I Became the Male Lead in a Romance Novel

IBMLRN | Chapter 034. Ocean (4)

034. Oceane (4)

After that, their tea time continued peacefully.

The two of them brought up stories from the past and talked about the sea.

They also made a promise to travel together to another villa next time.

As they spent time like this, the scenery beyond the window had changed.

The sun, which had been shining so brightly it was almost blinding, had turned the sky a reddish hue.

As the sky changed color, the sea also took on a crimson tint.

“The sun seems to be setting, shall we go out now?”

When the sun is fully up, the sunlight is too intense.

The sandy beach is also filled with heat, so it was bound to be hot.

That’s why Owen had deliberately waited until the sun began to set.


Lucia answered with a smile.

The two stood up and headed to the beach together.

A few knights tried to follow, but Owen waved them off.

After all, the sea was right in front of the mansion, and he was a sword master.

Moreover, all the mansions along the beach belonged to the wealthy.

It was a place where dangerous incidents were unlikely to occur.

“The sea has turned red.”

Lucia murmured as she looked at the sea reflecting the sunset sky.


Her hair fluttered in the breeze blowing over the waves.

Even in front of the crimson sea, her red hair shone vividly.

Owen gazed at her as if entranced.

Lucia, standing under the setting sun, turned around.

With the crimson scenery as a backdrop, her hair and clothes fluttered in the wind.

She was more dazzling and beautiful than the sky and sea tinged with the color of the sun.

Anyone would have thought so.

If they had seen this scene, surely.

Owen was certain.

“What about you, Owen?”

Lucia asked, looking like that.

His eyes, which had been capturing all of her, focused on her red eyes.

In their gaze, Lucia added.

“Do you like the sea?”


So that’s what she meant.

Owen pondered her question.

Did he like the sea?

He didn’t have any particular feelings about the sea.

The sea was just the sea.

There was a sandy beach, and there was seawater.

A sea that was blue and white.

There was nothing special about it.

Some people were captivated by this scenery and visited Oceana every year, but that wasn’t him.

Even so….

“I like it.”

The sea, combined with Lucia, was truly breathtakingly beautiful.

It was almost regretful that he hadn’t realized the sea could be so lovely until now.

He felt like he understood why people liked the beach and the seaside.

“Very much, indeed.”

It would be a moment forever etched in his memory.

Vividly and clearly.

If he could capture it in a picture, he would have wanted to do so.

‘I should have asked Kyle for a video orb.’

He even felt a pang of regret at that moment.

In this world where scientific technology was replaced by magic, there was an item that could substitute for a camera.

A video orb infused with magic.

With it, he couldn’t take pictures, but he could record videos.

‘I’ll have to ask him next time.’

It was unfortunate, but there was nothing to be done this time.

Owen resolved to get a video orb next time.

Though video orbs were expensive due to the difficulty and complexity of making and maintaining them, that wasn’t an issue at all.

The problem was that only a limited number of people could make them due to the complicated and intricate production process….

‘Kyle can definitely make one.’

Kyle was none other than the tower lord of the Magic Tower and a 9th-class archmage.

In addition, he held the position of the Sub-male character in the original story.

There was no way such a person couldn’t make a video orb.

Though he might say not to take advantage of their friendship, he would likely grant the request if asked.

“I’m glad.”

While Owen was lost in such trivial thoughts,

Lucia responded with a smile.

Seeing her bright smile, Owen realized she was truly happy.

“Because it will be a pleasant memory for you too. Not just my own.”

Owen understood her intention from her straightforward voice.

Lucia wanted to give him certainty.

Because he had said such words at the hunting competition.

To completely have him, she was trying to give him assurance.

And these words were a part of that effort.

“If that happens, I will remember this time for a long time. The time I spent with you.”

Owen thought it was something only Lucia could say.

An ordinary person would have said they were happy to have pleasant memories together.

They would have mentioned that sharing precious memories was meaningful.

“I hope so.”

But Lucia was not an ordinary person.

She had never cherished or loved anyone.

It was understandable since she had never been cherished or loved.

There was at least one person who cared for her.

Her personal maid, Marie, whom he had seen before.

But even she was ultimately tied to the Edelth Duke’s family.

She could not stand on equal footing with Lucia.

There was a significant status barrier between a maid and a noble lady.

“If Owen recalls this time whenever he thinks of the sea, I would be very happy.”

While reading <The Flower of the Empire>, Owen thought.

Lucia needed someone to teach her about love, someone to cherish her.

And perhaps Owen needed the same.

They both needed the same thing.

But at the same time, they were also people who couldn’t provide each other with what they needed.

That was probably why.

In the original work, Owen and Lucia didn’t understand each other at all.

Children who grew up without love became adults with different flaws, and adults who didn’t know love or people couldn’t understand others’ flaws.

“Because it would mean that I have become that important and precious person to Owen.”

Lucia smiled brightly.

Before they knew it, the sun touching the seawater was sinking below the surface.

Watching Lucia with the sun setting into the deep sea behind her, Owen slowly opened his mouth.

“Is that what you want?”



“Because I want you, Owen.”

Her sharp, cat-like eyes curved into a soft smile.

There wasn’t a hint of hesitation in her answer.


Owen knew.

He knew the meaning hidden under that ‘I want.’

It was exactly as the words suggested.

He couldn’t not know since it was a line that appeared several times in <The Flower of the Empire>.

Lucia often said such things to those she wanted to possess.

Regardless of gender, age, or status, she said it like that.

To make them hers.

Even when the other’s affection wasn’t romantic.

“So, please remember for a long time. Today’s sea.”


The sound of waves came from the sea, which was holding the almost sunken sun.

Lucia, with the sea behind her, was still radiant.


Even if Lucia hadn’t asked, he would have remembered today for a long time.

When he thought of the sea, he would have recalled the scenery they saw together, and whenever stories about sunsets were told, he would have reminisced about Lucia today.

Yes, he would have done so, but.

Owen wasn’t mistaken.

He knew Lucia well enough not to be fooled by her words.

He knew Lucia better than anyone in this world and understood the true meaning behind her words.

There was no reason to be mistaken.

“The sun has completely set.”

However, he was willing to act as Lucia wanted.

What Lucia desired was probably for him to love her.

She likely hoped that he would say the words “I love you.”

The stories she shared today were probably aimed at instilling that emotion.

She believed that Owen loving her was the only way to fully have him.

“Yes. The sun has completely set.”


So all he had to do was say the words she wanted: that he loved her, that he liked her.

It was as simple as whispering those short words.

But for some reason, his lips wouldn’t easily form the words.

“…Shall we head back?”

In the end, Owen spoke other words, unable to convey anything else.

The sky, now replaced by the moon, had turned black.

Under the brilliant moon, with the chilly sea as the backdrop, Owen just quietly held Lucia’s hand.

“Or we could take a walk along the night beach.”

“Sounds good.”

When Lucia nodded, Owen began to walk first.

She silently followed his leading hand.

The unfamiliar sensation of stepping on the sand brushed against her toes.

The sky, filled with the moon and stars, was exceptionally bright and beautiful.

Under that sky, Lucia quietly watched Owen.

Bathed in moonlight, he seemed slightly different from during the day.

It felt as if he had erased his emotions, or perhaps he seemed somewhat resigned.

Whatever the case, it didn’t change the fact that he was beautiful.

Lucia found this moment enjoyable.

Walking silently along the beach wasn’t bad.

The sound of waves breaking the silence between them was pleasant to hear.

The color of the night sea and the cool breeze were all perfect.

—Lady, usually in such situations, people use the word ‘happy’ instead of saying it’s fun.

Mary’s words suddenly came to mind.

When was that?

It was probably the year she first stepped into society.

She remembered saying it was fun, excited about making friends for the first time.

—Why? Is it strange if I find the debutante fun?

—It’s not that… But, Lady, you found it enjoyable because you met people, talked, and laughed with them, right?

—That’s right?

—Exactly. You enjoyed people laughing and talking with you and sharing a good time.

She recalled not understanding Mary’s words very well.

So she had said it was fun.

And then Mary added these words.

—That feeling is what we call happiness. It’s a warm and fulfilling feeling. It’s a moment so good and joyful that you don’t want to forget it.


—Even though I’ve been by your side for a long time, I don’t know everything about you, Lady. But seeing your expression today, I was sure. You were happy, my lady.

Lucia couldn’t respond to Mary’s words.

She was just blank.


She had never particularly thought about such a thing.

In fact, she still didn’t understand it.

Emotions were complex and strange.

The feelings she knew clearly were anger, sadness, joy, and pleasure—those that were vivid.

Happiness and love were excessively abstract and ambiguous.

She wondered if there was any need to know them.

If she felt good and happy, that day was a good day, and if she was angry or upset, that day was a bad day.

Striving for happiness and yearning for love seemed ridiculous.

Lucia thought that as she observed people.

She thought everyone lived too tiresome and exhausting lives.

People in society said she liked Owen, but that wasn’t true.

Her interest in Owen was solely because he was beautiful.

That was the only reason.

Having something beautiful made her happy and joyful.


In the midst of her thoughts, Owen suddenly stopped walking.

He turned his body and looked back at her.

Just as she had smiled brilliantly with the sun behind her, he now stood with the moon at his back.

Unlike the sun, the moon’s light was soft.

While the sun had engulfed the sky and sea in red, the moon merely shimmered alongside them.



  1. Estela0107 says:

    Muito lindo ♥️

  2. Estela0107 says:

    Muito obrigada pelo capítulo ☺️♥️

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