her unexpectedly strong reaction. She scratched her cheek awkwardly.


Evangeline climbed to the top of the flimsy makeshift stairs and tore off a panel from the ceiling. Marguerite, who was one cell below her, supported her.


“Are you finally feeling calm now?”


“Yes. thank you.”




An empty space was revealed under the roof. Evangeline said,


while extending her arm and pointing above her.


“-Shall we climb this and escape to the ceiling?”



The conclusion was strange.


“I heard the Grand Duke is coming to save you?”


“I just said he was coming to save me, but I don’t know what will happen until then. Let’s hide in a safe place before our clothes get torn off or something breaks within our body.”


The windows were blocked, and the door was blocked too. Since I can’t go outside, I have to at least break through the ceiling.


Marguerite had no choice but to agree with her confident words.


“Oh, I see… … .”


Evangeline, who was tall, supported Marguerite so she could climb up first. She climbed up behind her and Evangeline straddled the floor of the ceiling, while swinging her legs towards the boxes which was stacked high below the hole.


With a weak kick, several planks that were piled on top of each other fell to the floor. When Evangeline gasped for air after


moving her legs a few times, Marguerite was at her side to support her.


“Are you okay?”


Evangeline answered after taking a couple of deep breaths.


“I am fine. It’s because my body is a bit weak to begin with.”


The two entered the small space between the girders and the siot-shaped roof. Evangeline took out a match box from her pocket and lit it. She moved around the dark, narrow place, looking for a corner to escape.


They couldn’t tell how much they moved, but she felt a movement right underneath her. Marguerite then whispered,


“There’s someone!”


Shh. Evangeline listened to the conversation coming from under the ceiling.


“I told you it was a woman with dark hair! Did you just grab a random girl on the side of the road?”


“Oh, my goodness! I said it already! Her hair was clearly black when I saw it in the shadows!”



Puck. The sound of foot kicking and something like punching was heard.


“You bastard, open your eyes and look straight. From where does it look black? It’s a dull dark green!”


Didn’t they catch the grand princess yesterday? Anyway, these bastards have no way of getting things done properly. The man presumed to be the leader grumbled.


“We can’t send that girl to Lord Krahe. Go and bring her back.”


As soon as she heard the harsh words, Marguerite visibly flinched.


Evangeline shook her head. In context, a man named Lord Krahe would be the leader of the kidnapping group. The reason that both of us were kidnapped was because they needed a woman with black hair.


Has there been a dark-haired woman in the empire since the death of the first emperor? Even if the kidnapping was for the sake of kidnapping, the reason was too absurd.


‘Well, whatever the reason is, what’s there to know?’


As an extra, it was none of her business. Evangeline thought




The loud man’s voice was heard again.


“Then what do we do with the princess and the other girl?”

“Knock the princess unconscious and take her to the first location, and take care of the rest. Do whatever you want, whether you kill it or sell it.”


Marguerite, who was squatting next to her, gulped. Evangeline glanced at her.


Even if she was like that, she couldn’t guarantee Marguerite’s safety as she said. Evangeline hurried her movements as she heard footsteps heading towards the warehouse where the two were locked up.


A man, presumed to be a subordinate, was heard grumbling and kicking down the door.


Evangeline whispered calmly.


“We are going to get caught soon.”


“What should we do… … !”


“Hurry up and hide somewhere.”



By the way, why isn’t Damian coming? If his sister disappears for more than a day, he has to go looking for her again and again. Evangeline walked at her knees and purred to herself. Anyway, it doesn’t help.

The old planks creaked precariously every time I moved. The two looked down through the cracks left by the rats, looking for a room with a window or door.


Fortunately, we were able to find a suitable location shortly.


A small room appeared beneath the tattered wooden planks. The window on the wall was large enough for a thin person to pass through. Evangeline measured the distance between the cabinets lined up next to the window and the ceiling.


Then she whispered.


“Lady of Saxony. Are you good at running?”


“No… … .”


“It did seem that way.”


I just asked out of courtesy. Evangeline continued by tearing the board apart with a dagger.


“Then don’t go far, hide well in the forest to the west. I’ll draw attention in the opposite direction.”


“What if the young lady is caught?”


“Oh, don’t worry about me. My brother will come before then.”


After seeing Beatrice notify her brother of her divorce this spring, as in the previous novel, Evangeline came to have some confidence in the novel’s deterrent power.


‘No way, the setting is not going to let the male lead’s younger sister, who still has a lot of work to do, die. Even if I get caught, I will somehow be saved.’


When the board was torn off, the space underneath was clearly exposed. As I stretched out my legs, they came into steady contact with the top of the cabinet, and soon settled on top of it.


If I step on the protruding window frame, I might fall between the boxes outside. It was on the first floor, so even if I fell, I would at most break my leg.


Evangeline stretched out her hand.


“Go down first.”


“Ah yes.”


Although Marguerite was shaking, she did not lose her balance and landed safely outside. The sound of a crisp, dry board breaking under the weight of a person was heard.

After the trotting pace had gone far enough, Evangeline followed suit.


I was about to jump out with one leg over the window, when I made eye contact with a man who was entering the room.


The man started waving his muscular arms and screaming loudly.


“The hostage has escaped!”


Damn it.


Evangeline, sitting on the window, took off her two shoes and held them in her hands. She threw her shoe, hitting the guys on their face as they entered the room, and then she jumps out the window with only her socks on.


I moved my legs with excitement, but the muscles, which had a significantly reduced sense of movement, did not move properly.


In the end, the final destination of the unbalanced body was on top of the dusty junk.



“… … .”


A cloud of dust rose up along with a loud noise. Evangeline struggled a few times, but relaxed her body as soon as she felt a throbbing sensation in her leg.


‘I wondered why I couldn’t run so well.’


I didn’t even expect to be able to run away properly. If I ran like this, I would be caught quickly, so I had no choice but to hope that my brother would come quickly.


“Where are you and what are you doing? Please come quickly.”


Damian. Damian. You better show your face quickly. If you don’t come soon, I’ll grill you.


Evangeline muttered to herself, using her hands to get a piece of a wood tangled in her hair.


Suddenly, I realized that the surroundings had become strangely quiet.


‘At this point, isn’t it normal for them to run out and chase me?’


The loud shouting and the sound of urgent steps suddenly


stopped. It was quiet, as if the people in the warehouse had suddenly disappeared.


What? Did my brother come to save me? If it’s true, it was perfect timing.


As I turned my head and looked around, an unfamiliar voice caught my ear.




Evangeline reflexively stiffened her body.


A man who appeared to be almost two meters tall was wearing a cape that covered half of his face. He was speaking informally from the beginning with a refreshing voice.


“What are you doing? Are you playing the role of someone who fell into a dust pit and died?”


He stretched out his hand towards Evangeline. His hand, wearing a thin leather glove, stopped at a reasonable distance.


In a 22 years life span of her as a grand princess, this was the first time I met a bold man who spoke informally to me from the first meeting. Evangeline raised her body to look at that shameless face.



“You are so rude at first sight… … .”




Evangeline couldn’t finish the sentence. For at the same time he threw his cloak over her shoulder. When she tilted her head back, his face was revealed. The brunette handsome looked at Evangeline, while rolling his eyes prettily.


Evangeline, seeing the man’s face, froze like a stone. Her lips stiffened from the merciless visual impact.


Evangeline barely managed to utter a word.


“… … “You’re crazy.”


The vocabulary I had honed as a noblewoman had already gone to the other side. Evangeline’s mind had long been filled with question marks and somewhat harsh language such as “you are piece of shit” “Are you crazy,” and “Are you an *****?”


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