I Became the Male Lead in a Romance Novel

IBMLRN | Chapter 014. Hunting Competition (2)

014. Hunting Competition (2)

After Lucia spoke, Louis finally took in Lucia’s appearance.

“…What is this?”

A large black cloak with the insignia of a black wolf engraved on it—the symbol of Duke Verdun was draped over Lucia.

The meaning behind it was clear, but Louis refused to believe the truth.

“Did you have someone steal it for you?”

“I don’t have a hobby of thievery.”

Lucia’s indifferent voice made Louis’s pupils contract.

“But then, how…”

“His Excellency was here just a moment ago.”

The meaning embedded in Lucia’s brief words was significant.

Duke Verdun had personally come here to see Lucia, even giving her his own cloak. This was by no means something to be trivialized as a simple act of handing over a cloak or clothes. Owen himself would have been sufficiently surprised if he had just done that. He wasn’t someone with such sentimental feelings.

However, what Owen had handed over was even an item engraved with the colors and insignia of the house.

It could only be used by someone with the name of Verdun and should not be used recklessly. Giving away such an item willingly meant that Lucia was a person who held that much significance to him.


Understanding her words, Duke Edelt seemed lost in thought as he lowered his eyes. In Louis’s case, he only shook his head as if he couldn’t believe it.

“No way. What could he possibly be doing here…”

“Didn’t you hear the rumors?”

“Why bother with such useless things—”

“As I just said, sometimes rumors turn out to be true, so don’t close your ears to them.”

Lucia, as if disdainful, stuck out her tongue and continued her explanation.

“Just grab anyone and ask. You’ll find out the answer quickly.”

Lucia, seemingly annoyed, finished her words and swiftly turned away.

With her movement, the edges of her black cloak fluttered.

Duke Edelt just watched Lucia returning to her tent, but soon lifted his gaze.

Then, he called one of the knights who were waiting for the inspection and inquired.

“Did Duke Verdun come by earlier?”

In response to his question, the knight saluted and answered.

“Yes. Until a while ago, he was with the lady and left for the inspection.”

Upon the knight’s response, Duke Edelt narrowed his eyes.

He had clearly mentioned when they talked at the mansion that this wouldn’t happen due to business.

‘But why…’

While Duke Edelt was lost in thought, Louis asked a question.

“Why did he come to find Lucia?”

“Well, I’m not sure about that…”

“There must be a reason. Otherwise, Duke Verdun wouldn’t come all the way just to find Lucia.”

Louis almost growled as he spoke.

Perhaps it was because he simply couldn’t accept it.

For him, Owen was an admired knight, and Lucia was the target of his hatred.

He didn’t want to believe that the insignificant Lucia had somehow captured the heart of the person he respected.

“…If I were to guess, he might have wanted to see the lady.”

“Why would Duke Verdun…”

“There have been recent rumors. Rumors say that you two became interested in each other and eventually started dating.”


Only after hearing the knight’s explanation did Louis realize the meaning behind Lucia’s earlier words.

– As I just said, sometimes rumors turn out to be true, so don’t close your ears to them.

It was undoubtedly that.

It was a positive word about the rumors.

That the two were in a romantic relationship.

‘There’s no way that’s true.’

Although it was a statement with a clear meaning, Louis deliberately denied the implied meaning.

‘She must have lied.’

Lucia was the type of person who would do anything to get what she wanted.

Surely this time would be no different, Louis concluded on his own.

* * *

On the morning of the hunting competition.

All participants gathered in one place.

It was for the traditional event of presenting strings before the start of the competition.

Numerous young lords and ladies came forward with strings, offering them to knights and wizards.

There were occasional refusals, but most received the gifted strings.

While it was a personal choice to tie or not tie the string, refusing the string was considered impolite.

Of course, ‘Owen’ had never cared about such courtesy and had never accepted the strings.

Thanks to that, there were no longer people preparing strings for Owen.

For someone who consistently refused strings throughout the hunting competition, preparing strings was pointless.

However, there was one exception.

“Your Excellency.”

Lucia Edelt.

A young lady who would do whatever it took to get what she wanted.

There was no one in the social circle who didn’t know the fiercely red and vibrant thorns of the rose she desired.

“It seems you’ve prepared a string again this time.”

“That seems to be the case.”

As Lucia approached Owen with the red string, the numerous onlookers around them cast impressed glances. It was understandable, as Lucia had gifted a string to Owen without exception for every single year. Despite being consistently rejected with cold and indifferent eyes each time.

Even when everyone else had given up on Owen and turned away, she still brought a string, and this year was no different.

The nobles admired Lucia for her relentless pursuit. It was not an easy task to pour such passionate interest into someone who showed no reaction whatsoever.

“Isn’t it about time to give up?”

“Is Lady Edelt someone who knows how to give up?”

“Well, that’s true.”

In a way, it was understandable. Lucia Edelt never let go of her target once she set her sights on it, whether it be an object, an animal, or a person. Owen Verdun was no exception.

Three years ago, since the day they first crossed paths, Lucia Edelt had never once given up on him. Perhaps it was just that—she didn’t give up. But she had cut down numerous others who had set their sights on him.

Though Owen seemed to show no interest, those in high society vividly remembered the events of three years ago. Everyone thoroughly understood that you should never attempt to easily take away something Lucia was after.

“I want to tie the string for you.”

Lucia approached him with a smile this year as well. Nobles predicted the unfolding of the same scenario: Owen would look at her with an icy, indifferent gaze and proceed to reject her.

But just as everyone anticipated, when Owen, who had been mounted on his horse, dismounted, he approached her and soon whispered an answer.

“Do as you wish.”

As Owen’s response spread low, those around him stared with surprised eyes. It was the person who had always ignored others with a cold gaze, turning away even when offered a string, showing no emotion.

Yet here he was, willingly stepping down from his horse, making eye contact, and giving an affirmative answer. For those who had observed Owen’s actions until now, it was an unbelievable sight.

During the time when they hesitated, unable to believe, Lucia casually approached Owen, as if the current situation was entirely natural and expected. She then took a step towards Owen, who had just dismounted, and nonchalantly came down from her horse.

Then, she tied her string to the hilt of Owen’s sword that was attached to his waist. With two firm knots, Lucia, who had consistently rejected with a cold demeanor, now smiled and said, “It’s done.”

Owen, with a bright smile, looked at the tied string and asked, observing the golden stitches on the sword hilt, “There are stitches on the string.”

“Because Your Excellency likes roses, I prepared a string with rose patterns embroidered in gold thread.”

Indeed, the red string was adorned with intricate rose patterns embroidered in golden thread. The ornate string was so dazzling that it was hard to divert one’s gaze, much like Lucia herself.

At least, that’s how Owen perceived it. Even without embellishments, he was naturally beautiful and noble, captivating people’s attention. However, his efforts to further enhance his appearance, akin to the vivid golden stitches on the originally red string, seemed to match.

Staring at the tied string on the sword hilt, Owen reached out and gently touched it. The rose-shaped patterns engraved in golden thread left a clear texture on his fingertips.

“I like it.”

Owen, who had been gently stroking the string as if engraving it for a while, whispered as if sharing a secret. His voice was filled with sincerity.

Everyone watching them was astonished by Owen’s words spoken as a whisper. Apparently unconcerned about their reactions, Owen casually mounted his horse again.

Then, he briefly greeted Lucia, “I’ll hurry and finish, then come back.”

In response to his greeting, Lucia smiled and replied, “I’ll be waiting.”

With the completion of the string-giving event for everyone, including Owen and Lucia, the hunting competition began. The knights and wizards, who had gathered together, dispersed into their assigned groups and soon disappeared into the forest.

Lucia continued to watch Owen’s retreating figure until he disappeared completely, then turned around. Around her were already numerous young nobles.

“Lady Edelt, would you like to enjoy the tea party together?”

“I want to have a conversation with the lady…”

“If it’s not too much trouble, I would have liked to talk more with Lady Edelt.”

Lucia was undoubtedly the flower of the Empire. Even before the protagonist, Bella, appeared, she held sway over the social circle to an extent that could be considered no exaggeration.

With the power and influence she wielded, naturally, many people gathered around Lucia. Most sought her friendship to establish their position, and occasionally, there were those who coveted her place.

No one had succeeded even once.

Nevertheless, she was already formidable, and today, she did something unimaginable. Tying a string directly to the cold and indifferent sword of Duke Verdun, who had always rejected her advances.

It was an incident that lent credibility to the rumor that everyone thought was false. Perhaps everyone was eager to know the truth behind the rumor.

“It pleases me to know that many wish to be with me.”

Lucia produced a dazzling smile, lips curving gracefully.

“If we all enjoy a tea party together, it will be even more delightful.”

With the fact that she tied a string to Owen’s sword, people’s reactions dramatically changed. It was a truly absurd reality, but Lucia planned to cleverly use these reactions.

Creating credibility for a rumor as if it were a fact was a simple task. Just casually talking about the tea parties she had with Owen would make everyone overlook the truth.

Those who approached her to gain something were usually gossipy. If they spread the word here and there, the rumor would turn into reality.

And Lucia wished for that.

With a graceful flutter of her eyelashes, Lucia raised a captivating smile.

“How about we all go to the greenhouse together to enjoy the tea party?”


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