I Became the guardian of the future villain

BGFV I Chapter 08

“Pine fruit, pine fruit, pine… Found it!”

[Pine Fruit]

[A small fruit that grows on pine trees, used as an ingredient in some antidotes. When squeezed into juice and applied to the skin, it has the effect of brightening and smoothing the skin…]

‘If it’s used not only for detoxification but also for skin beauty, it can definitely be added to the soap.’

Hestia smiled and began to act like an 8-year-old child.

“Mom, mom.”

“Wait a moment. Mom is talking.”

“Isn’t this what the old lady next door used to use?”

“Tia, you shouldn’t interrupt when people are talking…”

Just as Anna was frowning to scold Hestia, she noticed the pine fruit mentioned in the book Hestia was pointing to and was left speechless.

“…Pine fruit. Right, this exists! Jerome! What if we use this fruit instead of the herbs?”

Jerome read the description of the pine fruit carefully.

“An antidote… Plus, it’s already being used for skin beauty. Yes, it seems possible.”

Jerome smiled brightly. Anna, equally delighted, rushed out of the office to find pine fruit.

Jerome looked back at the description of the pine fruit and muttered, “…Is this a coincidence too?”

He then turned to Hestia.

Hestia flinched and whistled.

“Wow, exciting ribbon tying…”

Hestia pretended to fold the scattered wrapping paper in a way an 8-year-old would.

Despite her antics, Jerome couldn’t take his eyes off her.


“Uh, yes?”

Jerome’s voice dropped slightly, and Hestia felt a twinge of anxiety.

“I plan to have people use the pine fruit soap as soon as it’s made.”


“How come you always provide the right advice just when it’s needed?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Hestia feigned ignorance, but Jerome smiled knowingly.

“I heard from the Lord and Lady that we should change the packaging for the scented soap. And this packaging design was your idea, wasn’t it?”

Did her parents share such trivial details with Jerome?

‘No, they probably just thought he was a fool.’

Hestia had never directly intervened. She had merely dropped hints or suggestions for those around her to realize things on their own.

No one had ever found her actions suspicious until now.

“Miss, you can dismiss it as a coincidence for once or twice times, but after three times, it’s no longer a coincidence.”

So far, that is.

“Tia doesn’t understand complicated words.”

“…It seems you still don’t trust me.”

Jerome bent down with a disappointed look. Seeing him match her eye level made Hestia inch back slightly.

“I’ll step back this time. But when we meet again, I hope we can talk honestly.”


“Don’t worry; I won’t tell anyone else.”

Jerome smiled and looked at her meaningfully.

“Jerome! I’ve brought the pine fruit!”

“Oh, the lady has returned. I’ll see you again.”

Jerome left, and Hestia hurried to the window to watch him talk to Anna outside.

“…What should I do?”

For the first time since her return, she faced someone who suspected her.

* * *

“Hahaha! Our daughter truly is a blessing! Where else can you find such a smart and beautiful daughter?”

“Oh ho ho! Tia, if there’s anything you want, just say it! Mom will buy you anything!”

Hestia was surrounded by her parents, celebrating because the pine fruit soap she had hinted at three weeks ago had shown remarkable effects in clinical trials.

When people suffering from cosmetic toxicity used the pine fruit soap, their rashes disappeared in just a week.

Moreover, even those who did not experience side effects found that their skin tone brightened and reduced various skin troubles when using the pine soap.

In conclusion, it became a blockbuster product that could attract both those suffering from cosmetic toxicity and those interested in skin care.

“This won’t do! I need to inform the duke about the efficacy of the pine fruit right away!”

“Exactly! If we include the pine fruit in the antidote, it will surely show significant effects.”

However, the only small regret was that the soap couldn’t fully restore the health of those who had been addicted to cosmetics for too long.

After all, soap was just soap, not medicine.

Still, knowing the pine fruit had proven effective, they hurriedly left the office.

“We’ll start production soon.”

The scented soap had not yet been officially launched.

But they had confirmed the efficacy of the pine fruit soap through clinical trials, produced various scented soaps to appeal to different tastes, and prepared new packaging, so it wouldn’t be long before it hit the market.

‘Hehe… Finally!’

Hestia gazed at the final sample in front of her with gleaming eyes, drooling in excitement.

“Now I’m rich!”


She couldn’t help but laugh foolishly.

But how could she not? She knew how much profit this would bring!

Hestia unconsciously began to dance oddly in place, wiggling her behind.

“My pretty babies…!”

As she celebrated her new products, someone cleared their throat at the door.


Jerome stood there, clearing his throat.

Hestia froze, her face slowly turning red.

“…I didn’t see anything.”

She didn’t know how much he had seen, but embarrassment washed over her. Hestia shuffled behind the sofa as Jerome burst into laughter.

“Miss, don’t worry. There’s no one here but me.”

“Of course, you saw everything!”

“Oh, you finally came out.”

As Jerome approached the sofa, Hestia rolled her eyes.

But seeing his beaming face, she couldn’t help but sigh.

“Mom and Dad are out.”

“I know. That’s why I came.”

His cryptic words made Hestia tilt her head, and Jerome crouched down, helping her sit back on the sofa.

Then He handed her something.

“It’s chocolate. Would you like some?”

“What, what? Chocolate?!”

Hestia gulped, staring at the fragrant chocolate.

“…Where did you get this expensive thing?”

“This time, the lord rewarded us for our achievements in new product development. I bought it for you, so enjoy.”

Hestia’s gaze sharpened.

‘He bought this expensive chocolate just for me?’

That didn’t make sense. There had to be some ulterior motive.

“Hurry up. I went out of my way to buy it.”

As Jerome held out the chocolate, Hestia glared at him suspiciously.

‘Hmph. Do you think I’ll fall for such obvious tricks? No way. Even though I’m in the body of an 8-year-old, my mental age is over 30.’

So she wouldn’t fall for it…


Despite her strong resistance, her instincts were gathering saliva in her mouth, and her eyes began to soften.

Seeing Hestia’s mouth open wide at the sight of the chocolate, Jerome hurriedly put the chocolate in her mouth.


“How is it? Tasty, right? I specially bought it from the neighboring village. What do you think?”

“…It’s delicious.”

How could something this delicious exist in the world?

Before her return, Hestia had lived in poverty for so long that she had to think twice before buying a piece of cake. So she had always fantasized about expensive desserts.
Even after returning to the past, she never even dreamed of having dessert, considering her family’s tight finances.
The first taste of chocolate was like a dream come true.
“Ah, it’s all gone.”

As she lamented the disappearance of the chocolate that had melted in her mouth, Jerome handed her the entire box.
Hestia’s eyes sparkled with delight.
“Are you really giving this to me?”

“Of course. I told you I bought it for you.”

“…Thank you!”

‘Jerome, you’re a good person!’

Initially wary of him, Hestia had completely fallen for the chocolate.

As she popped another piece into her mouth and danced with excitement, Jerome spoke up.

“Miss, what should I develop next?”


“Yes, I thought you might have a good idea.”

Suddenly feeling like she was back in reality, the sweetness of the chocolate faded, leaving a bitter taste in her mouth.

Hestia swallowed the remaining chocolate and looked at Jerome with trembling eyes.

“…You should know how to develop things; why are you asking me?”

“I believe you have a natural talent.”

“Natural… what?”

Despite Hestia’s incredulous expression, Jerome continued seriously.

“Everyone else says it was just luck, but everything started with you, didn’t it?”

Hestia felt a jolt inside.

“The scented soap, the pine fruit, the new packaging design. Even discovering that there were toxic ingredients in cosmetics was all thanks to you.”

Seeing his certainty beyond doubt made Hestia ponder for a moment before she sighed.

“What do you want to say?”

“You attract gold. Everything that passes through these small hands has exceptional value.”

“Haha… Isn’t that too much flattery?”

“Do I look like I’m joking?”

Even while showing a childish demeanor, Jerome remained serious throughout.

“They say that geniuses stand out from a young age. It seems others still don’t recognize your brilliance.”

So, Jerome saw her not as a lucky child who made a good discovery, but as a genius who planned all of this?

‘Truly the founder of scented soap.’

He hadn’t gained a phenomenal popularity in the empire or invented creative cosmetics for no reason.

It was possible because of his foresight.

‘But all I’ve done is recite what the future Jerome has done.’

“Even a very minor idea is fine. If you think of something good or have things you can’t share with the other adults, please tell me.”

“Am I being strange?”

“What do you mean?”

“Usually, people think it’s just a child talking without understanding…”

Honestly, it would be a lie to say she wasn’t shaken by Jerome reaching out to her first.

That’s why she needed to figure out what his true intentions were.

Deliberately hiding her true feelings and acting like a child, Jerome kneeled down in front of Hestia to match her eye level.

“What does it matter that you’re young? You have a natural talent, and you can utilize it fully. I actually think it’s strange that people don’t recognize you just because you’re young.”

His words struck deep.

The days she had struggled to appear normal to others flashed through her mind.

‘Maybe I wanted to be recognized by someone?’

Faced with a desire she hadn’t even known she had, Hestia let out a hollow laugh.


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