I Became the Duke's Servant in Disguise

IBDSID | Episode 9


9. A Dangerous Night

Roselia muttered curses under her breath.

“Ugh, idiot! He’ll definitely have more suspicions! Especially since it’s Klaus!”

As she expected, Klaus was looking at her suspiciously, covering his face in a peculiar way.

“Did you hurt your face when we collided?”

Despite his polite tone, Klaus’ voice was cold, sharp, and completely devoid of courtesy.

Unable to answer and unwilling to lower the frame that covered her face, she simply turned and ran away.

Klaus watched her disappearing with the huge framed painting in her hands, seemingly dumbfounded.

It was too absurd for him to even feel like chasing after her.

Was she someone he owed money to?

It was a plausible guess. However, in that brief moment they collided, he felt a sense of familiarity with the woman’s face.

Green eyes…

“It can’t be…”

Amidst a crowd of many people, only one face came to mind. Klaus shook his head with a self-deprecating smile.

At that moment, Alejandro, who had been waiting for Klaus, couldn’t hold back and approached.

“Your Excellency, what are you doing instead of coming? The landowner is waiting.”

At Alejandro’s urging, Klaus ceased his doubts and turned away.

“Let’s go now.”

Alejandro sighed deeply and complained, as Klaus walked away casually, as if nothing had happened.

“But why should a school be built in such a small village? It would be much more profitable to build it in the capital or the aristocratic district.”

Looking disdainfully at Alejandro, who was stating the supposed obvious, Klaus shifted his gaze towards the property.

“The capital already has an academy for nobles. Even if we build a school in the aristocratic district, the nobles and commoners living there would prefer the already established academy in the capital.”

“Well… but wouldn’t those who couldn’t get into the capital academy apply to the new academy in the aristocratic district?”

With this predictable answer, Klaus clicked his tongue.

“Alejandro, this is why you can’t become independent from me.”

“Why? What’s wrong?”

“As you said, if that happens, the new academy would only be a substitute for the capital academy, a second-rate school at best.”

“Well… I guess so.”

“Moreover, the property in the aristocratic district is already saturated. To create a suitable space for the school would be financially burdensome.”

“Um… that makes sense too.”

“However, the Algresia Village is still a small, underdeveloped village with plenty of affordable space.”

“But is it actually profitable to build a school in this tiny village?”

Hearing Alejandro’s doubt, Klaus grinned confidently and replied.

“This village is more than just a small village. It’s a gateway where traders passing between the capital and the aristocratic district linger, and a gathering place for the commoners struggling in both areas. Though it’s currently small in scale, as more traders and upper-class individuals gather here, the village will grow, and so will the number of commoners.”

Finally realizing Klaus’s point, Alejandro wore an enlightened expression.

“So, you’re targeting not the nobility or the middle class but the traders and ordinary commoners?”

With a satisfied look, Klaus raised the corner of his mouth as if everything had fallen into place.

“I’m establishing a school where merchants and commoners are prioritized over the nobility as the first choice.”

Alejandro looked at Klaus, who could sniff out money-making opportunities like a prosperity ghost, with newfound admiration.

The capital academy already had stringent admission conditions. It was already difficult for commoners, if not nobles, to get in, and the only way for them was through a special recommendation from a noble. Consequently, those without connections to nobility couldn’t even dream of attending the academy.

The situation wasn’t any different for merchants. Even if they had managed to obtain a special recommendation with money through connections with nobles, they would inevitably face discrimination among the nobles as soon as they had entered the capital academy.

However, by establishing a school targeting the merchants and commoners, Klaus could secure financial benefits similar to those of the nobles, as wealthy merchants would attend there. Additionally, he could present the school as an institution for the common people, gaining external justification.

Even though Alejandro was his direct aide, there were times when he found Klaus, who excelled in such matters, intimidating.

“Really… you excel in this area no matter how or when I see it.”

Rather than a compliment, it was more like Alejandro was expressing his admiration. Klaus responded with a smug smile.

“It’s not just in this area. I’ve never missed being the top student since my academy days.”

“Yes, yes. You’re quite accomplished.”

As Alejandro turned his attention elsewhere, as if he didn’t need to hear more of this to avoid a headache, he examined the documents related to the property.

“Well, if the negotiations with the landowner go well, the rest should proceed smoothly. By the way, do you know the woman we bumped into earlier?”

It was a question about the woman Klaus had stared at as she ran away.

Klaus, who had momentarily forgotten about her, furrowed his brows and scratched his chin in thought.

“I’m curious too.”


“I’m not sure if the person I know is the same.”

Klaus’ expression, which conveyed a cold politeness, made Alejandro reluctant to interfere further, and he turned his head, shaking his head.

* * *

Roselia slammed the table with a face filled with disbelief.

“20 grangs?”

Despite Roselia’s vehement protest, the man sitting at the table in front of her raised his head with a resolute expression, as if further negotiation was impossible.

“I can’t go beyond that. Even though you’re a servant from the aristocratic district… The work is from an unknown artist. Why should I believe in it and pay more? Giving this much for it is already being generous.”

Roselia swallowed the urge to retort with a frustrated expression. If it were 20 grangs, it would only cover the invested capital. She was sure the piece was a guaranteed hit and deserved at least 500 grangs.

“Reconsider it once more. Even if it’s a lousy painting, it’s worth at least 500 grangs!”

“Hehe… 500 grangs? Where did you hear such an absurd amount?”

From a novel!

Roselia had to suppress the words she wanted to blurt out, swallowing her anger. In the original work, Princess Eveline paid a hefty sum directly to the artist to acquire the painting. It seemed difficult for anyone else to recognize the value of the painting unless they were directly involved.

“That means I have to show this painting to the Crown Princess… But it’s practically impossible for a mere worker like me to ever meet the Crown Princess.”

At that moment, Roselia suddenly had a thought and smacked her head.

No, it wasn’t entirely impossible. There was someone quite close to the royal family who wasn’t at the mansion.

Duke Klaus de Valtezar.

If that were the case, she could freely come and go as if she were normally allowed to interact with the royal family.

Considering their positions, and even if that wasn’t the case, the Duke had been a long-time childhood friend of the Crown Princess.

Just a childhood friend? Moreover, in the original work, the Duke…

The image of the original Roselia, who had been manipulated by the Duke, entered her mind. In the original story, she had become the Princess’s maid, playing the role of a magpie, and had eventually died at the hands of the Prince.

Feeling uncomfortable all of a sudden, Roselia shook her head and stood up with the painting in her hands.

“Alright. If you can’t appreciate the true value of the painting, I’ll withdraw my offer.”

The merchant did not insist on stopping her as she confidently walked towards the door.

With determination, Roselia thought that if she asked the Duke for some help, she might be able to meet the Crown Princess more easily. However, if that were to happen, she couldn’t shake the feeling that she would have met an ending not much different from the original Roselia who met the Prince through him.

As Roselia pondered while holding the painting, she glanced at her reflection in the window.

Wearing a white shirt and a vest, she looked like a flawless servant from a noble family.

Yes, she was no longer a maid swayed by the Duke’s words. The present Roselia was distinctly different from the original. Thinking that way gave her a bit more confidence.

The important thing was to sell the painting at a fair price and quickly settle her debts. With a resolved expression, Roselia walked towards the Duke’s mansion with the painting.

* * *

Roselia stood in front of the Duke’s room, pacing back and forth in contemplation.

Was there really no other way than to ask the Duke for help? What if he doesn’t agree, and I end up making unnecessary moves?

No, I’m just trying my best to repay my debt quickly. What’s wrong with that?

Still… perhaps it’s too late now? Maybe it would be better to come back tomorrow…

Just as Roselia’s inner thoughts were heard as if she had spoken them aloud, the door to the Duke’s room suddenly swung open.

Startled and surprised, Roselia turned to see Klaus standing at the door, looking at her with a calm expression.

“I was just about to call you. Good timing.”

It felt like she might burst into laughter at any moment since he had seen her cross-dressing just the day before. Suppressing the urge, Roselia nonchalantly opened her mouth.


“Weren’t you looking for something to do with me? I could hear your footsteps lingering in the hallway.”


As Klaus spoke, he leaned against the door, making way for her to enter. With a slightly embarrassed face, Roselia coughed and entered the room.

It was the first time she had entered the Duke’s room, and it was as neat and clutter-free as the Duke himself.

Furniture was arranged in a meticulous layout, showcasing the Duke’s straightforward and practical nature. While looking around, the door closed with a thud.

Startled by the unusually loud sound of the closing door, Roselia turned back with her tensed face, only to find Klaus leisurely walking towards her, his back to the closed door.

“What business do you have with me?”

Unable to answer right away, Roselia swallowed the dry saliva, and Klaus, with a slight smirk, unbuttoned the top button of his shirt.

Huh? Why the button…

Roselia was perplexed, and Klaus continued to leisurely unbutton the buttons below.

Uh… huh? Why so suddenly? And, at least, I’m still a man in disguise, right?

Unlike Klaus, who unbuttoned the shirt with ease, Roselia was confused and embarrassed internally. At that moment, when all the buttons were undone, he nonchalantly took off his shirt.


Roselia barely managed to stifle a scream, and with wide eyes, she looked away. Klaus, calmly unbuttoned the shirt; he removed it casually.

“What are you doing?”


“Are you not going to take care of my clothes?”



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