I Became the Male Lead in a Romance Novel

IBMLRN | Chapter 017. Hunting Competition (5)

017. Hunting Competition (5)

When Owen responded easily, Kyle, with widened eyes as if surprised, burst into a small laugh.

“You’re not as noble-like as I thought.”

He held back the words he would have said if other nobles had heard, criticizing it as impolite.

As if to prove this fact, Louis, who had been silently observing from behind, rushed forward.

“To say Your Excellency is not noble-like! Listen, listen, how can you be so rude…!”

As Louis was about to protest vigorously, Owen intervened.

“It’s fine. Tower Lord probably didn’t mean it in a bad way.”

“How can that not be a bad way! Leaving that rude guy as he is-”

“I said it’s fine.”

Owen firmly spoke to the wildly protesting Louis.

Upon this, Louis quieted down as if he had sealed his mouth.

“I thought you’d be angry.”

When Kyle casually spoke in informal language, Owen responded with an indifferent expression.

“There’s no reason to be.”

“But you got angry at that gentleman, saying it’s rude.”

“Not everyone thinks the same way.”

“Hmm, still interesting though.”

Kyle nodded with interest and then threw another question at Owen.

“Since we’ve decided to drop formalities, what’s your name?”

Owen was a bit surprised by Kyle’s question.

Owen Verdun was famous. He was not only the protagonist but also the duke in the empire.

To not know the name of such a person…

“You don’t know my name?”

When Owen asked, Kyle chuckled as if amused.

“You’re quite full of yourself. Well, being the Duke of Verdun, I guess it makes sense.”

Nodding as if understanding well enough, Kyle continued speaking.

“But I’m not really interested in rumors about nobles or people. Whatever it is, I’m not interested. At most, I’ve heard people passing by saying ‘Duke of Verdun, Duke of Verdun.'”

Accepting his words that he only knew the title and not the name, Owen nodded in understanding.

“I guess it can be seen that way.”

Then, he went on to mention his name.

“I’m Owen, that’s my name.”

“Owen. It’s a nice name.”

“And you, Kyle?”

“You know my name?”

“I guess not knowing is more unusual.”

When Owen responded strangely, Kyle shrugged his shoulders.

“Considering you’re always called the Duke of Verdun, and I’m always called Tower Lord just like you. There might be quite a few people who don’t know.”


While the two were casually conversing and getting friendly, Louis, who had been silently observing from behind, was muttering to himself.

‘…What’s going on.’

For some reason, Owen and Kyle had become close in an instant, and the Countess Ceres, a prominent figure in the imperial faction, got along well with the Crown Prince Richard.

Feeling left out among the group, Louis sighed nervously, narrowing his eyes.

‘Darn it.’

A sense of unease about being isolated crept over him. Afraid of being overwhelmed by emotions, he bit his lower lip.

‘I should talk to Father about this.’

Louis thought that he should convey the unbelievable information he had heard from Owen earlier to Duke Edelt.

‘Since they’re already lovers, if they suggest marriage, I won’t refuse.’

It was an unavoidable situation for anyone.

Even if he didn’t want to believe it, since Owen and Lucia were acknowledged as lovers, there was no way he could reject marriage.

Duke Edelt actually welcomed the idea of Owen becoming his son-in-law.

And he thought,

‘If Lucia gets married, she won’t carry the name of Edelt anymore.’

There was no need to feel uneasy anymore.

He didn’t have to worry about losing the position of the heir if his father changed his mind.

His father, apart from cherishing Lucia, valued the symbol of Edelt that she possessed.

He was well aware of the regretful expression he made when he looked at them alternately.

‘Damn it.’

Born into what, he thought.

Louis sharpened his gaze, recalling Lucia’s innocent red eyes.

Except for her appearance and the name Edelt, his sister had been given the direct symbol of Edelt, and it seemed wasteful.

‘…If Lucia no longer carries the name Edelt, everything will be resolved.’

Having this thought, Louis slowly exhaled.

If Lucia gave up the name Edelt, the Duke would lose interest even if she possessed the direct symbol.

‘This tiresome anxiety will finally come to an end.’

With determination in his brown eyes, Louis adjusted the reins.

* * *

The horses continued to run, and the group had already entered the central part of the forest.


The area soon reached the depths of the abyss, and as a result, demons started pouring in from all directions. Even though the sheer number could intimidate anyone, Owen casually drew his sword, strangely calm. He briefly observed the red ribbon neatly tied around the hilt, then struck the ground and leaped into the air. With the black blade of his sword, he mowed down the demons one by one. The harsh sound of tearing flesh filled the space.

After repeating this several times, the demons that had filled his field of vision all turned into cold corpses.

“…It’s truly remarkable to see it in action.”

Richard, who had observed Owen effortlessly facing an enormous horde of demons alone, spoke words of praise in a low voice. In response, Owen lowered his head as if to deny it.

“No, not at all.”

“No, it’s really impressive. I thought so when I saw the blade, but this is truly extraordinary.”

Despite Owen dismissing it as nothing, he sighed with relief at Richard’s repeated praise.

‘Fortunately, it seems convincing enough.’

If it looked impressive enough to catch the eye of a swordsman, especially one who used aura, it was likely a good imitation of a skilled swordmaster. Moreover, since it was the Crown Prince himself praising him, there was probably no need to worry about being doubted.

At that moment of relief for Owen, the demons began to sneakily emerge again.

“…This is getting really tiresome.”

Kyle sighed, and a stream of water emanated from his hand. He poured it directly onto the demons. As the water touched the demons’ skin, Kyle lightly flicked his finger. The pouring stream instantly froze, and the demons were frozen in place.

Watching Kyle deal with the demons, Countess Ceres, who had silently observed, slowly opened his mouth.

“…Forgive me, Your Highness. I believe it might be better for our party to disperse.”

As Countess Ceres cautiously brought up the topic, Richard asked with a puzzled expression, “Why do you think so?”

In response, Countess Ceres politely bowed his head and replied, “Originally, each of us used to go hunting separately… It might be more efficient to handle demons if we stay apart.”

Countess Ceres’ words made sense. Until now, everyone in the party, excluding the Crown Prince, had been hunting individually. This was essential for the hunting competition. Even if each of them hunted only half as much as a consolidated team, the quantity of demons they faced individually was several times more.

“I see.”

Countess Ceres had vaguely suspected this even before the start of the hunting competition, but he hadn’t opened his mouth, unable to refuse the Emperor’s order. However, now that they were actually hunting like this, the realization began to sink in.

‘At this rate, there’s no point in having a hunting competition.’

Unless each transcendent individual freely unleashed their powers, they wouldn’t be able to hunt as much as they used to individually. If that happened, there would undoubtedly be an increase in demon-related disasters in the northern region this year.

“Well, let’s do that then.”

Unlike the self-centered Emperor who thought only of showing off his prowess, Richard was rational and considerate. As Richard nodded, Countess Ceres inwardly sighed with relief, bowing her head.

“Thank you for understanding, Your Highness.”

“No need to thank me. It’s a natural decision.”

In contrast to the self-centered Emperor, Richard was rational and considerate. In response to Countess Ceres’ expression of gratitude, Richard nodded slightly.

Countess Ceres voiced otherwise, saying, “It’s not an easy decision. Then, I will take my leave if that’s the case.”

“Not at all. You were originally one who hunted alone.”

“Even so, I can’t leave someone who is participating in the hunting competition for the first time alone.”

As the ideal relationship between lord and vassal resumed, the rest of the party averted their gazes. Ignoring the reactions of the others, the two continued their conversation.

“It’s fine.”

“I was concerned you might get lost.”

With Countess Ceres’s firm attitude that he couldn’t be left alone, Richard finally nodded.

“Do as you wish.”

“Thank you.”

“I might be the one thanking you.”

As the non-contentious exchange ended, Countess Ceres turned her gaze to the rest of the party.

“Well, then, it would be best if we scattered from here.”

In response to Countess Ceres’ decisive tone, the entire party nodded.

“Let’s do that.”

“I’ll see you later.”

Confirming their positive response, she turned her words and, along with Richard, headed back towards the central area of the central region.

It seemed that she was going to continue hunting, possibly matching Richard’s level. Owen, who had been silently observing them, turned his gaze away and slowly opened his mouth.

“Well, then, shall we disperse now?”

In response to Owen’s voice, Louis nodded.

“It’s better that way. I’ll go in this direction.”


As Louis also concealed his presence, only Owen and Kyle remained in their places.

“We should also disperse now—”

“There’s no need for that, isn’t it?”

Kyle questioned Owen’s statement.

Owen looked at him with a puzzled expression.

Then, Kyle chuckled and continued.

“It’s a good chance amidst the boredom. Show me how you rampage.”


Owen couldn’t help but be confused by Kyle’s words.


He knew what it meant, having read the original several times. However, he felt a bit awkward.

He couldn’t do that.

“You saw me fight until just now.”

Owen, suppressing his bewildered emotions, spoke, but Kyle shook his head.

“That was just ordinary swordsmanship.”

He continued with a determined expression.

“What I want to see is the way you’ve been sweeping away demons so far.”


“Not just using your sword techniques, but handling the sword energy like magic. That’s what I want to see.”

Owen couldn’t easily come up with a response to Kyle’s words. Rampaging.

He knew what it meant, having read the original several times. However, he felt a bit awkward.

He couldn’t do that.

“You saw me fight until just now.”

Owen, suppressing his bewildered emotions, spoke, but Kyle shook his head.

“That was just ordinary swordsmanship.”

He continued with a determined expression.

“What I want to see is the way you’ve been sweeping away demons so far.”


“Not just using your sword techniques, but handling the sword energy like magic. That’s what I want to see.”

Owen couldn’t easily come up with a response to Kyle’s words. Handling the sword energy like magic. Owen knew what it meant. He knew, but that was it.

‘There’s no way I can do that.’


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