I Became the Male Lead in a Romance Novel

IBMLRN | Chapter 029. Reason for Change (3)

029. Reason for Change (3)

Bella was not the type to use methods like background checks even if she liked someone and wanted to know more about them.

She was gentle, kind, and had a strong sense of justice.

When she became friends with someone and wanted to know more about them, it was through conversations and spending time together, not through secret investigations.

‘It’s not the right time to be interested in ‘Owen’ in the first place.’

Moreover, even considering the destruction and accelerated beginning of the original work, Bella’s interest in Owen was something that would happen much later.

It was through Owen and Kyle approaching her, talking to her, and spending time together that she gradually developed an interest, not through a one-sided and sudden approach.

As long as Bella’s character hadn’t completely changed, that was how it was.

“… I see. Alright.”

Although he wanted to inquire more about the client from the mercenary, it seemed the mercenary didn’t have much more information.

Given that he came wearing a hood, it seemed like he was trying to conceal his identity.

Since the hood was pulled down, Owen hadn’t seen his face or any other details.

At best, he might know the person’s physique, but that information was too vague.

In the temple, there were various priests and knights regardless of gender.

It didn’t seem possible to deduce the identity based on gender or physique.

“What did the client want you to find out about the employer?”

It seemed there was nothing more to learn about the client.

Owen decided to ask for different information.

The mercenary hesitated for a moment before answering.

“They, they just wanted to know everything about the Duke.”


“Yes. Hobbies, preferences, schedule, belongings, places visited, and what he did there. They said the more detailed, the better.”


Hobbies, preferences, schedule, places, and activities.

As Owen pondered on the information provided by the mercenary, understanding the client became more difficult.

The purpose became increasingly unclear.

And also, the identity of the client.

Just looking at the list made it seem like…


It seemed like something beyond just a stalker.

Paying a considerable amount to hire a mercenary to find out every detail of someone’s life.

Even if that meant resorting to stalking.

Did such people exist in Owen’s world?

But no matter how strange it sounded, someone from the temple?

Thinking about it again, Owen furrowed his brows, finding it odd.

“Why do they want this kind of information from your side?”

“They said there are things they needs to know and things they wants to know… That’s what they said.”

Things they needs to know and things they wants to know.

The words were vague and confusing.

Owen’s mind became more complicated.

Sighing, Owen nodded his head.

“For now, I understand. Investigate as much as is appropriate, and from now on, I hope you won’t follow me. If you ignore my words and act on your own, I can’t guarantee your safety later.”


With Owen’s warning, the mercenary nodded, swallowing his breath.

Having heard his response, Owen turned away without a second thought and left the alley.

And nothing happened, as if nothing had occurred, the carriage returned, and Owen calmly boarded with a casual expression.

Perhaps because of Owen’s nonchalant demeanor, coachman, without saying anything, started the carriage and began heading back to the mansion.

Sitting on the carriage, heading back to the mansion, Owen looked out the window lost in thought.

‘Stalking. But that’s unlikely.’

Hobbies, preferences.

With these two, he could narrow down the possible motives to a few.

Either someone aiming for the vacant position of the Duke’s wife.

Or someone genuinely stalking for some reason, or…

It felt like those people he had seen on the news when he lived in Korea, something difficult to call a fan sticking to celebrities.

‘…A fanatic?’

It was something like a fanatic.

Thinking that far, Owen shook his head.

‘It’s unlikely.’

Someone from the temple involved in stalking or being a fanatic?

Even though it sounded strange, Owen wrinkled his forehead in confusion.

Like the nobles who targeted ‘Owen’ similar to Lucia, those who dared such bold actions disappeared completely since Lucia began coveting Owen three years ago. There were occasional individuals who attempted to approach him, but Lucia herself took care of them soon afterward.

‘Could something have happened in the temple?’

After contemplating for a while, Owen reached that conclusion. Currently, it seemed to be the most realistic direction.

Someone from the temple trying to find out his information for some reason.

‘…Even if I hired a B-grade mercenary.’

Of course, there were still some questionable aspects, but for now, it was the best conclusion.

‘I have to find out more.’

Thinking that he needed to mobilize the Duke’s attendants, Owen returned to the carriage.

* * *

Lucia had been feeling quite good lately, especially since returning from the hunting competition.

-You don’t need a big reason to like something.

She had heard that from Owen.

-So, if it’s you. I want to know more about you.

Lucia stroked the preserved petals of the flowers carefully arranged in the vase, recalling those vivid words.

The bouquet Owen had given her before was magically preserved.

The vase, too, was the azure vase from Ezarque that he had gifted her when he visited the art museum.

As Lucia traced the petals with her fingertips, she suddenly remembered all the gifts she had received from Owen.

‘There was nothing I didn’t like.’

After the flowers and the vase, Owen had sent a red sapphire to the mansion.

He had meticulously colored and crafted the gem into jewelry, creating necklaces and earrings that were incredibly glamorous and beautiful.

Next, she received a black diamond supposedly found in the deep sea.

Owen said he went to the Rodel Auction House that day and bought it with a considerable amount.

Originally, Lucia had been waiting to get her hands on it, but since Owen took it, she left it as it was.

The day after purchasing the gem, he carefully packaged it and sent it to the mansion.

-It’s from Duke Verdun.

Marie said that when delivering the gift, both on the first day Owen sent a gift and when he sent the black diamond.

It was surprising and fascinating to receive gifts from someone unexpected.

It also made her heartbeat loudly.

It was a very new experience.

Lucia was used to receiving gifts.

Receiving a single gift sent to the mansion made her feel flustered, to the point where she felt embarrassed by her own surprise.

She remembered all the attention she received in the imperial social circles, where everything revolved around her.

There were so many people who wanted to be seen favorably by her.

Those who wanted to get closer to her, those who had already expressed their intentions but wanted to maintain a close relationship, and even those who approached her for romantic reasons.

The gifts and invitations that came to Lucia were too numerous for her to check individually.

Most of them were handled by her maid, Marie.

She sifted through only the invitations that Lucia needed to personally confirm, and instead of delivering all the gifts, she filtered and checked the senders before handling them.

-From Duke?

Therefore, gifts delivered directly without even unwrapping them were almost nonexistent.

Naturally, Owen’s gift was an exception.

-Yes, it was personally delivered by Duke Verdun’s attendant. Would you like to check it?


Suddenly recalling those past days, Lucia detached the flower petals from her fingertips and immersed herself in thought.

Owen expressed a desire to get to know her more.

Afterward, they promised to go horseback riding together, and they also agreed to attend royal banquets together.

‘In that case…’

During the two upcoming meetings, she needed to give him confidence.

It didn’t matter what emotion he felt—whether it was attraction or feelings toward her.

What mattered was not the true nature of his feelings but making him believe so.


While Lucia was lost in thought, Marie knocked on the door and called her.

“Come in.”

As the permission was given, the door opened.

Marie, who peeked through the slightly open door, spoke.

“People from Stella Boutique have arrived.”

“From Stella Boutique?”

“Yes, they say these are for you… Have you recently placed any orders?”

“No, not yet.”

Stella Boutique was a boutique Lucia frequently visited, and she planned to visit soon to check out the new season’s items.

“Really? Then who could have sent these as gifts?”

“Maybe we’ll find out.”

At the mention of gifts, Lucia stood up from her seat.

Naturally, Owen came to her mind.

“Lady, they’re here to see you.”

Lucia descended the stairs and headed to the first floor, where the boutique staff greeted her at the door.

She nodded briefly, and the employees gestured towards the gift boxes they had brought.

Then, as if they remembered something, one of the staff added, “These are limited edition items from this season. All sent by Duke Verdun.”

The number of boxes they brought was quite substantial. Apparently, they were all limited edition items for the current season.

“Thank you for bringing them.”

Lucia briefly acknowledged the employees’ efforts and instructed nearby attendants to move the gift boxes to her room.

She then left the employees with a nonchalant expression but wasn’t entirely unaffected.

‘How did they know?’

Stella Boutique was a place she frequented, so they might have known. However, she wondered how they found out that she intended to buy all the items from this season.

‘…The gifts he sent last time were the same.’

Thinking back, the jewels he had sent earlier were similar.

How did he know what she wanted and chose items that would appeal to her?

It seemed like the actions of someone who had been observing her for a long time.

Even though it wasn’t true.

After all, Owen only started showing interest in her about two months ago.

“Would you like me to unwrap them?”

While lost in such thoughts, Lucia, who had returned to her bedroom, snapped back to reality at Marie’s voice.

“Ah, yes.”

Lucia picked up the smallest box neatly arranged on the table. It was small enough to fit in her palm.

She untied the ribbon and removed the wrapped paper, revealing a luxurious velvet box.

With a soft click, she opened the box, unveiling a sky-blue brooch made of aquamarine.

It was the same design that had been previewed in Stella Boutique’s magazine.

“Wow, Lady, didn’t you say you wanted this when you saw it in the magazine?”


Nodding briefly, Lucia then opened the thin, flat box.

From it emerged a fan made of blue feathers.

Lucia picked up the fan, stroking it in silence.

‘Has someone even been assigned to me?’


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