I Became the Male Lead in a Romance Novel

IBMLRN | Chapter 054. The Imperial Banquet (3)

054. The Imperial Banquet (3)

“That’s her…”

“I saw her at the hunting competition.”

“Yes, she defeated the monsters herself.”

Murmurs spread among the nobles once again.

“Saintess, I am Hannah of the Marquess of Selid.”

“Nice to meet you, Lady Hannah.”

People began to approach Bella one by one. It started with a few young ladies but soon she was surrounded by many. With the support of the temple and the imperial family, the Saintess would undoubtedly wield great influence not only in social circles but also in other realms. Thus, many sought to befriend her for their own benefit.

Of course, those who were already close to Lucia did not approach hastily and instead observed. As the flower of the social world and its leader, they knew better than to risk displeasing her.

“The Crown Prince and the Crown Princess are entering!”

As all eyes were on Bella, the doors of the banquet hall opened once more. This time, Richard and the Crown Princess entered. Everyone had to bow their heads to the members of the royal family, so they all paid their respects to their entrance.

Once the Crown Prince and Crown Princess reached their seats, the Emperor and Empress entered last.

“His Imperial Majesty and Her Imperial Majesty are entering!”

Again, everyone in the hall paid their respects. Once the Emperor and Empress reached their seats, a melody began to flow through the hall.

“I know everyone is aware that this summer banquet is special.”

As the orchestra began to play soft music, the Emperor started his speech.

“A Saintess has appeared in the Empire for the first time in 200 years. The banquet was delayed for a month to honor this, and I believe you all understand.”

The Saintess symbolized many things: peace, safety, nobility, and purity. Over 200 years, these symbols had become more abstract and elusive. She was often spoken of as a divine or absolute figure. All of this was far from the truth, of course. A Saintess was simply someone who could wield sacred power better than ordinary priests and clergy. However, the amount, purity, and density of their sacred power were fundamentally different.

“I believe everyone will welcome the appearance of the Saintess. Saintess, do you have anything to say?”

Naturally, Bella, the protagonist of <The Flower of the Empire>, had one more unique trait. She could use her sacred power not only for healing and blessings but also for offensive purposes. This allowed the Empire to deter other nations with just her presence. A figure capable of large-scale healing and attacks made a significant difference in power.

“I only wish for everyone’s peace and rest. There’s nothing more.”

Bella, knowing what the Emperor wanted, replied with a gentle smile. Her calm and kind response stirred the hall once again. This was what the world expected from Bella. She was to be the kind and gentle figure that everyone admired, yet simultaneously a formidable threat to enemies. Kind and gentle enough that no one could easily criticize or oppose her, but also a deadly weapon against adversaries.

Seeing that Bella’s prediction was correct, the Emperor looked pleased.

“Then, let the banquet begin.”

The orchestra’s soft melody transitioned into a more vibrant and varied rhythm as they began to play a dance tune. The nobles paired up and moved to the dance floor.

Bella turned her gaze to find Owen.


“Saintess, I am-.”

“Pleased to meet you, Saintess.”

Despite the voices calling her from all around, Bella’s eyes sought only Owen. What she saw in her line of sight was…

‘…What is this?’

Owen, Lucia, and Kyle were seated at the same table together. With the banquet just beginning, people were gathering around them. These included those who seemed to be family heads or heirs, businesspeople, and Lucia’s acquaintances.

‘Why are they all together?’

It was natural for people to gather around them. After all, it was Owen and Lucia, even Kyle was a figure of great interest to many nobles.

Yes, but…

‘Kyle said he was close to Owen… but still. Kyle likes Owen.’

Tracing the reasons, Bella sighed.

‘Are you an idiot? Just standing there watching them behave like that? Acting as if it’s enough that the person you love is happy…’

It seemed Kyle was similar to ‘Bella’ in some ways. Maybe that’s why ‘Bella’ had hesitated so much. Because she knew they were similar.

‘You should be aiming to take what you want.’

For Bella, such a mindset was incomprehensible. Not wanting to hurt anyone, considering everyone to be good people—what good did that do?

This situation was no different. Was it truly pleasing to see the person you love happy, even if that happiness was shared with someone else? It was, of course, a joyous thing. But if the person sharing in that happiness was someone else, it was an entirely different matter.

‘You should take what you want, even if you have to steal it.’

What was the point of your beloved being happy if it only made you sad and miserable? It was better to be more selfish and ruthless. Forcing your way into their life would be better than feeling miserable.


While Bella was lost in thoughts about the trio, someone new approached the circle surrounding her.

“Crown Princess.”

“Her Highness…?”

It was Daisy, the Crown Princess.

In <The Flower of the Empire>, she was not a major character. She was merely mentioned as someone who helped solidify Bella’s position in high society. Daisy frequently accompanied Bella along with Lady Hannah of the Marquess of Selid.

“Your Highness, the Crown Princess.”

“Oh, you can just call me Daisy. Please, feel free, Saintess.”

“Is that alright?”

Somehow, it felt a bit burdensome. However, for the sake of the original story, Bella forced herself to respond.

“Of course. May I call you by your name as well?”

“It would be an honor.”

Though this was their first meeting, they spoke informally right away. It didn’t matter much since this was how it was in the original story.

As Bella chatted with Daisy and Hannah, she heard a familiar conversation.

“Oh, look. It’s Duke Verdun and Lady Edelte.”

“Indeed. They finally managed to get together after all that stalking, didn’t they?”

“They say he’s quite tenacious despite easily getting bored…”

At the mention of the familiar figures, Bella turned her head, following a foreboding instinct. She saw Owen and Lucia heading towards the dance floor.

“They even matched their outfits. Black and red… they must be showing the union of their houses. Knowing Lady Edelte, she likely intended everyone to think that.”

“Quite possibly. It’s Lady Edelte, after all.”

Bella finally understood what their coordinated attire signified.

‘A union of houses? Surely not…’

Engagement. And then marriage.

* * *

“Is this your first time dancing at a banquet?”

On the way to the dance floor, Lucia asked Owen.

“I’ve never danced at a banquet before.”

Owen nodded, as it was true. According to the setting of <The Flower of the Empire>, that was accurate. Owen had no memory of dancing at a banquet either.

“I get to take your first again. It’s an honor in many ways.”

Lucia smiled broadly, looking very satisfied and happy.

“I’m glad you like it.”

“Oh… was it that obvious?”

“A little.”

Owen smiled smoothly, making Lucia chuckle as if she had no choice.


“Nothing to be sorry for.”

Owen replied briefly, holding Lucia’s hand. Though he had never danced at a banquet, Owen had been thoroughly educated in etiquette, so he knew how to dance. He led the dance in perfect sync with the music playing.

“You’re good.”

“Well, I’ve learned.”

“Even if you learn, some people just can’t dance, Owen.”

Lucia pointed out, and Owen responded with a faint smile.

“Anyway. Being too perfect is a flaw.”

Lucia shook her head, interpreting his smile in her own way. Following the dance steps, she placed her hand on Owen’s shoulder while his hand rested on her waist. Supporting her firmly, Owen spun her around, causing her dress to flare out like petals of a red and black flower.

“See? People are watching us.”

“Well, we are…”

“There are many who are staring only at you.”


Owen couldn’t deny it, so he fell silent. Lucia took a deep breath and spun herself back into Owen’s arms, whispering in his ear.

“Judging by their faces, they must be debutantes.”


It seemed she was referring to the ones staring intently at them.

“…And that one must also be a debutante. I saw them at the hunting competition.”

Then she looked the other way. As Owen tried to follow her gaze, Lucia’s hand touched his cheek.

“No need to look.”


The same emotions from their encounters in the carriage and at the ocean appeared in Lucia’s eyes again.

‘This makes the third time.’

By now, he should have recognized the emotion, but he still didn’t know its name.

“Saintess, is it?”

Her expression only appeared when something involved Bella.

“How did you know?”

The emotions in her red eyes seemed to burn more intensely.

“I didn’t think you would.”

“Well… it’s because you make that expression whenever the Saintess is mentioned.”

Owen replied honestly, though it made him feel slightly uneasy.

“I remember you had the same look before when talking about her.”


For some reason, Lucia looked surprised at his answer.

‘Wasn’t this the right question?’

As Owen pondered, Lucia finally spoke up.

“Owen… you figured it out by watching my reaction?”


Maybe this wasn’t the right answer.

While he was contemplating, Lucia’s face suddenly lit up with a satisfied smile.

“Oh, I see. I suppose that makes sense. You don’t really understand these things.”

“What do you mean by ‘these things’?”

“Nothing, really. It’s fine. Actually, I hope you continue to be unaware. Let them worry for a while.”

Though he didn’t fully understand, Owen nodded. If she said so, he would accept it.

“So, what kind of expression was I making?”

When Lucia reopened the conversation, she asked this question. It was a difficult one to answer.

Owen didn’t know precisely how to describe it. He could only provide a vague and abstract explanation.

“It looked like an emotion mixed with obsession and possessiveness, and something else.”

“Something else? What could it be?”

“I don’t know…”

Lucia furrowed her brow, seemingly unable to grasp it herself.

“But it’s an emotion?”


“An emotion that mixes with obsession and possessiveness?”

Owen thought through various emotions.

‘Love-hate, longing, oppression…’

But none of those seemed right. He could rule them out.


The last emotion that came to mind seemed to fit. Something that would blend well with obsession and possessiveness.



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