I Became the Male Lead in a Romance Novel

IBMLRN | Chapter 006. Invitation (3)

006. Invitation (3)


Only after Owen spoke did Lucia realize the condition of her body. Her legs were heavy, and she felt weak.

She had neglected her own stamina, walking blindly without taking care of herself, solely focused on Owen’s actions and words.

“Excuse me.”

As Lucia staggered for a moment, Owen swiftly approached and embraced her. Supporting her back and legs with both arms, he moved forward with steady steps.

“It’s okay even if you let me down.”

Lucia, suddenly held in Owen’s arms, was taken aback. She had never danced with him before, let alone being held like this.

Her mind was becoming faint.

“If you’re worried about falling, wrap your arms around my neck.”

Whether Owen knew her feelings or not, he only whispered such words in her ear.

Despite the confusion, Lucia didn’t want to fall, so she willingly wrapped her arms around his neck, adopting a posture as he advised.

Leaning against him, tensely maintaining her posture, Lucia sensed a fragrance from his embrace.

‘…It smells like the forest.’

Being this close to him was a first.

Smelling the scent emanating from him was also a first.

Whether it was the fragrance of cologne or his natural scent, she couldn’t tell. But in his embrace, there was the deep aroma of a dense, green, and robust forest.

“Your Excellency.”

How long had it been since she moved into his embrace?

The voice of the butler calling Owen reached her ears.

“Logan, prepare the carriage.”

“Yes, understood.”

Judging by the situation, it seemed they were going to leave from here today.

Lucia, feeling increasingly desperate, spoke quickly.

“Your Excellency, if I just rest for a moment, yIll be fine.”

“No. You’ve walked enough today.”

However, her argument was not accepted.

At this moment when the day seemed to turn into a failure, Lucia met Owen’s eyes.

In his black eyes, the emotion of concern was vividly visible.

“So, it’s better to return and rest now. I apologize if I pushed you too hard.”

It was an emotion she had never seen in Owen before.

Up until now, she had never witnessed this from him, not once.


Lucia finally realized.

The occasion, the reason.

Nothing mattered.

There was no need to consider.

Owen had already shown her an opening.

And what she wanted was to slip into his opening and completely seize him.

Whether he approached her for whatever reason or acted abruptly, those were utterly unimportant details.

The question of how far he would allow it was something to ponder, but there was no need to complicate matters by agonizing over intricate reasons.

It was unrelated to my goal.

“The carriage is ready, Your Excellency.”


The butler returned and reported to Owen. Then, Owen took brisk steps toward the main gate of the mansion.

The grand doors swung open, revealing a carriage adorned with the emblem of the Verdun Duke—a black wolf motif.

“I will send word within a few days.”

Owen, who personally helped her down from the carriage, promised as much.

Lucia nodded at Owen, observing him.


Though it was a sudden opportunity she acquired one day, she had no intention of letting it slip away.

Moreover, she had glimpsed an emotion in him that she had never seen before.

Lucia decided to take advantage of the opportunity that had flown into her lap.

* * *

Lucia was only waiting for the contact Owen promised to send.

Perhaps, apart from suffering from a cold, there was nothing else she could do. Even if she wanted to do something else, her body wasn’t in a state to allow it.

Yesterday, she was so absorbed in Owen that she belatedly realized the strain on her body. She was suffering from a severe cold.

It was quite awkward because she didn’t know why she didn’t notice it yesterday.


“Your Excellency Verdun.”

When Lucia, waiting for the contact, lay in bed and looked out the window.

Owen, who had promised to send word, came to Edelt Manor in person.

“How did you…?”

“I heard you were unwell.”

Probably because she was sick.

Lucia blinked, dumbfounded, at Owen’s words.

It was hard to believe that Owen came all the way here just because she was sick.

Did Owen move for someone else’s illness with just one reason?

Especially for someone who was not part of his people?

No, absolutely not.

‘More than yesterday’s expression in those eyes…’

Moreover, the emotions in his eyes were even more refined than yesterday.

Owen was changing.

The reason or cause was unknown, but something had changed in him recently.

“I overexerted you without knowing your stamina…”

While she was engrossed in such thoughts, Owen blamed himself.

He regretted lingering too long because he wanted to show her many things.

He regretted it belatedly yesterday and ultimately brought her to the point of getting sick.

It was an action that Owen deeply regretted.

Lucia silently looked at Owen, contemplating briefly.

Should she take advantage of the psyche he was showing or pretend to be innocent?

The calculation wasn’t long.

It was obvious which side would draw out a better reaction.

If the other side showed a remorseful appearance like now…

Lucia smiled as if happy with just the fact that he cared and responded, “Not at all. I enjoyed it.”

“But you’re suffering from a cold like this.”

Owen, with a concerned expression, sat in the chair placed in front of her bed.

It had been a while since the maids and the physician, who were frightened by him, retreated.

“I’m sorry.”

Looking at Lucia’s pale face, he uttered an apologetic remark.

“I failed to consider the lady’s well-being.”

Lucia didn’t particularly like hearing apologies.

It would have been more comfortable if he didn’t apologize at all.

But, with this kind of apology, it felt like she could hear it a hundred times.

The way he worriedly looked at her, the way he apologized—everything made her heart flutter and feel dizzy.

She wanted to hold onto these moments longer.

“No, it’s fine.”

Although it was somewhat inappropriate for a sick person, Lucia forced down her emotions as she replied.

However, even after she said that, Owen’s expression did not improve.

He let out a light sigh and then touched the towel placed on Lucia’s head.

“It’s warm.”

“I’ll call a maid to-.”

“No need. I’ll do it myself.”

Lucia was speechless at Owen’s response.

He would do it himself. A noble and a duke at that.

It was hard to imagine such a person wiping a towel for someone else.

Nobles usually lived by receiving service from others.


“Is it too cold?”

“No, it’s not.”

Contrary to her expectations, he quickly replaced the towel.

He went to the bathroom attached to the bedroom, washed the towel, and placed it back on her forehead in a pristine condition.

It was an uncharacteristic act for a noble, but Lucia found such details unimportant.

She realized that Owen, through this one action, was trying to take care of her.

As Lucia realized this, her heart began to make a loud noise.

The reason was unknown.

Sometimes, for some reason, whenever Owen approached closely or showed unexpected behavior, her heart would pound loudly.

Just as she felt her heart straining, Owen sat back in the chair and spoke.

“You shouldn’t push yourself too hard.”

“I’m sorry.”

In response to Lucia’s apology, Owen shook his head a couple of times and said, “I don’t want to hear apologies. I wanted to suggest meeting indoors next time.”


Lucia widened her eyes at Owen’s words.

“Surely, we agreed to meet at the hunting competition…”

Tilting his head at Lucia’s voice, Owen asked, “The hunting competition is a month away.”


“…So, you wanted to meet me only after a month has passed.”

As Owen muttered, Lucia quickly shook her head.

“No! Absolutely not.”

“Then, when would you like to see me again?”

At Owen’s subtle question, Lucia pondered.

She couldn’t figure out when would be the most appropriate time to answer.

If it were too long, she might regret it, but if it were too soon, Owen might find it bothersome.

Finding the right balance was quite challenging.

After some contemplation, she opened her mouth again.

“Two weeks from now…”

“…Two weeks.”

Owen repeated her words as if disappointed.

Then Lucia, looking at his reaction, said, “Three weeks are also fine.”

“…No, let’s stick to two weeks.”

Owen quickly interrupted Lucia’s words.

Surprisingly, Lucia thought there might be a less noble aspect to her response.

* * *

Owen stayed in Lucia’s bedroom for a while longer.

He cautiously left her bedroom only after she fell asleep from exhaustion.

As he exited the room, a servant approached him.

“Duke Verdun, the master wishes to see you.”

“…Guide me.”

It was a sudden request, but there was no reason for him to refuse.

Duke Verdun was Lucia’s biological father, so it wouldn’t hurt to see him at least once.

Although Owen didn’t particularly like him.

“My Lord, Duke Verdun is here to see you.”

“Ask him to come in and speak.”

“Yes. My Lord, please come in.”

Owen entered the study of Duke Edelt through the door opened by the servant.

There, he saw a middle-aged man with the same curly hair and eye color as Lucia.

His appearance seemed to be quite hereditary.

“Please, have a seat for now.”

As soon as Owen entered, Duke Edelt spoke.

Owen obediently took a seat across from him.

Once they faced each other, a servant set up tea in front of Owen.

After the servant finished his tasks and left the study, Duke Edelt began to speak.

“I’ve heard rumors that you’ve been getting along with my daughter these days.”

“I’m aware that you came to visit the mansion today.”

Upon Duke Edelt’s words, Owen replied while lifting the teacup in front of him.

There was no way Duke Edelt, the owner of the mansion, wouldn’t know that Owen came to meet Lucia.

“Yes. I’m well aware.”

Duke Edelt affirmed Owen’s response.

Then he added, after a moment of silence.

“In fact, that’s why I summoned you. Why on earth are you indulging in my daughter’s pranks?”


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