I Became the Male Lead in a Romance Novel

IBMLRN | Chapter 026. Distortion (7)

026. Distortion (7)

“Now that it’s settled, go back to the mansion and protect the nobles there. And, Countess Ceres.”


“Summon a priest from the nearest temple. You must have heard that the saint has undergone an awakening.”

“Yes, understood.”

Once Owen took command of the situation, things began to gradually fall into place.

The knights and wizards who were causing a commotion entered the mansion, and Countess Ceres went to contact the temple.

Originally, the one with the highest status should have taken command, but…

“As expected, you’re amazing.”

Owen couldn’t leave all this to Richard.

“No, it’s not like that.”

He was still a young and quite inexperienced.

Moreover, the situation was dangerous.

And aside from that, Richard was too naive.

He knew well why the emperor embraced him.

“No, you’re skillfully controlling and managing the situation like this. I should be able to do the same later…”

“You can do that.”

Normally, such a response would come from Countess Ceres, but he couldn’t catch her, as she had gone to contact the temple.

Owen, struggling to find the right words, turned to Louis and said.

“Escort His Highness the Crown Prince back to the mansion.”

“Oh, yes.”

Louis, taken aback by Owen’s command, nodded his head respectfully.

Since the situation was revolving around Owen and Kyle, they couldn’t help but follow.

There were only the two of them who could resolve the current situation, and it was impossible not to follow.

“I will report as soon as the situation is resolved, Your Excellency. Now, please rest with Marquis Edelt.”

Before Richard and Louis left, Owen briefly explained the situation and decision, bidding them farewell.

“Yes, understood.”

Richard nodded without saying much, and together with Louis, he returned to the mansion.

After everyone had left, Owen turned around.


What he pulled out was a voice filled with admiration.

And no wonder.

Dark clouds gathered over the burning forest, which seemed to want to stop the rain once the forest was completely turned to ashes.

“Well, I thought what you showed me earlier was more surprising.”

Kyle responded nonchalantly to Owen’s admiring expression.

Then he turned to Owen and said.

“But why did you take my side?”

“What is it.”

“Just now. The nobles behind were murmuring. They’re the ones who respect and follow you.”

It seemed that the words Owen spoke to the knights were taken to heart.

Nevertheless, they seemed to be trying quite hard to impress in front of me.

“I didn’t know.”

It was the first time I paid attention to the people around me, so I didn’t know this fact. Probably Owen didn’t know either. After all, he only cares about his people.

“If they’re the people I respect, well. Does that give me the right to talk bad about others?”

It was a fact I didn’t know, and it felt awkward to express it for no reason.

Owen casually asked as if it wasn’t a big deal.

Meanwhile, Kyle kept his mouth shut and took a deep breath.

“You’re really strange. I’ve been thinking since you didn’t flatter the nobles, but really. There’s probably no one like you among the nobles.”

Perhaps it was because he lived a superficial life.

Kyle showed an attitude as if he had received a great favor even with the slight favor shown by Owen.

Owen realized anew how lonely Kyle must have been, growing up as an orphan, receiving jealousy for his outstanding skills even in the Tower, and living alone without family, friends, or acquaintances.

Probably that’s why he easily fell for Bella’s warm attitude when he first met her.

In the original work, Owen was probably in a frenzy to possess her while growling at her like that.

“It may not be true.”

Owen opened his mouth, exhaling deeply in response to Kyle’s words.

“I told you before, didn’t I? You’ll find out soon too. A person who confuses you.”

“What does that mean?”

“That person will be like that too.”

Bella, who was affectionate to everyone, was particularly warm to Owen and Kyle.

Certainly, when she builds a friendship with Kyle, she would realize the existence of someone incomparably kind and warm, beyond simple liking.

“What nonsense again. I told you before, speak so that I can understand.”

Regardless of Owen’s true intentions, to Kyle, it sounded like nothing but absurd words.

Kyle furrowed his brow and turned his body around again.

The forest emitted black smoke at the raging end of the fire.

“This should be enough to kill them all.”

As Kyle flicked his fingers as he did when he caused the fire, black clouds began to pour rain.


With thick raindrops pouring like a shower, Kyle stepped back.

“Since it seems to be over, let’s go in. We need to report to the imperial palace after organizing the situation.”

“Oh, sure.”

As Kyle said, given the situation, they needed to go through a meeting, write reports, and directly report to the emperor.

Owen nodded and walked alongside him.

* * *

After organizing the situation, Owen and Kyle entered the mansion where the meeting was being held and joined the meeting that was already in progress.

The two summarized and explained the situations: the awakening of the Saint during the hunting competition, the distortion that occurred in the forest as a result, and the decision to burn down the entire forest to deal with the rampaging monsters.

After summarizing and explaining the situation, they wrote a report.

The report instructed to quickly deliver it to the imperial palace, and the hunting competition was concluded as soon as the messenger arrived.

As they were about to adjourn the meeting, Lord Keres added as if he had forgotten something.

“Um, by any chance. Did you burn everything under the forest?”

In response to Lord Keres’ sudden question, Kyle answered with a puzzled expression.

“May I ask why you’re asking that?”

“I mentioned that there are monsters living underground. After the hunting competition, the monsters that invade the village mainly come from them. If those creatures are still alive, they might jump out of the ground to escape the Saint’s power.”

In other words, there were creatures living deep under the ground.

So, it meant that merely burning what was visible wouldn’t solve everything.

The creatures living underground wouldn’t be affected by the fire.

Realizing this fact, Owen urgently rose from his seat.

If that was true, Lucia might be in danger.

The monsters were chasing the Saint’s power in one direction.

If there were still living monsters, they would surely go where Bella was.

And there, Lucia would undoubtedly be present.

Both of them would be in the mansion where the tea party was being held.

Without explaining anything to those in the meeting room, he rushed out of the mansion towards the mansion where the tea party with Lucia was taking place.

There was no time to look around or ask Lord Keres for more details.

He needed to confirm it right away.

Whether she was safe.

Whether she was unharmed.

It seemed like his heart was racing madly.

His anxiety and fear were evident.

And the fear that she might get hurt.

* * *

“The Saint awakened, and this happened. Who could it be?”

Such words were being thrown around in the mansion where the tea party was prepared.

Considering the sudden situations that had occurred, it was natural.


Lucia, in response to Young Lady’s question, extended her words, turning her gaze slowly.

In her red eyes, someone with silver hair soon entered.

“It happened suddenly. Perhaps it’s someone who appeared out of nowhere?”

The voice, with a sly smile and a somewhat loud volume, reached even Bella, who was somewhat distant.


Bella, who was sipping tea, holding a teacup absentmindedly, turned her head quickly.

‘I know now what this is about.’

Not only the subtle glances but also the information being shared, all of it was directed at me.

Lucia knew.

Who the Saint was.

‘In any case, she’s too clever.’

Knowing that silver hair and silver eyes were symbols of the Saint was certain.

In the current circumstances, there was no one else but me who could be considered the Saint.

Lucia, quick-witted and sharp, was undoubtedly suitable for the role of the Saint.

I felt it even when reading the original work, Lucia was excessively intelligent.

I would have felt more at ease if Bella had that temperament.

Bella sighed inwardly, turned her head again.

There was nothing I could do right now.

As I was still a commoner, noble young ladies and gentlemen wouldn’t involve me in their discussions.

Even if I claimed to be the Saint, they wouldn’t easily believe it.

The best course of action was to wait until I received recognition in the temple and the palace.

‘But how do I control the Saint’s power?’

Instead of worrying about Lucia, Bella continued to narrow her eyes, looking at the surging Saint’s power.

Thanks to the diligent practice before coming to the forest, I could now activate and use the Saint’s power for attack and healing.

But completely harnessing the power wasn’t working well.

It was like the Saint’s power was filling my body naturally, like blood flowing.

How do I suppress it and eliminate the energy?

‘Bella seems really impressive.’

While Bella struggled to control the Saint’s power, and the other nobles chatted away, at that moment.


A sound that shouldn’t be heard came from a nearby place.

‘What’s that?’

In response to the strange yet familiar sound, Bella stood up from her seat.

Along with that, the sight of a black creature sluggishly crawling into the mansion entered her view.

‘Why is it coming in here in the first place?’

Monsters were supposed to live in the forest.

Moreover, how could they come in here, even when Owen and Kyle were out there blocking the monsters?

Although I couldn’t understand it at all, Bella walked toward the entrance of the mansion.

Then, she reached out and generated white Saint’s power.

‘Anyway, I’m the only one who can solve this.’

To survive, I had to kill the creature in front of me.

Although the knights joined in the mansion, the monster in front of me was excessively large.

At least the level of skill similar to Louis was needed to handle it.

Unfortunately, the knights with that skill level weren’t here.


The white Saint’s power emerging from Bella’s fingertips instantly formed into the shape of a long spear.

The white spear soon struck the giant insect-shaped monster.

Perhaps because it accurately pierced its heart, the monster collapsed instantly, screaming.


“Could it be that she awakened today-.”

As Bella swiftly defeated the large monster, murmurs started to rise from behind.

At that moment, as Bella turned around.




Once again, the sound of monsters echoed.


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