I Became the Male Lead in a Romance Novel

IBMLRN | Chapter 006. Invitation (3)

007. Invitation (4)

Duke Edelt seemed genuinely concerned.

He narrowed his eyes, attempting to discern Owen’s true feelings.

However, nothing could be read from the deep-set black eyes.

“…A prank, you say?”

Owen spoke with a flat tone, as he had expected such an inquiry but was still a bit shocked to hear it directly.

There was no trace of concern for Lucia in Duke Edelt’s words.

Even though he clearly knew that his daughter was unwell.

“If it’s not a prank, then what is it? The fact that she’s always been like this is a well-known story, isn’t it? Even Duke Verdun must be well aware.”

Always been like this.

It was a story about Lucia’s possessiveness.

Lucia loved beautiful things and desired to possess them, going to great lengths to obtain them, whether through auctions or by searching the entire continent.

The name of the Duke Edelt’s wife, Lucia’s stepmother, was not fond of her behavior.

“Just because she’s always been like this doesn’t mean her actions are just pranks. It’s more like a kind of hobby.”

Of course, it was difficult for ordinary people to understand.

Such an intense desire for possession was extravagant and terrifying.

It might make her look like a greedy and naive noblewoman.

So, Duke Edelt was probably bringing up the matter for that reason…

The problem was the reason behind her having such a hobby.

Lucia’s inclination toward such a hobby stemmed from the lack of love.

And the cause of that deficiency was none other than her family.

“Even if she considers it a hobby, it’s not something worthwhile.”

“If you don’t like the Lady’s behavior, Duke Edelt can discipline her.”

“…I haven’t gone that far because there doesn’t seem to be a need to.”

In response to Duke Edelt’s statement, Owen let out a hollow laugh inwardly.

‘Probably just doesn’t want to face Lucia.’

Unless it was a necessary occasion, Duke Edelt didn’t confront Lucia.

The reason being that seeing her reminded him of the late Lady Edelt.

For one reason, Lucia grew up without receiving her father’s love.

It was a truly absurd and dreadful situation.

The reason for the death of Lady Edelt was none other than Duke Edelt himself having an affair.

Upon learning of the affair, Lady Edelt, shocked by the revelation, fell into depression and eventually passed away.

Undeterred, Duke Edelt remarried the person with whom he had the affair, and they had a child together, whom he designated as the successor.

Although he didn’t drive Lucia away or mistreat her, he neither expelled her nor showed her any love.

He didn’t cherish Lady Edelt, and whenever he faced Lucia, he felt a sense of guilt, as if he were reminded of Lady Edelt.

It was truly an outrageous way of thinking.

“Why do you ask me such a question?”

Owen forced a smile while covering his face with his hand, lifting the teacup.

Taking a sip of tea, he managed to control his expression a bit better.

Although anger was inevitable.

“I only wanted to know what Duke Verdun desires.”

Apparently, in Duke Edelt’s eyes, Owen’s association with Lucia seemed like an attempt to gain something advantageous.

“Since you can’t have her associated with you in a beneficial way, it would be better to-”

“Better to what? Are you asking for a favor or something?”

Owen ultimately failed at maintaining his composure.

A clear ridicule escaped his lips.

“I don’t know what you desire, but if it’s something business-related, wouldn’t it be more comfortable on this side?”

“I’m not sure when we became so close that you’d offer advice.”

Duke Edelt, awkwardly disregarding Lucia, tried to advise me, showing how little he thought of her.

Since everyone thought no one could possibly have affection for Lucia, this conclusion was reached.

If it were someone else, they might have thought that Duke Verdun had affection or interest in Lucia.

However, Duke Edelt refused to consider it that way.

Attempting to advise me in such a clumsy manner demonstrated how much he was ignoring Lucia.

No one would have affection for her, that’s what everyone believed.

Those noble youths gathering around her were probably under the misconception that it was merely because she carried the Edelt name.

“And, in case you misunderstand, I don’t take such measures for the sake of personal gain.”

Owen remained cold and indifferent.

He refrained from getting entangled in personal matters even in business or work.

Why would he want to get closer to Lucia for the sake of business or anything else?

It was an absurd idea.

From the beginning, Duke Edelt himself didn’t care much for Lucia, so there was no reason for him to heed her request.

Of course, this might be a fact unknown to those who haven’t read the novel.

Duke Edelt played the role of an ordinary lord externally.

“If this is the reason Duke Edelt called me, I’ll take my leave.”

Owen, who didn’t feel the need to continue the conversation with Duke Edelt, stood up.

As he was about to leave the office, Duke Edelt opened his mouth.

“So, what is the reason?”

He still wore a puzzled expression.

Owen sighed internally and spoke, “Even if I tell you, do you have the intention to believe?”

Owen turned away with a cold gaze and left the office.

* * *

Even after Owen left, Lucia remained in bed for two more days before she could get up.

Although she had been ill for a few days, she needed a bit more rest.

As soon as Lucia got up from bed, she spoke with determination.

“I should exercise.”

Mary, her personal maid, gave her a puzzled look.

It couldn’t be helped.

Miss, whom I serve, greatly disliked exercise.

“Exercise…? My lady, you dislike exercise.”

Lucia nodded in agreement, “Yes, I used to. But having a weak body isn’t a good thing.”

Always indoors, in the garden, or by the lake—she never truly moved unless she was in a carriage.

Even going outdoors was always done by riding a carriage, so she had no proper muscles.

Naturally, after a stroll with Owen, she would become tired.

During the walk, she was too preoccupied with observing Owen to properly assess her own physical condition, which was one of the reasons.

But most importantly, she missed an opportunity to stay longer at the Verdun mansion.

Although Owen’s visit for her health check was a pleasant event, she couldn’t afford to make the same mistake next time.

‘Next time, we agreed to meet indoors, but…’

Although they had planned to meet indoors for their next appointment, the hunting competition was just around the corner.

Not everyone who participated in the hunting competition actually engaged in hunting.

Only knights and mages participated in the actual hunting, while nobles unfamiliar with combat cheered them on.

They prepared reins and waited in a designated area.

It wasn’t that they did nothing while waiting, but even those who couldn’t handle weapons played horseback riding and dart games, emulating the feel of hunting.

‘That noblewoman knows how to ride well.’

Lucia typically enjoyed tea parties.

She had no interest in horseback riding and hadn’t learned it. Moreover, she had no talent for darts; she couldn’t even hit the edge of the board.

However, this time was different from usual.

Didn’t Owen offer to put on her reins himself?

Given the situation, it seemed reasonable to easily grant a small favor.

‘Once he returns from hunting, I should ask him to ride together.’

The hunting competition was a week-long event.

The reason for the lengthy event was essentially due to monster subjugation.

In other words, the hunting competition was more like a monster subjugation than anything else.

The competition was held for a more effective monster subjugation.

Of course, for the safety of those who couldn’t handle weapons, the place where they stayed had defensive magic circles and escort troops.

Initially, the location where they waited was somewhat away from the hunting ground.

Anyway, those who had sufficiently filled their prey quickly finished hunting within a short period and joined those who were waiting.

And Owen was always the first person to finish the hunt.

Even though he didn’t bother coming out of his tent after the hunt was over, that was just how he usually behaved.

However, this time was different.

He had personally offered to put on her reins.

‘He even made a worried face when I mentioned I was sick.’

So, it wouldn’t hurt to make a request.

“I’m going to learn horseback riding,” Lucia said, as if making a determination.

Upon hearing Lucia’s words, Mary, her maid, hesitated and stammered, “You seemed uninterested in horseback riding before…”

“I’m interested now.”

With Lucia’s firm voice, Mary had no choice but to nod.

“I’ll look for a horseback riding instructor then.”

* * *

Whether it was because Lucia didn’t open or attend social events or because she devoted herself to horseback riding practice for two weeks, the news spread through the social circles.

There was a rumor that Lady Edelt was suddenly learning horseback riding.

The rumor naturally reached even Duke Verdun.

“Horseback riding?”

Upon hearing the news, Owen couldn’t help but express his confusion.

Horseback riding, really?

At least, that was not something Lucia would say.

When Owen threw a puzzled question, the butler, Logan, nodded.

“Yes, there are rumors that Lady Edelt has started learning horseback riding.”

“Lucia, learning horseback riding?”

In response to the unexpected news, Owen could only mutter in disbelief.

Horseback riding, of all things.

At least, Lucia never mentioned such things.

As Owen was perplexed, Logan cautiously spoke, “Shall I find out the reason?”

“No, I’ll ask her directly.”

The day the rumors spread happened to be the day when the two of them had planned to meet.

Putting on his jacket again, Owen stood up from his seat.

“Let’s finish the work when you return.”


Logan, who had grown accustomed to Owen’s changed attitude, responded silently.

Owen nonchalantly received the farewell and left the office.

It seemed like he had become quite familiar with the ‘Owen’ and this world.


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