I Became the Male Lead in a Romance Novel

IBMLRN | Chapter 020. Distortion (1)

020. Distortion (1)

“Yeah, that’s right.”

In response to Owen’s words, Kyle narrowed his eyes and nodded.

He had previously dismissed the changes in the habitat of the monsters as mere coincidence.

However, if things were turning out this way, the situation had changed.

Changes in the habitat without a clear cause could be treated as simple coincidences, but changes with a clear cause indicated a significantly lower chance of being a mere coincidence.

This could lead to very dangerous consequences.

The hunting competition was organized in a way that groups of knights and magicians with similar skill levels were assigned to locations where monsters of a manageable level were present.

If a distortion occurred, and a large monster appeared in the central region, it could lead to irreversible consequences.

“If what you’re saying is true, there may already be knights and magicians who have been harmed by the distortion.”

Owen sighed softly, then spoke while locking eyes with Kyle.

“You take them safely to the headquarters. If that place really is the sanctuary, we need to treat her well.”

“Alright, got it. What about you?”

“I need to return to the headquarters first. If the distortion has already occurred, we have to stop the hunting competition immediately.”

In response to Owen’s low and serious voice, Kyle nodded.

There was no flaw in Owen’s words, and this was an urgent matter that needed immediate attention.

“Go ahead.”


With a brief farewell, Owen moved away.

The direction the three of them were heading was the same, but in Kyle’s case, he couldn’t ride fast.

Bella, who was not familiar with horseback riding, was with him.

Therefore, only Owen could quickly head to the headquarters.

Owen released the horse tied in the central area and mounted it. Then, at full speed, he rode towards the headquarters.

Unlike the slow ride that had matched Richard’s speed before, this time it didn’t take long.

“Lord Duke Verdun, have you already returned?”

Upon arriving at the headquarters, soldiers waiting there greeted him. They were all soldiers of Countess Ceres, personnel assigned not to participate in the hunting competition but to ensure the smooth progress of the competition.

They were responsible for tasks such as transporting injured participants and managing the overall situation of the hunting competition.

“I have something to check.”

“Something to check, sir?”

The soldiers seemed puzzled, and Owen was also perplexed. If Bella had used her divine power, there should have been a distortion. What could explain their nonchalant response?

“Could there have been any incidents or damage?”

“Damage? What kind…?”

“Like a large monster appearing in the central area or a medium-sized monster at the entrance. Things like that.”

“No, there haven’t been any reports like that…”

Owen narrowed his eyes at the soldiers who seemed completely clueless.

Bella had undoubtedly awakened her divine power, and if that happened, she must have used that power.

However, the fact that no distortion occurred was hard to believe.

There was a time when Owen encountered a medium-sized monster in the wrong place, making him even more suspicious.

‘Was that just a simple coincidence, or…’

Owen sighed softly and ran his fingers through his hair. His thoughts were too complicated.

Bella’s sudden appearance, the significantly advanced start of the original work, and many other aspects of the original story had already been twisted.

Moreover, the heavy responsibility he suddenly found himself carrying, not being an ordinary college student anymore, weighed on him.

It wasn’t a position where he could just look out for himself.

As the head of a prestigious family and a powerful figure on the continent, he now had to take responsibility for everything that happened and for all the people around him.

‘My head hurts.’

As his complex thoughts intertwined, a headache gripped him. He had thought he had become accustomed to being Owen for a month. In reality, he had. Dealing with piles of paperwork, business matters, contracts – he had become accustomed to it all.

Even in areas like swordsmanship and combat, he became familiar and skilled as he experienced and adapted. However, this situation involved human lives.

‘Perhaps they can’t report back in this situation, so there’s no contact.’

Thinking about the worst-case scenario made his fingertips tremble. However, succumbing to fear and neglecting the situation would undoubtedly lead to worse outcomes.

“…I think we need to organize a search party.”

When Owen muttered quietly, one of the soldiers asked, “A search party? Why…”

“It seems like there’s been a distortion. The saint awakened in the forest.”


Upon Owen’s words, the soldiers initially showed surprised expressions, but soon nodded heavily with serious faces.

“Understood. I will gather all the remaining forces here to organize a search party.”

With his single statement, all the events and decisions unfolded.

Owen couldn’t help but realize the weight of the responsibility he had shouldered.

Under Owen’s command, a search party was formed.

The search party consisted of knights and wizards who remained in the tents for protection, along with the minimal forces left at the Keres Marquis’s mansion.

They were divided into ten groups, each assigned to search a specific area.

“If you find casualties, report immediately through the communication network. And if you encounter an uncontrollable monster, use the provided teleportation scrolls.”

Although teleportation magic was generally illegal under imperial law, a few teleportation scrolls were prepared for emergencies during the hunting competition.

Naturally, all teleportation destinations were set to the headquarters.


As Owen finished his instructions, the search party scattered into the forest.

Unlike the previous groups that entered for hunting, this party was equipped with teleportation scrolls, preparing for the worst.

While Owen took a moment to catch his breath after these temporary arrangements, a familiar voice reached him from behind.

“Your Excellency.”

Hearing the voice calling him, Owen turned around to see the speaker.


Ruby-like sparkling red eyes and shiny hair, even her beautiful voice resembled him. It was Lucia.

“Have you returned already?”

Lucia inquired with a gentle smile, raising her eyebrows slightly.

For some reason, Owen felt like he could breathe a little easier just by looking at her.

It almost felt like he wanted to embrace her tightly as if that would bring some comfort.

Strangely, he thought it might bring some calmness.

Although Lucia was about to be shocked by such a reaction, Owen approached her in a single step.

Then, he slowly took her hand, lifting it and placing a kiss on the back of her hand.


It was a sudden action, even to Owen himself, and especially for Lucia.

It would be shocking to those who were behind her, the attendants and servants, but instead of causing surprise, Owen felt a strange sense of relief.

Lucia, despite her initial surprise, maintained a composed expression.

Her faintly curved lips and eyes seemed incredibly natural.

“Did my ribbon serve you any help, Your Excellency?”

She mentioned the red ribbon tied to Owen’s sword, lowering her eyelids shyly.

The gazes of those behind him all focused on that spot.

Owen casually glanced down at the red ribbon attached to his sword at his waist, then looked back into Lucia’s eyes, lips curving slightly.

“It seems so.”

In response to his clear and affirmative answer, those who were just chatting with Lucia moments ago were now astonished.

Silently, they realized that all the stories they heard during tea time were indeed true.

“But why did you come all the way here?”

Perhaps they found it strange that Lucia, who had been hosting a tea party in the greenhouse, appeared in a different location.

Owen questioned Lucia about it.

In response, Lucia smiled and replied, “The atmosphere seemed a bit lively, so I thought Your Excellency might be here.”

“I see. What about these people…”

Having heard Lucia’s response, Owen nodded and gestured to those behind her.

Lucia gracefully introduced them, adding compliments, “These are the people who enjoyed the tea party with me. They are kind and wonderful individuals.”

With the flattering introduction, their reactions were naturally positive.

“Oh, Lady, you are indeed a kind and wonderful person.”

“Thank you for your kind words.”

Owen quietly observed their reactions, captivated by the scene that brought a page of “The Flower of the Empire” to life.

The worry that had troubled his mind just moments ago faded away momentarily.

“By the way, Your Excellency. Do you remember the request I made?”

As Owen was lost in his contemplation,

Lucia grabbed his arm and asked.

Taken aback by the sudden touch, Owen looked down at his arm and then chuckled.

“I couldn’t forget.”

Though he didn’t understand the reason behind her actions…

One thing was clear; she wanted to show this side of herself to them.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t have mustered the courage to act so abruptly, especially when she usually seemed uncomfortable with physical contact.

“I told you, I remember everything you said.”

For whatever reason, if Lucia wanted it.

Owen could fulfill her wishes without hesitation.

“Would you like to go to the riding grounds with me now?”


At Lucia’s question, Owen hesitated for a moment.

It was only natural.

In the current confusion caused by the distortion, he couldn’t leisurely engage in horseback riding. Regardless, he had to take command as the leader and guide the situation.

Of course, if anything happened, he could be contacted through the communication device, but…

Sending knights for a search and going to the riding grounds might spread unfavorable rumors.

“Not now.”

Certainly, Lucia was more important than mere rumors, but Owen had to decline because Lucia might be harmed due to those rumors.

“After the hunting competition is over, I’d like to go there together.”

However, he didn’t directly reveal the fact. It seemed Lucia wanted to present herself as a cherished figure, so he refrained from spoiling the situation with a straightforward refusal.

“If you’re okay with it, of course.”

Naturally, his gesture of seeking permission through physical contact made it seem to others that there was something special between them.

While it was mostly for show, it didn’t matter either way.

Since all the maids and servants watching them had already concluded that the rumors were true.

Just by exchanging surprised glances, it was evident that something unusual was happening between them.

Lucia subtly curved her lips as she observed the startled gazes of those around her.

The rumors that had circulated, such as ‘Even Lady Edelte, who has everything, can’t resist Duke Verdun’ were about to disappear after today.

In exchange, a new label would likely emerge: ‘Lady who even took Duke Verdun away.’

As these thoughts crossed her mind, Lucia’s previously restrained desires seemed to catch fire and grow.

From the moment she first saw him, she desired to possess him at any cost.

Despite her relentless pursuit, she couldn’t get close to him, let alone possess him.

Now that an opportunity had arisen, and everyone began to misconstrue the situation, her long-suppressed desires surged forth.

It reached the point where she hoped the misconception would become reality.

‘If I can completely have him.’

Not just appearing to have won him over but having him willingly, not just him being slightly favorable but becoming entirely hers, where he would readily give up anything.

Such an overwhelming desire had taken root in her.


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